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Comparison of programming languages (basic instructions) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comparison of programming languages (basic instructions)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is part of the
Programming Language Comparison
General Comparison
Basic Syntax
Basic Instructions
Associative arrays
String Operations
String Functions
Object-oriented programming
Database access

Evaluation strategy
List of "hello world" programs

Comparison of ALGOL 68 and C++
Compatibility of C and C++
Comparison of C and Pascal
Comparison of C++ and Java
Comparison of C# and Java
Comparison of C# and Visual Basic .NET
Comparison of ABAP and Java
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[edit] Variable declaration

How to declare variable x as the following types:

[edit] Real numbers

[edit] Integers

8 bit (byte) 16 bit (short integer) 32 bit 64 bit (long integer) Arbitrarily precise (bignum)
Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned Signed Unsigned
C (C99) int8_t x; or
signed char x;
uint8_t x; or
unsigned char x;
int16_t x; or
short x;*[1]
uint16_t x; or
unsigned short x;*[1]
int32_t x; or
long x;* or
int x;*[1]
uint32_t x; or
unsigned long x;* or
unsigned int x;*[1]
int64_t x; or
long long x;*[1]
uint64_t x; or
unsigned long long x;*[1]
C++ (STL) signed char x; unsigned char x; short x;*[1] unsigned short x;*[1] long x;* or
int x;*[1]
unsigned long x;* or
unsigned int x;*[1]
C# sbyte x; byte x; short x; ushort x; int x; uint x; long x; ulong x;
Java byte x; [2] char x;[3] [2] [2] java.math.BigInteger x;
Common Lisp [4] (setf x value)
Scheme[4] (define x value)
Pascal (Free Pascal) var x: shortint; var x: byte; var x: smallint; or
var x: integer;
var x: word; var x: longint; var x: longword; var x: int64; var x: qword; [2]
Visual Basic [2] Dim x As Byte Dim x As Integer [2] Dim x As Long [2]
Visual Basic .NET Dim x As SByte Dim x As Short Dim x As UShort Dim x As Integer Dim x As UInteger Dim x As Long Dim x As ULong
Python [4] [2] x = value [2] x = value
JavaScript [4] var x = value; or
var x = new Number (value);
S-Lang [4] x = value;
PHP [4] $x = value;[5] [2] $x = value;[5] [2] $x = value;[5] [2] $x = value;[5] [2]
Perl $x = value; use Math::BigInt; $x = Math::BigInt->new(string);
Windows PowerShell $x = value; or
New-Variable -Name x -Value value -Description description
OCaml[6] [2] let x «: int32» = value or
let x «: int» = value*[7][8]
[2] let x «: int64» = value[7] [2] open Big_int;; let x «: big_int» = value[7]
Haskell (GHC)[6] import Int
«x :: Int8»
x = value[7]
[2] import Int
«x :: Int16»
x = value[7]
[2] import Int
«x :: Int32»
x = value[7] or
«x :: Int»
x = value[7][9]
[2] import Int
«x :: Int64»
x = value[7]
[2] «x :: Integer»
x = value[7]

[edit] Floating point

Single precision Double precision
C (C99) float x; double x;
C++ (STL)
Common Lisp[4] (setf x value)
Scheme[4] (define x value)
Pascal (Free Pascal) var x: real; var x: extended;
Visual Basic Dim x As Single Dim x As Double
Visual Basic .NET
Python[4] [2] x = value
JavaScript[4] var x = value; or
var x = new Number (value);
S-Lang[4] x = valuef; x = value;
PHP[4] $x = value;
Windows PowerShell $x = value; or
New-Variable -Name x -Value value -Description description
OCaml[6] [2] let x «: float» = value[7]
Haskell (GHC)[6] «x :: Float»
x = value[7]
«x :: Double»
x = value[7]

[edit] Complex numbers

Integer Floating point
C (C99) [2] type complex x;
C++ (STL) «std::»complex<type> x;
C# [2]
Common Lisp (setf x #C(re im)) or
(setf x (complex re im))
Scheme (define x re+imi)
Visual Basic [2]
Visual Basic .NET
Perl use Math::Complex;
$x = re + im*i; or
$x = cplx(re, im);
Python x = re + imj or
x = complex(re, im)
JavaScript [2]
S-Lang [2] x = re + imi; or
x = re + imj;
Windows PowerShell [2]
OCaml[6] [2] open Complex;; let x = { re = re; im = im }
Haskell (GHC)[6] import Complex
x = re :+ im

[edit] Other variable types

Text Boolean Object
Character String
C (C99) char x; char x[length]; or
char *x;
bool x;[10] [2]
C++ (STL) «std::»string x;
C# string x; bool x; object x;
Java String x; boolean x; Object x;
Common Lisp [4] (setf x value)
Scheme [4] (define x value)
Pascal var x: char; var x: string; var x: boolean; [2]
Visual Basic Dim x As Char Dim x As String Dim x As Boolean
Visual Basic .NET Dim x As Object
Python [4] x = value x = "string" x = value
JavaScript [4] var x = value; var x = "string"; or
var x = new String("value");
var x = value; or
var x = new Boolean (value);
var x = new Object (); or
var x = {}; or
var x = {property1: value1, property2: value2, ... };
S-Lang [4] x = value; x = "string"; x = value; [10]
PHP [4] $x = value; $x = "string"; or
$x = 'string';
$x = value;
Perl [4]
Windows PowerShell $x = [char]UnicodeCharacterCode; or
$x = [char]"character"; or
$x = [char]'character'; or
$x = "character"[0]; or
$x = 'character'[0]
$x = "string"; or
$x = 'string'
$x = value
OCaml[6][7] let x «: char» = value let x «: string» = value let x «: bool» = value let x = value
Haskell (GHC)[6][7] «x :: Char»
x = value
«x :: String»
x = value
«x :: Bool»
x = value

[edit] Array declaration

Further information: Comparison of programming languages (array)

How to declare x as an array whose components do not have any particular defined values (where array dimensions can be explicitly defined) :

one-dimensional array multi-dimensional array
C (C99) type x[n]; type x[n1][n2]...;
C++ (STL) type x[n]; or
«std::»vector<type> x(n);
C# type[] x = new type[n]; type[,,...] x = new type[n1,n2,...];
Java type[] x = new type[n];[11] type[][]... x = new type[n1][n2]...;[11][12]
JavaScript var x = new Array (); or
var x = new Array (n); or
var x = new Array (elements); or

var x = []; or
var x = [elements];
var x = new Array (new Array (), new Array (), ...); or
var x = new Array (new Array (n1), new Array (n2), ...); or
var x = new Array (new Array (elements1), new Array (elements2), ...); or

var x = [[], [], [], ...]; or
var x = [[elements1], [elements2], [elements3], ...];[12]
Common Lisp (setf x (make-array n))
Scheme (define x (make-vector n))
Pascal var x: array[0...n] of type; var x: array[0...n1, 0...n2,...] of type;
Visual Basic Dim x(n) As type Dim x(n1,n2,...) As type
Visual Basic .NET
Python x = [] x = [[], [], [], ...][12]
S-Lang x = type[n]; x = type[n1,n2,...];
FORTRAN 77 type X(N) type X(N1,N2,...)
PHP $x = array(elements); $x = array(array(elements), array(elements), ...);[12]
Perl @x = (elements); or
$ref = [elements];
@x = ([elements], [elements], ...);
Windows PowerShell $x = New-Object 'object[]' n; or
$x = @()
$x = New-Object 'object[,,...]' n1,n2,...; or
$x = @(@(), @(), @(), ...)
OCaml let x = Array.make n initval
Haskell (GHC) x = Array.array (0, n-1) list_of_association_pairs x = Array.array ((0,0,...), (n1-1,n2-1,...)) list_of_association_pairs

[edit] Control flow

Statements in guillemets (« … ») are optional.

[edit] Conditional statements

if else if select case
C (C99) if (condition) {instructions} «else {instructions}» if (condition) {instructions} else if (condition) {instructions} ... «else {instructions}» switch (variable) {case case1: instructions «break;» ... «default: instructions»}
C++ (STL)
C# switch (variable) {case case1: instructions; jump statement;... «default: instructions»}
Windows PowerShell if (condition) { instructions } elseif (condition) { instructions } ... «else { instructions }» switch (variable) {case1 { instructions } ... «default { instructions }»}
Perl if (condition) {instructions} «else {instructions}» or
unless (notcondition) {instructions} «else {instructions}»
if (condition) {instructions} elsif (condition) {instructions} ... «else {instructions}» or
unless (notcondition) {instructions} elsif (condition) {instructions} ... «else {instructions}»
use feature "switch"; ... given (variable) {when (case1) { instructions } ... «default { instructions }»}
Common Lisp (when condition instructions) or
(if condition (progn instructions) «(progn instructions)»)
(cond (condition1 instructions) (condition2 instructions) ... «(t instructions)») (case (variable) (case1 instructions) (case2 instructions) ... «(t instructions)»)
Scheme (when condition instructions) or
(if condition (begin instructions) «(begin instructions)»)
(cond ((condition1) instructions) ((condition2) instructions) ... «(else instructions)») (case (variable) ((case1) instructions) ((case2) instructions) ... «(else instructions)»)
Pascal if condition then begin
end «
else begin
if condition then begin
else if
condition then begin
else begin
case variable of
case1: instructions;
... «else: instructions »
Visual Basic If condition Then
instructions  »
End If
If condition Then
ElseIf condition Then
instructions  »
End If
Select Case variable
Case case1
... «Case Else
instructions »
End Select
Visual Basic .NET
Python if condition :
Tab instructions
Tab instructions
if condition :
Tab instructions
elif condition :
Tab instructions
Tab instructions
S-Lang if (condition) { instructions } «else { instructions }» if (condition) { instructions } else if (condition) { instructions } ... «else { instructions }» switch (variable) { case case1: instructions } { case case2: instructions } ...
FORTRAN 77 IF condition THEN
IF condition THEN
condition THEN
     index = f(variable)
     GOTO ( c1, c2, ... cn) index
c1  instructions
OCaml if condition then expression «else expression» or
if condition then begin instructions end «else begin instructions end»
if condition then expression else if condition then expression «else expression» or
if condition then begin instructions end else if condition then begin instructions end «else begin instructions end»
match value with pattern1 -> expression | pattern2 -> expression ... «| _ -> expression»[13]
Haskell (GHC) if condition then expression else expression or
when condition (do instructions) or
unless notcondition (do instructions)
if condition then expression else if condition then expression else expression case value of {pattern1 -> expression | pattern2 -> expression ... «| _ -> expression»}[13]
if else if select case

[edit] Loop statements

The bold is the literal code. The non-bold is interpreted by the reader. Statements in guillemets (« … ») are optional.

while do while for i = 1 to N foreach
C (C99) while (condition) { instructions } do { instructions } while (condition) for («type» i = 0; i < N; i++) { instructions } [2]
C++ (STL) «std::»for_each(start, end, function)
C# foreach (type item in set) { instructions using item }
Java for (type item : set) { instructions using item }
JavaScript for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { instructions } for ( property in object) { instructions using object[property] }
PHP for ($i = 0; $i < N; $i++) { instructions } foreach (set as item) { instructions using arbitrary }
foreach (set as key => item) { instructions using item }
Windows PowerShell for ($i = 0; $i -lt N; $i++) { instructions } foreach (item in set) { instructions using item }
Perl while (condition) { instructions } or
until (notcondition) { instructions }[14]
do { instructions } while (condition) or
do { instructions } until (notcondition)[14]
for ($i = 0; $i < N; $i++) { instructions } or
for«each» «$i» (0 .. N-1) { instructions }
for«each» «$item» (set) { instructions }
Common Lisp (do () (notcondition) instructions)[14] (dotimes (i N) instructions) or
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i N)) instructions)
(dolist (item set) instructions)
Scheme (do () (notcondition) instructions)[14] or
(let loop () (if condition (begin instructions (loop))))
(let loop () (instructions (if condition (loop)))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i N)) instructions) or
(let loop ((i 0)) (if (< i N) (begin instructions (loop (+ i 1)))))
(for-each (lambda (item) instructions) list)
Pascal while condition do begin
until notcondition;[14]
for i := 1 [step 1] to N do begin
Visual Basic Do While condition
Loop While condition[16]
For i = 1 To N «Step 1»
Next i [15]
Visual Basic .NET For i «As type» = 1 To N «Step 1»
Next i[15]
For Each item As type In set
instructions using arbitrary
Next item
Python while condition :
Tab instructions
Tab instructions
[2] for i in range(0, N):
Tab instructions
Tab instructions
for item in set:
Tab instructions using item
Tab instructions
S-Lang while (condition) { instructions } «then optional-block» do { instructions } while (condition) «then optional-block» for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { instructions } «then optional-block» foreach item(set) «using (what)» { instructions using arbitrary } «then optional-block»
FORTRAN 77 [2] DO nnnn I = 1,N
OCaml while condition do instructions done [2] for i = 0 to N-1 do instructions done Array.iter (fun item -> instructions) array
List.iter (fun item -> instructions) list
Haskell (GHC) [2] Control.Monad.forM_ [0..N-1] (\i -> do instructions) Control.Monad.forM_ list (\item -> do instructions)

[edit] Exceptions

Further information: Exception handling syntax

The bold is the literal code. The non-bold is interpreted by the reader. Statements in guillemets (« … ») are optional.

throw handler assertion
C (C99) longjmp(state, exception); switch (setjmp(state)) { case 0: instructions break; case exception: instructions ... } assert(condition);
C++ (STL) throw exception; try { instructions } catch «(exception)» { instructions } ...
C# try { instructions } catch «(exception)» { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» Debug.Assert(condition);
Java assert condition;
JavaScript try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } «finally { instructions }» ?
PHP try { instructions } catch (exception) { instructions } ... assert(condition);
S-Lang try { instructions } catch «exception» { instructions } ... «finally { instructions }» ?
Windows PowerShell trap «[exception]» { instructions } ... instructions ?
Perl die exception; eval { instructions }; if ($@) { instructions } ?
Common Lisp (error exception) (handler-case (progn instructions) (exception instructions) ...) ?
Scheme (R6RS) (raise exception) (guard (con (condition instructions) ...) instructions) ?
Pascal [2] ?
Visual Basic ?
Visual Basic .NET Throw exception Try
Catch «exception» «When condition»
End Try
Python raise exception try:
Tab instructions
except «exception»:
Tab instructions
Tab instructions»
Tab instructions»
assert condition
FORTRAN 77 [2] [2] ?
OCaml raise exception try expression with pattern -> expression ... assert condition
Haskell (GHC) throw exception
throwError expression
catch tryExpression catchExpression
catchError tryExpression catchExpression
assert condition expression

[edit] Other control flow statements

exit block(break) continue branch (goto) return return value from generator
C (C99) break; continue; goto label; return «value»; [2]
C++ (STL)
C# yield return value;
Java break «label»; continue «label»; [2]
PHP break «levels»; continue «levels»;
Perl last «label»; next «label»; goto label;
Common Lisp (return-from function value) or
Scheme value[17]
Pascal break; continue; goto label; [2]
Visual Basic Exit block [2] GoTo label Return
Visual Basic .NET Continue block Return« value»
Python break continue [2] return value yield value
S-Lang break; continue; return« value»;
FORTRAN 77 [2] GOTO label RETURN [2]
Windows PowerShell break« label» continue return« value»
OCaml [2] value[17] [2]
Haskell (GHC) value[17] or
return value (in monadic context)

[edit] Function declaration

Statements in guillemets (« … ») are optional. See reflection for calling and declaring functions by strings.

basic value-returning function required main function
C (C99) void foo(«parameters») { instructions } return's type foo(«parameters») { instructions ... return value; } int main() { instructions } or
int main(int argc, char **argv) { instructions }
C++ (STL)
C# static void Main(«string[] args») { instructions } or
static int Main(«string[] args») { instructions }
Java public static void main(String[] args) { instructions } or
public static void main(String... args) { instructions }
JavaScript function foo(«parameters») { instructions }; or
var foo = function («parameters») {instructions }; or
var foo = new Function («"parameter", ... ,"last parameter"» "instructions");
function foo(«parameters») { instructions ... return value; } [2]
Common Lisp [2] (defun foo (parameters) instructions)
Scheme (define (foo parameters) instructions) or
(define foo (lambda (parameters) instructions))
Pascal procedure foo(«parameters»)
instructions end;
function foo(«parameters»):return's type;
... foo := value; ... end;
Visual Basic Sub Foo(«parameters»)
End Sub
Function Foo(«parameters») As type
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
Visual Basic .NET Sub Main(«ByVal CmdArgs() As String»)
End Sub

Function Main(«ByVal CmdArgs() As String») As Integer
End Function
Python[18] def foo(«parameters»):
Tab instructions
def foo(«parameters»):
Tab ...
Tab return value
S-Lang define foo («parameters« ;qualifiers»») { instructions } define foo («parameters« ;qualifiers»») { instructions ... return value; } public define slsh_main () { instructions }
type FUNCTION FOO«(parameters)»
FOO = value
PHP function foo(«parameters») { instructions } function foo(«parameters») { instructions ... return value; } [2]
Perl sub foo { «my (parameters) = @_;» instructions } sub foo { «my (parameters) = @_;» instructions... «return» value; }
Windows PowerShell function foo «(parameters)» { instructions }; or
function foo { «param(parameters)» instructions }
function foo «(parameters)» { instructions … «return »value … }; or
function foo { «param(parameters)» instructions«return »value … }
OCaml [2] let «rec» foo parameters = expression or
let foo = fun parameters -> expression
Haskell foo parameters = expression or
foo parameters = do ... return value
«main :: IO ()»
main = do instructions

[edit] Type conversions

string to integer[19] string to long integer[19] string to floating point[19] integer to string[19] floating point to string[19]
C (C99) integer = atoi(string); long = atol(string); float = atof(string); sprintf(string, "%i", integer); sprintf(string, "%f", float);
C++ (STL) «std::»istringstream(string) >> number; «std::»ostringstream o; o << number; string = o.str();
C# integer = int.Parse(string); long = long.Parse(string); float = float.Parse(string); or
double = double.Parse(string);
string = number.ToString();
Java integer = Integer.parseInt(string); long = Long.parseLong(string); float = Float.parseFloat(string); or
double = Double.parseDouble(string);
string = Integer.toString(integer); string = Float.toString(float); or
string = Double.toString(double);
JavaScript integer = parseInt(string); or
integer = new Number(string) or
integer = string*1;
float = parseFloat(string); or
float = new Number (string) or
float = string*1;
string = number.toString (); or
string = new String (number); or
string = number+"";
Common Lisp (setf integer (parse-integer string)) (setf float (read-from-string string)) (setf string (princ-to-string number))
Scheme (define number (string->number string)) (define string (number->string number))
Pascal integer := StrToInt(string); float := StrToFloat(string); string := IntToStr(integer); string := FloatToStr(float);
Visual Basic integer = CInt(string) long = CLng(string) float = CSng(string) or
double = CDbl(string)
string = CStr(number)
Visual Basic .NET
Python integer = int(string) long = long(string) float = float(string) string = str(number)
S-Lang integer = atoi(string); long = atol(string); float = atof(string); string = string(number);
FORTRAN 77 READ(string,format) integer [2] READ(string,format) float WRITE(string,format) number
PHP integer = intval(string); or
integer = (int)string;
float = floatval(string); or
float = (float)string;
string = "number"; or
string = strval(number); or
string = (string)number;
Perl [20] string = "integer"; or
string = sprintf("%d", integer);
string = "float"; or
string = sprintf("%f", float);
Windows PowerShell integer = [int]string long = [long]string float = [float]string string = [string]number; or
string = "number"; or
string = (number).ToString()
OCaml let integer = int_of_string string let float = float_of_string string let string = string_of_int integer let string = string_of_float float
Haskell (GHC) number = read string string = show number

[edit] Standard Input and Standard Output

read from write to
stdin stdout stderr
C (C99) scanf(format, &x); or
fscanf(stdin, format, &x); [21]
printf( format, x); or
fprintf(stdout, format, x); [22]
fprintf(stderr, format, x );[23]
C++ «std::»cin >> x; «std::»cout << x; «std::»cerr << x; or
«std::»clog << x;
C# x = Console.Read(); or
x = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write(«format, »x); or
Console.WriteLine(«format, »x);
Console.Error.Write(«format, »x); or
Console.Error.WriteLine(«format, »x);
Java x = System.in.read(); System.out.print(x); or
System.out.printf(format, x); or
System.err.print(x); or
System.err.printf(format, x); or
JavaScript [2]
Web Browser implementation
Active Server Pages
Windows Script Host
x = WScript.StdIn.Read(chars) or
x = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
WScript.StdOut.Write(x) or
WScript.StdErr.Write(x) or
Common Lisp (setf x (read-line)) (princ x «*standard-output*») or
(format t format x)
(princ x *error-output*) or
(format *error-output* format x)
Scheme (R6RS) (define x (read-line)) (display x) or
(format #t format x)
(display x (current-error-port)) or
(format (current-error-port) format x)
Pascal read(x); or
write(x); or
Visual Basic Input« prompt,» x Print x or
? x
Visual Basic .NET x = Console.Read() or
x = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write(«format, »x) or
Console.WriteLine(«format, »x)
Console.Error.Write(«format, »x) or
Console.Error.WriteLine(«format, »x)
Python x = raw_input(«prompt») print x or
S-Lang fgets (&x, stdin) fputs (x, stdout) fputs (x, stderr)
FORTRAN 77 READ(5,format) variable names WRITE(6,format) expressions [2]
PHP $x = fgets(STDIN); or
$x = fscanf(STDIN, format);
print x; or
echo x; or
printf(format, x);
fprintf(STDERR, format, x);
Perl $x = <>; or
$x = <STDIN>;
print x; or
printf format, x;
print STDERR x; or
printf STDERR format, x;
Windows PowerShell $x = Read-Host«« -Prompt» text»; or
$x = [Console]::Read(); or
$x = [Console]::ReadLine()
x; or
Write-Output x; or
echo x
Write-Error x
OCaml let x = read_int () or
let s = read_line () or
Scanf.scanf format (fun x ... -> ...)
print_int x or
print_endline s or
Printf.printf format x ...
prerr_int x or
prerr_endline s or
Printf.eprintf format x ...
Haskell (GHC) x = readLn print x

[edit] Reading command-line arguments

Argument values Argument counts Program name / Script name
C (C99) argv[n] argc first argument
C# args[n] args.Length ?
Java args.length
Windows Script Host implementation
WScript.Arguments(n) WScript.Arguments.length ?
Common Lisp ? ? ?
Scheme (R6RS) (list-ref (command-line) n) (length (command-line)) first argument
Pascal ParamStr(n) ParamCount first argument
Visual Basic Command [2] ?
Visual Basic .NET CmdArgs(n) CmdArgs.Length
Python sys.argv[n] len(sys.argv) first argument
S-Lang __argv[n] __argc first argument
FORTRAN 77 [2] ?
PHP $argv[n] $argc first argument
Perl $ARGV[n] scalar(@ARGV) $0
Windows PowerShell $args[n] $args.Length $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
OCaml Sys.argv.(n) Array.length Sys.argv first argument
Haskell (GHC) System.getArgs !! n length System.getArgs System.getProgName

[edit] Execution of commands

Shell command Execute program
C system(command); execl(path, args); or
execv(path, arglist);
C# System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(command);
Visual Basic Interaction.Shell command «WindowStyle»
Visual Basic .NET Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell(command «WindowStyle» «isWaitOnReturn») or
Java Runtime.exec(command); or
new ProcessBuilder(command).start();
Windows Script Host implementation
WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell").Run(command «WindowStyle» «isWaitOnReturn»);
OCaml Sys.command command
Haskell (GHC) System.system command
Perl system(command) or
$output = `command`
exec(path, args)
Python os.system(command) subprocess.Popen(command) or
os.execv(path, args)
S-Lang system(command)
Windows PowerShell [Diagnostics.Process]::Start(command) «Invoke-Item »program

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j The C and C++ languages do not specify the exact width of the integer types "short", "int", "long", and (C99) "long long", so they are implementation-dependent and typical values are here marked with asterisk. The "short", "long", and "long long" types are required to be at least 16, 32, and 64 bits wide, respectively, but can be more. The "int" type is required to be at least as wide as "short" and at most as wide as "long", and is typically the width of the word size on the processor of the machine (i.e. on a 32-bit machine it is often 32 bits wide; on 64-bit machines it is often 64 bits wide). C99 also defines the "[u]intN_t" exact-width types in the stdint.h header. See C syntax#Integral types for more information.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br This language does not support this feature.
  3. ^ Commonly used for characters.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t In this language, types are implicit (figured out by the implementation) or explicit typing is optional
  5. ^ a b c d The size of PHP's integer type is platform-dependent
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h All variables in this language are constants
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Types in this language are automatically inferred and checked at compile time. Type annotations as given here are optional.
  8. ^ Technically, "int" values in OCaml are only 31 bits wide. For most purposes, however, "int" can be used where 32-bit integers are used, and it is more efficient.
  9. ^ Technically, "Int" values in Haskell are only guaranteed to be at least 30 bits wide. For most purposes, however, "Int" can be used where 32-bit integers are used, and it is more efficient.
  10. ^ a b This language represents boolean true as a non-zero valued integer, and boolean false as an integer whose value is zero.
  11. ^ a b The C-like "type x[]" works in Java, however "type[] x" is the preferred form of array declaration.
  12. ^ a b c d Multidimensional arrays in this language are actually arrays of arrays (Iliffe vector). i.e. arrays of references to subarrays.
  13. ^ a b This syntax performs pattern matching and is very powerful. It is usually used to deconstruct algebraic data types.
  14. ^ a b c d e The instructions are repeated while the condition is false
  15. ^ a b c "Step n" is used to change the loop interval. If "Step" is omitted, then the loop interval is 1.
  16. ^ a b "Until" can be used instead of "While" to make the loop run while the condition is false
  17. ^ a b c d This is a functional language. Everything in the language is an expression, so "returning" doesn't have very much meaning. (In a sense, everything is returned.)
  18. ^ Python also supports decorators on functions which transparently wrap the function as given with another function
  19. ^ a b c d e Where string is a signed decimal number
  20. ^ Perl doesn't have separate types. Strings and numbers are interchangeable.
  21. ^ gets(x) and fgets(x, length, stdin) read unformatted text from stdin. Use of gets is not recommended
  22. ^ puts(x) and fputs(x, stdout) write unformatted text to stdout
  23. ^ fputs(x, stderr) writes unformatted text to stderr

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -