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The Beatles - Wikipedia

The Beatles

Ibat king Wikipedia

Ing articulung iti tungkul ya keng the band. Para keng aliwang gamit, lawen ye ing The Beatles (disambiguation).
Deng Beatles
From left to right: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon
From left to right: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon
Penibatan Liverpool, England
Genre Pop
banuang gugunyat 1960–1970
Tatak Parlophone
United Artists Records
Kaugne The Quarrymen, Plastic Ono Band, The Dirty Mac, Wings, Traveling Wilburys, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, Ringo Starr All-Starr Band
Website www.beatles.com
Deng kayanib
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr
Dating kayanib
Stuart Sutcliffe
Pete Best

Deng The Beatles metung lang pop ampong rock a grupu ibat Liverpool, England mitatag inyang 1960. Keraklan di John Lennon (guitar, bosis), Paul McCartney (bau guitara, bosis), George Harrison (guitara, bosis), ampong Ringo Starr (tambul, bosis) ila reng kayanib king karelang buung carera, Deng Beatles mekilala la inyang ila reng menimunu inyang kalibudtan na ning -1960s musical "British Invasion" king United States. Agiang ing karelang stilu ning tigtigan mikayamut ya inyang 1950s rock and roll ampong dagulkarelang skiffle, ing lupung menyaliksik ya genres manibat Tin Pan Alley anggang psychedelic rock. Pemakiapusan dala deng tau keng karelang imalan, pemanyalita, aske nung nu ing karelang pangaguman at pangkalinangan a pamagbayu memanalas kareng aguman. Inyang ing banda mikakawani la inyang 1970, deng apat migsasarili la king karelang carera.

[mag-edit] Dalerayan

  • Coleman, Ray (1989). Brian Epstein: The Man Who Made The Beatles. Viking. ISBN 0-670-81474-1. 
  • Coleman, Ray (1984). Lennon: The Definitive Biography. New York: Pan Books. ISBN 0-060-98608-5. 
  • Davies, Hunter (1985). The Beatles. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-070-15463-5. 
  • Harry, Bill (2000). The Ultimate Beatles Encyclopedia. MJF Books. ISBN 1-567-31403-1. 
  • Lennon, Cynthia (2006). John. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-89828-3. 
  • Lewisohn, Mark (1992). The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions: The Official Story of the Abbey Road Years. Hamlyn. ISBN 0-681-03189-1. 
  • Lewisohn, Mark (1996). The Complete Beatles Chronicle. Chronicle Press. ISBN 1-85152-975-6. 
  • Miles, Barry (1998). Many Years from Now. Vintage-Random House. ISBN 0-749-38658-4. 
  • O'Brien, Ray (2001). There are Places I'll Remember. London: Ray O'Brien. ISBN 0-954-44730-1. 
  • Pedler, Dominic (2003). The Songwriting Secrets of The Beatles. Omnibus Press. ISBN 0-7119-8167-1. 
  • Spitz, Bob (2005). The Beatles. Little Brown. ISBN 0-316-80352-9. 
  • Template:Cite video

[mag-edit] Dakal pang pamamasa

  • Astley, John (2006). Why Don't We Do It In The Road? The Beatles Phenomenon. The Company of Writers. ISBN 0-9551834-7-2. 
  • Lennon, John; Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr (2000). The Beatles Anthology. Chronicle Books. ISBN 0-811-82684-8. 
  • Bramwell, Tony (2005). Magical Mystery Tours. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-33043-X. 
  • Braun, Michael (1964). Love Me Do: The Beatles' Progress, 1995 Reprint, London: Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-002278-3. 
  • Carr, Roy; Tyler, Tony (1975). The Beatles: An Illustrated Record. Harmony Books. ISBN 0-517-52045-1. 
  • Cross, Craig (2005). The Beatles: Day by Day, Song by Song, Record by Record. iUniverse. ISBN 0-595-34663-4. 
  • Dimery, Martin (2002). Being John Lennon. SAF books. ISBN 0-946719-43-8. 
  • Emerick, Geoff; Massey, Howard Chiu (2006). Here, There and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of The Beatles. Gotham Books. ISBN 1-59240-179-1. 
  • Kirchherr, Astrid; Voorman, Klaus (1999). Hamburg Days. Genesis Publications. ISBN 0-904351-73-4.  Chronicles The Beatles early years spent performing at Hamburg's Kaiserkeller, Top Ten Club, and the Star Club, 1960-1962. With Foreword by George Harrison and Afterword by Paul McCartney.
  • MacDonald, Ian (1995). Revolution in the Head: The Beatles' Records and the Sixties. Vintage. ISBN 0-7126-6697-4. 
  • Mansfield, Ken (2007). The White Book. Thomas Nelson. ISBN 1-5955-5101-6. 
  • Martin, George (1994). Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. Pepper. Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-60398-2. 
  • Norman, Philip (1997). Shout: The Beatles in Their Generation. MJF Books. ISBN 1-56731-087-7. 
  • Palowski, Gareth (1989). How They Became the Beatles. Plume. ISBN 9780-45226506-6. 
  • Porter, Alan J (2003). Before They Were Beatles: The Early Years 1956–1960. Xlibris. ISBN 1-4134-3056-2. 
  • Ryan, Kevin; Kehew, Brian (2006). Recording The Beatles: The Studio Equipment and Techniques Used to Create Their Classic Albums. Houston: Curvebender Publishing. ISBN 0-9785200-0-9. 
  • Schaffner, Nicholas (1977). The Beatles Forever. Cameron House. ISBN 0-8117-0225-1. 
  • Spitz, Bob (2005). The Beatles: The Biography. Little Brown. ISBN 0-316-80352-9. 
  • Turner, Steve (2005). A Hard Day's Write: The Stories Behind Every Beatles Song, 3rd ed., New York: Harper Paperbacks. ISBN 0-06-084409-4.  Discusses the inspiration for or interprets every Beatles song.

[mag-edit] Suglung Palual

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