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Wikipedia:Software/antivandaltool.js - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

/** Anti-vandal tool ************************************************************************
 *    Origem: Wikipedia:Software/antivandaltool.js
 *     Ajuda: Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal tool
 * Descrição: Monitorização de mudanças recentes
 *     Autor: w:en:User:Lupin e w:en:User:Cacycle


  // Edit these to your liking.
  // Make sure there's a comma at the end of each line.
  badwordsUrl:          'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/badwords',
  filterPage:           'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/Filtro_de_mudan%C3%A7as_recentes',
  allRecentPage:        'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/Todas_mudan%C3%A7as_recentes',
  recentIPPage:         'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/Edi%C3%A7%C3%B5es_IP_recentes',
  monitorWatchlistPage: 'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/Monitorizar_vigiados',
  spelldictUrl:         'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/Ortografia',
  spelldictPage:        'Wikipedia:Software/Anti-vandal_tool/Monitorizar_ortografia',
  safePages:            '([Ww]ikipedia:([Ee]splanada[/](anúncios|propostas|geral)|[Cc]afé[ _]d[oa]s[ _](categorizadores|tradutores|exatas|humanas|biomédicas|novatos)|[Cc]oordenação[ _]robótica|[Cc]ontato[/][Ll]inha[ _]direta|[Pp]ágina[ _]de[ _]testes)|[Ee]special[:][Ll]og[/](move|delete|newusers|block))',
  linkify:              true,
  // leave this alone
  dummy: null

recent2.download=function(bundle) {
  // mandatory: bundle.url
  // optional:  bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
  // optional:  bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
  // optional:  bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure

  var x = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest()
    : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    : false;

  if (x) {
    x.onreadystatechange=function() {
      x.readyState==4 && recent2.downloadComplete(x,bundle);
  return x;

recent2.downloadComplete=function(x,bundle) {
  x.status==200 && ( bundle.onSuccess && bundle.onSuccess(x,bundle) || true )
  || ( bundle.onFailure && bundle.onFailure(x,bundle) || alert(x.statusText));

if (! recent2.outputPosition) { recent2.outputPosition=''; }

// paths
if ( typeof(wgServer)!='string' ||
     typeof(wgArticlePath)!='string' ||
     typeof(wgScriptPath)!='string') {
  recent2.articlePath= 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/wiki/';
  recent2.scriptPath= 'http://' + document.location.hostname + '/w/';
} else {
  recent2.articlePath=wgServer+wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, '');

recent2.getBadWords=function() {
  recent2.download({ url: recent2.scriptPath + 'index.php?title=' +
        recent2.badwordsUrl + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css',
        onSuccess: recent2.processBadWords,
        onFailure: function () { setTimeout(recent2.getBadWords, 15000); return true;}});

window.diffCellRe=RegExp("<td class=\\\"diff-marker\\\">\\+<\\/td>\\s*" +
                         "<td\\b[^>]*>\\s*<div>\\s*(.*?)\\s*<\\/div>\\s*<\\/td>", 'gi');

// processBadWords: generate the badWords RegExp from
// the downloaded data.
// d is the xmlhttprequest object from the download
recent2.processBadWords=function(d) {
  var data=d.responseText.split('\n');
  var ret=[];
  for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) {
    var s=data[i];

    // ignore empty lines, whitespace-only lines and lines starting with '<'
    if (/^\s*$|^</.test(s)) { continue; }

    // lines beginning and ending with a slash (and possibly trailing
    // whitespace) are treated as regexps
    if (RegExp('^/.*/\\s*$').test(s)) {
      // remove slashes and trailing whitespace
      s=s.replace(RegExp('^/'), '').replace(RegExp('/\\s*$'), '');
      // escape opening parens: ( -> (?:
      s=s.replace(RegExp('[(]([^?])', 'g'), '(?:$1');

      // check that s represents a valid regexp
      try { var r=new RegExp(s); }
      catch (err) {
        var errDiv=newOutputDiv('recent2_error', recent2.outputPosition);
        errDiv.innerHTML='Aviso: a ignorar expressão regular na linha '+i
          +' da lista <a href="/wiki/' + recent2.badwordsUrl + '">badwords</a>:<pre>' + s + '


   } else {
     // treat this line as a non-regexp -
     // have to escape it.
     ret.push(s.replace(RegExp('([-|.()\\+:!,?*^${}\\[\\]])', 'g'), '\\$1'));
 //                      123                          3       2|4           45                     56          61
 //                      (((    repeatedchar          )       )|(           )( ...  | ... | ...    )(          ))
 window.badWords=RegExp("((([^-{}\\].\\s'=wI:*#0-9A-F])\\3{2,})|(^|[^\\/\\w])(" + ret.join('|') + ")(?![\\/\\w]))", 'gi');


window.gettingWatchlist=false; recent2.watchlist=null;

recent2.getWatchlist=function() {

 recent2.download({url: recent2.articlePath + 'Special:Watchlist/edit',
       onSuccess: recent2.processWatchlist,
       onFailure: function () { setTimeout(getWatchlist, 15000); return true; }});


recent2.processWatchlist=function(req, bundle) {

 var watchlist={};
 var lines=req.responseText.split('\n');
 for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i) {

if (lines[i].indexOf('

  • <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value=') > -1) { var article=lines[i].replace(/.*title="(.*?)">.*/, '$1'); watchlist[article]=true; } } window.watchlist=watchlist; }; window.gettingSpelldict=false; window.spelldict=null; recent2.getSpelldict=function() { window.gettingSpelldict=true; recent2.download({url: recent2.scriptPath + 'index.php?title=' + recent2.spelldictUrl + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css', onSuccess: recent2.processSpelldict, onFailure: function () { setTimeout(getSpelldict, 15000); return true; }}); }; recent2.processSpelldict=function(req, bundle) { var spelldict={}; var lines=req.responseText.split('\n'); var a=[]; for (var i=0; i<lines.length; ++i) { var split=lines[i].split('->'); if (split.length<2) { continue; } split[1]=split.slice(1).join('->').split(/, */); split[0]=split[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^\s*/, ); spelldict[split[0]]=split[1]; a.push(split[0]); } window.spelldict=spelldict; window.spellRe=RegExp('\\b(' + a.join('|') + ')\\b', 'i'); }; recent2.feed=recent2.scriptPath + 'index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss'; window.newOutputDiv=function(klass, position, immortal) { var h1=document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]; var ret=document.createElement('div'); if (klass) { ret.className=klass; } if (!position) { position='bottom'; } switch(position) { case 'top': h1.parentNode.insertBefore(ret, h1.nextSibling); break; case 'bottom': h1.parentNode.appendChild(ret); break; default: if (!newOutputDiv.alerted) { alert('Unknown position '+position+' in recent2.js, newOutputDiv'); window.newOutputDiv.alerted=true; } return newOutputDiv(klass, 'bottom'); } if (!immortal) { ret.id=newOutputDiv.uid++; } window.outputDivs.push(ret); return ret; }; window.newOutputDiv.alerted=false; window.newOutputDiv.uid=0; window.outputDivs=[]; window.grabRecentChanges=function(feed) { if (! window.badWords && recent2.filter_badwords ) { if ( ! window.gettingBadWords ) { recent2.getBadWords(); } return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } if (! window.watchlist && recent2.filter_watchlist) { if (! window.gettingWatchlist ) recent2.getWatchlist(); return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } if (! window.spelldict && recent2.filter_spelling) { if (! window.gettingSpelldict) recent2.getSpelldict(); return setTimeout(function(){grabRecentChanges(feed);}, 500); } var pos=recent2.outputPosition; if (pos=='top') { var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); var status=newOutputDiv('recent2.status', pos); } else { var status=newOutputDiv('recent2.status', pos); var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos); } status.style.borderStyle='solid'; status.style.borderColor='orange'; status.innerHTML=greyFont+'(' + recent2.count + ') a atualizar...'; // this abort stuff doesn't work properly for some reason... //recent2.lastFeedDownload && recent2.lastFeedDownload.abort(); // } catch (summatNasty) { /* do nothing */ } recent2.lastFeedDownload=recent2.download({url: feed, onSuccess: processRecentChanges, output: output, status: status, onFailure: feedFailed}); }; var greyFont=''; window.feedFailed=function(x,bundle) { try { bundle.status.innerHTML+=greyFont+'ocorreu um erro: '+x.statusText + ''; } catch (err) { bundle.status.innerHTML+=greyFont+'failed badly: '+err+''; } return true; }; recent2.newWindows=true; window.linkmaker=function(url, text) { var s='<a href="' + url + '"'; recent2.newWindows && (s += ' target="_blank"'); s += '>' + text + '</a>'; return s; }; recent2.ipUserRegex=RegExp('(Usuário:)?((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\\.){3}' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])'); recent2.outputSeparator='


recent2.delayedLines={}; recent2.delay=0; recent2.namespaces={'Media':1, "Especial":1, "Usuário":1, "Usuário Discussão":1, "Wikipedia":1,

           "Wikipedia Discussão":1, "Imagem":1, "Imagem Discussão":1, "MediaWiki":1,
           "MediaWiki Discussão":1, "Predefinição":1, "Predefinição Discussão":1, "Ajuda":1,
           "Ajuda Discussão":1, "Categoria":1, "Categoria Discussão":1, "Portal":1, "Portal Discussão":1};

window.processRecentChanges=function(req, bundle){

 var doc;
 if (doc=req.responseXML.documentElement) {
   if (recent2.items=doc.getElementsByTagName('item')) {
     if ((recent2.itemsCurrent=recent2.items.length) > 0) {
       recent2.bundleRef = bundle;
       processRecentChangesSingle(); // start processing one diff every 50 ms


recent2.safePagesRe=new RegExp('^' + recent2.safePages + '$'); recent2.changeDelay=50; // delay between processing each diff, in ms

window.nextChangeSoon=function(rightNow) {

 setTimeout(processRecentChangesSingle, rightNow ? 0 : recent2.changeDelay);


// process single diff items delayed by a short timespan window.processRecentChangesSingle=function(){

 var i = recent2.itemsCurrent;
 var items = recent2.items;
 if (i < 0) { processRecentChangesDisplay(recent2.bundleRef); return; }
 var timestamp = Date.parse(getFirstTagContent(items[i],'pubDate'));
 if (timestamp <= processRecentChanges.lastDate) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; }
 recent2.latest = (timestamp > recent2.latest) ? timestamp : recent2.latest;

var diffText=getFirstTagContent(items[i],'description').split('').join('\n'); var editSummary=diffText.replace(RegExp('^


[\\s\\S]*'), '$1');

 var editor=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'creator') || getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'dc:creator');
 if (recent2.ignore_my_edits && wgUserName==editor) { return; }
 // NB article is the link attribute - a fully qualified URL
 var article=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'link');
 if (recent2.delayedLines[article] && recent2.delayedLines[article].editor != editor) {
   delete recent2.delayedLines[article];
 if (recent2.filter_anonsOnly && !recent2.ipUserRegex.test(editor)) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; }
 // articleTitle is the wgTitle thingy with spaces and all that
 var articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title');
 //console.info('articleTitle=%s', articleTitle);
 if (recent2.ignore_safe_pages && recent2.safePagesRe.test(articleTitle)) {
   //console.warn('Ignoring safe page %s', article);
   nextChangeSoon(true); return;
 if (recent2.hideNonArticles) {
   var namespace=articleTitle.replace(/:.*/, );
   if (recent2.namespaces[namespace]) { nextChangeSoon(true); return; }
 // perhaps ignore talk pages
 if (! recent2.show_talkpages && articleTitle
     && /^Discussão:|^[^:]*?[_ ]discussão:/.test(articleTitle)) {
   nextChangeSoon(true); return;
 // perhaps restrict to watchlist articles
 if (recent2.filter_watchlist && articleTitle &&
     ! window.watchlist[articleTitle.replace(/^Discussão:/, ).replace(/[ _]discussão:/, ':')]) {
   nextChangeSoon(true); return;
 // filter against badwords regexp
 if (recent2.filter_badwords) {
   var badMatch=null;
   var diffCell=null;
   var previousVandal= window.vandals[editor];
   var matchesRe=;
   var matchesPlain=;
   while (diffCell=diffCellRe.exec(diffText)) {
     // get content of addition table cells, faster than direct fulltext search
     // .test() is meant to be faster than a full match
     if (badMatch=badWords.test(diffCell[1])) { break; }
   if (badMatch===true || previousVandal) {
     var reMatch;
     while (diffCell && (reMatch=badWords.exec(diffCell[1]))) {
       var badWord=reMatch[2] || reMatch[5];
       if (articleTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(badWord.toLowerCase())<0) { // avoid legit article title occurrences
         badWord=badWord.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, );
         if (badWord!=) {
           matchesPlain+=badWord+', ';
           badWord=badWord.replace(/([^\w ])/g, '\\$1');
     matchesRe=matchesRe.replace(/\|$/, );
     matchesPlain=matchesPlain.replace(/, $/, );
     if (!previousVandal && matchesRe==) { nextChangeSoon(); return; }
     // highlighting
     var highlighted=diffCell && diffCell[1];
     if (matchesRe) {
       highlighted=highlighted.replace(RegExp('('+matchesRe+')', 'g'), '$1');
     articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title');
     // linkify
     if (recent2.linkify) {
     if (previousVandal) {
       matchesPlain = '[Previously rolled back this editor] ' + matchesPlain;
     recent2.delayedLines[article]={timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle,
                                    editor:editor, badWord:matchesPlain, badDiffFragment:highlighted, diff:diffText,
 } else if (recent2.filter_spelling) {
   var splMatch=null;
   while (diffCell=diffCellRe.exec(diffText)) {
     if (splMatch=spellRe.test(diffCell[1])) { break; }
   if (splMatch) {
     splMatch = diffCell[1].match(spellRe);
     var misspelling = splMatch[1]; //.replace(/^\s*/, );
     var badWord = '<a href=\'javascript:recent2.correctSpelling("' + articleTitle.split("'").join("%27") +
       '","'+misspelling.split("'").join("%27")+'")\'>'+ misspelling + '</a>';
     diffText = diffText.replace(RegExp('('+misspelling+')', 'gi'), '$1');
     // linkify
     if (recent2.linkify) { diffText=recent2.doLinkify(diffText); }
     recent2.delayedLines[article] = {timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle,
                                      editor:editor, badWord:badWord, badDiffFragment:, diff:diffText, summary: editSummary};
 } else {
   var article=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'link');
   var articleTitle=getFirstTagContent(items[i], 'title');
   if (recent2.CustomFilter &&
     ! recent2.CustomFilter({timestamp:timestamp, article:article, articleTitle:articleTitle,
           editor:editor, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary})) { nextChangeSoon(); return; }
     // linkify
   if (recent2.linkify) { diffText=recent2.doLinkify(diffText); }
   recent2.delayedLines[article]={timestamp: timestamp, article:article, count:recent2.count, articleTitle:articleTitle,
                                  editor:editor, diff:diffText, summary:editSummary};
 // schedule next iteration



 var output=recent2.getDelayedLineOutput();
 var outputString=;
 if (recent2.outputPosition=='top') {
 else {
   for (var i=output.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
     outputString+=output[i] + (i>0 ? recent2.outputSeparator : ) ;
 if (recent2.wait_for_output) { recent2.pauseOutput(); }
 setTimeout(function() {recent2.doPopups(bundle.output)}, 300);
 processRecentChanges.lastDate=recent2.latest; // - 1; // overlap better than missing some out, i think; FIXME do this properly
 var statusTail=greyFont+'feito até às ' + formatTime(recent2.latest) + '';
 if (processRecentChanges.id > recent2.initialId) {
   statusTail+=' <a href="javascript:showHideDetailRange(' + recent2.initialId + ',' + processRecentChanges.id  + ')">alternar detalhes</a> |';
   if (recent2.autoexpand) {
     setTimeout( function() {
         /* document.title=initialId+' '+processRecentChanges.id; */
         showHideDetailRange(recent2.initialId, processRecentChanges.id); }, 250 );
 statusTail += ' <a href="javascript:deleteEarlierOutputDivs(' + bundle.status.id + ')">limpar lista anterior</a>';
 if (recent2.wait_for_output) {
         statusTail += ' | <a href="javascript:recent2.unpauseOutputOnce()">mostrar novas edições</a>';
'; bundle.status.innerHTML+=statusTail; return;


// linkify and popupsify wikilinks recent2.doLinkify=function(txt) {

 if (!txt) { return txt; }
 txt=txt.replace(/((https?|ftp):(\/\/[^\[\]\{\}\(\)<>\s]+|<[^>]*>)+)/g, function (p,p1) {
   p1=p1.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, );
   var url=encodeURI(p1);
   url=url.replace(/\"/g, '%22');
   url=url.replace(/\'/g, '%27');
   url=url.replace(/#/g, '%23');
   var ti=p1.replace(/\"/g, '"');
   return('<a href="'+url+'" style="text-decoration:none;color:inherit;color:expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color);" title="'+ti+'">'+p+'</a>');
 txt=txt.replace(/((\[\[)([^\|\[\]\{\}\n]*)([^\]\n]*)(]\]))/g, function (p,p1,p2,p3) {
   p3=p3.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, );
   var url=encodeURI(p3);
   url=url.replace(/\"/g, '%22');
   url=url.replace(/\'/g, '%27');
   url=url.replace(/#/g, '%23');
   var ti=p3.replace(/\"/g, '"');
   return('<a href="'+url+'" style="text-decoration:none;color:inherit;color:expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color)" title="'+ti+'">'+p+'</a>');


processRecentChanges.lastDate=0; processRecentChanges.id=0;

recent2.getDelayedLineOutput=function() {

 var ret=[];
 var id=processRecentChanges.id;
 for (var a in recent2.delayedLines) {
   if (recent2.delayedLines[a] && typeof recent2.delayedLines[a].count == typeof 1 &&
       recent2.count - recent2.delayedLines[a].count >= recent2.delay) {
     var line=(recent2.doLine(recent2.delayedLines[a]));
     if (line) { ret.push(line); }
     delete recent2.delayedLines[a];
 return ret;


window.deleteEarlierOutputDivs=function(cur) {

 for(var i=0; i<outputDivs.length; ++i) {
   if (!outputDivs[i] || !outputDivs[i].id) continue;
   if (outputDivs[i].id >= 0 && outputDivs[i].id < cur) {
     // FIXME BUG: if we go from the bottom up, then we'll delete one too many or too few, or something :-)
 // scroll to the top if we're appending output to the bottom, to keep the div we've clicked visible after the deletions
 if (recent2.outputPosition!='top') document.location='#';


window.showHideDetailRange=function(start,end) {

 // use the first div to see if we should show or hide
 var div=document.getElementById('diff_div_' + start);
 if (!div) {alert('no such div: diff_div_' + start); return; }
 var state=false; // hide
 if (div.style.display=='none') state=true; // show
 for (var i=start; i<end; ++i) {
   showHideDetail(i, true, state);


window.toggleSysopEdits=function() {

 var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div');
 for (var i=0; i<divs.length; ++i) {
   if (divs[i].className=='sysop_edit_line') divs[i].style.display= ( toggleSysopEdits.hidden ? 'none' : 'inline' );
 toggleSysopEdits.hidden = ! toggleSysopEdits.hidden;



window.vandalColour = function(vandal) {

 var num=window.vandals[vandal];
 if (!num) return ;
 switch (num) {
 case 1: return '#DDFFDD';
 case 2: return '#BBFFBB';
 var i= 9-(num - 3) *2;
 if (i < 0) i=0;
 return '#' + i + i + 'FF' + i + i;


window.clickDetails=function(action, max) {

 if(!action) action='show';
 if (!max) max = document.links.length;
 var count=0;
 for (var i=0; i<document.links.length && count < max; ++i) {
   if(document.links[i].innerHTML==action + ' details' && document.links[i].href.indexOf('javascript:') == 0) {
     eval(document.links[i].href.replace('javascript:', ));



recent2.unpauseOutputOnce=function() {

       //console.log('unpausing once');
       if (recent2.pausedOutput) {


recent2.pauseOutput=function() {

       if (!recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.togglePausedOutput(); }

} recent2.unpauseOutput=function() {

       if (recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.togglePausedOutput(); }


recent2.togglePausedOutput=function() {

 if (!recent2.pausedOutput) { recent2.pausedOutput = true; return true; }
 else recent2.pausedOutput=false;
 var outputBuffer=;
 while (recent2.pendingLines.length) {
   if (recent2.pendingLines.length) { outputBuffer+=recent2.outputSeparator; }
 var pos=recent2.outputPosition;
 var output=newOutputDiv('recent2.lines', pos);
 setTimeout(function() {recent2.doPopups(output)}, 300);
 return false;


recent2.togglePaused=function() {

 if(!recent2.paused) { recent2.paused=true; return true; }
 loopRecentChanges(loopRecentChanges.url, loopRecentChanges.iterations);
 return false;


recent2.doLine=function(bundle) {

 if (recent2.pausedOutput) {
   return ;
 //if (recent2.filter_spelling) { return recent2.doSpellLine(bundle); }
 var sysop = null;
 if (typeof sysops != 'undefined') sysop=sysops.test(bundle.editor);
 var lastDiffPage=bundle.article + '?diff=cur&oldid=prev';
 var div=;

if (window.vandals[bundle.editor]) { if (window.vandals[bundle.editor] > 0) { div='

'} } else if (sysop) {div='
 return div +


  • ' + '<a href="javascript:showHideDetail(' + bundle.id + ')" id="showdiff_link_' + bundle.id + '">expandir </a>' + formatTime(bundle.timestamp) + ' ' + //latest + ' ' + processRecentChanges.lastDate + ' ' + '(' + linkmaker(lastDiffPage, 'dif') + '.' + linkmaker(bundle.article+'?action=history', 'hist') + ')' + ' ' + linkmaker(bundle.article, bundle.articleTitle) + ( bundle.badWord ? ' inclui ' + bundle.badWord + ' . . ' : ' . . ') + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário:' + bundle.editor, bundle.editor) + ' (' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor, 'disc') + '.' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Especial:Contributions/' + bundle.editor, 'cont') + ') . (' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:Av-tes' + 't%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', 'test') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:avi' + 'so%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', 'av') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:Propagan' + 'da%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', 'prop') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:ortogra' + 'fia%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', 'ort') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:Mostrar Previ' + 'são%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', 'prev') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:bv%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Bem-vindo usando AVT', 'bv') + ' ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:Bv-av (Registra' + 'do)%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', '+av') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:Bem-vindo IP%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Bem-vindo IP usando AVT', 'bvIP') + ' ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Usuário Discussão:' + bundle.editor + '?action=edit' + '&autoedit=s#$#\\nPredefinição:Sub' + 'st:Bv-a' + 'v%20~~' + '~~#&autosummary=Aviso usando AVT', '+av') + ' | ' + linkmaker(recent2.articlePath + 'Special:Blockip/' + bundle.editor, 'bloq') + ') . ' + ( bundle.summary ? '('+bundle.summary+') ' : '.') + ' . [<a href="javascript:tryRollback(' + bundle.id + ')" class="recent2_rollback">reverter</a>]' + '
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recent2.correctSpelling=function (article, badword) {

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 if (cor.length > 1) {
   var q='Que correcção deve ser usada?\nDigite um número ou outra correcção.\n';
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   var ans=prompt(q);
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 cor=cor.replace(/^ *| *$/g, );
 url += '&autosummary=Corrigir%20ortografia:%20' + wl + '->' + cor;
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window.saveBundle= function(bundle) {

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 for (var prop in bundle) { z[prop]=bundle[prop]; }



window.tryRollback=function(id) {

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 else { recent2.tryAdminRollback(id); }


recent2.getBundleVandal=function(id) {

 var b=window.bundles[id];
 if (!b) {
   alert('No bundle! Please tell Lupin how to reproduce this error - it should not really happen.');
   return null;
 var vandal=b.editor;
 if (window.vandals[vandal]==null) { window.vandals[vandal]=1; }
 else { window.vandals[vandal]++; }
 return b;



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 var vandal=b.editor;
 var onSuccess=function (x, bundle) {

var rollRe=RegExp('<a href="(/w/index.php[^"]*?action=rollback[^"]*?from=([^&]*)[^"]*?)".*?
[^<>]*?'); // match[0]: useless // match[1]: url (escaped) // match[2]: last editor (escaped) // match[4]: last edit summary (wikiText - FIXME strip this to plain text) var match=rollRe.exec(x.responseText); if (!match) { alert('A ferramenta de reversão não foi encontrada.' + '\nSe não é um administrador, active a opção usar reversão para não administradores.\n' + 'Também é possível ter ocorrido um bug.'); return; } var lastEditor=match[2].split('+').join(' '); var lastSummary=match[4]; // var vandal=b.editor; // from the closure if (lastEditor != vandal) { var summary=lastSummary.replace(RegExp('<[^>]*?>','g'),);if (!summary) summary=lastSummary; alert( 'Não foi possível reverter. Alguém editou entretanto a página.\n\nPágina: '+ b.articleTitle + '\nVandal: '+vandal+'\nLast editor: '+lastEditor+'\nEdit summary: '+summary); return; } var rollbackUrl=match[1].split('&').join('&'); // confirm('Rollback edits by '+vandal + ' to '+b.articleTitle+'?') && window.open(rollbackUrl, '_blank'); } var onFailure = function(x,bundle) { alert('HTTP failed when trying to get rollback link in url\n' + bundle.url + '\n\nHTTP status text: ' + x.statusText); return true; } recent2.download({ url:b.url, onSuccess: onSuccess, id: b.id, onFailure:onFailure}); }; recent2.tryNonAdminRollback=function(id) { if (typeof(autoEdit)=='undefined') { alert('Para dispôr da funcionalidade de reversão para não administradores precisa do script Popups de navegação.'); return; } var b=recent2.getBundleVandal(id); if (!b) { return; } var vandal=b.editor; var url=recent2.scriptPath + 'query.php?format=json&titles=' + b.articleTitle + '&what=revisions&rvlimit=100&rvcomments'; var onSuccess=function(x,y){ recent2.processHistoryQuery(x,y,b); } recent2.download({ url: url, onSuccess: onSuccess, id: b.id}); // fixme: onFailure }; recent2.processHistoryQuery=function(x,downloadBundle, bundle) { var json=x.responseText; try { eval('var o='+json); var p=o['pages']; var edits=recent2.anyChild(p)['revisions']; } catch ( someError ) { alert('JSON business failed.\n\n' + json.substring(0,100) + '\n\nCannot rollback.'); return; } var i; for (i=0; i<edits.length; ++i) { if (edits[i]['user']!=bundle.editor) { break; } } if (i===0) { alert( 'Não foi possível reverter. Alguém editou entretanto a página.\n\nPágina: '+ bundle.articleTitle + '\nVandal: '+bundle.editor+'\nLast editor: '+edits[0]['user']+'\nEdit summary: '+edits[0]['comment']); return; } if (i==edits.length) { alert(bundle.editor + ' parece ser o único editor do artigo ' + bundle.articleTitle + '.\n\nReversão interrompida.'); return; } var prevEditor=edits[i]['user']; var prevRev=edits[i]['revid']; var summary='Revertida a edição de ' + escape(bundle.editor) + 'para a edição de ' + escape(prevEditor) + 'usando AVT'; summary=summary.split(' ').join('%20'); var url=bundle.article + '?action=edit&autosummary=' + summary + '&oldid=' + prevRev + '&autoclick=wpSave&autominor=true'; window.open(url, '_blank'); }; //recent2.non_admin_rollback=true; recent2.anyChild=function(obj) { for (var p in obj) { return obj[p]; } return null; } recent2.doPopups=function(div) { if (typeof(window.setupTooltips)!='undefined') { setupTooltips(div); } } window.formatTime=function(timestamp) { var date=new Date(timestamp); var nums=[date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()]; for (var i=0; i<nums.length; ++i) if (nums[i]<10) nums[i]='0'+nums[i]; return nums.join(':'); } window.showHideDetail = function(id, force, state) { var div=document.getElementById('diff_div_' + id); var lk=document.getElementById('showdiff_link_' + id); if (!div) return; var bundle=window.bundles[id]; if (!div.innerHTML) div.innerHTML= ( bundle.badDiffFragment ? bundle.badDiffFragment:) + bundle.diff;if ((force && state==true) || (!force && div.style.display=='none')) { div.style.display='inline'; lk.innerHTML='esconder'; } else { div.style.display='none'; lk.innerHTML='expandir'; } } window.getFirstTagContent=function(parent, tag) { var e=parent.getElementsByTagName(tag); if (e && (e=e[0]) ) { var ret = e.firstChild.nodeValue || e.nodeValue; if (typeof ret != typeof ) return ; return ret; } } recent2.newCheckbox=function(label, state, action, internalName) { // checkbox var ret=document.createElement('input'); ret.type='checkbox'; ret.checked = state; ret.onclick = function() { recent2.setBoxCookies(); this.setVariables(); }; ret.setVariables = action; recent2.controls.appendChild(ret); if (internalName) { recent2.controls[internalName]=ret; } // label var l=document.createElement('label'); l.innerHTML=label; l.onclick=function(){ ret.click(); } recent2.controls.appendChild(l); recent2.checkboxes.push(ret); return ret; }; recent2.checkboxes=[]; recent2.setBoxCookies=function() { var n=1; var val=0; for (var i=0; i<recent2.checkboxes.length; ++i) { val += n * (recent2.checkboxes[i].checked ? 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4 : 0; }, 'delayby4'); line('Usar reversão (para não administradores é necessário ter instalado o script Popups de navegação)', false, function() { recent2.non_admin_rollback = this.checked; }, 'nonadminrollback'); line('Ignorar as minhas edições', false, function() { recent2.ignore_my_edits = this.checked; }, 'ignoremyedits'); line('Ignorar: página de teste, esplanadas, cafés, contato linha direta e registos (movimentação, eliminação, bloqueio e novos usuários)', false, function() { recent2.ignore_safe_pages = this.checked; }, 'ignoresafepages'); // line('Only show output when I ask for it', false, // function() { // recent2.wait_for_output = this.checked; // if (this.checked) { recent2.pauseOutput(); } // else {recent2.unpauseOutput(); } // }, 'waitforoutput'); var b=document.createElement('input'); b.type='button'; b.value='pausa'; b.onclick=function(){ b.value=(recent2.paused)?'pausa':'continuar'; recent2.togglePaused(); } recent2.controls.appendChild(b); recent2.setCheckboxValuesFromCookie(); } recent2.count=0; window.loopRecentChanges=function(url, iterations) { if (!iterations) iterations=20; loopRecentChanges.iterations=iterations; loopRecentChanges.url=url; grabRecentChanges(url); setTimeout(function () { if (recent2.paused) {++recent2.count; return; } if (++recent2.count >= iterations && ! confirm('Continuar a monitorizar as mudanças recentes?') ) return; recent2.count %= iterations; loopRecentChanges(url, iterations); }, 30000); } window.marvin=function() { // this isn't really used (not accessible from the UI), so don't worry about it window.sysops=RegExp("^(Adailton|Agil|Alexg|Amorim Parga|Angeloleithold|Angrense|Arges|Arouck|Bonás|Daniel Candido|Dantadd|Diotti|Dpc01|Dvulture|E2m|EMP|Epinheiro|Fernando S\\. Aldado|Gabrielt4e|Gaf\\.arq|Get It|Giro720|Ikescs|Indech|Jcmo|Jic|JoaoMiranda|Joaotg|Jorge|João Carvalho|Jurema Oliveira|Lampiao|Leonardo\\.stabile|LeonardoG|Leslie|Lijealso|Loge|Lusitana|Luís Felipe Braga|Maddox|Malafaya|Manuel Anastácio|Mateus Hidalgo|Mschlindwein|Muriel Gottrop|N\\&n\\'s|OS2Warp|Ozymandias|PARG|Patrick|PatríciaR|PedroPVZ|Rangelpalma|Rei\\-artur|Reynaldo|Rui Malheiro|Rui Silva|SallesNeto BR|Salvadorjo|Santana\\-freitas|Severino666|Slade|Sturm|Thrasher|Whooligan|Xadai|Xandi)$"); recent2.show_talkpages=true; recent2.controlUI(); loopRecentChanges(recent2.feed, 200); } // ************************************************** // Installation // ************************************************** recent2.addlilink=function(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){ var na = document.createElement('a'); na.href = url; na.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); var li = document.createElement('li'); if(id) li.id = id; li.appendChild(na); tabs.appendChild(li); if(id) { if(key && title) ta[id] = [key, title]; else if(key) ta[id] = [key, ];else if(title) ta[id] = [, title];} // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js akeytt(); return li; } recent2.addToolboxLink=function(url, name, id){ var tb = document.getElementById('p-tb').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; recent2.addlilink(tb, url, name, id); } window.addMarvin=function() { recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.filterPage, 'Monitorizar filtro', 'toolbox_filter_changes'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.allRecentPage, 'Monitorizar tudo', 'toolbox_all_changes'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.recentIPPage, 'Monitorizar IPs', 'toolbox_IP_edits'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.monitorWatchlistPage, 'Monitorizar vigiados', 'toolbox_watchlist_edits'); recent2.addToolboxLink(recent2.articlePath + recent2.spelldictPage, 'Monitorizar ortografia', 'toolbox_spelling'); //document.getElementById('toolbox_filter_changes').onclick=marvin; } recent2.testPage = function (str) { return RegExp(str.split(/[_ ]/).join('[_ ]'), 'i').test(document.location.href); }; window.maybeStart=function() { var loc=document.location.href; if (recent2.testPage(recent2.filterPage)) { recent2.filter_badwords=true; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.allRecentPage)) { recent2.filter_badwords=false; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.recentIPPage)) { recent2.filter_anonsOnly=true; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.monitorWatchlistPage)) { recent2.filter_watchlist=true; } else if (recent2.testPage(recent2.spelldictPage)) { recent2.filter_spelling=true; } else { return; } setTimeout(marvin, 1000); } // onload addOnloadHook(maybeStart); addOnloadHook(addMarvin); //// testing code //recent2.filter_badwords=true; //recent2.filter_spelling=true; //setTimeout(marvin,1000); // </nowiki>


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