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Wikipedia:红茶坊/吴语维基百科所使用个言话 - Wikipedia


来自 吴语维基百科


[编辑] 维基百科对言话个要求

勒拉元维基浪帮助条目How to start a new Wikipedia(哪亨来开始一只新个维基百科)下头,提着维基百科齐巧开始辰光要做个一眼基本个事体。当中搭言话搭界个摘录勒拉下头(黑体部分是外加要注意搭仔目前看来比较棘手个):

[编辑] Set up basic guidelines

There are a few rules that all Wikimedia projects must follow:

  • You cannot violate the terms of a copyright. Please make a page to warn users not to copy things from other places without asking the author.
  • It is OK to distribute Wikipedia articles under the terms of the. Please read the license and make a page to explain it.
  • Authors must write from a (NPOV). Please make a page to explain this.
  • Please make a page to explain.

Other than these all-projects rules, each Wikipedia has created its own rules.

Some rules you might want to have right away include:

  • Orthographic practices - if there is more than one way to spell or write your language, you will need rules about it.
  • 正词法实践 - 假使尔笃个言话有弗罢一种拼写或者书写个办法,尔笃要拿相关规矩定出来。
  • Stylistic conventions - if your language does not have a standardised universal form (way everybody speaks it to understand each other), you will need to have one or have a rule to tell people which forms or dialects of your language to use. Also, you will need more complex stylistic conventions(for an example, see here).
  • 文体惯例或协定 - 要是讲尔笃个言话呒拨一个标准化个普遍个形式(共同语),个末尔笃就要专门有个人或者有只规矩,告诉别人家,到底用哪里一种形式个方言。并且,尔笃也需要更加复杂个“文体惯例或协定”。

[编辑] Add a style guide and resources for writers

You want to have a high-quality encyclopaedia. Please write a few suggestions for writers. Are there websites in your language about how to write? Maybe you want to add a dictionary or a grammar guide here. Put in everything that could be useful for writers.

[编辑] Write a few good content articles as an example for others

You might want to write a few articles for your Wikipedia to get it started, and to give an example to other possible writers. You can translate an article from a different Wikipedia, or you can write an original article.


[编辑] 吴语维基百科使用言话讨论

  • 讨论吴语,请先规范吴语用字
    • 请楼上先学习吴语基础知识(wu-chinese.com)再讲个能闲话。里向 当然是 向shiang,弗是 厢siang,个叫尖团之分,上海口语现在已经分弗清,江北话也弗分,哪能好叫啥“江北腔”?吾是ng,我是ngu,侬自家先拿词源弄错脱哉。弗feh 搭 个keh 个问题,是上海个浊化音变问题,此地要提倡写本字。“额”ngeh个种别字音义皆弗合,且无语源支持,再叫真正白字,前头ng都落脱哉,脱theh 是清音,楼上写成 特deh浊音,影疑弗分,清浊弗分,楼上个种再是典型个江北腔 。 2008年4月12日 (礼拜六) 18:34 (UTC)
  • 吴语的可行性
以明代《山歌》以来个吴语书面语作品为基础,兼容并包,搿就是吴语维基目前使用个言话。勒此地个实践本身就是建立吴语白话文 个尝试。 --吴人 13:35, 4 October 2006 (UTC)
我觉着首先是虚词搭仔orthographia。Orthographia个问题末,大个原则已经肯定哉,所以末就是具体个争论比较要紧。 -- 08:21, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
还有就是如果拿比如讲钱老师请过来,弗就一切ok拉末。大家觉着该个提议呐亨-- 08:21, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
上头个是我。--Minus273 08:22, 8 October 2006 (UTC)

另外,行动支持顶有效,学习使用自家母语,而弗是扮演帮观者角色。 -- 吴人 13:32, 15 十月 2006 (UTC)
历史上是代表,来勒今朝讲,用帐是灭个。中原个河洛话也长期是汉语个代表,时间也是较关长。不过语言勿是死个。啥人也勿可能代表整个吴语,荡个维基,既然名气叫搭“吴语维基”,格么应当是通用个“吴语标准语”。搭汉语个普通话做样,阿拉个标准语,也应该以某种方言(苏州或者上海)为基础,语言规范重新制定一套。-- dzochithin

现有条目里大家用词还不统一,为什么不列一个规范用词列表呢 本人吴语版:我侬个吴语属于浙江台州话,只见着你侬些人装个格些东西弗是苏州话跋类上海话,……

表音不表义, 一群土话包子, 还"吴语喂鸡". 根本就不晓得什么叫汉语! 英语也有很多方言,为什么也分看, "喂鸡"太伤中国人的感情,难怪大陆封杀,现在我终于明白为什么了,坚决支持,"封杀喂鸡". 早日成"死鸡"一只!

[编辑] 维基百科要求个参考指南

准备有仔空着手整理该个方面个内容,拿手脚跟头个吴语文献(主要是苏州言话个)里向个常用字写法整理出来,乃末再公投。 -- 吴人 00:13, 29 十月 2006 (UTC)


我先用普通话来表达,以方便大家的理解。我觉得一个语言要推广,最重要的是要统一,对于吴语这个没有书面表达的语言来说更重要,不然就会出现像之前说的,看得很累的现象。虽然现在没有一个官方的机构来认证,但wiki也是一个非常好的可以作为基准的出发点。比如在这里的文章里,对一些常用字的写法都不同,就会给阅读造成很大阻碍。 尽量做到有原字的用原字,没有再用发音代替 我先来做一些提议: 最重要的 ‘的’, 我看到大家都写成 ‘个’,但我觉得是不是 ‘额’比较适合呢?因为‘额’的使用率比较低,比较不容易引起歧义。我是上海人,我觉得‘额’比较接近于发音。不过,如果大家都觉得应该用‘个’,我也愿意遵守这个规范。 ‘今天’--‘今朝’ ‘这么’--‘噶’ ‘简单’--‘便当’ ‘不’--‘弗’还是‘朆’? ‘在’--‘了’‘勒?’ ‘我’--'倪' ‘他’--‘伊’ ‘你’--‘侬’‘倷’? ‘都’--‘载’?‘夯布郎当’‘一榻刮子?’ 这些只是一些很小的提议。我觉得这些都需要一个统一的规范,哪怕只是在wiki上建立一个指导用字的网页也是非常有用的,这样时间长了就会习惯这个用法。 --iris

Sorry, I cannot type Chinese character now. I am also from Shanghai, but I do not agree with Iris about the ‘个’and ‘额’. Acutally, ‘额’is pronouced with the consnance G" (I borrow the Japanese letter here) in our language. --Quin

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