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参考了日本版本的翻译中使用了欧州委員会 -- 欧州議会 -- 欧州理事会,但是不知道与英文单词怎么对应。--Samuel 2003年8月8日 18:47 (UTC)

  • 欧洲议会:European Parliament
  • 欧洲委员会(欧盟执委会):European Commision
  • 欧洲理事会:European Council
--Formulax 2003年8月9日 02:40 (UTC)
谢了!:D,还有一个问题,就是他们的president分别翻译成什么?--Samuel 07:08 2003年8月10日 (UTC)
欧洲理事会是首脑会议,由成员国元首组成,应该没有设president,但是另外有一个欧盟理事会(Council of the European Union),它的president中文是主席,是由成员国轮流担任的。European Commission President叫欧洲委员会主席,是个人担任。欧洲议会有议长和秘书长。欧盟的结构可以参见人民日报网上的资料:[1]
谢了,刚才我到新华网上找,可是找不到。中文yahoo在我的浏览器上工作不正常。:p --Samuel 07:39 2003年8月10日 (UTC)

好像European Council跟Council of Europe是不同的組織,那麼它們的中文譯名應該是甚麼? --Lorenzarius 08:56 2003年8月10日 (UTC)

European Council是欧洲理事会,您说的Council of Europe大概是Council of European Union,是欧盟理事会。欧洲理事会是欧盟成员国首脑的会议,而后者是常设机构,由各成员国组成,主席由成员国轮任。--Formulax 09:12 2003年8月10日 (UTC)
不是呀,是有一個w:Council of Europe的。那英文條目還說It is not to be confused with the Council of the European Union, nor with the European Council. 我現在真的很confused了。 --Lorenzarius 09:16 2003年8月10日 (UTC)
European Council 也可以用它的另一名稱,“歐盟高峰會議”(European Summit),來分該。 這樣樣完全沒誤會的可能。因為滿多新聞把兩個都翻譯成“理事会”。
Council of Europe有翻成“欧洲理事会”的、“欧洲委员会”的,甚至还有“欧洲文化协会”(可能是因为British Council是“英国文化协会”的原故)。不过这个组织好像与欧盟没关系。--Formulax 07:34 2003年8月15日 (UTC)

據European Commision駐華代表處網頁、European Commision駐台辦事處網頁和香港政府禮賓處網頁,European Commision在中華人民共和國稱歐洲委員會;在中華民國則稱歐洲執委會。—khris 2007年5月24日 (四) 06:14 (UTC)


[编辑] 评论

council of europe 跟 european council 是大大的不同!!!

council of europe 是跟european union 平行的一个组织,而european council是european union 的一个部门或机构


council of europe 成立要比european union 早多了,而且两者的发展历史也不同


有兴趣可以去以下网站看看: (欧洲委员会): http://www.coe.int (欧盟): http://www.europa.eu.int

Council of Europe 是个 International organization, european council 则是 European Union 的一部分,而 European Union 是个 Supernational organization.

International Organization 与 Supernational Organization 的区别主要在于法律的强制性。前者依靠公约(Convention) 约素成员国,不具有强制性,各成员国可以自行批准(Ritify)或不批准。后者通过 Parliament 产生规章(Regulation)和指导(Directive)来约素成员国,对于规章,各成员国必须执行。 Zherzhe 17:17 2006年2月12日 (UTC)

European Council是歐洲高峰會議(EU summit),不是歐盟的機關,是有相關但為獨立的機關 Council of Europe歐洲理事會,不是屬於歐盟之下的機關,是一個國際組織 Council of European Union是歐盟理事會,這是歐盟部長會議的正式名稱(又稱Council of Minister) 參見http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_the_European_Union 第五段有簡單介紹

[编辑] 不知所云


-- 16:53 2006年3月9日 (UTC)

Council of the European Union 是“欧洲联盟理事会”,或者被称作是“欧洲部长理事会”,这个机构由所有欧洲联盟成员国的政府部长组成。 理事会定期举行会议, 作出详细的决定

The European Council 是“欧洲理事会”,或者被称作是“欧盟首脑会”,它是所有欧洲联盟国家的国家首脑和政府首脑(即总统和/或总理)以及欧洲委员会主席组成的机构。欧盟首脑会原则上每年举行四次会议, 商定总的欧洲联盟政策, 回顾取得的进展。 它是欧洲联盟的最高决策机构,因此,它的会议常常被称为“首脑会”。

The Council of Europe 是“欧洲理事会组织”,它根本不是一个欧洲联盟机构。 它是一个政府间组织, 其主要目标是保护人权, 促进欧洲的文化多样性,与种族偏见和偏狭这样的社会问题作斗争。它成立于1949年,它的初期成就之一是起草了《欧洲人权公约》。 为了使公民能够履行该公约规定的权利,它成立了欧洲人权法院。欧洲理事会组织现在有44个成员国。 它的总部是设在法国斯特拉斯堡的欧洲宫。

Commission of European Union 是“欧盟委员会”,是欧洲联盟的常设机构和执行机构,负责实施欧洲联盟条约和欧盟理事会作出的决定,向理事会和欧洲议会提出报告和立法动议,处理联盟的日常事务,代表欧盟对外联系和进行贸易等方面的谈判等。在欧盟实施共同外交和安全政策范围内,只有建议权和参与权。总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔法律大街200号一座十字形的大厦内。根据《马斯特里赫特条约》(简称《马约》),自1995年起,欧盟委员会任期为5年,设主席1人、副主席2人。该委员会由来自不同成员国的25名代表组成。现任欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐,2004年11月上任;欧盟负责外交和安全政策的高级代表索拉纳,1999年任职。欧盟委员会主席人选由欧盟各成员国政府征询欧洲议会意见后共同提名,欧盟委员会其他委员人选由各成员国政府共同协商提议。按此方式提名的欧盟委员会主席和其他委员需一起经欧洲议会表决同意后,由欧盟成员国政府共同任命。

European Parliament 是“欧洲议会”,是欧洲联盟的执行监督、咨询机构,在某些领域有立法职能,并有部分预算决定权,并可以三分之二多数弹劾欧盟委员会,迫其集体辞职。议会大厦设在法国斯特拉斯堡,议会秘书处设在卢森堡;自1979年起,欧洲议会议员由成员国直接普选产生,任期5年。

参考文献:http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/cn/press_and_information/how%20the%20EU%20works.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-12/19/content_664530.htm 今天天气哈哈哈 15:04 2006年5月21日 (UTC)

[编辑] 這是我的翻譯,我沒有完成全部的翻譯,而且我只是來試試看而已,請各位指教。


The European Union (EU) is a supranational and intergovernmental union of 25 democratic member states. The Euriopean Union is the world's largest confederation of independent states, established under that name in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union (the Maastricht Treaty). However, many aspects of the Union existed before that date through a series of predecessor relationships, dating back to 1951

現今歐盟擁有一個共通的單一市場包含關稅聯盟,一個由歐洲中央銀行所管理的單一貨幣 (至今被25個會員國中的12個國家採用),共同的農業政策,共同的貿易政策以及共同的漁業政策。一個符合歐洲聯盟三大支柱中第二個項目的共同外交及安全政策也被確立。申根公約廢止了入境管制,而存在於歐盟境內許多內部國界的通關檢查也被廢止,創造出一個單一的流動空間給歐盟公民生活、旅遊、工作及投資。

The Union currently has a common single market consisting of a customs union, a single currency manged by the European Central Bamk (so far adopted by 12 of the 25 member states), a Common Agricultural Policy, a common trade policy, and a Common Fisheries Policy. A Common Foreign and Security Policy was also established as the second of the three pillars of the European Union. The Schengen Agreement abolished passport control, and customs checks were also abolished at many of the EU's internal borders, creating a single space of mobility for EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest.

歐盟中最重要的體系包括歐盟理事會、歐洲委員會、歐洲司法法院、歐洲議會、歐洲理事會及歐洲中央銀行。歐洲議會的來源可追朔自1950年間及一些相關協議,而且,自從 1979年起至今,歐洲議會會員國的人民可透過選舉產生歐洲議會的代表。登記在歐盟的公民得以對每五年一次的選舉進行投票。

The most important EU institutions include the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice, the European Parliament, the European Council, and the Euripean Central Bank. The European Parliament's origins go back to the 1950s and the founding treaties, and since 1979 its members have been elected by the people they represent. very five years elections are held in which registered EU citizens may vote.


The European Union's activites cover most areas of public policy, from economic policy to foreign affairs, defence, agriculture and trade. However, the extent of its powers differs greatly among areas. In some the EU may resemble a federation (e.g. on monetary affairs, agricultural, trade and environmental policy, economic and social policy), inothers a confederation (e.g. on home affairs), and in yet others an international organisation (e.g. in foreign affairs).



The members of the European Union have transferred to it considerable sovereignty,more than that of any other non-sovereign regional organisation. As has been mentioned, in certain areas the EU begins to take on the character of a federation or confederation. However, in legal terms, member states remain the masters of the treaties, which means that the Union does not have the power to transfer additional powers from states onto itself without their agreement through further international treaties. Further, in many areas member states have given up relatively little national sovereignty, particularly in key areas of national interest such as foreign realtions and defence. Because of this unique structure most simply classify the European Union as a sui generis (unique) entity and leave it at that.


On October 29, 2004, EU member state heads of government and state signed the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. This was later ratified by 13 member states. However, in most cases ratification was based on parliamentary action, rather than popular vote, and the process faltered on May 29, 2005 when French voters rejected the constitution 54.7% to 45.3%. The French rejection was followed three days later by a Dutch one, in which 61.6% of voters refused the constitution as well.


The current and future status of the European Union therefore continues to be subject of political controversy, with widely differing views both within and between member states. For example, in the United Kingdom one poll suggested that around 50% of the population are indifferent to the European Union and 20% voted for paries that wanted to withdraw from the EU in the 2004 EU elections. Public opinion in Denmark and Austria is similarly Eurosceptic. However, other countries are more in favout of European integration --- soon after the Netherlands and the French voted "no" on the constitution, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg voted "yes". What the term "European integration" itself means is also the subject of much debate.



Issues currently facing the EU cover its membership, structure, procedures and policies. They include the status and future of the constitutional treaty; enlargement to the south and east; problems of financial probity and democratic accountability; relative economic viability; revision of the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact; and the future budget and the Common Agricultural Policy.

在2005年12月每半年會晤各國首長及歐盟會員國政府的歐洲理事會中,對於歐盟如何調配接下來七年(2007-2013)歐盟的預算做出裁決。同樣對於財務的發展,歐盟會員有共識的同意訂定共同預算至歐洲國民生產毛額的1.054%。英國首相東尼布萊爾同意重審由馬格麗特柴契爾於1984年所交涉的英國補助款,輕易的承諾造成對英國議會對此矛盾,法國總統雅克 席哈克宣稱在預算上的增加將有助於歐洲各項執行財務共通政策,一如共同農業政策及研究暨技術發展政策。然而,法國的餐飲業增值稅調降要求卻被否決。

At the December 2005 European Council, which is a semi-annual meeting of the heads of state and government of the EU member states, a decision was taken on how it should allocate the EU budget for the next seven years (2007-5013). Also, the "Financial Perspective" was defined as EU members agreed to fix the common budget to 1.045% of the European GDP. UK Prime MInister Tony Blair agreed to review the Gritish rebate, negotiated by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, despite a promise to the contrary made to the UK Parliament. French President Jaxques Chirac declared that this increase in budge will permit Europe to "finance common polocies" such as the Common Agriculturl Policy or the Research and Technological Development Policy. However, France's demand to lower the VAT in catering was refused.


Issues controversial during budget debates include the British rebate, France's benefits from the Common Agricultural Policy, Germany and the Netherlands' large contributions to the EU budget, reform of the European Regional Development Funds, and the question of whether the European Parliament should continue to meet once a month in Strasbourg.


Many commentators believe that these debates represent a major split between governments such as France and Germany, who call for a broader budget and a more federal union, and governments such as that of the UK, who demanded a slimmer budget with more funding transferred to science and research (and whose watchword is modernisation).


The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe(TCE), commonly referred to as the European Constitution, is an international treaty intended to create a constitution for the European Union. The failure of the constitution to win popular support in some memver states(France and Netherlands) caused other countries to postpone ot halt their ratification procedures, and the Constitution now has an uncertain future. Has it been ratified, the treaty would have entered into force on November 1,2006. However, as of May 2006, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, malta, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain had ratified the constitutional treaty. The two countries due to join the European Union in 2007, Bulgaria and Romania, have already accepted the constitutional treaty too, raifying their accession treaty.



[编辑] New EU Design

Hi ! There is a modernized structure at the engl. EU article. It is designed like a city- or country-article. Maybe this is a useful inspiration for the article here. all the best en:Lear21

無介紹歐盟另一前身組織歐洲自由貿易區? 那是在五十年代英國等為了抗衡條目中的共同市場而成立,但因為幾乎所有成員都加入了由共同市場擴大而來的歐盟,所以被各位忽略了嗎? 2008年2月3日 (日) 09:52 (UTC)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -