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Jaffa characters in Stargate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jaffa characters in Stargate

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The Jaffa are a fictional alien race, in the television series Stargate SG-1. They are a mutation of humanity, descended from genetically modified people from Earth who were kidnapped by the Goa'uld using the Stargate during antiquity. They were kidnapped and modified to serve as warriors and incubators for larval Goa'uld.

This is a list of Jaffa characters who have thus far appeared on the show.


[edit] Arkad

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Craig Fairbrass
First appearance "Talion"

Arkad was a deceptive Jaffa who was a dangerous warrior and a personal enemy of Teal'c.

In his early life, he lived on a world where a Jaffa known as Ko'rak was hiding. This Jaffa was being hunted by Teal'c who, at the time, was serving Apophis as First Prime. He bombarded the planet in order to kill his target. This had the added affect of killing Arkad's family including his parents and sister. However, despite this, he respected the fearsome warrior that was Teal'c and wished to become as feared as him. He began this path by training under Master Bra'tac though Bra'tac would always be uncomfortable around Arkad as he 'sensed' that something was wrong with him.

Arkad would later become First Prime of an unspecified Goa'uld and would battle both Teal'c and Bra'tac many times. He was known to be deceptive and cowardly as in every battle he fought, he always managed to get away. One of his most despicable acts was tasking an assassin to kill Teal'c's mother whose throat was slit at night though, at the time, no one claimed responsibility for the crime.

After the fall of the Goa'uld and the beginning of the Ori crusade to convert the galaxy, Arkad would become a leader of a new group which was known as the Illac Renin. This group, whose name loosely translated from Ancient as 'Kingdom of the Path', believed in the Ori's goals in ascending their followers and thus were devout disciples of Origin. Arkad began stockpiling weapons grade naquada for his masters to stage a surprise strike against the homeworld of the Tau'ri who were a thorn in his masters side.

Before this was done, however, he became aware of a Jaffa summit that attempted to reform the Free Jaffa Nation's government. Aware that such a summit could turn his people into a force against his masters, he tasked one of his followers to place explosives at the summit to kill its leaders. He then appeared before the Tau'ri, claiming that 'despicable' radicals were staging an assault on Earth and he wished to stop them. He also claimed that his goal was that Earth was not to interfere in Jaffa politics as he simply wants his people the freedom of choice in what they wanted to worship and if they wanted to worship the Ori then so be it. This was simply a lie as he wished to gain time in order to accomplish his goal. His base would be assaulted by Teal'c, however, he would be defeated before he reached Arkad.

Arkad brought the legendary Jaffa warrior before him, wounded, and engaged him in combat using fighting sticks. He goaded Teal'c and told him how he had grown weak and how Arkad had once admired him. He would end the battle by taking his sword and stabbing Teal'c while on the floor, at which point, Arkad accepted that he was responsible for Teal'c's mothers death. Teal'c would push Arkad back and the Illac Renin leader fell upon an assortment of bladed items stored behind him. Teal'c would remove the sword from his body and 'spear' Arkad, piercing through his heart and his symbiote pouch, killing his long time nemesis once and for all.[1]

[edit] Aron

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Jeff Judge
First appearance "Sacrifices"

Aron was a Jaffa warrior previously in service of the Goa'uld Moloc.

Aron was among the ranks of Jaffa that met with Ishta and Teal'c's resistance movement on the new Hak'tyl homeworld. His insistence that an attack on Moloc could not wait concerned Teal'c that he could be a traitor in their midst.

When Moloc launched a surprise attack on the meeting, killing or capturing all but Teal'c, Ishta and Aron, Teal'c believed Aron to be the informant. The following morning, after Ishta had been captured, Teal'c chose to take no more chances and disabled the Jaffa with his zat.

However, after Teal'c was captured by Moloc's Jaffa, Aron proved his loyalty by sneaking up and taking out one of the soldiers and several other Jaffa to free Teal'c. Before departing to save Ishta, Teal'c provided Aron with a Tau'ri targeting sensor to guide two missiles fired by the SGC through the Stargate directly into Moloc's chest, killing the Goa'uld and ending his tyranny over his Jaffa.[2]

During the Replicator invasion of the Milky Way and the subsequent near-collapse of the Jaffa Resistance, Aron was opposed to Teal'c's plan to retake the historic planet of Dakara. However, Teal'c was able to sway his fellow free Jaffa, and to his own amazement, Aron was eventually standing on the surface of Dakara himself. Aron later joined Teal'c aboard a Ha'tak and successfully defended Dakara from both Replicator forces and Ba'al's fleet.[3]

Aron is played by Jeff Judge, Christopher Judge's younger brother.

[edit] Bo'rel

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Richard Whiten
First appearance "Counterstrike"

Bo'rel was a Free Jaffa, formerly in the service of Cronus, who attempted to take control of an Ori battlecruiser.

Bo'rel believed firmly that the Jaffa should remain independent and free from alien influence, and was therefore hostile to anyone who attempted to intervene in internal Jaffa politics. He did not have much respect or gratitude for the Tau'ri, and opposed the agreements between the two nations made by his predecessors.

In 2006, as more and more planets were conquered by the Ori, Bo'rel was a proponent of using the Dakara Superweapon to capture several Ori battlecruisers which could then be later used against them. Instead of directly attacking their armies, the weapon was used against a recently conquered planet inhabited by thousands of innocent humans on which an Ori ship had landed. Bo'rel was one of several Jaffa sent to take control of the abandoned Ori ship.

When Bo'rel encountered SG-1 on board the Ori ship, Bo'rel was hesitant to trust them and initially tried to take them captive. However, when Adria, who was protected against the effects of the Dakara weapon, retook control of the Ori battlecruiser, Cameron Mitchell was able to convince Bo'rel to work together against their common enemy, although their subsequent attacks had little success.

When Adria piloted the ship back to Dakara to destroy the only real threat to their invasion plans, the desperate Jaffa leaders, who believed SG-1 had taken over the battlecruiser, fired the weapon again at the approaching Ori vessel. Bo'rel was eventually killed by his own people.[4]

[edit] Bra'tac

Stargate character

Bra'tac in Reckoning Part II
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank Former First Prime of Apophis and of Klorel
Jaffa High Councillor
Birthplace Chulak
Portrayer Tony Amendola
First appearance "Bloodlines"

Bra'tac [ˈbɹeɪˌtæk] is one of the most frequently recurring characters on Stargate SG-1. He is a Jaffa warrior and former First Prime of the Goa'uld System Lord Apophis, and later became a leader of the Progressive faction of the High Council of the Free Jaffa Nation and an important liaison with the Tau'ri.

With an age of over 133 years old,[5] Bra'tac is one of the oldest Jaffa. He demonstrates his fighting skill in many episodes. He is Teal'c's former teacher and closest friend, and also a guardian to his son, Rya'c.

Despite being System Lord's First Prime, Bra'tac taught Teal'c to question the Goa'uld in a quest to rid the galaxy of the Goa'uld. During Season 1, it becomes evident that Bra'tac has become an outcast among the Jaffa. He helps Teal'c and SG-1 on many missions, and when they find the Harcesis child on Kheb in Season 3, he is presented with the idea of Ascension. He considers to ascend himself, finally ending his battle against the Goa'uld but in the end decides against this possibility.[6] At the end of season 6, Bra'tac and Teal'c are both badly wounded during a Jaffa meeting. They both survive but, having both lost their symbiotes, need to take the new drug Tretonin.

Bra'tac was a main contributor to the Jaffa Resistance, a rebellion aimed at overthrowing the Goa'uld and establishing the freedom of all Jaffa. At the end of Season 8, Bra'tac and Teal'c convince the other members of the Jaffa Rebellion to attack Dakara in an ultimately successful mission. The Jaffa obtain freedom, and Bra'tac receives a position of honor. Bra'tac becomes a member of the High Council, the governing body of the new Free Jaffa Nation but still stays loyal to the SGC. During the crisis caused by Gerak's conversion to Origin in Season 9, Teal'c suggests that Bra'tac would be the most qualified to succeed Gerak as leader of the Free Jaffa Nation. Some time after the destruction of Dakara by the Ori, leaders of the Free Jaffa Nation meet to consider the future, but they are ambushed by a former enemy of Teal'c. Bra'tac and Teal'c are badly injured, and when they get nursed back at the SGC, Bra'tac tells Teal'c that he is like a son to him.

[edit] Cha'ra

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank First Prime
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Noah Danby
First appearance "Sacrifices"

Cha'ra was First Prime to the Goa'uld Moloc, and most likely the head of his Imperial Guard.

Cha'ra traveled to the first planet designated as a replacement home for the Hak'tyl resistance. He aided in the torture of Ishta, and continued to guard her when Moloc and his forces returned to the Stargate.

When Teal'c arrived to save Ishta from her captors, Cha'ra held a knife to Ishta's throat. He was informed by Teal'c that the explosions nearby, as the SGC had sent several missile through the Stargate which were subsequently aimed at Moloc's chest by Aron, were sounds heralding Moloc's death.

As Cha'ra was holding Ishta hostage, he attempted to avoid being stunned by Teal'c by claiming that Ishta was weak enough to be killed by even a single zat discharge. However, he did not realize that she had managed to obtain and use her tretonin. Teal'c subsequently zatted both of them without fear, stunning the two.[2]

As his god had been killed, Cha'ra joined the Jaffa resistance. In the 10th season of SG-1, Cha'ra was attempting to recruit Teal'c into the new Jaffa Democratic government when they were attacked by a Bounty Hunter attempting to claim the reward on Teal'c that the Lucian Alliance placed on his head.[7]

[edit] Drey'auc

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Birthplace Chulak
Relatives Teal'c (first husband)
Rya'c (son)
Fro'tak (second husband)
Portrayer Salli Richardson
Brook Parker
First appearance "Bloodlines"

Drey'auc of the Cordai Plains was the former wife of Teal'c and mother to Rya'c.

Drey'auc was a loyal follower of Apophis and kept her faith even after her husband betrayed his god and joined the Tau'ri. She worked diligently to restore Apophis's faith in her and her son so the prim'tah ritual could be performed when Rya'c would reach the age of prata, or puberty.[8]

As she was unable to solely support herself and her son after Teal'c had defected to the Tau'ri, Drey'auc was forced to marry the Jaffa Fro'tak, taking refuge in Fro'tak's financial and political security, yet she had never stopped loving Teal'c. When her former husband returned to Chulak in search for his son, he and SG-1 sought refuge in Fro'tak's house. However, Fro'tak betrayed them to Apophis when he saw his wife and Teal'c embrace.

Drey'auc had permitted Rya'c to train with Jaffa master Bra'tac, who had trained Teal'c before him. It was after a sparring session that she discovered Rya'c was missing two teeth. Several days later, after the boy had been rescued from Apophis, she realized that the teeth were no longer missing. It was Drey'auc's attention to detail that saved the SGC, and all of Earth, from a virulent plague hidden by Apophis within the false teeth. Shortly afterward, she and Rya'c took refuge in the Land of Light, far from Goa'uld oppression.[9]

Eventually, Drey'auc and Rya'c moved to a Jaffa rebel camp. It was there that her symbiote matured, and she was unwilling to allow any fellow Jaffa to be killed in order to obtain a new symbiote to sustain her. Consequently, she lived for a short time without an immune system, and died at the camp. She was cremated by her former husband, Teal'c.[10]

[edit] Fro'tak

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Chulak
Relatives Drey'auc (wife)
Portrayer Peter Bryant
First appearance "Family"

Fro'tak was a Jaffa of fairly high standing in service to Apophis and an old friend of Teal'c.

When he was younger, Fro'tak had been in the service of Bra'tac. He maintained a wealthy home in the city on Chulak, and worked as a scribe in the Hall of Recording within the west wing of Apophis's palace. After Teal'c had defected to the Tau'ri, abandoning his former wife Drey'auc without the means to support herself and her son, Drey'auc was forced to marry Fro'tak.

When Teal'c returned to Chulak to rescue his son who had been brainwashed by Apophis, he and his fellow SG-1 members took refuge in Fro'tak's home. Believed to be trustworthy by Brakat, Fro'tak was key in aiding SG-1 in an attempt to pull Ry'ac from Apophis's control as he worked less than two hundred paces from where Teal'c's son was held by the System Lord.

However, it would eventually appear that Drey'auc, who had never stopped loving Teal'c, had given vows she could not keep. With the arrival of Teal'c, Drey'auc showed her love for him, and Fro'tak, in angered betrayal, ran to tell the guards of Apophis that the traitors were on Chulak. Jack O'Neill, having anticipated his change of heart, used a zat to kill and subsequently disintegrated him.[9]

[edit] Gerak

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank Head of the Jaffa High Council and Prior of the Ori, formerly First Prime to Montu
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Louis Gossett, Jr.
First appearance "Origin"

Gerak, portrayed by Louis Gossett, Jr., was the former First Prime of Montu and became the first leader of the Free Jaffa Nation. He was the first head of the Jaffa High Council and, as the leader of the traditionalist faction, he was the political rival of Teal'c. He firmly believed in freedom for all Jaffa, and was hesitant to form an alliance with Earth. Gerak also attempted to bring all former System Lords to justice. He was first mentioned in the episode "Avalon, Part II", and appeared one episode later in "Origin".

Originally a firm opponent of the Ori, Gerak later became convinced that Origin should be the goal of all Jaffa. He was later transformed into a Prior, although he was eventually convinced by Teal'c to betray the Ori. As a result, a loyalty fail-safe in Gerak was triggered which caused his immediate death. His final words before his fiery demise declared that he would die a free Jaffa.

According to Rak'nor, Gerak was announced the new leader of the Free Jaffa Nation, due to his control over the majority of the Jaffa's military assets. Also, Gerak and the traditionalists had profited greatly of Teal'c's absence, who had spent most of his time with the Tau'ri. Gerak's traditionalism had also resulted in the Free Jaffa Nation initially being controlled by a High Council based on unconfirmed military strength rather than elected officials, as Teal'c and the progressive faction wanted to.[11]

When Gerak was invited to the SGC in the hopes of negotiating an official treaty between the United States and the Free Jaffa Nation, he was greeted by General Hank Landry. However, Gerak did not hide his lack of respect for the Tau'ri, and appeared to have little interest in either a treaty or the protection of humans across the Milky Way. He was also quite hostile to Teal'c, whom he considered to be on the Tau'ri's side.

A firm proponent of freedom for all Jaffa, especially regarding slavery to false gods, Gerak demanded to be introduced to the Ori Prior who had recently been brought back to the SGC by Cameron Mitchell. He listened to the tales of Origin and ensured that his people would never bow to the Ori, before the Prior killed himself.[12]

Several weeks later, Gerak sent three of his Ha'tak to Kallana to help SG-1 in thwarting a plan of the Ori to construct a Supergate. However, he was extremely hostile to the Tau'ri vessel that had already arrived, and inadvertently aided the Ori in completing a shield to compress the planet in a micro black hole by firing upon the force field already created by the invading Prior. When the first components of the Supergate came through, two of his ships were destroyed, forcing Gerak to flee.[13]

When the Free Jaffa Nation learned about Ba'al's escape to Earth, he dispatched a Ha'tak mothership to capture the former System Lord. Hidden behind Earth's Moon, the mothership sent several waves of Jaffa troops down to the surface. However, as Ba'al had threatened to explode a naqahdah bomb somewhere inside the United States if he would again be hunted by the Free Jaffa, the SGC was forced to work against Gerak. Although Gerak's actions significantly endangered the Tau'ri, most of the Council members agreed with his methods.

After the bomb, which turned out to be a skyscraper laced with naqahdah, was neutralized by beaming it into space, Gerak's forces were finally able to capture Ba'al. He was subsequently executed before the Council, scoring a big moral victory for the traditionalists. Although Gerak was unaware of this at the time, SG-1 later discovered that the Ba'al executed by Gerak was only a clone, and the real Ba'al remained alive.[14]

Several months later, Gerak was visited by a Prior, who apparently had convinced him that Origin should be the goal of all Jaffa. After accepting the oppressive religion in his own heart, he brought this before the High Council, much to Teal'c's shock, and even to the protest of his right hand man Yat'Yir. However, when the Ori realized Gerak would not willingly destroy members of his own kind for refusing Origin, a Prior brought his essence to their city on Celestis. There, Gerak was transformed into a Prior.

After Gerak was faced with a revolt led by Teal'c, and the implied possibility of protracted warfare among the Jaffa, Gerak travelled to Chulak in the hopes of negotiating a peaceful solution. There, Gerak was reminded of the sacrifices his father made for freedom for all Jaffa. Convinced, he traveled back to Earth, using his powers to heal Stargate Command of the recently introduced and extremely deadly Prior plague. In consequence for his defiance, the Ori's built-in kill switch, in case he ever turned, was set off, turning Gerak's body into a ball of fire and killing him. His sacrifice was not in vain, as his final act allowed a vaccine to be created which cured all of Earth from the plague. Gerak had expected this result, and his final words to Teal'c before his fiery demise was "If I help you I shall die, but I shall die free".[15]

[edit] Haikon

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank Leader of the Sodan
Birthplace P9G-844
Portrayer Tony Todd
First appearance "Babylon"

Haikon was a respected Jaffa warrior and leader of the Sodan people on P9G-844. He was a highly spiritual man who has led his people for over a century. For most of his life, he had worshipped the Ancients in search for ascension. Haikon spent much of his time in meditation, and was quite skilled with a stringed musical instrument.

When an Ori Prior visited the Sodan homeworld, Lord Haikon's interest was piqued. Although Haikon realized that the Ori were not the Ancients, he was convinced that they were the next best thing, and quite capable of ascending his people. He subsequently instructed the Sodan people to switch their spiritual beliefs from the Ancients to the Ori instead.

As Cameron Mitchell had neutralized the Sodan Volnek in self-defense during an ambush on the Sodan homeworld, Haikon forced the human to take part in the ritual of kel shak lo, a fight to the death as retribution for spilling Sodan blood. When Volnek's brother, Jolan, was able to falsely convince the rest of his people that he had killed Mitchell, Haikon permitted the victor to give him a warrior's passing.[16]

Several weeks later, the Prior ordered the Sodan to attack a people for rejecting the Ori. Expecting a mighty army, the Sodan only discovered a society of simple farmers, too naive to understand the consequences of rejecting the Ori. Lord Haikon refused to attack their defenseless would-be victims, and began to question the Ori's worthiness as gods. They visited another planet that had rejected the Ori, and found that it had been wiped out by a mysterious plague. Disgusted that the Ori took actions that went against the spirit of the Sodan, Haikon renounced Origin. When SG-1 arrived in search for a cure against the Prior's plague, Haikon allowed them to attempt to neutralize the Prior's powers during his next visit to the Sodan village.[15]

In response for defying the will of the Ori, a Prior later converted one of the Sodan warriors, Volnak, into an undead being bent on destroying anyone in sight. Almost impossible to kill, the deranged Volnak murdered most of the Sodan, and severely wounded Haikon. He was left to die in the burnt down Sodan village, before he was rescued by SG-12. As his symbiote had died, he was offered tretonin instead. Haikon has not been seen since[17]

[edit] Herak

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank First Prime
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Michael Adamthwaite
First appearance "The Other Guys"

Herak was a Jaffa warrior and the First Prime of Anubis.

Herak faithfully believed that Anubis was a god, and has watched him eliminate entire civilizations with the flick of his hand. He had no mercy for the enemies of his master, and had a strong, personal desire to destroy Colonel Jack O'Neill and the rest of SG-1.[18]

He was originally the First Prime of Khonsu, a Tok'ra spy posing as a minor Goa'uld serving Anubis. However, after Herak discovered Khonsu's treachery, the Jaffa turned on his former master and executed him. Apparently, Anubis was pleased with Herak's initiative as he eventually became his own First Prime.[19]

He was charged with obtaining the Eye of Ra from Abydos during his master's quest for the superweapon, although SG-1 managed to locate it before him. O'Neill subsequently handed it over to Anubis in exchange for the System Lord sparing the planet. However, Anubis did not keep his word and attacked the planet anyway, killing all Abydonians.[18]

Herak was later sent to Langara where he was in charge of a Jaffa group bent on discovering the whereabouts of a data storage crystal, vital to deciphering the instability of the element naqahdria. However, due to SG-1, he was unable to obtain the crystal, and as his master's ship was destroyed above by the collective forces of the System Lords, he escaped through the Stargate.[20]

Herak is presumed to have been killed when SG-1 used the Ancient Drone Weapons buried beneath the ice of Antarctica to destroy Anubis's attacking mothership in Earth's orbit. Herak stood on the command deck, supporting his master to the bitter end.[21]

[edit] Ishta

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Rank Leader of the Hak'tyl Jaffa
Birthplace A planet under Moloc's control
Relatives Unnamed husband (deceased)
Portrayer Jolene Blalock
First appearance "Birthright"

Meaning beloved or "greatest one" in sanskrit, Ishta, played by the actress Jolene Blalock, is the leader of the Hak'tyl Jaffa and the current romantic partner of Teal'c. She first appeared on the episode Birthright.

Ishta once served the Goa'uld Moloc as his temple high priestess. One of her duties was to keep records of birth and perform the "Ceremony of Fire". During this ceremony all female-born Jaffa are killed after they are born, because Moloc thought that they won't be needed. However Ishta couldn't watch her sisters die, so she decided to rescue as many as possible. Because she had a trusted position and thus access to the Stargate, together with other loyal female Jaffa, she brought many girls to a world which they named "Hak'tyl" (meaning Liberation). They had to do this secretly because often they couldn't even trust the parents. The Hak'tyl grew to a strong resistance group that fought Moloc and stole the symbiotes of other Jaffa so that they could survive.

Her husband was a high-ranked warrior of Moloc's Imperial Guard but was killed in a battle against a rival Goa'uld.

Because the Hak'tyl needed help as well as goods, they contacted the Tau'ri to offer them an alliance. Ishta talked with Major Carter and informed her about their situation and later came in contact with Teal'c, to whom she grew close. She also informed her people about the drug Tretonin and several of them went to Stargate Command to test the drug. Although one of them died the drug proved to be a success and Ishta and the others accepted the drug. Ishta then left and kissed Teal'c goodbye. ("Birthright")

Ishta reappears one year later. During this time she plans to finally kill Moloc, which Teal'c however doesn't like because they should at first strengthen the rebel Jaffa. During this time one of the female Jaffa disappears and so the female resistance is forced to evacuate to SGC, while they search for a new homeworld. Ishta then goes to a meeting with Teal'c to a meeting with the Rebel Jaffa but they are attacked by Moloc's Jaffa and Ishta's Tretonin goes missing. Not only that she is then kidnapped by Moloc's First Prime and brought before Moloc himself, who the proceeds to tortures her. She is then rescued by Teal'c, while Moloc is killed by SGC. At last the Hak'tyl find a new homeworld. ("Sacrifices")

[edit] Jolan

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace P9G-844
Relatives Volnek (brother)
Portrayer Jason George
First appearance "Babylon"

Jolan was a Sodan warrior from P9G-844, and brother of Volnek.

Jolan was, along with his brother, a member of the strike force that ambushed SG-1 who had attempted to seek out the Sodan. In self-defense, Cameron Mitchell shot Volnek in the symbiote pouch. Believing that his brother was killed, Jolan brought Mitchell back to the Sodan village and forced him to take part in the ritual of kel shak lo, a fight to the death as retribution for spilling Sodan blood.

After a Prior had visited the Sodan village and convinced Lord Haikon to worship the Ori instead of the Ancients, Jolan however felt that it was important to preserve the history of the Sodan rather than throw it all away for a new and cheap bag of tricks. Mitchell encouraged this view, informing Jolan that just because the Ori had great power didn't make them deserving of worship; it was what they did with that power that mattered.

Lord Haikon instructed Jolan to heal Mitchell's wounds and to instruct him in the Sodan fighting style in preparation of the ritual. However, Mitchell did not realize that Jolan was actually training him to fight against himself. When the ritual began, Jolan stepped forward to revenge his brother.

But he and Mitchell had conspired together to have Cameron fake his own death in the middle of the fight. Jolan asked to be the one to give Mitchell a proper warrior's passing, actually allowing him to escape back through the Eye of the Gods to Earth, promising Mitchell that he would spread the word about the true nature of the Priors and encourage the Sodan to oppose them. Volnak was later returned to Jolan, his wounds healed on Earth and his symbiote replaced by tretonin.[16]

After Volnek was driven mad by a Prior for the Sodan's rejection of Origin, Jolan was one of those killed by his own brother.[17]

[edit] Ka'lel

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Rank High Council Member
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Simone Bailly
First appearance "Birthright"

Ka'lel was a female Jaffa warrior who had been under the service of Moloc for many years. She apparently became involved with the Hak'tyl resistance movement under Ishta.[22]

After the Free Jaffa Nation had been established, the Hak'tyl, who controlled the domain of the former System Lord Moloc, were one of the coalitions that made up the military oligarchy of the Jaffa High Council. They were granted a seat on the Council, and Ka'lel became the representative for the Hak'tyl. She eventually proved to be an ally of Teal'c, and was a member of the Progressive faction on the Council.

She was well aware of Gerak's troop movements on Earth during his search for the former System Lord Ba'al. Between council sessions she told this to Teal'c and Cameron Mitchell, who eventually used the information to commence a search by the SGC. Unfortunately, it was only later that she informed Teal'c about the presence of one of Gerak's Ha'taks and battalions of Jaffa soldiers on Earth, hoping to not harm the integrity of the High Council.[14]

As a member of the Council's Progressive faction, Ka'lal originally supported Teal'c's attempts to replace the Council by a democratically elected government. However, she was apparently brainwashed by Ba'al, and subsequently changed her opinion regarding democratic government. It is unknown what eventually happened to her as she has not been seen since.[23]

[edit] Kar'yn

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Birthplace Unknown
Relatives Rya'c (husband)
Portrayer Mercedes de la Zerda
First appearance "Sacrifices"

Kar'yn was a female Jaffa warrior spared from the fires of Moloc's sacrificial ceremony, and the wife of Rya'c. A member of the Hak'tyl, she was a student of Ishta.

Kar'yn became betrothed to the Jaffa warrior Rya'c, who took her as his sim'ka. When the time came for them to be married, their original homeworld, Hak'tyl, was discovered by Moloc's forces, and the Hak'tyl resistance was forced to relocate to the SGC.

Kar'yn was resistant, and frequently hated the old Jaffa ways. As Bra'tac presided over their rehearsal for the ceremony of unity, she resented the fact that she was expected to kneel before her husband, even as a simple sign of respect. Only after counsel from her teacher did Kar'yn realize that Rya'c was one-of-a-kind, let alone the son of a great warrior.

Eventually, the union proceeded as planned, with Bra'tac presiding over the ceremony. Rya'c would take them both to the same world where Teal'c and Drey'auc once had their shim'roa, the Jaffa equivalent of a honeymoon.[2]

[edit] Mala

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Christine Adams
First appearance "Birthright"

Mala was a female Jaffa warrior and loyal kin'dra (second-in-command) to Ishta, leader of the Hak'tyl.

Mala was once a temple handmaiden who fell in love with a palace guard under Moloc's domain, which was forbidden. When it was discovered she was to have his child, Moloc killed him and sacrificed their daughter. She subsequently became a member of the Hak'tyl.

After the Tau'ri discovered the Hak'tyl, Mala was eager to accept their aid. She was even more impressed by tretonin, a drug which she believed would one day free her sisters from the Jaffa's reliance on Goa'uld symbiotes. When Ishta asked for volunteers to try it, she volunteered to be a test subject, taking Ishta's place, and travelled to Earth where her larval Goa'uld was taken from her body. Unfortunately, she was the only one of five Hak'tyl volunteers whose body did not respond to the tretonin. She chose not to have her symbiote replaced, as she believed that if her people were ever to be free, it would be without the Goa'uld. Unfortunately, Janet Fraiser decided to return the symbiote after Mala lost consciousness. The symbiote's reintroduction caused some sort of reaction with the tretonin, which killed Mala.

Mala's death was not in vain. Though Ishta and the others mourned her death, they agreed to stop killing other Jaffa to obtain symbiotes, but to accept the Tau'ri's offer of tretonin.[22]

[edit] Maz'rai

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank High Council Member
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Dakin Matthews
First appearance "Stronghold"

Maz'rai was a free Jaffa formerly in the service of Apophis and old friend of Bra'tac.

As a member of the Jaffa High Council's Progressive faction, Maz'rai believed that democracy was key to the future of the new Free Jaffa Nation. After the initial formation of the High Council based on unconfirmed military strength, he proposed a referendum regarding the establishment of a democratically elected government. This referendum would ensure that all Jaffa would be allowed the freedom to live and to die how they wished.

Maz'rai co-authored policy measures designed to prevent voting abuses by Gerak's coalition, and later voted in favor of increasing the size of the High Council to give unrepresented Jaffa, such as the Hak'tyl, a voice. He also introduced a motion to set limits on the council's legislative power. After Gerak's death, Maz'rai supported Teal'c and Bra'tac's proposal to reform the Free Jaffa Nation with democracy.

However, Maz'rai was eventually brainwashed by Ba'al who attempted to gain control of the Jaffa Nation himself. Due to the brainwashing, he subsequently moved for the council to shelf Bra'tac and Teal'c's referendum. When Bra'tac confronted him about his sudded change of heart, Maz'rai himself concluded what had happened. He attempted to perform the Rite of M'al Sharran on himself, a dangerous ritual to overcome mind control which involves removing his symbiote, which eventually killed him.[23]

[edit] M'Zel

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Mark Gibbon
First appearance "Death Knell"

M'Zel was a leader in the Jaffa Resistance formerly in the service of Heru-ur.

M'zel had strong beliefs about a Jaffa's right to make the choice of freedom for himself, and feared the ever-increasing influence of the Tau'ri over the Jaffa resistance. He himself was once in the service of Heru'ur, and was one of the many absorbed into Apophis's army when Apophis killed Heru'ur. After Apophis' death, M'zel eventually joined the young Jaffa Resistance.

He was present at Earth's second Alpha Site when it was attacked by the forces of Anubis. Along with a handful of Jaffa, Tok'ra and SGC personnel, M'zel failed to escape through the Stargate to the Beta Site, and instead hid from Anubis's forces in the woods.

After they were rescued and brought to the SGC, M'zel was questioned by General Hammond regarding the compromise of the secret off-world base. M'zel suggested that the Tok'ra had not been forthcoming in their information about covert operations, and insisted that they had a spy within the ranks of the System Lord Olokun. M'zel eventually led the Jaffa in withdrawing from the Alpha Site and the alliance with Earth.[24]

When the Trust began attacking several Goa'uld planets with the symbiote poison, killing millions of Jaffa in the process, M'Zel immediately suspected the Tok'ra instead. He later joined Teal'c in confronting a Tok'ra operative posing as a minor Goa'uld serving Ba'al, but later fell victim to the deadly substance himself.[25]

[edit] Neith

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Birthplace Unknown
Relatives Nesa (sister)
Portrayer Kathleen Duborg
First appearance "Birthright"

Neith was a female Jaffa warrior, and one of the higher ranking members of the Hak'tyl. She was Nesa's older sister.

As the Goa'uld System Lord Moloc had ordered all newborn girls to be sacrificed in the so-called Ceremony of Fire, Neith was supposed to be burned alive soon after birth. She herself was saved by Ishta, who was at the time Moloc's high priestess and responsible for the ceremony. However, Ishta was unable to save the next two girls sired by Neith's father, a Jaffa stationed high in Moloc's imperial guard.

As she grew to be a strong warrior, Neith swore that no more of her sisters would die in the brutal ceremony. When she heard her mother had given birth to yet another female, Nesa, she took it upon herself to save the child. She killed her father to avoid being reported by him, and raised the young girl herself on the planet Hak'tyl.

After the Hak'tyl were discovered by the Tau'ri, Neith was fearfull of becoming dependent on them. She also believed that the drug tretonin was no better than a symbiote, as it merely changed their reliance from the Goa'uld to the humans of Earth. She challenged Ishta to jomo'sequ, a battle for the right of leadership, and was almost killed.

When Neith was sent out to capture a symbiote for her younger sister Nesa, who had reached the age of Prata, Neith was attacked by Moloc's Imperial Guard. As her symbiote was nearly dead, Nesa convinced her to survive on tretonin so that the young girl might continue to learn from her older sister. Neith eventually came to respect the Tau'ri.[22]

[edit] Nesa

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Birthplace Unknown
Relatives Neith (sister)
Portrayer Kirsten Prout
First appearance "Birthright"

Nesa was a young Jaffa girl, and member of the Hak'tyl.

Younger sister to Neith, Nesa had never seen a male until the Tau'ri arrived on Hak'tyl. She was told not to talk to the Tau'ri men, but eventually befriended Daniel Jackson. She originally believed that by acquiring a symbiote she would become a great warrior, until Jackson convinced her that she could become one without the larval Goa'uld sustaining her body, instead using tretonin.

However, her older sister, Neith, did not trust the Tauri, and did not want Nesa to participate in the experiments. As Nesa was reaching the Age of Prata, the Jaffa equivalent of puberty, her body would soon require a Goa'uld symbiote. Neith was sent on a mission to acquire one, but was injured in the process.

Left with no other option, Nesa was forced to try the tretonin so that another warrior would not have to die for her to live. As her body was eventually freed from the reliance on the Goa'uld, Nesa was then instrumental in convincing Neith, whose symbiote had died because of her injuries several hours before, to take the drug as well.[22]

[edit] Oshu

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank First Prime
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Kevan Ohtsji
First appearance "Fallen"

Oshu was the First Prime of the System Lord Yu.

Oshu remained loyal to his master, even when he knew that Yu's judgment had been compromised by old age. Oshu was forced to take charge of Yu's armies, leading them in his name, during his master's lengthy sessions within the rejuvenating sarcophagus.

However, he remained greatly concerned for the well-being of Lord Yu and his domain, and was eager to aid in the destruction of Yu's enemy Anubis. As a witness to the slow deterioration of his master, Oshu was beginning to believe that even "gods" cannot live forever.

As SG-1 temporarily cooperated with the Collective Armies of the System Lords in a daring mission to destroy Anubis' new superweapon, Teal'c was dispatched to Yu's fleet to alert him when Anubis' ship would be disabled by Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter.[26] However, when Oshu was ordered by his master to take their battle fleet to Chodawa instead of attacking Anubis at Vis Uban, the loyal First Prime was forced to confine Teal'c to a cell.

Eventually, Teal'c was able to convince Oshu to take command of Yu's fleet as his master had become senile. He admitted that he'd begun to believe that Yu was not a god but was still willing to remain loyal to him. Though Oshu was hesitant at first, he finally agreed to follow Teal'c, and together they asked for help from Ba'al and his fleet; Oshu assured Ba'al that Yu's fleet would follow his orders, and he would obey Ba'al so long as his actions would result in the destruction of Anubis. Thus assured of backup, Oshu ordered Yu's fleet to proceed to Langara, where Anubis' mothership was presumed to have went.[20]

Oshu later visited the SGC when the System Lords chose to negotiate a treaty with the Tau'ri. He managed to convice Dr. Weir to let them go saying that his master had nothing to do with what was going on and although he knew the truth about his master not being a god he was still willing to serve him. He suggested that they be let go to fight Ba'al to the death if necessary. [27] He was last seen when his master was stabbed to death by RepliCarter at the beginning of the Replicator invasion of the Milky Way and is presumed to have been killed as well.[3]

[edit] Rak'nor

Stargate character

Rak'nor in The Serpent's Venom
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Relatives Del'nor (father)
Portrayer Obi Ndefo
First appearance "The Serpent's Venom"

Rak'nor was a formidable warrior who once served Heru-ur, but eventually became one of the great leaders among the Jaffa Resistance.

Rak'nor's father, a Jaffa named Del'nor in the service of Apophis, burned the Goa'uld symbol off Rak'nor's forehead in the belief that all Jaffa would soon be free, a belief inspired by Teal'c's rebellion against the false gods. Unfortunately, Rak'nor watched his father being executed because of his actions, and came to see his father's beliefs as blasphemy against the gods. He subsequently fell into the service of the Goa'uld Heru-ur.

As Heru-ur was at the time attempting to negotiate an alliance with Apophis, he had intended to capture Teal'c, Apophis' former First Prime, torture him for information and then present him to his fellow System Lord as a sign of good faith. Rak'nor was ordered to capture Teal'c by pretending to be sympathetic to his cause, and then betraying him, handing him over to the Goa'uld.

Subsequently, Rak'nor was present for much of Teal'c's torture at the hands of Terok, but eventually decided to betray his master to free Teal'c after his former prisoner had convinced him of his cause. Both Rak'nor and Teal'c escaped in a Death Glider moments before Heru-ur's ship was destroyed in an ambush by Apophis.[28]

Rak'nor subsequently joined the rebel Jaffa, and maintained faith in the goal that all Jaffa will one day be free, helping to lead the rebels on Teal'c's behalf. He had joined the ranks of K'tano's rebel army before he was exposed as a power-hungry Goa'uld,[29] and was present at the Alpha Site when an Ashrak attempted to seed mistrust between the Rebel Jaffa and the Tok'ra present. He later joined Teal'c and SG-1 on a mission to free Bra'tac and Rya'c from Erebus.[30]

Since the collapse of the Goa'uld Empire and the emergence of the Free Jaffa Nation, Rak'nor has served as one of Teal'c and Bra'tac's allies among the progressives, even serving as Teal'c's proxy during votes.[11]

[edit] Ronan

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Marc Worden
First appearance "Lost City, Part I"

Ronan was a Jaffa who previously served Apophis but eventually fell into the service of the Goa'uld Anubis.

As Bra'tac had known his father, Ronan was contacted by SG-1, who were searching for a vessel to travel to the abandoned Ancient world of Proclarush. Ronan had a Tel'tak at his disposal, which was likely provided by Anubis himself in an elaborate plot to determine the location of the Ancient outpost for himself, and his reputation as a skilled pilot preceded him. Ronan agreed to lend the ship to the team on the condition that he was allowed to accompany them on their mission.

Ronan kept his allegiance to Anubis hidden to his fellow shipmates, and remained behind with Bra'tac on the cargoship when SG-1 travelled down to the Ancient outpost on Proclarush. When the team below was about to ring back to the ship, Ronan eventually betrayed Bra'tac, and stabbed the Jaffa master with a knife in his symbiote pouch.

However, Ronan was unaware that Bra'tac had been taking tretonin and no longer carried a Goa'uld symbiote. After a fight on the ship, Bra'tac took Ronan's weapon and killed him, barely surviving the ordeal himself.[21]

[edit] Rya'c

Stargate character

Rya'c in Redemption
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Chulak
Relatives Teal'c (father)
Drey'auc (mother, deceased)
Kar'yn (wife)
Portrayer Neil Denis
First appearance "Bloodlines"

Rya'c is a character from the fictional universe of Stargate SG-1, played by Neil Denis. He is the son of Teal'c and his late wife Drey'auc.

After Teal'c defected to Earth, Rya'c and his mother were forced to live as pariahs. At 12, Drey'auc begged the priests to give her son a symbiote, but Teal'c interrupted the ceremony since he didn't want his son to have a symbiote. But Rya'c was ill, and finally Teal'c gave him his own symbiote to save him.[31]

Afterwards, Drey'auc married Fro'tak to give her son a better life. Apophis captured Rya'c and by the time Teal'c returned, Apophis had brainwashed him into publicly denouncing his father. For something he said, Teal'c thought his son was only playing along. The SG-1 rescued him and brought him and Drey'auc back to Earth (Fro'tak had been killed after betraying them). Once there, however, they discovered Rya'c really was brainwashed and conditioned to kill himself and everyone on Earth. Teal'c had to shoot him with the zat to break the conditioning. Rya'c went to live with his mother in the Land of Light after that.[32]

Rya'c grew up under the tutelage of Bra'tac, who taught him the ways of the Jaffa. He was very angry at his father after Drey'auc died, and Teal'c allowed him to go on a mission to save Earth from Anubis. After Teal'c and Bra'tac were captured, he stole a glider and saved them.[33][34]

He was captured when he went with Bra'tac to Erebus, a Jaffa penal colony, to recruit more allies for the Jaffa rebellion. They were forced into hard labor. While ascended, Daniel Jackson saw them and the memory came back to him after he descended. SG-1 went to rescue them, but the rescue attempt was unsuccessful. Teal'c was captured and hurt, and Rya'c had to face the fact his father was vulnerable. Rya'c helped spread the word among the prisoners to revolt and the second rescuing attempt was successful.[35]

On a trip to Hak'tyl with Teal'c and Bra'tac to try to convince the female Jaffa to join the Rebellion, he fell in love with Kar'yn. Even though Teal'c was against the union at first, thinking they were both too young, Rya'c went along with his plans and the wedding finally took place with Teal'c's blessing.[36] Rya'c has not appeared on SG-1 since his wedding in the show's eighth season.

[edit] Se'tak

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank Leader of the Free Jaffa Nation
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer David Andrews
First appearance "Counterstrike"

Se'tak was a leader of the Free Jaffa Nation, formerly in the service of Ba'al, who came to power after Gerak's death.

Se'tak believed firmly that the Jaffa should remain independent and free from alien influence, and was therefore hostile to anyone who attempted to intervene in internal Jaffa politics. He did not have much respect or gratitude for the Tau'ri, and opposed the agreements between the two nations made by his predecessors.

In 2006, as more and more planets were conquered by the Ori, he advocated a more harsh policy of dealing with them. He was a proponent of using the Dakara Superweapon to capture several Ori battlecruisers which could then be later used against them. Instead of directly attacking their armies, the weapon was used against a recently conquered planet inhabited by thousands of innocent humans on which an Ori ship had landed.

However, when the SGC learned about the Jaffa use of the device, General Landry confronted Se'tak about the thousands of innocent human casualties. When Adria, who was protected against the effects of the device, took control of the Ori battlecruiser and piloted it to Dakara to destroy the weapon, Se'tak believed that SG-1, who had also been on board the approaching ship, was responsible.

He fired the weapon several more times at the approaching ship, but was killed eventually when the battlecruiser targeted the Dakara Superweapon and destroyed it.[4]

[edit] Shak'l

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Michasha Armstrong
First appearance "The Nox"

Shak'l was a Jaffa trainee under the command of Teal'c while he was still First Prime of Apophis.

Shak'l was guarding Apophis during his hunt for the creature known as the fenri on the Nox homeworld. When SG-1, who were also looking for the creature at the time, ambushed the System Lord and his guards, Shak'l was killed by the Tau'ri weapons fire. He was later revived by the Nox and awoke, bound with rope, in a Nox hut.

However, his new found position did not discourage his spirit, and continued to threaten his former master, whom he accused of betraying his god. Teal'c's attempts to convince Shak'l that the Goa'uld were not gods subsequently fell on deaf ears. Shak'l later escaped and rejoined Apophis' strike team. He was presumably sent back through the Stargate along with his master by the Nox.[37]

A few months later, Shak'l again encountered Teal'c on Carthago. Shak'l had planned to kill his former trainer to assure his new place as Apophis' First Prime. However, Teal'c stabbed Shak'l in his symbiote pouch instead.[38]

[edit] Shau'nac

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Female
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Musetta Vander
First appearance "Crossroads"

Shau'nac from the Red Hills was a Jaffa priestess formerly in the service of Apophis. A native of Chulak, Shau'nac had once been very close with Teal'c, probably before he married Drey'auc.

Shau'nac had come to believe in Teal'c's cause, that the Goa'uld were false gods and the Jaffa should be free. While in a dangerously deep state of Kel no'reem meditation, she broke with Goa'uld taboo and attempted to communicate with her symbiote. The symbiote sensed an opportunity to gain power and, over time, convinced Shau'nac that her teachings had turned it from its genetically evil ways. Shau'nac was subsequently asked by her symbiote to allow him to join the Tok'ra resistance movement.

When it became time for the symbiote to take a host, she was sent to Earth by Bra'tac to make contact with the Tok'ra. She also wished to re-acquiant herself with Teal'c, who had recently been, for lack of a better term, divorced. Once the Tok'ra provided a new larval symbiote to sustain her life, Shau'nac and Teal'c planned to return to Chulak to help other Jaffa learn to communicate with their symbiotes.

The symbiote, Tanith, took possession of the volunteer host Hebron. However, he soon revealed to Shau'nac that he had been manipulating her in order to infiltrate the Tok'ra, and killed her. When Teal'c discovered the truth and vowed to avenge the loss of Shau'nac and wait for the perfect time when Tanith, believing he had successfully infiltrated the Tok'ra, would not be watching.[39] It was more than a year later that he finally caught up with the Goa'uld and killed him, finally avenging the death of his beloved.[40]

[edit] Teal'c

Main article: Teal'c

Former First Prime of Apophis and founder of the Jaffa Rebellion, Teal'c is one of the most important Jaffa of all time. After having betrayed his master, he became a member of SG-1 and played a large part in the eventual foundation of the Free Jaffa Nation.

[edit] Tolok

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Isaac Hayes
First appearance "Reckoning"

Tolok was a Jaffa warrior formerly in the service of the Goa'uld Heru-ur.

He was among the legions of high-ranking Jaffa rebels when they met on Chulak during the Replicator invasion of the Milky Way and the subsequent near-collapse of the Jaffa Rebellion.

Tolok was originally opposed to Teal'c's daring plan to capture the holy planet Dakara to revive the nearly collapsed resistance movement, suggesting to focus on the greater threat, the Replicators instead. Tolok admitted that Teal'c's words had wisdom, but that all of the rebellion's resources would be required for this campaign, and that if they failed, the resistance would be gone. However, he could eventually be convinced and condoned the action.[3]

Days later, Tolok was standing at the Dakara temple to his own amazement, giving Teal'c and Bra'tac the highest honor any Jaffa had known. Their bravery and courage had truly ushered in an era of free Jaffa.[41]

[edit] Trelak

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank First Prime
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Wayne Brady
First appearance "It's Good to Be King"

Trelak was a Jaffa warrior, and First Prime to the Goa'uld System Lord Ares.

In 2005, the war between the System Lords and Ba'al had reached a critical stage. According to Tok'ra intelligence, Bastet and Olokun were dead, Morrigan had capitulated, and Lord Yu and Amaterasu were rallying their armies for their last stand. In the face of imminent defeat, some of the System Lords were also actively seeking out areas of refuge. Planets they abandoned long ago were again being scouted as possible sanctuaries.

As Ares also required a new homeworld, Trelak was dispatched by his god to pave the way for the reintroduction of Ares into the society of one of Ares' former planets. However, this particular planet had been chosen by the Tok'ra as a safe haven for Harry Maybourne, known as King Arkhan I to its people. In order to keep Maybourne out of Goa'uld hands, SG-1 was sent to retrieve him, although he expected them to save his people from Ares.

When Trelak arrived, Maybourne pretended to play along in the hopes that his people would not be harmed until SG-1 would defeat the invading Jaffa. Trelak, however, could not be easily fooled. When it became apparent that the villagers had outside aid from the Tau'ri, he searched the people until he found Dr. Daniel Jackson and Teal'c hiding among them. When Trelak had his chance, he broke into a knife fight with Teal'c, who eventually killed Trelak after a lengthy struggle.[42]

[edit] U'kin

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Don Thompson
First appearance "Stronghold"

U'kin was a Free Jaffa formerly in the service of Cronus.

As a member of the Progressive faction in the Jaffa High Council, U'kin was a firm supporter of introducing and maintaining a democracy in the Free Jaffa Nation. However, he missed a meeting of the Jaffa High Council once, at which point he was abducted and brainwashed by Ba'al on P2M-903, part of an elaborate plot by the former System Lord to gain control of the Dakara Superweapon.

After Teal'c himself went missing, Bra'tac consulted U'kin regarding his last known whereabouts. However, U'kin lied to his face concerning the matter. Bra'tac eventually saw through this and forced U'kin to reveal that Teal'c had been taken away to another planet. This eventually led them to Ka'lel, who revealed Teal'c's location. Teal'c was rescued by the remaining members of SG-1 and Bra'tac.

Probably, U'kin's brainwashing was later reversed, as the free Jaffa would work with all Ba'al's victims to return to a rational state of mind once again.[23]

[edit] Va'lar

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer David Lovgren
First appearance "Threshold"

Va'lar was a Jaffa warrior from Chulak and old friend of Teal'c.

Va'lar fought in Apophis's army in the System Lord's wars against Ra. He was thrilled for Teal'c when his friend had an audience with Apophis himself for his ability in battle. A devout believer in the Goa'uld, Va'lar shunned Teal'c when he learned he had spoken to Apophis out of turn.

Va'lar commanded a battalion on a planet in dispute by the two Goa'uld forces where he and his men were forced to retreat. For this, Apophis ordered Teal'c to execute him. As Teal'c was beginning to sway from his allegiance to his god at the time, he used Va'lar as a test to determine whether or not Apophis was omnipotent. Teal'c returned Va'lar to the place of his shame, where he released him from his bounds. Va'lar still feared for Tealc's life, as he believed Apophis would know of his treachery. Teal'c ordered Va'lar to never show his face again and travel to one of the nearest villages to seek refuge without being captured by either force.

However, several years later, Teal'c was forced to destroy the village Va'lar had fled to and killed his old friend. Teal'c realized that if he had not done so, Apophis would have received word of his betrayal several years ago. This memory haunted him in his sleep for some time.[43]

[edit] Volnek

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Birthplace P9G-844
Relatives Jolan (brother)
Portrayer Jarvis George
First appearance "Babylon"

Volnek was a Sodan Jaffa warrior and brother of Jolan.

After SG-1 had visited P9G-844 to seek out the legendary Sodan, Volnek was a member of the strike force that ambushed the trespassers that had arrived through the Stargate. Volnak un-cloaked and attacked Cameron Mitchell. However, Mitchell was able to severely wound the attacking Jaffa, who was subsequently brought back to Earth where his wounds were healed.

However, his symbiote did not survive Carolyn Lam's surgery, although Lam was able to sustain him with tretonin instead. He was hesitant to believe that his body did no longer require the presence of a larval Goa'uld symbiote, and closed his ears to the pleas of Daniel Jackson and Teal'c to help them find Mitchell.

When it was learned that a Prior had been visiting P9G-844, and that his people were already worshipping the Ori, the remaining members of SG-1 invited Tass'an of Sartorus to visit and tell the story of his world's downfall to the Ori.

After Mitchell had been able to convince Jolan, Volnek's brother, not to kill him in retribution for Volnek's supposed death and returned to Earth, Volnek was allowed to return to P9G-844 with the story of the Prior in the hopes of sparking a rebellion alongside his brother, who also believed the Prior to be a negative presence to the Sodan.[16]

Several weeks later, as the Sodan had turned against the Ori, a Prior transformed Volnek into an undead being bent on destroying anyone in sight. Deranged and effectively invincible, Volnek murdered almost all Sodan before his body was blown to pieces by Teal'c and Colonel Mitchell.[17]

[edit] Yat'Yir

Stargate character
Race Jaffa
Gender Male
Rank High Council Member
Birthplace Unknown
Portrayer Gardiner Millar
First appearance "Origin"

Yat'Yir was a Free Jaffa formerly in the service of Montu and a member of the Jaffa High Council. He was a trusted aid of the Jaffa leader Gerak.

Yat'Yir accompanied Gerak to his first meeting with General Landry on Earth. It was hoped that this informal session would open doors for an eventual treaty between Earth and the new Free Jaffa Nation, although this hopes would apparently appear to be in vain. Yat'Yir did not trust Teal'c, and openly challenged him during table discussions.[12]

He was one of the Jaffa sent to Earth by Gerak to search for Ba'al, who was hiding on the Tau'ri homeworld at the time. Yat'Yir personally conducted a daring raid on the surface and later threatened the Prometheus when his Ha'tak was discovered behind Earth's Moon.[14]

When Gerak became convinced that the Jaffa should convert to Origin, Yat'Yir expressed his concerns about worshipping the Ori, as he had lost a cousin at Kallana, but Gerak swayed him. He was later present when Gerak, transformed into a Prior, addressed the Jaffa High Council about the benefits of converting to Origin, and was just as shocked as the others.[15]

Yat'Yir remained a member of the High Council after Gerak's death, and was present for the referendum that would eventually transform the new Jaffa nation into a democracy.[23]

[edit] Other Jaffa

Name Served First Appearance Status Played by
Adal Ramius "Evolution, Part I" Alive Craig Erickson
Rebel Jaffa hiding in the ranks of the minor Goa'uld Ramius.
Artok Heru-ur "Allegiance" Deceased Link Baker
Rebel Jaffa who was killed at the Alpha Site by an Ashrak.
Birra Cronus "Beachhead" Deceased Eileen Barrett
Resident of the planet Kallana. Killed when her people rejected Origin.
Cor'ak Moloc "Sacrifices" Deceased Steve Lawlor
Rebel Jaffa allied with Ishta.
Del'nor Apophis "The Serpent's Venom" Deceased Unseen
Rak'nor's father.
Dol'ok Khonsu "The Other Guys" Deceased Martin Sims
Rebel Jaffa in the ranks of Anubis. Killed by Jaffa still loyal to their master.
Emta Moloc "Birthright" Alive Elizabeth Weinstein
Female Jaffa of the Hak'tyl resistance.
Gar'tok Apophis "Rules of Engagement" Unknown Unseen
Supervised the training of several humans who were supposed to one day infiltrate the Tau'ri.
Ginra Moloc "Birthright" Alive Elizabeth Weinstein
Female Jaffa of the Hak'tyl resistance.
Hak'nor Unknown "The Serpent's Venom" Unknown Unseen
Member of the Jaffa resistance.
Jumar Sokar "Jolinar's Memories" Deceased Eli Gabay
Stabbed to death by Apophis as he attempted to escape from Sokar's mothership.
Latal Cronus "Beachhead" Deceased Donald Adams
Leader of the planet Kallana. Informed the Prior of their decision to reject Origin, and was subsequently killed for doing so.
Ma'kar Apophis "The Serpent's Venom" Art Kitching
Lured Teal'c to a trap alongside Rak'nor.
Moac Apophis "Maternal Instinct" Deceased Aaron Douglas
Bra'tac's apprentice who was killed during Apophis' attack on Chulak.
Nictal Moloc "Birthright" Alive Nikki Smook
Female Jaffa in the Hak'tyl resistance.
Ronac Cronus "Fair Game" Deceased Sean Millington
Teal'c's father and former First Prime of Cronus. Killed by his master after losing an unwinnable battle.
Ryk'l Moloc "Birthright" Deceased Nigel Vonas
Member of the Jaffa Resistance. Killed by Moloc's Imperial Guard.
Ryn'tak Heru-ur "Thor's Chariot" Deceased Michael Tiernan
Heru'ur ordered him to search for Sha're on Abydos when she was carrying the Harsesis. Participated in the occupation of Cimmeria.
Shaq'rel Apophis "Redemption, Part I" Alive Aleks Paunovic
Member of the Jaffa Resistance who accompanied Teal'c, Rya'c and Bra'tac to the planet Bra'tac believed to be the launching point of an attack against Earth.
Sindar Cronus "Double Jeopardy" Deceased Bill Croft
Killed by SG-1 and their robotic duplicates.
Syn'ac Moloc "Birthright" Alive
Female Jaffa in the Hak'tyl resistance.
Tass'an Heru-ur "Babylon" Alive Darcy Laurie
Leader of a Free Jaffa community on the planet Sartorus which was wiped out by a Prior of the Ori when the people refused to worship the Ori as gods.
Til'vak Ba'al "Stronghold" Alive Yan Feldman
Brainwashed Jaffa in service of Ba'al.
Vi'tak Ba'al "Off the Grid" Alive Michael Sunczyk
Brainwashed Jaffa in service of Ba'al.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Talion" (Stargate SG-1)
  2. ^ a b c "Sacrifices" (Stargate SG-1)
  3. ^ a b c "Reckoning" (Stargate SG-1)
  4. ^ a b "Counterstrike" (Stargate SG-1)
  5. ^ He mentions his age as 133 years in "Bloodlines". He later said that he was 135, in the Season Three premiere "Into the Fire", and, in the Season Five episode "Threshold", that he was 137.
  6. ^ "Maternal Instinct"
  7. ^ "Bounty" (Stargate SG-1)
  8. ^ "Bloodlines" (Stargate SG-1)
  9. ^ a b "Family" (Stargate SG-1)
  10. ^ "Redemption" (Stargate SG-1)
  11. ^ a b "Avalon, Part II" (Stargate SG-1)
  12. ^ a b "Origin" (Stargate SG-1)
  13. ^ "Beachhead" (Stargate SG-1)
  14. ^ a b c "Ex Deus Machina" (Stargate SG-1)
  15. ^ a b c "The Fourth Horseman" (Stargate SG-1)
  16. ^ a b c "Babylon" (Stargate SG-1)
  17. ^ a b c "Arthur's Mantle" (Stargate SG-1)
  18. ^ a b "Full Circle" (Stargate SG-1)
  19. ^ "The Other Guys" (Stargate SG-1)
  20. ^ a b "Homecoming" (Stargate SG-1)
  21. ^ a b "Lost City" (Stargate SG-1)
  22. ^ a b c d "Birthright" (Stargate SG-1)
  23. ^ a b c d "Stronghold" (Stargate SG-1)
  24. ^ "Death Knell" (Stargate SG-1)
  25. ^ "Endgame" (Stargate SG-1)
  26. ^ "Fallen" (Stargate SG-1)
  27. ^ "New Order" (Stargate SG-1)
  28. ^ "The Serpent's Venom" (Stargate SG-1)
  29. ^ "The Warrior" (Stargate SG-1)
  30. ^ "Orpheus" (Stargate SG-1)
  31. ^ "Bloodlines". Stargate SG-1.
  32. ^ "Family". Stargate SG-1.
  33. ^ "Redemption (Part 1)". Stargate SG-1.
  34. ^ "Redemption (Part 2)". Stargate SG-1.
  35. ^ "Orpheus". Stargate SG-1.
  36. ^ "Sacrifices". Stargate SG-1.
  37. ^ "The Nox" (Stargate SG-1)
  38. ^ "Cor-ai" (Stargate SG-1)
  39. ^ "Crossroads" (Stargate SG-1)
  40. ^ "48 Hours" (Stargate SG-1)
  41. ^ "Threads" (Stargate SG-1)
  42. ^ "It's Good to Be King" (Stargate SG-1)
  43. ^ "Threshold" (Stargate SG-1)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -