Andy Warhol
Andrew "Andy" Warhol (1928ko Abuztuak 6 – 1987ko Otsailak 22), Amerikako Estatu Batuetako artista, idazle eta zine zuzendaria zen. Arte komertzialean izandako esperientziak lagunduta, Pop Art mugimenduaren sortzaileetariko bat izan zen, 50. hamarkadan.
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- Virtual visit in Musée d'Art Contemporain de Lyon.
- Warhol Foundation in New York, New York.
- The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Biography of Andy Warhol MundoArte
- Andy Warhol Profile Includes a biography, selection of images, famous quotes, and links to the artist.
- Two short articles about Warhol's 2002 museum retrospective from the art magazine "X-TRA"
- Actual exhibitions with Andy Warhol on Artfacts Andy Warhol's works are still widely at present in various shows and permanent collections in museums or galleries throughout the world.
- The Prodigious Century
- Andy Warhol Poetry Tribute
- A warholesque biography of Andy Warhol.
- Internet Accuracy Project - Andy Warhol
- Doubletake Gallery Online Catalog of Limited Editions
- Art Gallery - Andy Warhol
- Andy Warhol at Gagosian Gallery
- Time Capsules: the Andy Warhol collection