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Cabanatuan City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cabanatuan City

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cabanatuan City
Ciudad ti Cabanatuan
Lakanbalen ning Cabanatuan
Lungsod ng Cabanatuan
The Megacenter Mall in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.
The Megacenter Mall in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.
Flag of Cabanatuan City
Official seal of Cabanatuan City
Nickname: Tricycle Capital of the Philippines
Cabanatueño... Taas Noo, Marangal, Disiplinado, Handa sa Pagbabago, Kabalikat sa Pag-asenso
(Cabanatueño... Proud, Honored, Disciplined, Ready for Change, Companion in Development)
Map of Nueva Ecija showing the location of Cabanatuan City.Coordinates: 15 29N, 120 58E
Map of Nueva Ecija showing the location of Cabanatuan City.
Coordinates: 15 29N, 120 58E
Flag of the Philippines Philippines
Region Central Luzon (Region III)
Province Nueva Ecija
Congressional District 3rd
Barangays 89
Founded 1750
Cityhood June 15, 1950
 - Representative, 3rd Congressional District Czarina Umali
 - Governor Aurelio Matias Umali (Lakas-CMD)
 - Mayor Alvin Pangilinan Vergara (Lakas-CMD)
 - Vice Mayor Marius Adriane Garcia (Lakas-CMD)
 - Total 252.80 km² (97.6 sq mi)
Population (2007)
 - Total 259,267
 - Density 1,026/km² (2,657.3/sq mi)
Time zone PST (UTC+8)
Zip code 3100
Area code(s) 44
Income Class 1st Class
Classification Component City; Partially Urban
Website: Cabanatuan City Official Website

The City of Cabanatuan (Ilokano: Ciudad ti Cabanatuan; Kapampangan: Lakanbalen ning Cabanatuan/Siudad ning Cabanatuan; Filipino: Lungsod ng Cabanatuan) is a first class, partially urban city in the province of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. It is considered the economic hub of the province. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 222,859 people in 45,424 households. It is a bustling city home to many jeepneys and tricycles. It bears the title as the "Tricycle Capital of the Philippines", because it has about over 30,000 registered tricycles.

The old provincial capitol of Nueva Ecija is located here and is still used by the provincial government and the governor.


[edit] Barangays

Cabanatuan City is politically subdivided into 89 barangays.

  • Aduas Centro
  • Aduas Norte
  • Aduas Sur
  • Bagong Sikat
  • Bagong Buhay
  • Bakero
  • Bakod Bayan
  • Balite
  • Bangad
  • Bantug Bulalo
  • Bantug Norte
  • Barlis
  • Barrera District (Pob.)
  • Bernardo District (Pob.)
  • Bitas
  • Bonifacio District (Pob.)
  • Buliran
  • Caalibangbangan
  • Cabu
  • Camp Tinio
  • Kapitan Pepe (Pob.)
  • Cinco-Cinco
  • City Supermarket (Pob.)
  • Caudillo
  • Communal
  • Cruz Roja
  • Daang Sarile
  • Dalampang
  • Dicarma (Pob.)
  • Dimasalang (Pob.)
  • Dionisio S. Garcia
  • Fatima (Pob.)
  • General Luna (Pob.)
  • Ibabao Bana
  • Imelda District
  • Isla (Pob.)
  • Calawagan (Kalawagan)
  • Kalikid Norte
  • Kalikid Sur
  • Lagare
  • M. S. Garcia
  • Mabini Extension
  • Mabini Homesite
  • Macatbong
  • Magsaysay District
  • Matadero (Pob.)
  • Lourdes (Matungal-tungal)
  • Mayapyap Norte
  • Mayapyap Sur
  • Melojavilla (Pob.)
  • Obrero
  • Padre Crisostomo
  • Pagas
  • Palagay
  • Pamaldan
  • Pangatian
  • Patalac
  • Polilio
  • Pula
  • Quezon District (Pob.)
  • Rizdelis (Pob.)
  • Samon
  • San Isidro
  • San Josef Norte
  • San Josef Sur
  • San Juan Pob. (Accfa)
  • San Roque Norte
  • San Roque Sur
  • Sanbermicristi (Pob.)
  • Sangitan
  • Santa Arcadia
  • Sumacab Norte
  • Valdefuente
  • Valle Cruz
  • Vijandre District (Pob.)
  • Villa Ofelia-Caridad
  • Zulueta District (Pob.)
  • Nabao (Pob.)
  • Padre Burgos (Pob.)
  • Talipapa
  • Hermogenes C. Concepcion, Sr.
  • Sapang
  • Sumacab Este
  • Sumacab South
  • Caridad
  • Magsaysay South
  • Maria Theresa
  • Sangitan East
  • Santo Niño

[edit] History

Cabanatuan was founded as Barrio of Gapan in 1750 and became a Municipality and capital of La Provincia de Nueva Ecija in 1780. In 1899, Emilio Aguinaldo moved the Capital of the First Philippine Republic from Malolos to Cabanatuan. Cabanatuan is the site of the historical "Plaza Lucero" and the Cabanatuan Cathedral, where General Antonio Luna was ambushed on his way to Palanan. Cabanatuan lost the title of capital in 1850 when the capital of Nueva Ecija was moved to San Isidro, another historic town. It was only in 1917, when the Administrative code was enacted, that Cabanatuan was restored as capital of the Province. However, in 1965, Congress created Palayan City, which has been the capital ever since.

During World War II, the occupying Japanese built Cabanatuan Prison Camp, where many American soldiers were imprisoned, some of whom had been forced to endure the infamous "Bataan Death March." In January 1945 elements of the US Army marched far behind enemy lines to rescue the prisoners in what became known as the Raid at Cabanatuan.

Cabanatuan was also the epicenter of a massive earthquake at roughly 3 p.m. on July 16, 1990. The earthquake leveled some buildings, including the Christian College of the Philippines (Liwag Colleges) in the midst of class time. At 7.7 on the Richter scale, it killed 1653 people.

[edit] Transportation

The city is a major hub of transportation services within the province. The Cabanatuan Central Terminal was constructed to handle all passengers and transport vehicles going in and out of the city. Within the city, tricycles are used as a major mode of transportation since buses and jeepneys are all moving out of the city.

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 15°29′N, 120°58′E

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