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布尔型 - Wikipedia




在一些语言中,布尔数据类型被定义为可代表多于两个真值。例如,ISO SQL:1999标准定义了一个SQL布尔型可以储存三个可能的值:真,假,未知(SQL null被当作未知真值来处理,但仅仅在布尔型中使用)。

这种数据类型在布尔和其他运算中使用,如AND, &, *),OR, |, +),异或 (xor, NEQV, ^), 等价EQV, =, ==)以及NOT, ~, !),这些与逻辑代数算术操作相一致。


[编辑] Ada

Ada在标准包中定义Boolean为一种枚举类型,有两种值FalseTrue,并且False < True

type Boolean is (False, True);
p : Boolean := True;
if p then
end if;

相关的操作(=, /=, <, <=, >, >=)使用语所有的枚举类型,包括Boolean。布尔运算and, or, xornotBoolean及任意声明的子类型定义。布尔运算也适用于Boolean值数组。

[编辑] Algol

Algol 60Boolean数据类型和相关的操作,定义在Algol 60报告中。这在ALGOL 68中被简化为bool[1]

ALGOL 68语言详细说明(177页)中关于布尔操作定义的原文:

10.2.2. 布尔操作数的运算

  1. op ∨ = (bool a, b) bool:( a | true | b );
  2. op ∧ = (bool a, b) bool: ( a | b | false );
  3. op ¬ = (bool a) bool: ( a | false | true );
  4. op = = (bool a, b) bool:( a∧b ) ∨ ( ¬b∧¬a );
  5. op ≠ = (bool a, b) bool: ¬(a=b);
  6. op abs = (bool a)int: ( a | 1 | 0 );

[编辑] C

C99之前,C语言的标准没有提供布尔类型,但是这不意味着C90不能表示布尔值的概念。C中的所有布尔运算(&&, ||)以及条件声明(if, while)都以非零值代表,零值代表。这样,在其他类型如一个整数或一个枚举中保存布尔值就变得很平常。为了方便,常常为布尔类型创建一个typedef来和一些已存在的数据类型相关联。C99标准也提供了一个内置的布尔类型。


if (my_variable) {
} else {


if (my_variable != 0) {
} else {



typedef enum { FALSE, TRUE } boolean;
boolean b;


#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
int f = FALSE;


但是,在C中任意非零值都代表真就带来了问题,因为TRUE由一个特定的值来表示,因此在其他语言中if (foo == TRUE) ...只不过是多余的,而在C中,就是错误的代码。

[编辑] C99


#include <stdbool.h>
bool b = false;
b = true;

[编辑] C++

C++编程语言在其标准化过程中引入了booltruefalse关键字,增加了原生数据类型来支持布尔数据,其大小被实现定义。[2] bool1993年被引入。[3].


[编辑] C#



bool myBool = (i == 5);
System.Console.WriteLine(myBool ? "I = 5" : "I != 5");

[编辑] Fortran


[编辑] Java



int i = 1;
if (i)
  System.out.println("i is not zero.");
  System.out.println("i is zero.");



[编辑] JavaScript

JavaScript有两个关键字,truefalse,两者都为小写。JavaScript是一种弱类型的语言,没有明确的布尔数据类型供其变量使用。但是许多值用在逻辑上下文时可以被当成false,包括零、null、零长度字符串以及对象的unknown属性。所有其他变量值,包括空数组和空对象,都被认为是true。这个语言的确提供了一个Boolean 对象,可以被用作控制布尔值的容包装。Boolean对象总是被当成true尽管其包含false值。

var objBool = new Boolean(false);
if ( false || 0 || "" || null || window.not_a_property ) {
    alert("never this");    
} else if ( true && [] && {} && objBool ) {
    alert("Hello Wikipedia");             // 会弹出这个消息

[编辑] λ演算


[编辑] Lisp


[编辑] ML


- fun isittrue x = if x then "YES" else "NO" ;
> val isittrue = fn : bool -> string
- isittrue true;
> val it = "YES" : string
- isittrue false;
> val it = "NO" : string
- isittrue (8=8);
> val it = "YES" : string
- isittrue (7=5);
> val it = "NO" : string

[编辑] Objective-C


[编辑] Ocaml

Ocaml has a bool type that has true and false values.

# 1 = 1 ;;
- : bool = true

Like other enumerated types, a value of this type uses a word of memory.

[编辑] Pascal


(* 系统或标准声明 *)
   Boolean = (False,True);
(* 用法 *)
  value: Boolean;
value := True;
value := False;
if value then

注意,枚举外的值没有被定义。一些像Delphi这样的编译器为了接口目的拥有特殊的扩展布尔类型,映射到C数值类型上。(Delphi: bytebool,wordbool,longbool)

[编辑] Perl

In the Perl programming language, there is no distinction between numbers, strings and other non-aggregate data types. (They are all called "scalar".) Aggregate types without any elements, empty strings, numbers which equal a value of 0, the strings "" and "0", and undefined variables evaluate to "false" when used in a Boolean context. All other values (including strings such as 0.0 and 0E0 which are "zero but true") evaluate to "true".

Elements of aggregates may also be tested against "existence" or "non-existence"[1], and all variables may be evaluated as either "defined" or "undefined".[2] (An element of a hash or array that has been assigned the value undef exists but is undefined.) In Perl this distinction is important when evaluating scalars in a boolean manner to prevent "false falses" where one of the above values should be considered "true".

There are no built-in true or false constants in Perl 5, however the values do exist internally in Perl6.

1 is traditionally used for true, and constructs such as ... while 1 are special-cased to avoid advisory warnings. Internally, recent versions of Perl 5 have a variety of predefined yesses and nos, so that the recommended way to provide a false value has recently shifted from undef to !1 .

[编辑] PHP

PHP has a boolean datatype [8] with two values: true and false (case doesn't matter).

$var = true;
$var = false;
print $var == true ? "T" : "F";
print $var === true ? "T" : "F";
print is_bool($var) ? "T" : "F";
print gettype($var);

Several values evaluate to a logical false [9] with the loose comparison operator ==. There are generally empty instances of a type, or are considered equivalent to the number 0. These vales are:

  • false
  • zero
  • "0"
  • NULL
  • empty array
  • empty string

PHP programmers wishing to distinguish a boolean variable set to false from other types of variable must use the strict comparison operator ===.

[编辑] Python

The Python programming language defines True and False values as its boolean type, as well as allowing all objects to be tested for their truth value. The following values are considered false:

  • Numeric zero, None, False.
  • Empty containers such as empty strings, lists, tuples, dicts and sets.
  • User defined object instances have control over their boolean value through special methods __nonzero__[10] and __len__.

In all other cases, objects are considered true.

Boolean operators and boolean built-in types always return one of the boolean values True and False except for the operators "or" and "and" which return one of their operands (from left to right, the first operand that determines the boolean value of the expression).[11]

>>> class spam: pass    # spam is assigned a class object.
>>> eggs = "eggs"       # eggs is assigned a string object.
>>> spam == eggs        # (Note double equals sign for equality testing).
>>> spam != eggs        # != and == always return bool values.
>>> spam and eggs       # and returns an operand.
>>> spam or eggs        # or also returns an operand.
<class __main__.spam at 0x01292660>

[编辑] Ruby

The Ruby programming language does not have a Boolean data type as part of the language. Like many other interpreted languages, all variables are dynamically typed. Instead, ruby defines the explicit values of false and nil, and everything else is considered true, including 0, [ ], and the empty string "". The values true, false, and nil can be assigned to variables, returned from functions or methods, and compared in Boolean expressions.

a = 0
if (a) 
  print "true"
  print "false"

will print "true", which might come as a surprise to a new user of the language.

Since Ruby is a pure object-oriented programming language, even the "explicitly" defined values of true, false and nil are objects that each have their own class:

p false.class
p true.class
p nil.class

Would output "FalseClass", "TrueClass" and "NilClass" respectively.

[编辑] Scheme

Scheme has two special symbols #t and #f which represent the logical values of true and false respectively. However, any non-#f value is interpreted as true. Note that unlike Lisp, nil or '(), the empty list, is separate from #f in Scheme, and therefore is considered true.

[编辑] SQL

SQL supports three-valued logic (3VL), and comparison predicates in SQL can return any of three possible results: true, false, or unknown. The Boolean datatype was introduced in the ISO SQL:1999 standard, which specified that in addition to the three possible SQL Boolean values, instances of the datatype could be set to null[12]. For DBMSs that implement the ISO SQL:1999 standard, the following code creates a table which holds instances of the Boolean data type.

  a int, 
VALUES (1, true);
VALUES (2, false);
-- The SQL:1999 standard says that vendors can use null in place of the 
-- SQL Boolean value unknown.  It is left to the vendor to decide if
-- null should be used to completely replace unknown.  The standard also 
-- says that null should be treated as equivalent to unknown, which is an 
-- inconsistency.  The following line may not work on all SQL:1999-compliant 
-- systems.
VALUES (4, unknown);
FROM test1;

The SQL Boolean data type did not gain widespread adoption, owing to inconsistencies in the standard and lack of support from vendors. Most SQL DBMSs use other data types like bit, byte, and char to simulate the behavior of Boolean data types.

[编辑] Visual Basic

In Visual Basic Boolean values from comparisons can be stored in variables with the Boolean data type, which is stored as a 16-bit signed integer, but should only have the values True(-1) and False(0). For example:

Dim isSmall As Boolean
isSmall = intMyNumber < 10       ' Expression evaluates to True or False
If isSmall Then
   MsgBox("The number is small")
End If
Dim hellFreezesOver As Boolean   ' Boolean variables are initialized as False
hellFreezesOver = False          ' Or you can use an assignment statement
   Call CheckAndProcessUserInput()
Loop Until hellFreezesOver

Note: Although Boolean values should only be -1 or 0, other values can be coerced into them by calling a function with a Variant ByRef parameter. It is highly recommended that you do not do this.

Sub Voo(ByRef v As Variant)
   v = 1
End Sub
Sub Bar(ByRef b As Boolean)
   b = 1
End Sub
Dim b1 As Boolean, b2 As Boolean
b1 = True
b2 = True
Debug.Print (b1 = b2) 'True
Call Voo(b2)
Debug.Print (b1 = b2) 'False
Call Bar(b2)
Debug.Print (b1 = b2) 'True

[编辑] XPath and XQuery

XML Path Language (XPath 2.0) and XML Query Language (XQuery 1.0) both rely on XML Schema for Boolean data type support. The XML Schema xs:boolean data type supports both true and false Boolean values. XPath and XQuery define a set of rules for calculating the effective Boolean value of expressions.

XPath 1.0 and languages based on it, like XML Stylesheet Language (XSL), also support Boolean data types and implicit calculation of effective Boolean values from non-Boolean expressions.

[编辑] See also

  • true and false shell scripting commands
  • Shannon's expansion

[编辑] Notes and references

  1. ^ Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68, Section 10.2.2.(1968年Aug月).
  2. ^ Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems-- Programming Language C++(1996年Dec月).
  3. ^ Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006(2007年).
  4. ^ vector<bool>: More Problems, Better Solutions(1999年Aug月).
  5. ^ A Specification to deprecate vector<bool>(2007年Mar月).
  6. ^ C# Language Specifications, online at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664483(VS.71).aspx
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Java Language Specification, 3rd edition - online at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/
  8. ^ PHP: Booleans - Manual
  9. ^ PHP: PHP type comparison tables - Manual
  10. ^ Special method names: Basic customization.Python Language Reference.
  11. ^ Boolean operations
  12. ^ ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC 9075-1:1999 SQL Standard (pdf format). Section 1999.

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