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Wikipedysta:Boud - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia


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Język polski dla osób znają po angielski (Polish language for people who know English):

Na Wikibooks nic nowego nie ma, skopiowali tylko mój tekst z Wiktionary i artykuł Polish language z Wikipedii. Taw 08:25, 2 sty 2004 (CET)
Wiem że jest kopiowany (pod GFDL, oczywiście :) od wiktionary. Gratuluję dla bardzo dobry początek.
Ale moja pytania jest o różnica między dwa głównych stronami na wikibooks, między Wikibooks:Basic Polish language course i Wikibooks:Polish language course. Czy różnica jest że wykład Basic jest krótkiejszy niż wykład bez Basic? Jeszcze nie mam dokładna wizja co potrzeba być różnica między wikipedia i wikibooks, ale rozumiem że potrzeba być różnica, i też rozumiem że może być użyteczny mieć wykłady z rozmaitych poziomów.
BTW, o treści, na Wikibooks:Basic Polish language course dodawałem coś nowego, który dla mnie jest bardzo ważny: Wikibooks:Polish:Prepositions as hints to declensions i moim skromnym zdaniem, może być bardzo użyteczny dla innych. Boud 15:24, 25 mar 2004 (CET)

[edytuj] rozmowe

Boud - pierwszy polski wikipedysta dla którego język polski jest językiem obcym.

Witamy serdecznie --Matusz

Więcej o języku polskim możesz się dowiedzieć z artykułu język polski (chociaż temat wymaga dziesięciokrotnie większej objętości żeby tylko poruszyć wszystkie istotniejsze kwestie). --Taw

It is wonderful that you've joined the Team.
Feel free to write anything you like. However it would be safer to consult someone of us about articles' titles.
Your contributions to the Polish Wikipedia are highly valued.
Serdercznie witam,
P.S I'm curious how did you find out about this Wikipedia.

Kpjas, you would be suprised, how many Polish people got known about Polish Wikipedia because of Boud! smyru

You can see some of my attempts using (allegedly incomprehensible :)))) po polsku on my szkic - boud page, especially for new titles. Thanks for all the nice comments. i probably first heard about wikis in the open publishing community http://www.indymedia.org which is something like wikis, except it's for first-hand news reporting rather than synthesis of general knowledge. --boud

i've been doing a bit on the English version - e.g. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weyl%2527s_postulate and i'll have a go at translating here soon (hopefully). (Weyl's postulate is probably not the best to start off with since it requires many other entries... http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape_of_the_universe would be better... --boud

Welcome among us. If you need any language consultation do not hesitate to email me on my private e-mail. Jonasz (PW) 17:12, 20 maj 2003 (CEST)


Do you think that Szkic - boud is still helpfull ? Would you object deleting it or moving somewhere else (subpage, personal user page etc).
Regards, Kpjas 23:19, 29 paź 2003 (CET)

As we saw on Rasa and Dyskusja:Rasa, Wikipedysta:Beno got his knickers pretty heavily tied in a knot over my correction of an atrociously POV version of the page. So i guess we do need Wikipedysta:Boud/Brudnopis for some time yet... Boud 11:40, 30 lis 2003 (CET)

hi Kpjas, i would have no objections to either deleting it or else just shifting the stuff here - i or someone else can delete the useless stuff. BTW, glad for your help in "cleaning up" after me when i make some changes written without help... Jest to jeden z cudami wikipedii - współpraca bez szefa, bez biurokracji, i jawna :).


Boud 01:59, 22 lis 2003 (CET)

Your "Szkic - boud" has been moved to Wikipedysta:Boud/Brudnopis.

See you,

Olaf 18:17, 24 lis 2003 (CET)

Dzięki Boud 11:40, 30 lis 2003 (CET)


In my opinion it is a very good thing that you decided to participate as a contributor in Polish Wikipedia.
However, writing new articles or translating from other languages requires special language skills and a higher level of language proficiency.

Beno's handling was not very diplomatic but I think he was right in one thing - articles must be understandable and clear. We cannot let articles to become ambigious in any way.

Don't be disheartened. I think you can help improve and clarify articles in these fields you are an expert.

Best wishes,
Kpjas 18:21, 29 lis 2003 (CET)

i agree that articles must be understandable and clear, but they should also be reasonably NPOV, and the article Rasa as it stands is utterly POV. It completely ignores what most scientists in the subject think and state.

Anyway, you would be welcome to make some edits to Wikipedysta:Boud/Brudnopis and you could insert questions in bold for example on bits where you have the comprehension problems...

Boud 11:40, 30 lis 2003 (CET)

Boud, where did you learn Polish? It's not an easy task, especially for an english-speaker, but we indeed do understand you (in most cases, at least). I'm just curious since most of the mistakes you make are completely different from those made by online translators. Anyway, two thumbs up for your good will and your work! I'll drop into your Brudnopis from time to time. Cheers Halibutt 15:08, 23 gru 2003 (CET)

hi Halibutt, i learnt Polish in Poland. It's where i've been living for two years. To see why, check out Kosmologia. :).

most of the mistakes you make are completely different from those made by online translators.

i guess it's this neural-net kernel installed in my carbon-based brain, and i keep installing all sorts of packages pseudo-randomly. Don't think it counts as open source. ;)

Thanks for the support anyway. And Happy New Year and all that stuff. Boud 19:30, 31 gru 2003 (CET)

Hi boud, cieszę się że jesteś w pobliżu :) Szczym

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