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Methodist Boys' School (Kuala Lumpur) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Methodist Boys' School (Kuala Lumpur)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Methodist Boys' School
Ora et Labora : Pray and Work
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Principal Wong Chee Kheon
Type Public
Campus (Urban/Country)
Established 1897

Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur (MBS) is a secondary school located in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was founded in July 1897. The school is noted for it's library, which attracts visits from many other schools.

The school was founded by Christian missionary Dr. Kensett in 1897. The school population grew to be overwhelmingly Indian and the school was named Anglo-Tamil School,at a small wooden shophouse at the corner of Batu Road and Java Street. The shophouse has since been demolished.

In 1899, Rev. Abraham became its first headmaster,leading a staff of four teachers. The school was then registered as a government-aided school.

Three years later, the M.B.S proper was founded by Rev. W. E Horley at the temporary premises of an unused pork market in Malacca Street. The Anglo- Tamil School was absorbed into it, thus opening up the school to all races.

In 1904, the school had decided to move to Petaling Hill (present site) after a few evacuations by the sanitary board due to the dilapidated condition of the buildings which housed the school. Within eight months, enough funds had been collected for the errection of a much needed new school building. Following this, two new wings were constructed and a playing field was laid down. Recently, MBS celebrated its 110th birthday with a gala dinner at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre with approximately 140 tables and old boys ranging from 1930s to date which indicates that this is the largest gathering in her history. In the year 2008, Methodist Boys' Secondary School was awarded the cluster school status by Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.

(Source: MBS Centenary Commemorative Book)


[edit] Philosophy of the School

Education is the all-round development of the child through example and precept with the aim that he will use the acquired knowledge and skills for the good of others and the enrichment of self.

[edit] School's Vision

MBSSKL will strive to be a premier school that provides world class education.

[edit] School's Mission

MBSSKL will seek excellence in the training of the young to become honest, courteous and forward-looking citizens, marching purposefully in tune with the progress of our nation.

[edit] Students

Students of MBSSKL come from all walks of life, be it rich or poor, dark or fair skinned. Unlike the nickname "Johannian" for St. John's Institution students and "Victorian" for Victoria Institution students,there has been no officially recognized nickname for MBSSKL students, although recently the loosely used term "MBSian" (pronounced as "Ambition") has surfaced. However, a more proper term Methodite was used by the 1977 School Captain, Christopher Kushi in the Excelsior Magazine 1977.[1]

[edit] MBS Anthem

[edit] English Version:

The School Song was composed in 1948 by former principal Mr. Hugh F. Clancy. The music was harmonized by N.Swan, also in 1948. The school anthem was even sung over Radio Malaya one year later.

Current Version:

Go forward MBS
Filled with courage fine
With your colours flying
We will cheer you all the time
And so you go forward MBS
On to victory
Work for the fame of our fair name
Forward we must play the game

The original punctuations and words used by Mr. Hugh Clancy when the song was composed in 1948 are as below:

Go forward MBS
Filled with courage fine
With our colours flying
We will cheer you all the time
And so you'll go forward MBS
On to victory
Work for the fame of our fair name
Forward! We must play the game

[edit] Malay Version:(1995)

Majulah MBS
Penuh azam baru
Dengan semangat waja
Kita menjulangkan namamu
Majulah MBS
Raih kejayaan
Harumkan namamu selalu
Kekalkan keunggulan

Source: Excelsior 1954 and Excelsior 2006

[edit] School Cheer

M.B.S! , M.B.S! Play up! Play up! Play up!

Source: Excelsior 2006

[edit] School Crest

The school badge consists of the words M.B.S. and a banner in Or(Yellow) against a background shield of Azure(Blue). Azure(Blue) represents the fact that all humanity shares the same sky and a sense of togetherness. It represents the harmony of all the races in MBSSKL, and that the importance of each individual is recognized. Or(Yellow) represents the excellence for which we are encouraged to strive for.

The school crest, as depicted in the first graphic shown at the top right, has changed somewhat throughout the years especially on the removal of a "white cross" upon which the text "MBS" sits. The removal of the cross was initially made in deference to Muslim students in the school who would specifically wear the "cross-less" version of the badge. (The badges of convent schools which featured a prominent cross had to be completely redesigned.) Politically, Malaysia was developing into a primarily Muslim country with a multi-racial, multi-ethnic population who have long learnt to exist among each other with tolerance. The permanent removal of the cross reflects this subtle shift in the country's sensitivity to the Muslim community.

The original school crest looks like the one to the right of the current crest shown above. Shown here is also how the shape of the bar in which the motto sits has been morphed over the years. The most recent crest shows that the bar curves down on both sides and extends beyond the crest body. The original crest that was last used in the mid-nineteen seventies had it pointed up at both the edges and is shorter than the crest body.

The motto, "Ora et Labora" means "Pray and Work" in Latin.

Source: [Excelsior 2004]

[edit] School Magazine

The school magazine of the MBSSKL is named the Excelsior. It was published annually by the Excelsior Editorial Board since 1906. The first school magazine which was published in the year 1906 is still in the possession of the school's archive and principal.

Source: MBSSKL Archive Authority

[edit] School Library

The MBS Library is supposedly the oldest school library in the country. The Library was founded in 1906, by philantrophist Mr. Eu Tong Sen of Perak, the youngest son of Mr. Eu Kong, founder of Eu Yan Sang company.

In 1937, the library was renamed the Lum Mun Yoke Memorial Library.

In 1941, war broke out and left the library in shambles

In 1947, The library was revived. At the early stages of revival, only senior students were allowed to use the library while the library masters were working hard to restore the condition of the library.

Initially, during these stages, the library was separated into three libraries, namely the Students' Library, the Form Six Library and the Staff Library. The library was at that time located directly above the principal's office, which according to our sources, was located at the Hinch Block.

In 1957, Students who were voluntary helpers were formally given the title "Student Librarians". In 1962, the Student Librarians were formally recognized as "The Board of Student Librarians" and were given the privilege of wearing a light blue shirt to distinguish themselves from the rest of the students, hence earning them the name "Lightblues". Before this, no other Student Librarian body in the country had the honour of wearing a special distinctive uniform. Special badges were given out as well. Until today, the Board of Student Librarians has still retained their traditional white and lightblue uniform, with the addition of a dark blue blazer, which is the highest honour given to student leaders. (Only the 3 most distinguished boards of the school have been given permission to don dark blue (School colour) blazers, while the rest of the Boards have no blazers or black blazers.

In the 60s also, the libraries were once again centralized to form the MBSKL Central Library. The Central Library was relocated to the top floor of the T. Mori Block. The school library also earned the distinction of being one of the first libraries in town to enjoy central air conditioning and had a fine collection of reference books. This is proved by the fact that the Central Library was a popular place of study for the Methodites and was opened on weekdays, and even some saturdays until 6 p.m!

In 1962, the library was designated a "model school library". Many other schools have visited the MBSSKL library to learn from its library, including schools from as far as Thailand. The visitors were never disappointed with the standard of our library, which was considered to be among the most well-equipped school library in the nation in that era.

In 2006, the library shifted to its current premises on top floor of the Tan Sri Dato' Seri(Dr) Lim Goh Tong block. It is located in a big hall known as the Wong Chee Kooi room and Reunion 5971 room, and the library itself is called the Centenary Library. It is administrated by the Board of Student Librarians, and the Junior Board of Student Librarians.

Source: MBSKL Library Heritage Corner

[edit] History

MBSKL was founded by Rev. Dr. William T. Kensett, a naval officer of the HMS Orion battleship with the British Navy. In July 1897, he had the desire to set up a church and school for the Tamils in Kuala Lumpur and he left the British Navy. A shophouse was soon secured at the corner of Batu Road and Java Street, and the predominantly Tamil school was named the Anglo-Tamil School.

In 1904, the school moved to its current premises on Petaling Hill and the Anglo-Tamil School was re-named the Methodist Boys' School Kuala Lumpur by Rev William E Horley,the name used until this day.

In 1954, the 1st Kuala Lumpur Boys' Brigade Company was set up in the School by Mr. Khoo Oon Soo and Mr. R.A. Allen. After the first few years, 1st KL shifted to the Wesley Church just next door to the school, and used the Church premises as its' meeting place. The 1st Kuala Lumpur Boys' Brigade Company is the 3rd oldest company in Malaysia, and is well known for its' history in Band, Footdrill and Talent Time competition results at National Level. The Company has also produced a fine collection of President's Men and Founder's Men, as well as two Queen's Men.

In 1958, the school was divided into the Secondary School (MBSSKL) and the Primary School (MBPSKL)in accordance with the new Education Policy of the country.

In its natural geography, Petaling Hill, on which MBS now stands, the school overlooks one of the oldest business sections of Kuala Lumpur which consists of many of the oldest Chinese business establishments.

The reason for Rev Horley in choosing this site for the Wesley Church, the parsonage and the school was not different from other pioneer missionaries who chose sites for church, school and living quarters in other parts of the country. It was to be close to the community whom they wanted to serve, but yet sufficiently removed to have the quiet serenity for school and church to function and the incumbent pastor who used to also head the school, to dwell in peace.

It is not surprising that as the country developed and as towns became cities, churches and schools which were once at the fringes of towns, are now engulfed in the midst of city centres.

In the hundred years of its existence MBSKL has more than fulfilled its role in providing education and nurture for those who passed through the portals. Numbered among the former students are successful citizens in all walks of life and professions. It is quite impossible to enumerate or name each one of them simply because they are far too many and there is no record of the progress and achievements of students who have left the school.

The school's traditional rivals are the Victoria Institution and St. John's Institution, as the two institutions together with MBSKL are generally known as the top 3 boys' institutions in Kuala Lumpur. This friendly rivalry existed way back in the three schools' history, not only on the sports field but also academic and extracurricular pursuits.

MBS, while retaining high qualities of education,has kept the school gates always open to the community and students from all backgrounds have walked through it doors. This policy of openness has resulted in a colourful history for the school.

The MBSSKL school's bell is the oldest existing school bell in Kuala Lumpur which dated back to 1923.It is mounted in a special tower located at the Reading Corner.The school bell is now a whopping 85 years old!

Source: MBSKL Centenary Commemorative Book

[edit] Culture

[edit] Uniform

The traditional uniform for the students is white long pants and a white shirt, with a plain dark blue tie. However, the school has changed its uniform in line with Government policy which requires all secondary students to wear Olive Green pants and white shirt. The MBSSKL does not allow wearing of pants with pleats and/or bell-bottoms. The school tie is navy blue in colour, with repeated patterns of the school crest. A metal school badge is worn over the left pocket, and a cloth name tag sewn on under the school badge. (Until 2004, the name tags were made of plastic, blue in colour with yellow wordings for students.)

Members of the five student boards wear different uniforms and badges.

[edit] Student Boards

There are 5 major boards in the school, namely the Prefectorial Board (MBSPB), Board of Student Librarians (BOSL), Sportsmen's Board (MBSSB) , IT Brigade (ITB) and Archive Authority (MBSSAA)

[edit] Archive Authority (MBSSAA)

Founded in late 2007 by 2 students, the Board takes care of the School Archive Room, located above the Office.The current Archive Authority (MBSAA) president is T.Dhilip Kumar from 5 Mori.

[edit] Information Technology Brigade

The IT Brigade was established in 2006 to develop the IT infrastructure in the school compound. Their duties include all computer-related issues of the school especially opening the Multimedia lab for the students' usage. The current Chairman of IT Brigade is Cheong Lung Chuin from 5 Clancy.

[edit] Librarians

The Board Of Student Librarians (BOSL) of MBSSKL was founded in 1957 and was known as the Student Librarians. In 1962, the current uniform of the librarians was designed by former teacher advisor Mrs. Sally Ti. 2007 was the 50th anniversary of the BOSL. The current Head Librarian is Wong Hsien Wei from 5 Mori.

[edit] Prefects

The MBSSKL Prefectorial Board was founded in 1931. In 2006, the school prefectorial board celebrated its 75th anniversary. Unlike most other Malaysian schools, the head of prefects in MBSSKL is known as the School Captain (Kapten Sekolah) instead of Head Prefect (Ketua Pengawas). The current School Captain is Lai Yee Seng from 5 Clancy.

[edit] Sportsmen

The Sportsmen's Club (Now Sportsmen's Board) was founded in the early 1970s. Membership to this board is extremely exclusive to those who excel in sports and character. Annually, less than 5 students are awarded membership to the Sportsmen's Board. The Sportsmen's Board is currently headed by Joseph Leong Xin Jia from 4 Kensett and Ryan Lim from 4 Mori.

[edit] House System

As like any former British School, MBS practices the house system, although nowadays, the house system is mainly for sports purposes. Four of the houses are named after donors who provided the establishment funds of the school, and one is named after a prominent former principal.The houses are:

House Named for Colour Motto
Foong Wah Mr. Foong Yat Wah Red Unity, Courage and Faith
Doraisamy Mr. Doraisamy Pillai Purple Labor Omnia Vincit (Labour conquers all things)
Chow Thye Mr. Loke Chow Thye Blue Ever Linking
Loke Yew Mr. Loke Yew Yellow To Serve, To Strive but Not To Yield
  • Horley House has been defunct since 2008. The Horley House Colour was Green, named after Rev. W.E. Horley, a former pricipal of MBSSKL. Its' motto was "Ever Onward".

[edit] Combined Boards Day

This is an annual event organized by 4 of the student boards, namely the Prefectorial Board, Board of Student Librarians, Sportsmen's Board and IT Brigade. Traditionally, the main focus of this event was the installation of the members of the above boards, but over the years, the function has evolved to no longer include installation. It is now a day of fun, socialising and fellowship with student leaders from KL and Selangor schools, and is always organized in a way that brings positive outcomes to the boards as well as the school. It can also be a day of conference where KL and Selangor school leaders meet up together and discuss about issues arising among students as well as to solve the problems, depending on the organizing committee, whom are given near-total autonomy on selecting the theme and planning the events of the day.

[edit] Principals of MBSSKL

1897-1899 Dr. William T. Kensett, M.D.
1899-1901 Rev. Samuel Abraham
1901-1907 Rev. William Edward Horley, M.B.E.
1908-1912 Mr. Robert T. McCoy, B.Sc
1913 Rev. B.J.Baughman, M.A.
1913 Rev. Walter Guy Parker, M.A.
1914 Rev. Preston L. Peach, M.A.,M.M.E
1915 Rev. George F. Pykett
1915-1919 Rev. Preston L. Peach, M.A.,M.M.E
1919-1924 Rev. Walter Guy Parker, M.A.
1924-1926 Mr. Thomas William Hinch, O.B.E.
1926-1929 Rev. R.A. Blasdell, B.A. (Acting)
1930-1933 Rev. T.W. Bowmar
1934-1937 Rev. Preston L. Peach, M.A., M.M.E.
1938 Rev. W.A. Schurr, M.A., B.D. (Acting)
1939-1941 Rev. Preston L. Peach, M.A., M.M.E.
1942-1944 <War Period>
1945-1946 Mr. S. Kanagaratnam (Acting)
1947-1948 Rev. Preston L. Peach, M.A., M.M.E.
1949-1952 Mr. Hugh F. Clancy, B.A.
1950-1951 Mr. T.K. Cheong (Acting)
1952-1955 Dr. Ho Seng Ong, Ed.D, M.A., P.R.G.S
1955-1968 Mr. T. Mori, R.C.D.
1969-1978 Mr. Tan Hee Heng, R.C.D.
1979-1985 Mr. Yong Chee Seng
1986-1995 Mr. Loh Kung Sing
1995-1996 Mrs. Hew Jih Ying
1997-2004 Mr. Loo Wan Yong
2004-2005 Ms. Moey Yoke Lai
2005 till now Mr. Wong Chee Kheon

[edit] Current Administration of MBSSKL

Principal: Mr. Wong Chee Kheon
Senior Assistant(Academics) Pn. Phoon Yoke Meng
Senior Assistant(Student Affairs) Pn. Gan Swit Peng
Senior Assistant (Co-curriculur Activities) Mr. Chin Nam Keong
Afternoon Supervisor: Pn. Majinah

Head of Language Department: Mrs. Lim Hean Hwa
Head of Social Science Department: Mrs. Tay Chong Kiat
Head of Mathematics and Science Department: Mdm. Chan Seok Choo
Head of Technical and Vocasional Department: Pn. Khadijah

[edit] Methodist Boys' School Old Boys' Association(MBSOBA)

Reorganised in early 1940s,past students of Methodist Boys' School are encouraged to join the MBSOBA. It was set up with the objective of providing a platform for all former students to keep in touch with each other and also to maintain contact with the school.

MBS famous quote: MUST BENEFIT SOCIETY(MBS), origins unknown, this quote was made popular again by the late Mrs.M.Vellapan in the 90s.

[edit] Eminent Old Boys

[edit] Business

  • Dato' G.S. Gill - Owner of G.S. Gill Sports store
  • Tan Sri Datuk Yong Poh Kon - Chairman, Royal Selangor Pewter
  • Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay - Chairman, Genting Group
  • Dato' Dr. Teo Chiang Quan, Group Chief Executive Officer of Paramount Corporation Berhad
  • Low Fong Choon, CEO of TA Asset Management Sdn. Bhd.

[edit] Culture

  • Tan Jin Chor - actor, famous for his role as "Uncle Kong" in the "Kopitiam" series
  • Awal Ashaari - actor

[edit] Law

  • Justice Lai Kew Chai, Supreme Court of Singapore Judge
  • Mr. Chooi Mun Sou - Lawyer
  • Mr. Au Yong Peng Choon - Lawyer (pre-war era)
  • Justice Dato' James Foong Cheng Yuen - Court of Appeal Judge

[edit] Medical

  • Dr. David Arumaisingam Kandiah - Senior Lecturer in Medicine, University of Sydney.
  • Dr. Fung Wye Poh - Gastroenterologist

[edit] Public service

  • Dr. Cheong Choong Kong, Chairman of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Singapore,former CEO of Singapore Airlines,
  • Dato' Douglas K.K. Lee, past director of the international association of the Lions Clubs
  • Yue Sau Hin - former president of ASEAN Federation of Accountants

[edit] Politics

  • Dato' Ong Tee Keat, current Transport Minister of Malaysia
  • Dato Haji Abdul Rahman Talib, Cabinet Minister of Malaysia
  • Dato Syed Albar Hamid, current Home Minister of Malaysia

[edit] Sports

  • Lee Fun - Malayan Athlete who represented China
  • A.S. Samuel - World Badminton Championship finalist (1938)
  • Lee Kah Fook - Malayan Athlete to the Melbourne Olympics (1958)
  • Lee Seng Chee - Bodybuilder
  • Haziq Azlan - Malaysia and Southeast Asia's youngest skydiver

[edit] External links

[edit] References

[edit] Notices

Afternoon session mid year exam from 12th May to 22nd May.

3 month training for prefect probates starting on Monday 5th May 2008.

  1. ^ School Website

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -