Patrick White
Oddi ar Wicipedia
Nofelydd oedd Patrick Victor Martindale White (28 Mai 1912 - 30 Medi 1990).
Taflen Cynnwys |
[golygu] Llyfryddiaeth
[golygu] Nofelau
- Happy Valley (1939)
- The Living and the Dead (1941)
- The Aunt's Story (1948)
- The Tree of Man (1955)
- Voss (1957)
- Riders in the Chariot (1961)
- The Solid Mandala (1966)
- The Vivisector (1970)
- The Eye of the Storm (1973)
- A Fringe of Leaves (1976)
- The Twyborn Affair (1979)
- Memoirs of Many in One (1986)
[golygu] Storiau
- The Burnt Ones (1964)
- The Cockatoos (1974)
[golygu] Drama
- Bread and Butter Women (1935)
- The School for Friends (1935)
- Return to Abyssinia (1947)
- The Ham Funeral (1947)
- The Season at Sarsaparilla (1962)
- Night on Bald Mountain (1964)
- A Cheery Soul (1963)
- Big Toys (1977)
- Signal Driver: A Morality Play for the Times (1982)
- Netherwood (1983)
- Shepherd on the Rocks (1987)
[golygu] Arall
- Flaws in the Glass (1981)