Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes (Joplin, Missouri, 1902ko otsailaren 1a – New York City, 1967ko maiatzaren 22a) poeta, eleberrigile, antzerkigile eta kazetari estatubatuarra izan zen, afroamerikarra.
Delako Harlemeko Pizkundean zehar egindako lanagatik da ezaguna batez ere.
Eduki-taula |
[aldatu] Lanak
[aldatu] Poesia
- The Weary Blues. 1926
- Fine Clothes to the Jew. 1927
- The Negro Mother and Other Dramatic Recitations. 1931
- Dear Lovely Death. 1931
- The Dream Keeper and Other Poems. 1932
- Scottsboro Limited: Four Poems and a Play. N.Y.: Golden Stair Press. 1932
- Shakespeare in Harlem. 1942
- Freedom's Plow. 1943
- Fields of Wonder. 1947
- One-Way Ticket. 1949
- Montage of a Dream Deferred. 1951
- Selected Poems of Langston Hughes. 1958
- Ask Your Mama. 1961
- The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times, 1967
- The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. 1994
[aldatu] Fikzioa
- Not Without Laughter. 1930
- The Ways of White Folks. 1934
- Simple Speaks His Mind. 1950
- Laughing to Keep from Crying, 1952
- Simple Takes a Wife. 1953
- Sweet Flypaper of Life, Roy DeCaravaren argazkiak. 1955
- Simple Stakes a Claim. 1957
- Tambourines to Glory (book), 1958
- The Best of Simple. 1961
- Simple's Uncle Sam. 1965
- Something in Common and Other Stories. 1963
- Short Stories of Langston Hughes. 1996
[aldatu] Ez-Fikzioa
- The Big Sea. New York: 1940
- Famous American Negroes. 1954
- Marian Anderson: Famous Concert Singer. 1954
- I Wonder as I Wander. 1956
- A Pictorial History of the Negro in America, Milton Meltzerekin. 1956
- Famous Negro Heroes of America. 1958
- Fight for Freedom: The Story of the NAACP. 1962
[aldatu] Antzerkiak
- Mule Bone, with Zora Neale Hurston. 1931
- Mulatto. 1935 (The Barrier bezala berrizendatua 1950an)
- Troubled Island, William Grant Stillekin. 1936
- Little Ham. 1936
- Emperor of Haiti. 1936
- Don't You Want to be Free. 1938
- Street Scene. 1947
- Tambourines to glory. 1956
- Simply Heavenly. 1957
- Black Nativity. 1961
- Five Plays by Langston Hughes. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1963.
- Jericho-Jim Crow. 1964
[aldatu] Haurrentzako'
- Popo and Fifina, Arna Bontempsekin. 1932
- The First Book of the Negroes. 1952
- The First Book of Jazz. 1954
- The First Book of Rhythms. 1954
- The First Book of the West Indies. 1956
- First Book of Africa. 1964