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Thành viên:Arisa/him.js – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

Thành viên:Arisa/him.js

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Nếu bạn viết mã JavaScript, chú ý đọc hướng dẫn để tránh mâu thuẫn với mã mặc định của mạng.

 *  H.I.M JavaScript Vietnamese Input Method Source File 1.13 build 20050810
 *	Copyright (C) 2004  Hieu Dang Tran <lt2hieu2004 (at) sf (dot) net>
 *	Website:
 *	You are allowed to use this software in any way you want providing:
 *		1. You must retain this copyright notice at all time
 *		2. You must not claim that you or any other third party is the author
 *		   of this software in any way.
 * * *
 * Do not forget to declare variables.
var notV="" //Put the ID of the field you DON'T want to let users type Vietnamese in, multiple fields allowed, separated by a comma (,)
var fID="htmlbox" //Put the ID of the iframe you want to let users type Vietnamese in
var useCookie=0 //Set this to 0 to NOT use cookies, 1 to USE cookies. Should be set to 0 as you have selected your own vars method and on_off
var radioID=new Array("him_auto","him_telex","him_vni","him_viqr","him_off","him_ckspell")
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),alphabet="QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM\ ",them,spellerr,setCookie,getCookie
var is_ie=((agt.indexOf("msie")!=-1) && (agt.indexOf("opera")==-1)),S,F,J,R,X,D,oc,sk,saveStr,iwindow,frame,is_opera=false
var ver="",support=true,changed=false,uni,uni2,g,h,SFJRX,DAWEO,Z,AEO,moc,trang,kl=0,tw5
var skey=new Array(97,226,259,101,234,105,111,244,417,117,432,121,65,194,258,69,202,73,79,212,416,85,431,89)
var skey2="a,a,a,e,e,i,o,o,o,u,u,y,A,A,A,E,E,I,O,O,O,U,U,Y".split(','),A,E,O
var english=fcc(272)+fcc(194)+fcc(258)+fcc(416)+fcc(431)+fcc(202)+fcc(212),ds1=new Array('d','D'),db1=new Array(273,272)
var os1=new Array('o','O',417,416,243,211,242,210,7885,7884,7887,7886,245,213,7898,7900,7906,7902,7904)
var ob1=new Array(244,212,244,212,7889,7888,7891,7890,7897,7896,7893,7892,7895,7894,7888,7890,7896,7892,7894)
var mocs1=new Array('o','O',244,212,'u','U',243,211,242,210,7885,7884,7887,7886,245,213,250,218,249,217,7909,7908,7911,7910,361,360,7888,7890,7896,7892,7894)
var mocb1=new Array(417,416,417,416,432,431,7899,7898,7901,7900,7907,7906,7903,7902,7905,7904,7913,7912,7915,7914,7921,7920,7917,7916,7919,7918,7898,7900,7906,7902,7904)
var trangs1=new Array('a','A',226,194,225,193,224,192,7841,7840,7843,7842,227,195,7844,7846,7852,7848,7850)
var trangb1=new Array(259,258,259,258,7855,7854,7857,7856,7863,7862,7859,7858,7861,7860,7854,7856,7862,7858,7860)
var as1=new Array('a','A',259,258,225,193,224,192,7841,7840,7843,7842,227,195,7854,7856,7862,7858,7860,7870,7872,7878,7874,7876)
var ab1=new Array(226,194,226,194,7845,7844,7847,7846,7853,7852,7849,7848,7851,7850,7844,7846,7852,7848,7850,201,200,7864,7866,7868)
var es1=new Array('e','E',233,201,232,200,7865,7864,7867,7866,7869,7868),eb1=new Array(234,202,7871,7870,7873,7872,7879,7878,7875,7874,7877,7876)
function notWord(word) {
	var str="\ \r\n#,\\;.:-_()<>+-*/=?!\"$%{}[]\'~|^\@\&\t"+fcc(160)
	return (str.indexOf(word)>=0)
function mozGetText(obj) {
	var v=obj.value,pos,w="";g=1
	if(v.length<=0) return false
	if (! {
		if (!obj.setSelectionRange) return false
	} else pos=obj.pos
	while(1) {
		if(pos-g<0) break
		else if(notWord(v.substr(pos-g,1))) { if(v.substr(pos-g,1)=="\\") w=v.substr(pos-g,1)+w; break }
		else w=v.substr(pos-g,1)+w; g++
	return new Array(w,pos)
function start(obj,key) {
	var w=""; oc=obj; uni2=false
	if(method==0) { uni="D,A,E,O,W,W".split(','); uni2="9,6,6,6,7,8".split(',') }
	else if(method==1) uni="D,A,E,O,W,W".split(',')
	else if(method==2) uni="9,6,6,6,7,8".split(',')
	else if(method==3) uni="D,^,^,^,+,(".split(',')
	if(!is_ie) {
		if(!w) return
		if(!dockspell) w=mozGetText(obj)
		if(!w) return
		if((uni2)&&(!changed)) main(w[0],key,w[1],uni2)
	} else {
		if(obj) {
			var sT=obj.curword.text
			if((uni2)&&((w==sT)||(typeof(w)=='undefined'))) w=main(obj.curword.text,key,0,uni2)
			if(w) obj.curword.text=w
function ie_getText(obj) {
	var caret=obj.document.selection.createRange(),w=""
	if(caret.text) caret.text=""
	while(1) {
		if(w.length==caret.text.length) break
		if(notWord(w.charAt(0))) {
			if(w.charCodeAt(0)==13) w=w.substr(2)
			else if(w.charAt(0)!="\\") w=w.substr(1)
	if(w.length) {
		return obj
	} else return false
function ie_replaceChar(w,pos,c) {
	var r=""
	if (((c==417)||(c==416))&&(w.substr(w.length-pos-1,1).toUpperCase()=='U')&&(pos!=1)&&(w.substr(w.length-pos-2,1).toUpperCase()!='Q')) {
		if (w.substr(w.length-pos-1,1)=='u') r=fcc(432)
		else r=fcc(431)
	if (!isNaN(c)) {
		changed=true; r+=fcc(c)
		return w.substr(0,w.length-pos-r.length+1)+r+w.substr(w.length-pos+1)
	} else return w.substr(0,w.length-pos)+c+w.substr(w.length-pos+1)
function tr(k,w,by,sf,i) {
	var r,pos=findC(w,k,sf)
	if(pos) {
		if(pos[1]) {
			if(is_ie) return ie_replaceChar(w,pos[0],pos[1])
			else return replaceChar(oc,i-pos[0],pos[1])
		} else {
			var c,pC; r=sf; pC=w.substr(w.length-pos,1)
			for(g=0; g<r.length; g++) {
				if(isNaN(r[g])) var cmp=pC
				else var cmp=pC.charCodeAt(0)
				if(cmp==r[g]) {
					if(!isNaN(by[g])) c=by[g]
					else c=by[g].charCodeAt(0)
					if(is_ie) return ie_replaceChar(w,pos,c)
					else return replaceChar(oc,i-pos,c)
	return false
function main(w,k,i,a) {
	var uk=k.toUpperCase(),bya=new Array(db1,ab1,eb1,ob1,mocb1,trangb1),got=false
	var sfa=new Array(ds1,as1,es1,os1,mocs1,trangs1),by=new Array(),sf=new Array()
	if((method==2)||((method==0)&&(a[0]=="9"))) {
	} else if(method==3) { 
	} else if((method==1)||((method==0)&&(a[0]=="D"))) {
	if(SFJRX.indexOf(uk)>=0) {
		var ret=sr(w,k,i); got=true
		if(ret) return ret
	} else if(uk==Z) { sf=ZF('sf'); by=ZF('by'); got=true }
	else for(h=0; h<a.length; h++) if(a[h]==uk) { got=true; by=by.concat(bya[h]); sf=sf.concat(sfa[h]) }
	if(!got) return normC(w,k,i)
	return finish_uni(k,w,by,sf,i,uk)
function finish_uni(k,w,by,sf,i,uk) { if((DAWEO.indexOf(uk)>=0)||(Z.indexOf(uk)>=0)) return tr(k,w,by,sf,i) }
function ZF(k) {
	if(k=='sf') {
		var sf=repSign(null)
		for(h=0; h<english.length; h++) {
		return sf
	} else if(k=='by') {
		var by=new Array(),t="d,D,a,A,a,A,o,O,u,U,e,E,o,O".split(',')
		for (h=0; h<5; h++) { for (g=0; g<skey.length; g++) by[by.length]=skey[g] }
		for (h=0; h<t.length; h++) by[by.length]=t[h]
		return by
function normC(w,k,i) {
	var uk=k.toUpperCase(),u=repSign(null),fixSign,sf=new Array(),c,j
	for(j=1; j<=w.length; j++) {
		for(h=0; h<u.length; h++) {
			if(u[h]==w.charCodeAt(w.length-j)) {
				if(h<=23) fixSign=S
				else if(h<=47) fixSign=F
				else if(h<=71) fixSign=J
				else if(h<=95) fixSign=R
				else fixSign=X
				c=skey[h%24]; if(alphabet.indexOf(uk)<0) return w
				if(!is_ie) {
					if(! {
						var sp=oc.selectionStart,sst=oc.scrollTop
						oc.setSelectionRange(sp+1,sp+1); oc.scrollTop=sst
					} else if(k.charCodeAt(0)!=32) { saveStr=k+saveStr; kl=1 }
					for(g=0; g<skey.length; g++) sf[sf.length]=fcc(skey[g])
					var pos=findC(w,fixSign,sf); changed=true; if((k.charCodeAt(0)==32) && ( changed=false
					if(!pos) return
					var cc=retUni(w,fixSign,pos)
					if((k.charCodeAt(0)==32) && ( changed=false
				} else {
					var ret=sr(w,fixSign,0)
					if(ret) return ret
function nospell(word,k) { return false }
function ckspell(word,k) {
	word=unV(word); var exc="UOU,IEU".split(','),z,next=true,noE="UOU,UOI,IEU,AO,IA".split(','),noBE="YEU",noB="YE",test
	var check=true,noM="UE,UYE,IU,EU,UY".split(','),noMT="AY,AU".split(','),noT="UA",t=-1,notV2="IAO"
	var upword=word.toUpperCase(),tmpword=upword,update=false,gi="IO",noAOEW="OE,OO,AO,EO,IA,AI".split(','),noAOE="OA"
	var notViet="AA,AE,EE,OU,YY,YI,IY,EY,EA,EI,II,IO,YO,YA,YU,OOO".split(','),uk=k.toUpperCase(),twE,uw2=unV2(upword)
	var vSConsonant="B,C,D,G,H,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,X".split(','),vDConsonant="CH,GI,KH,NGH,GH,NG,NH,PH,QU,TH,TR".split(',')
	var vDConsonantE="CH,NG,NH".split(','),sConsonant="C,P,T,CH".split(','),vSConsonantE="C,M,N,P,T".split(',')
	var noNHE="E,O,U".split(','),oMoc="UU,UOU".split(',')
	if(FRX.indexOf(uk)>=0) {
		for(g=0; g<sConsonant.length; g++) {
			if(upword.substr(upword.length-sConsonant[g].length,sConsonant[g].length)==sConsonant[g]) return true
	for(g=0; g<word.length; g++) {
		if("FJZW1234567890".indexOf(uw2.substr(g,1))>=0) return true
		for(h=0; h<notViet.length; h++) {
			if(uw2.substr(g,notViet[h].length)==notViet[h]) {
				for(z=0; z<exc.length; z++) if(uw2.indexOf(exc[z])>=0) next=false
				if((next)&&((gi.indexOf(notViet[h])<0)||(g<=0)||(uw2.substr(g-1,1)!='G'))) return true
	for(g=1; g<word.length; g++) { if("SX".indexOf(upword.substr(g,1))>=0) return true }
	for(h=0; h<vDConsonant.length; h++) {
		if(tmpword.substr(0,vDConsonant[h].length)==vDConsonant[h]) {
			update=true; t=h; break
	if(!update) {
		for(h=0; h<vSConsonant.length; h++) {
			if(tmpword.substr(0,1)==vSConsonant[h]) { tmpword=tmpword.substr(1); break }
	if((tmpword!=upword)&&(uw2.indexOf(noB)>=0)&&(uw2.indexOf("UYE")<0)) return true
	update=false; twE=tmpword
	for(h=0; h<vDConsonantE.length; h++) {
		if(tmpword.substr(tmpword.length-vDConsonantE[h].length)==vDConsonantE[h]) {
			if(h==2) for(z=0; z<noNHE.length; z++) if(tmpword==noNHE[z]) return true
			update=true; break
	if(!update) {
		for(h=0; h<vSConsonantE.length; h++) {
			if(tmpword.substr(tmpword.length-1)==vSConsonantE[h]) { tmpword=tmpword.substr(0,tmpword.length-1); break }
	if(tmpword) {
		for(g=0; g<vDConsonant.length; g++) {
			for(h=0; h<tmpword.length; h++) { if(tmpword.substr(h,vDConsonant[g].length)==vDConsonant[g]) return true }
		for(g=0; g<vSConsonant.length; g++) { if(tmpword.indexOf(vSConsonant[g])>=0) return true }
	if((t==3)&&((test=="A")||(test=="O")||(test=="U")||(test=="Y"))) return true
	if((t==5)&&((test=="E")||(test=="I")||(test=="Y"))) return true
	if(uw2==notV2) return true
	if(tmpword!=twE) for(z=0; z<noE.length; z++) if(uw2==noE[z]) return true
	if((tmpword!=upword)&&(uw2==noBE)) return true
	if(uk!=moc) for(z=0; z<oMoc.length; z++) if(tmpword==oMoc[z]) return true
	if((uw2.indexOf('UYE')>0)&&(uk=='E')) check=false
	if((them.indexOf(uk)>=0)&&(check)) {
		for(g=0; g<noAOEW.length; g++) if(uw2.indexOf(noAOEW[g])>=0) return true
		if(uk!=trang) if(uw2==noAOE) return true
		if((uk==trang)&&(trang!='W')) if(uw2==noT) return true
		if(uk==moc) for(g=0; g<noM.length; g++) if(uw2==noM[g]) return true
		if((uk==moc)||(uk==trang)) for(g=0; g<noMT.length; g++) if(uw2==noMT[g]) return true
	if((uw2.charCodeAt(0)==272)||(uw2.charCodeAt(0)==273)) { if(uw2.length>4) return true }
	else if(uw2.length>3) return true
	return false
function DAWEOF(cc,k) {
	var ret=new Array();ret[0]=g
	if(k==A) {
		if(cc==226) ret[1]='a'
		else if(cc==194) ret[1]='A'
	if(k==moc) {
		if(cc==417) ret[1]='o'
		else if(cc==416) ret[1]='O'
		else if(cc==432) ret[1]='u'
		else if(cc==431) ret[1]='U'
	if(k==trang) {
		if(cc==259) ret[1]='a'
		else if(cc==258) ret[1]='A'
	if(k==E) {
		if(cc==234) ret[1]='e'
		else if(cc==202) ret[1]='E'
	if(k==O) {
		if(cc==244) ret[1]='o'
		else if(cc==212) ret[1]='O'
	if(ret[1]) return ret
	else return false
function findC(word,k,sf) {
	if((method==3)&&(word.substr(word.length-1,1)=="\\")) return new Array(1,k.charCodeAt(0))
	if(spellerr(word,k)) return false
	var str="",res,cc="",pc="",tE="",vowArr=new Array(),s=fcc(194)+fcc(258)+fcc(202)+fcc(212)+fcc(416)+fcc(431),c=0,donext=false
	for(g=0; g<sf.length; g++) {
		if(isNaN(sf[g])) str+=sf[g]
		else str+=fcc(sf[g])
	var uk=k.toUpperCase(),i=word.length,uni_array=repSign(k),w2=unV2(word.toUpperCase()),dont=new Array(fcc(431)+"A",fcc(431)+"U")
	if (DAWEO.indexOf(uk)>=0) {
		if(uk==moc) {
			if((w2.indexOf("UU")>=0)&&(tw5!=dont[1])) {
				if(w2.indexOf("UU")==(word.length-2)) res=2
				else return false
			} else if(w2.indexOf("UOU")>=0) {
				if(w2.indexOf("UOU")==(word.length-3)) res=2
				else return false
		if(!res) {
			for(g=1; g<=word.length; g++) {
				for(h=0; h<dont.length; h++) if((tw5==dont[h])&&(tw5==unV(pc+uc))) donext=true
				if(donext) { donext=false; continue }
				if(str.indexOf(uc)>=0) {
					if(((uk==moc)&&(uc=='U')&&(word.substr(word.length-g+1,1).toUpperCase()=='A'))||((uk==trang)&&(uc=='A')&&(pc=='U'))) {
						if(ccc!="Q") res=g+1
						else if(uk==trang) res=g
						else if(moc!=trang) return false
					} else res=g
				} else if(english.indexOf(uc)>=0) {
					if(uk==D) {
						if(charCode==273) res=new Array(g,'d')
						else if(charCode==272) res=new Array(g,'D')
					} else res=DAWEOF(charCode,uk)
					if(res) break
	if((uk!=Z)&&(DAWEO.indexOf(uk)<0)) { var tEC=retKC(uk); for (g=0; g<tEC.length; g++) tE+=fcc(tEC[g]) }
	for(g=1; g<=word.length; g++) {
		if(DAWEO.indexOf(uk)<0) {
			if(str.indexOf(cc)>=0) {
				if(cc=='U') {
					if(pc!='Q') { c++; vowArr[vowArr.length]=g }
				} else if(cc=='I') {
					if((pc!='G') || (c<=0)) { c++; vowArr[vowArr.length]=g }
				} else { c++; vowArr[vowArr.length]=g }
			} else if(uk!=Z) {
				for(h=0; h<uni_array.length; h++) if(uni_array[h]==word.charCodeAt(word.length-g)) return new Array(g,tEC[h%24])
				for(h=0; h<tEC.length; h++) if(tEC[h]==word.charCodeAt(word.length-g)) return new Array(g,fcc(skey[h]))
		} else if((uk!=Z)&&(!res)) {
			for(h=0; h<uni_array.length; h++) {
				if(uni_array[h]==word.charCodeAt(word.length-g)) {
					var nk, kc=skey[h%24]; sf=getSF()
					if(h<=23) nk=S
					else if(h<=47) nk=F
					else if(h<=71) nk=J
					else if(h<=95) nk=R
					else nk=X
					return findC(word,nk,sf)
	if(DAWEO.indexOf(uk)<0) {
		for(g=1; g<=word.length; g++) {
			if((uk!=Z)&&(s.indexOf(word.substr(word.length-g,1).toUpperCase())>=0)) return g
			else if(tE.indexOf(word.substr(word.length-g,1))>=0) {
				for(h=0;h<tEC.length;h++) {
					if(word.substr(word.length-g,1).charCodeAt(0)==tEC[h]) return new Array(g,fcc(skey[h]))
	if(res) return res
	if((c==1) || (uk==Z)) return vowArr[0]
	else if(c==2) {
		var v=2
		if(word.substr(word.length-1)==" ") v=3
		var ttt=word.substr(word.length-v,2).toUpperCase()
		if((!dauCu)&&((ttt=="UY")||(ttt=="OA")||(ttt=="OE"))) return vowArr[0]
		var c2=0,fdconsonant,sc="BCD"+fcc(272)+"GHKLMNPQRSTVX",dc="CH,GI,KH,NGH,GH,NG,NH,PH,QU,TH,TR".split(',')
		for(h=1; h<=word.length; h++) {
			for(g=0; g<dc.length; g++) {
				if(dc[g].indexOf(word.substr(word.length-h-dc[g].length+1,dc[g].length).toUpperCase())>=0) {
					c2++; fdconsonant=true
					if(dc[g]!='NGH') h++
					else h+=2
			if(!fdconsonant) {
				if(sc.indexOf(word.substr(word.length-h,1).toUpperCase())>=0) c2++
				else break
		if((c2==1)||(c2==2)) return vowArr[0]
		else return vowArr[1]
	} else if(c==3) return vowArr[1]
	else return false
function unV(w) {
	var u=repSign(null)
	for(g=1; g<=w.length; g++) {
		for(h=0; h<u.length; h++) {
			if(u[h]==w.charCodeAt(w.length-g)) {
	return w
function unV2(w) {
	for(g=1; g<=w.length; g++) {
		for(h=0; h<skey.length; h++) {
			if(skey[h]==w.charCodeAt(w.length-g)) {
	return w
function repSign(k) {
	var t=new Array(), u=new Array()
	for (g=0; g<5; g++) {
		if ((k==null) || (SFJRX.substr(g,1)!=k.toUpperCase())) {
			for (h=0; h<t.length; h++) u[u.length]=t[h]
	return u
function sr(w,k,i) {
	var sf=getSF()
	if(pos) {
		if(pos[1]) {
			if(!is_ie) replaceChar(oc,i-pos[0],pos[1])
			else return ie_replaceChar(w,pos[0],pos[1])
		} else {
			var c=retUni(w,k,pos)
			if (!is_ie) replaceChar(oc,i-pos,c)
			else return ie_replaceChar(w,pos,c)
	return false
function retUni(w,k,pos) {
	var u=retKC(k.toUpperCase()),uC,lC,c=w.charCodeAt(w.length-pos)
	for (g=0; g<skey.length; g++) if (skey[g]==c) {
		if (g<12) { lC=g; uC=g+12 }
		else { lC=g-12; uC=g }
		if (fcc(c)!=fcc(c).toUpperCase()) return u[lC]
		return u[uC]
function replaceChar(o,pos,c) {
	if(!isNaN(c)) { var replaceBy=fcc(c); changed=true }
	else var replaceBy=c
	if(! {
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		if (((c==417)||(c==416))&&(o.value.substr(pos-1,1).toUpperCase()=='U')&&(pos<savePos-1)&&(o.value.substr(pos-2,1).toUpperCase()!='Q')) {
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	} else {
		if (((c==417) || (c==416)) && (,1).toUpperCase()=='U') && (pos<o.pos-1)) {
			if (,1)=='u') var r=fcc(432)
			else var r=fcc(431)
		o.deleteData(pos,1); o.insertData(pos,replaceBy)
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function retKC(k) {
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	else if(k==R) return new Array(7843,7849,7859,7867,7875,7881,7887,7893,7903,7911,7917,7927,7842,7848,7858,7866,7874,7880,7886,7892,7902,7910,7916,7926)
	else if(k==X) return new Array(227,7851,7861,7869,7877,297,245,7895,7905,361,7919,7929,195,7850,7860,7868,7876,296,213,7894,7904,360,7918,7928)
function getSF() { var sf=new Array(); for(var x=0; x<skey.length; x++) sf[sf.length]=fcc(skey[x]); return sf }
function setMethod(m) {
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function onKeyDown(e) {
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		} else if(key==123) {
			if(on_off==0) setMethod(-1)
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	if(support) statusMessage()
function setSpell(box) {
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	else {
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	setCookie(); if(support) statusMessage()
function statusMessage() {
	var str='Gõ tiếng Việt: '
	if(on_off==0) str+='Tắt'
	else if(method==1) str+='TELEX'
	else if(method==2) str+='VNI'
	else if(method==3) str+='VIQR'
	else if(method==0) str+='Tự động'
	str+=" [F9] | Chính tả: "
	str+=" [F8] | Bật/Tắt [F12]"
function ifInit() {
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function ifMoz(e) {
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	if(! return;; node.which=code
	range.setStart(node,; kl=0
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function FKeyPress(obj) {
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function checkCode(code) { if(((on_off==0)||(code<45)||(code==145)||(code==255))&&(code!=32)&&(code!=39)&&(code!=40)&&(code!=43)) return true }
function fcc(x) { return String.fromCharCode(x) }
if(useCookie==1) { setCookie=doSetCookie; getCookie=doGetCookie }
else { setCookie=noCookie; getCookie=noCookie }
function noCookie() {}
function doSetCookie() {
	var now=new Date(),exp=new Date(now.getTime()+1000*60*60*24*365)
function doGetCookie() {
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	var p,ckA=ck.split(';')
	for(var i=0;i<ckA.length;i++) {
		p=ckA[i].split('='); p[0]=p[0].replace(/^\s+/g,""); p[1]=parseInt(p[1])
		if(p[0]=='HIM_on_off') on_off=p[1]
		else if(p[0]=='HIM_method') method=p[1]
		else if(p[0]=='HIM_ckspell') {
			if(p[1]==0) { dockspell=0; spellerr=nospell }
			else { dockspell=1; spellerr=ckspell }
if(!is_ie) {
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if((is_ie)||(ver>=1.3)||(is_opera)) {
	if(on_off==0) setMethod(-1)
	else setMethod(method)
	setSpell(dockspell); statusMessage()
else support=false
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document.onkeypress=function(e) {
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aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -