Non return to zero, inverted(簡稱:NRZI)中文譯為:翻轉不歸零制[1],是二進制信號(signal),此信號對應(mapping)於實體性發送(transmission),以此欲於一些發送媒體(介質)。
目前為止,使用NRZI編碼法的應用有CD光碟、USB介面、以及使用光纖傳輸的100BASE-FX(Fast Ethernet)等。
舉例而言,想像一個資料串流包含的位元依序為"10110010",and assume the initial state to be "H" (a high signal level). That bit stream will be transmitted with NRZI as "LLHLLLHH", with "L" corresponding to a low signal level and "H" corresponding to a high signal level. Similarly if the initial state were '0', then that bit stream will be transmitted as "HHLHHHLL".
Return-to-zero, inverted(RZI)是另一種編碼法,但受用處並不多,method of mapping for transmission. The two-level RZI signal has a pulse (shorter than a clock cycle) if the binary signal is 0, and no pulse if the binary signal is 1.