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Autonomous communities of Spain

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An Autonomous Community is a first-level political division of the Kingdom of Spain, established in accordance with the Spanish Constitution. The second article of the constitution recognizes the rights of "regions and nationalities" to self-government and declares the "indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation".[1][2] Currently, Spain comprises 17 autonomous communities and two autonomous cities.


[edit] Constitutional framework

Upon the passing of the constitution of 1978, Spain created a unique system of regional autonomy, known as the "state of the autonomies".[1] The second article of the constitution grants the right of self-government to the regions and so-called nationalities that comprise the indissoluble Spanish nation.[2] In the exercise of the right to self-government recognized in that article, autonomy was to be granted to:[3]

  • two or more adjacent provinces with common historical, cultural and economical characteristics,
  • insular territories, and
  • a single province with historical identity or status.

As such, the province, which is also a territorial local entity recognized by the constitution,[4] serves as the framework from which the autonomous communities were to be created. However, the constitution allows exceptions to the above namely that the Spanish Parliament reserves the right to:[5]

  • authorize, in the nation's interest, the constitution of an autonomous community even if it is a single province without a historical regional identity; and
  • authorize or grant autonomy to those entities or territories that are not constituted as provinces (this provision was arguably meant to include Gibraltar in case it returned to Spanish sovereignty).

Once an autonomous community had been constituted, the 145th article of the constitution prohibits the federation or union of two or more autonomous communities.[6] Between 1979 and 1983, all the regions in Spain had been constituted as autonomous communities; in 1996 the process was closed when the autonomous status of Ceuta and Melilla was passed:

[edit] Political organization of the autonomous communities

The basic institutional law of the autonomous community is the Statute of Autonomy. The Statutes of Autonomy establish the denomination of the community according to its historical identity, the limits of their territories, the name and organization of the institutions of government and the rights they enjoy according the constitution.[8]

The government of all autonomous communities must be based on a division of powers comprised by:

  • a Legislative Assembly whose members must be elected by universal suffrage according to the system of proportional representation and in which all areas that integrate the territory are fairly represented;
  • a Government Council, with executive and administrative functions headed by a president, elected by the Legislative Assembly and nominated by the King of Spain;
  • a Supreme Court of Justice, under the Supreme Court of the State, which head the judicial organization within the autonomous community.

Besides Andalusia, Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia, which identified themselves as nationalities, other communities have also taken that denomination in accordance to their historical regional identity, such as the Valencian Community,[9] the Canary Islands,[10] the Balearic Islands,[11] and Aragon.[12]

The autonomous communities have wide legislative and executive autonomy, with their own parliaments and regional governments. The distribution of powers may be different for every community, as laid out in their Statutes of Autonomy. There used to be a clear de facto distinction between so called "historic" communities (Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia, Andalusia) and the rest. The "historic" ones initially received more functions, including the ability of the regional presidents to choose the timing of the regional elections (as long as they happen no more than four years apart). As another example, the Basque Country, Navarre and Catalonia have full-range police forces of their own: Ertzaintza in the Basque Country, Foral Police in Navarre and Mossos d'Esquadra in Catalonia. Other communities have a more limited force or none at all (like the Policía Autónoma Andaluza[13] in Andalusia or the BESCAM in Madrid). However, the recent amendments made to their respective Statute of Autonomy by a series of "ordinary" Autonomous Communities such as the Valencian Community or Aragon have quite dilluted this original de facto distinction.

[edit] Subdivisions

Autonomous communities comprise provinces (provincias), which serve as the territorial building blocks for the former. In turn, provinces comprise municipalities (municipios). The existence of these two subdivisions is granted and protected by the constitution, not necessarily so by the Statutes of Autonomy themselves. Municipalities are granted autonomy to manage their internal affairs, and provinces are the territorial divisions designed to carry out the activities of the State.[14]

The current fifty provinces structure is based –with minor changes– on the one created in 1833 by Javier de Burgos. The communities of Asturias, Cantabria, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands, Madrid, Murcia and Navarre, having been granted autonomy as single-provinces for historical reasons, are counted as provinces as well.

[edit] Devolution of powers and the creation of the autonomous communities

Autonomous communities of Spain.
Autonomous communities of Spain.

Centralism, nationalism, and separatism played an important role in the Spanish transition. For fear that separatism would lead to instability and a dictatorial backlash, a compromise was struck among the moderate political parties taking part in the drafting of the Spanish Constitution of 1978. The aim was to appease separatist forces and so disarm the extreme right. A highly decentralized state was established, compared to both the previous centralist Francoist regime and the most modern territorial arrangements in Western European nations. In this regard, the current Spanish Estado de las Autonomías is often dubbed as one of the most decentralized states in Europe.[15][16]

The constitution classifies the autonomous communities to be created into two groups. Each group had a different route to accede to autonomy and was to be granted a different level of power and responsibility.[1] Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia, were designated "historic nationalities"[1][17] and granted autonomy through a rapid and simplified process. These three regions had voted and approved a Statute of Autonomy in the past.

While the Constitution was still being drafted, there was a popular outcry in Andalusia for its own right to autonomy, with over a million and a half people demonstrating in the streets on 4 December 1977, which led the creation of a special quicker process for autonomy for that region, although not originally considered a historical nationality.[1][17] (this was dubbed at the time café para todos, "coffee for everybody", by critics of the decentralization on one side, and supporters of the more asymmetric original scheme). Eventually, all regions could be granted autonomy, if they complied with the requirements set forth in the constitution, and if their people wished to do so.

Between 1979 and 1983 the majority of the regions were constituted as autonomous communities, in accordance with the 143rd or 151st articles of the constitution. Nonetheless the case of the province of Madrid was exceptional. Since it was not a province with a separate historical regional identity, but was part of the cultural region of Castile, it was considered a natural province that would comprise the soon-to be Community of Castile-La Mancha. During the process that led to the autonomy of this region, the old rivalry between Toledo and Madrid resurfaced; as capital of Spain, Madrid was to enjoy a relative degree of self-government, whereas Castilians demanded absolute equality amongst the constituent provinces of the community, and thus excluded Madrid from their project of self-government. Other alternatives included the incorporation of Madrid to the region of Old Castile, or its controversial constitution as a "Federal District" or territory, emulating Mexico City, or Washington, D.C.[7] Finally, they opted for the creation of a single-province autonomous community, but in lack of a historical regional identity, Madrid was granted autonomy for the "nation's interest" through the prerogatives of the 144th article.[18]

The Basque Country and Navarra were also exceptional cases. While the Basque Country was granted autonomy through the rapid process granted to the "nationalities", it also retained the economic and fiscal autonomy it had enjoyed through the fueros or charters. Navarra was granted autonomy through the "update and improvement" of the medieval charters. As such, it is the only region that does not have a "Statute of Autonomy" per se, but a "Law of Reintegration and Improvement of the Chartered Regime". In theory, Navarra is the only first-level political division that is not an "autonomous community" but a "chartered community", but in practice, except for the fiscal autonomy it enjoys along with the Basque Country, it is administratively constituted as any other autonomous community and is represented in the Spanish Parliament like the rest. Although the constitution forbids the federation or union of autonomous communities, an addendum or "transitional provision" to the constitution makes an exclusion whereby Navarra could join the Basque Country if the people chose to do so.[19]

[edit] List of the communities and provinces

Local name(s)
Capital Provinces Capital
Sp. Andalucía
Seville (Government, Parliament and Ombudsman)
Sp. Sevilla
Granada (High Court of Justice)
Almería Almería
Cádiz Cádiz
Córdoba Córdoba
Granada Granada
Huelva Huelva
Jaén Jaén
Málaga Málaga
Sp. Sevilla
Sp. Sevilla
Sp. Aragón
Cat.[20] Aragó
Sp. Huesca
Ar.[20] Uesca
Cat.[20] Osca
Sp. Huesca
Ar.[20] Uesca
Cat.[20] Osca
Sp. Teruel
Ar.[20] Tergüel
Cat.[20] Terol
Sp. Teruel
Ar.[20] Tergüel
Cat.[20] Terol
Cat.[20] Saragossa
Cat.[20] Saragossa
Principality of Asturias:
Sp.. Principado de Asturias
Ast.[20] Principáu d'Asturies
Sp. Oviedo
Ast.[20] Uviéu
Sp. Asturias
Ast.[20] Asturies
Sp. Oviedo
Ast.[20] Uviéu
Balearic Islands
Sp. Islas Baleares
Cat.Illes Balears
Palma of Majorca
Sp.Palma de Mallorca
Cat. Palma
Balearic Islands
Sp. Islas Baleares
Cat. Illes Balears
Palma of Majorca
Sp.Palma de Mallorca
Cat. Palma
Basque Country
Sp.. Comunidad Autónoma Vasca
Ba.. Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoa
Sp. Vitoria
Ba.Vitoria-Gasteiz (official), Gasteiz (historic)
Vitoria (historic)
Sp. Álava
Sp. Vitoria
Ba. Gasteiz
Sp. Guipúzcoa
Ba. Gipuzkoa
Sp. San Sebastián
Ba. Donostia
Sp. Vizcaya
Ba. Bizkaia
Sp. Bilbao
Ba. Bilbo
Canary Islands
Sp. Islas Canarias
Santa Cruz de Tenerife/
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Las Palmas Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Cantabria Santander Cantabria Santander
Castile-La Mancha
Sp. Castilla-La Mancha
Toledo (Regional Government and Parliament)
Albacete (Superior Court of Justice and Ombudsman)
Albacete Albacete
Ciudad Real Ciudad Real
Cuenca Cuenca
Guadalajara Guadalajara
Toledo Toledo
Castile and León
Sp. Castilla y León
Valladolid (Regional Government and Parliament)
Burgos (Superior Court of Justice)
León (Ombudsman)
Ávila Ávila
Burgos Burgos
León León
Palencia Palencia
Salamanca Salamanca
Segovia Segovia
Soria Soria
Valladolid Valladolid
Zamora Zamora
Sp. Cataluña
Cat. Catalunya
Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona
Sp. Gerona
Cat. Girona
Sp. Gerona
Cat. Girona
Sp. Lérida
Cat. Lleida
Sp. Lérida
Cat. Lleida
Tarragona Tarragona
Extremadura Mérida Badajoz Badajoz
Cáceres Cáceres
Sp. Galicia
Gl. Galicia, Galiza
Santiago de Compostela (Regional Government, Parliament and Ombudsman)
Corunna (High Court of Justice)
Sp. La Coruña
Gl.A Coruña
Sp. La Coruña
Gl. A Coruña
Sp. La Coruña
Gl. A Coruña
Lugo Lugo
Sp. Orense
Sp. Orense
Pontevedra Pontevedra
La Rioja Logroño La Rioja Logroño
Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid
Region of Murcia
Sp. Región de Murcia
Murcia (Government, Ombudsman, High Court of Justice)
Cartagena (Parliament)
Murcia Murcia
Foral Community of Navarre
Sp. Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Ba. Nafarroako Foru Komunitatea
Sp. Pamplona
Ba. Iruña
Sp. Navarra
Ba. Nafarroa
Sp. Pamplona
Ba. Iruña
Valencian Community
Sp. Comunidad Valenciana
Vl. Comunitat Valenciana
Sp. Valencia
Vl. València
Sp. Alicante
Vl. Alacant
Sp. Alicante
Vl. Alacant
Sp. Castellón
Vl. Castelló
Sp. Castellón de la Plana
Vl. Castelló de la Plana
Sp. Valencia
Vl. València
Sp. Valencia
Vl. València

See also:

[edit] Autonomous Cities and "plazas de soberanía"

There are five plazas de soberanía ("places of sovereignty") near Morocco as follows:

  • Ceuta and Melilla. These are called "Ciudades Autónomas" (Autonomous Cities). Their status is in between regular cities and Autonomous Communities: on the one side, Ceuta and Melilla autonomous parliaments cannot enact "autonomous" laws, but, on the other side, they can enact regulations to execute laws, which are greater regulatory powers than those of regular city councils.

and then the tiny and uninhabited other than for military personnel:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e f "Regional Government". Spain. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Accessed 10 December 2007
  2. ^ a b Preliminary Title. Second Article. Spanish Constitution of 1978. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  3. ^ Chapter 3. Autonomous Communities. 143rd Article. Spanish Constitution of 1978. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  4. ^ Chapter 3. Autonomous Communities. 141st Article. Spanish Constitution of 1978. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  5. ^ Chapter 3. Autonomous Communities. 144th Article. Spanish Constitution of 1978. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  6. ^ Chapter 3. Autonomous Communities. 145th Article. Spanish Constitution of 1978. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  7. ^ a b Sinópsis del Estatuto de Autonomia de la Comunidad de Madrid. Congreso de los Diputados. Accessed: 10 December 1979
  8. ^ Chapter 3. Autonomous Communities. 147th Article. Spanish Constitution of 1978. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  9. ^ Estatut d'Autonomia de la Comunitat Valenciana, 2006
  10. ^ Nuevo Estatuto de Autonomía de Canarias
  11. ^ Estatut d'Autonomia de les Illes Balears, 2007
  12. ^ Estatuto de Autonomía de Aragón
  13. ^ Unidad de Policía de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Retrieved on 2007-10-23. (Spanish)
  14. ^ Articles 140 and 141. Spanish Constitution of 1978
  15. ^ – Catalonians vote for more autonomy – Jun 18, 2006
  16. ^ Global Education Reform | Decentralization and SBM Resource Kit
  17. ^ a b Keating, M. (2006). Federalism and the Balance of Power in European States. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Accessed: 10 December 2007
  18. ^ Preliminary Title. First Article. Statute of Autonomy of the Community of Madrid
  19. ^ Fourth Transitional Provision. Spanish Constitution of 1978
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Not an official language but is protected and regulated, and spoken by a local minority.

[edit] External links

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