Bespik:Ludwig van Beethoven
Se Vükiped: sikloped libik
Can someone put a picture in? I haven't got the hang of it yet...Robert 14:53, 6 dekul 2007 (UTC)
- Si, o söl! :). Malafaya 15:10, 6 dekul 2007 (UTC)
Danis ole, o flen!Robert 15:30, 6 dekul 2007 (UTC)
[redakön] Van?
Fom kinik binon-li verätik: "Ludwig Van Beethoven" u "Ludwig van Beethoven"? --Smeira 16:57, 6 dekul 2007 (UTC)
- Ob no sevob. In Vükipeds Linglanapük, Deutänik e Nedänik, pepenon 'van'... Malafaya 17:02, 6 dekul 2007 (UTC)
Si, söton binön "v" smalik. Robert 18:45, 6 dekul 2007 (UTC)