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هندو ليکنې - Wikipedia

هندو ليکنې

د Wikipedia لخوا

Hindu texts


  • Vedas
    • Rig Veda
    • Sama Veda
    • Yajur Veda
    • Atharva Veda
  • Brahmanas
  • Aranyakas
  • Upanishads


  • Itihāsas
    • Mahābhārata
      • Bhagavad Gītā
    • Ramayana
    • Puranas (List)
  • Tantras
  • Sutras (List)
  • Stotras
  • Ashtavakra Gita
  • Gherand Samhita
  • Gita Govinda
  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

د هندو مذهب ليكنې، چې د شاسترا په نامه هم پېژندل كېږي، په سانسكرېتي ژبه ليكل شوي دي. هندو مذهبي ليكنې په دوه كټګوريو وېشل كېږي: لومړې سروتي: د هندوانو پر وړاندې هغه ليكنې دي، چې د څښتن له لورې وحى كړاى شوې دي. دويم: سمېرېتي: هغه ليكنې دي، چې يادې كړاى شوې دي ( سمېرېتي هغه ليكنې په اصل كې د سروتي لنډيز دى، چې د هندو ملايانو يا ريشيانو په واسطه ليكل شوي دي).

Hindu scripture, which is knwon as "Shastra" is overwhelmingly written in Sanskrit. Indeed, much of the morphology and linguistic philosophy inherent in the learning of Sanskrit is inextricably linked to study of the Vedas and relevant Hindu texts. Hindu scripture is divided into two categories: Śruti – that which is heard (i.e. revelation) and Smriti – that which is remembered (i.e. tradition, not revelation). The Vedas constituting the former category are considered scripture by all Hindus. The post-Vedic Hindu scriptures form the latter category; the Mahabharata and the Ramayana are notable epics considered scripture by many sects. A sort of cross-over between the religious epics and Upanishads of the Vedas is the Bhagavad Gita, considered to be revealed scripture by almost all Hindus today.

Hindu texts are typically seen to revolve around many levels of reading, namely the gross or physical, the subtle, and the supramental. This allows for many levels of understanding as well, implying that the truth of the texts can only be realized with the spiritual advancement of the reader.


[سمادول] ويدونه

Main article: ويدونه

له ويدا څخه د سروتي كتابونو موخه ده. د هندوانو په ګروهه دا هغه كتابونه دي، چې د څښتن له لورې وحى كړاى شوې دي. ويدا د ډېرې لرغوني پير مذهبي او فلسفي ليكنې دي، چې نن سبا موږ ته راپاتې دي. د ويدا د كتابونو اندواند په پيړيو، پيړيو له يوه نسل څخه و بل نسل ته د كيسو او نكلونو په ډول ورلېږدول كېده. نو په دې ډول دا مذهبي سرودونه د پيړيو، پېړيو لپاره د خلكو په سينو كې خوندي ول، او له پلار څخه به زوى ته، او له ښونكي څڅه به زده كوونكيو ته ورلېږدول كېدل.

Therefore, these ideas had been in circulation for a long time before their codification and compilation, which are attributed to a Rishi named Veda Vyasa (literally, "the splitter of the Vedas," ). He was named that way as it was he who was accredited with forming the large mass of knowledge and hymns of the Vedas and 'splitting' them into comprehensible sections for the rest of humanity. Scholars today agree the Vedas were composed around 1500-600 BCE.

The four Vedas are the Rigveda ("the Veda of verses"), the Samaveda ("the Veda of chants"), the Yajurveda ("the Veda of sacrificial formulas") and the Atharvaveda ("the Veda of the Atharvan priests"). The oldest of the Vedas is the Rigveda. The Rigveda contains over 1000 poems addressed to the various Vedic deities, many of whom are representations of various aspects of nature.

[سمادول] اوپنېشادونه

Main article: اوپنېشاد

د اوپنېشاد مانا ده، نږدې كښېناستل، راز و نياز خبرې، په پوره پام سره غوږ نيونه، د هندوانو هغه مذهبي كتابونه دي، چې د ويدونو سرودونه او مذهپي ګروهې يې پكې په لنډ ډول يادې كړې دي. دې كتابونو ته د ويدونو پاى هم وايي. د اوپنېشادونو ښوونې ته ويدانت وايي.

په لرغونې پير كې به زده كوونكي د ښوونكي څنګ ته كښېناستل، او له هغه څخه به يې زده كړه كوله، د درس دې كړۍ كې چې كوم درس ويل كېده، هغې ته يې اوپنېشاد ويل. دا ويناوې او درس له ۸۰۰۹مخزيږ څخه نيولې تر ۵۰۰مخزېږ پېړيو پورې پير كې راجوړ شوي دي. ددې ويناؤ شمېره ۱۰۸ يا له دې څخه لږ و ډېر دي، چې له دې دلې څخه ۱۳ ويناوې ډېرې مشهورې دي. دا ويناوې د خبرو اترو په څېر دي، ځينې يې د نظم په څېر دي.

While the Upanishads are indeed classed within the fold of the "Vedas," their actual importance to Hindu thought has far exceeded that of possibly any other set of Hindu scriptures, and even resulted in the Bhagavad Gita, which is a self-proclaimed yoga upanishad. Thus, they deserve a look that is independent from the samhitas and brahamans, whose excessive ritualism the Upanishads famously rebelled against. They form Vedanta and are the basis of much of Classical Hindu thought.

The Upanishads ("Sittings Near [a Teacher]") are part of the Hindu Shruti; these religious scriptures primarily discuss philosophy and "cosmic reality"; they also contain transcripts of various debates or discussions. There are 123 books argued to be part of the Upanishads; however, only 13 are accepted by all Hindus as primary. They are commentaries on the Vedas and their branch of Hinduism is called Vedanta. See Upanishads for a much more detailed look at the mystic backbone of Hinduism.

The Upanishads are acknowledged by scholars and philosophers from both East and West, from Schrödinger, Thoreau and Emerson to Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and Aurobindo Ghosh, to be superlatively beautiful in poetry and rich in philosophy.

[سمادول] Post-Vedic Hindu scriptures

The new books that appeared afterwards were called Smriti. Smrti literature includes Itihasas (epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata), Puranas (mythological texts), Agamas (theological treatises) and Darshanas (philosophical texts).

The Dharmashastras (law books) are considered by many to form part of the smrti. From time to time great law-givers (eg Manu, Yajnavalkya and Parashara) emerged, who codified existing laws and eliminated obsolete ones to ensure that the Hindu way of life was consistent with both the Vedic spirit and the changing times. However, it must be noted that the Dharmashastras have long been discarded by many groups of Hindus, namely those following Vedanta, Bhakti, Yoga and Tantra streams of Hinduism.

The Hindu philosophy reflected in the epics is the doctrine of avatar (incarnation of God as a human being). The two main avatars of Vishnu that appear in the epics are Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, and Krishna, the chief protagonist in the Mahabharata. Unlike the gods of the Vedic Samhitas and the more meditative, mystic and ethical Upanishadic ideas regarding the all-pervading and formless Brahman, the avatars in these epics are more developed personalities, loving and righteous descents of the Supreme Being among mortals.

[سمادول] د بګوات ګيتا

Main article: Bhagavad Gita

Many a Hindu has said that the most succinct and powerful abbreviation of the overwhelmingly diverse realm of Hindu thought is to be found in the Bhagavad Gita. Essentially, it is a microcosm of Vedic, Yogic, Vedantic and even Tantric thought of the Hindu fold. Composed between the 5th and 2nd centuries BCE, the Bhagavad Gita (literally: Song of the Lord) is a part of the epic poem Mahabharata and is revered in Hinduism. It speaks not only to Vaishnavas but to all people, and it is accepted by the members of all Hindu streams as a seminal text. Indeed, the "tag line" of each chapter of the Bhagavad Gita refers to the book as the "Gita Upanishad" and as a "scripture of yoga," thereby establishing that in this text Lord Krishna speaks the truths of yoga and the Upanishads for all.

What holds the devotee's mind foremost is Krishna's repeated injunction to abandon the mortal self to the infinite love of the Lord. He not only speaks to the mind and to the Hindu's innate sense of Dharma, but calls for overwhelming love. By loving God one also loves the immortal Self, finds harmony in oneself, and finds oneself at peace with the entire cosmos. The Gita speaks of cultivating the intellect, properly using the body, and always remaining equipoised in relation to the greater Self. The Bhagavad Gita truly presents itself as a liberation scripture universal in its message.

[سمادول] The Puranas

Main article: Puranas

The Puranas are a vast literature of stories and allegory. Eighteen are considered to be Mahapuranas, or Great Puranas, and thus authoritative references on the Gods and Goddesses, religious rites and holy places (most of which are in the Indian subcontinent, known as Bharat).

[سمادول] نورې هندو ليكنې

Other famous texts of Hinduism include those of the bhakti yoga school (loving devotion to God) such as the Ramcharitmanas of Tulsidas (an epic poem on the scale of Milton's Paradise Lost based on the Ramayana), the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva (a religious song of the divine love of Krishna and his consort Radha) and the Devi Mahatmya (the tales of Devi, the Hindu mother goddess, in her many forms as Shakti, Durga, Parvati, etc.).

[سمادول] دا هم وګورئ

  • د سوترا لړليك
  • Epic Age
  • Hindu Epics

[سمادول] بهرنې تړن

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