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Shaun Carland The Death of a King
This was a small haiku, and this reflection will probably be longer than the haiku itself.
The haiku wasn’t nessicarily about the killing of Martin Luther King, but it was about motives, and human phsycology. Everyone has a something to prove in life. As I was writing this haiku down, I was really frustrated. I was trying to prove myself to the world, and I did some self reflecting. This made me realize that I don’t need to prove myself to anyone, and if I want to, I need to let it come to me.
I think that at this point I was like the person who shot Martin Luther King. It was someone who had something to prove. Whether it was to prove himself, his beliefs, whatever, he had something to prove. The next line though, “slightly bored and severly confused” is the difference. Unlike him, I had the oppritunity to self reflect and learn this lesson.
I wish people weren’t severly confused, and learned how to prove something in a constructive manner.