Oliver Goldsmith
From Wikipedia
Oliver Goldsmith (10.11. 1730 ili 1728 – 4.4. 1774) bio je irski pisac, pjesnik i ljekar poznat po svom romanuu The Vicar of Wakefield (1766), pastoralnoj pjesmi The Deserted Village (1770) (napisanoj u spomen svog brata) i kazališnim komadima The Good-natur'd Man (1768) i She Stoops to Conquer (1771, praizvedenoj 1773).
[uredi - уреди] Vanjski linkovi
- Djela čiji je autor Oliver Goldsmith na Projektu Gutenberg
- Essays by Oliver Goldsmith at Quotidiana.org
- The Deserted Village
- Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography by Washington Irving from Project Gutenberg
- Goldsmith (English Men of Letters series) by William Black from Project Gutenberg
- An Essay on the Theatre; or, A Comparison Between Laughing and Sentimental Comedy
- Goldsmith Hall - student accommodation and lecture theatre, Trinity College, Dublin.
- Information on Goldsmith
- Oliver Goldsmith Resource
- Works by Oliver Goldsmith in e-book version