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Template:Infobox Settlement/doc - Wikipedia

Template:Infobox Settlement/doc

Ibat king Wikipedia

This is the template documentation page for Template:Infobox Settlement.

This page is not necessarily intended to be viewed directly. If it uses variables, some links may appear broken. Do not replace these variables with hardcoded page names or URLs.

Warning Before making any changes to the template, please first try and compare your changes in the test template:Template:Infobox Settlement/sandbox. Thank you.


[mag-edit] Usage

  • Important: Please enter all numeric values in a raw, unformatted fashion. References are to be included in their respective section footnotes field. Numeric values that are not "raw" may create an "Expression error". Raw values will be automatically formatted by the template. If you find a raw value is not formatted in your usage of the template, please post a notice on the discussion page for this template.
  • Empty Syntax

For questions see the talk page.

{{Infobox Settlement
<!--See the Table at Infobox Settlement for all fields and descriptions of usage-->
<!-- Basic info  ---------------->
|official_name          = 
|other_name             =
|native_name            =  <!-- for cities whose native name is not in English -->
|nickname               = 
|settlement_type        = <!--For Town or Village (Leave blank for the default City)-->
|motto                  =
<!-- images and maps  ----------->
|image_skyline          = 
|imagesize              = 
|image_caption          = 
|image_flag             = 
|flag_size              =
|image_seal             = 
|seal_size              =
|image_shield           = 
|shield_size            =
|image_blank_emblem     =
|blank_emblem_type      =
|blank_emblem_size      =
|image_map              = 
|mapsize                = 
|map_caption            = 
|image_map1             = 
|mapsize1               = 
|map_caption1           = 
|image_dot_map          =
|dot_mapsize            =
|dot_map_caption        =
|dot_x =  |dot_y =
|pushpin_map            = <!-- the name of a location map as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Location_map -->
|pushpin_label_position = <!-- the position of the pushpin label: left, right, top, bottom, none -->
|pushpin_map_caption    =
|pushpin_mapsize        =
<!-- Location ------------------>
|subdivision_type       = <!--Country-->
|subdivision_name       = <!--the name of the country-->
|subdivision_type1      = 
|subdivision_name1      = 
|subdivision_type2      = 
|subdivision_name2      = 
|subdivision_type3      = 
|subdivision_name3      = 
|subdivision_type4      = 
|subdivision_name4      =
<!-- Politics ----------------->
|government_footnotes   =
|government_type        =
|leader_title           =
|leader_name            =
|leader_title1          =  <!-- for places with, say, both a mayor and a city manager -->
|leader_name1           =
|leader_title2          =
|leader_name2           =
|leader_title3          =
|leader_name3           =
|leader_title4          =
|leader_name4           =
|established_title      =  <!-- Settled -->
|established_date       = 
|established_title2     =  <!-- Incorporated (town) -->
|established_date2      = 
|established_title3     =  <!-- Incorporated (city) -->
|established_date3      =
<!-- Area    --------------------->
|area_magnitude         = 
|unit_pref                = <!--Enter: Imperial, if Imperial (metric) is desired-->
|area_footnotes           =
|area_total_km2           = <!-- ALL fields dealing with a measurements are subject to automatic unit conversion-->
|area_land_km2            = <!--See table @ Template:Infobox Settlement for details on automatic unit conversion-->
|area_water_km2           =
|area_total_sq_mi         =
|area_land_sq_mi          =
|area_water_sq_mi         =
|area_water_percent       =
|area_urban_km2           =
|area_urban_sq_mi         =
|area_metro_km2           =
|area_metro_sq_mi         =
|area_blank1_title        =
|area_blank1_km2          =
|area_blank1_sq_mi        =
<!-- Population   ----------------------->
|population_as_of               =
|population_footnotes           =
|population_note                =
|population_total               =
|population_density_km2         =
|population_density_sq_mi       =
|population_metro               =
|population_density_metro_km2   =
|population_density_metro_sq_mi =
|population_urban               =
|population_density_urban_km2   =
|population_density_urban_sq_mi =
|population_blank1_title        =
|population_blank1              =
|population_density_blank1_km2 =   
|population_density_blank1_sq_mi =
<!-- General information  --------------->
|timezone               = 
|utc_offset             = 
|timezone_DST           = 
|utc_offset_DST         = 
|latd= |latm= |lats= |latNS=
|longd= |longm= |longs= |longEW=
|elevation_footnotes    =  <!--for references: use <ref> </ref> tags-->
|elevation_m            = 
|elevation_ft           =
<!-- Area/postal codes & others -------->
|postal_code_type       =  <!-- enter ZIP code, Postcode, Post code, Postal code... -->
|postal_code            =
|area_code              =
|blank_name             =
|blank_info             =
|blank1_name            =
|blank1_info            =
|website                = 
|footnotes              = 

[mag-edit] Table

This table is still under construction.

[mag-edit] Name and motto

Field Name Usage Description
official_name required The official name in English
other_name optional For places with a former or more common name like Bombay or Saigon
native_name optional This will display under the official name in parentheses as such:
settlement_type optional Any type of settlement can be entered, such as towns or villages (Leave blank for the default—City). Examples: see Town, Village, Hamlet, Governorate, Reservation, A country's political divisions (states).
nickname optional For a well known nickname(s).
motto optional Will place the motto under the nicknames

[mag-edit] Images and maps

These variables are only used for generating categories for this article
Field Name Usage Description
image_skyline optional Despite the name it can be any image that an editor wishes. Default size will be 250px
imagesize optional Can be used to tweak the size of the image_skyline up or down. This can can helpful if an editor want to make the infobox wider.
image_caption optional Will place a caption under the image_skyline (if present)
image_flag optional Used for a flag. Default size:100px
flag_size optional Can be used to tweak the size of the image_flag up or down from 100px as desired.
flag_link optional
image_seal optional If the place has an official seal.
seal_link optional
seal_size optional
image_shield optional Can be used for a place with a coat of arms.
shield_link optional Can be used if a wiki article if known but is not automatically linked by the template. See Coquitlam, British Columbia's infobox for an example.
shield_size optional
image_blank_emblem optional Can be used if a place has an official logo, crest, emblem, etc. Logo is the default type. See Kingston upon Hull's infobox for an example.
Deprecated name =city_logo
blank_emblem_type optional To specify what type of emblem "image_blank_emblem" is. The default is Logo.
blank_emblem_size optional Deprecated name =citylogo_size
blank_emblem_link optional Deprecated name =logo_link
image_map optional
mapsize optional
map_caption optional
image_map1 optional A secondary map image. The field image_map must be filled in first. Example see: Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
mapsize1 optional
map_caption1 optional
image_dot_map optional A field for manually superimposing a dot over a blank map using an "X" & "Y" system. Blank maps, if available, can be found over at Wikimedia Commons. Example see: Rainbow Lake, Alberta
dot_mapsize optional To change the dot map size; default is 180px.
dot_map_caption optional For placing a caption under the dot map.
optional For manually superimposing the dot left/right and up/down on the map.
pushpin_map optional The name of a location map as per Template:Location map (eg. Indonesia or Russia). The coordinate fields (eg. latd and longd) position a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the map automatically. Example see: Padang, Indonesia
pushpin_label_position optional The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin coordinate marker. Valid options are {left, right, top, bottom, none}. If this field is not specified, the default value is right.
pushpin_mapsize optional Must be entered as only a number—no need for px. The default value is 250.
pushpin_map_caption optional Fill out if a different caption from map_caption is desired.

[mag-edit] Government and Established information

Field Name Usage Description
subdivision_type optional This field is almost always "Country".
subdivision_name optional Depends on the subdivision_type
optional Can be State/Province, region, county.
government_footnotes optional If a reference(s) is available this where to put them using the <ref> </ref> tags and possibly the citing format at {{Cite web}} within the ref tags.
government_type optional Example:
leader_title optional First title of the place's leader, e.g. Mayor
leader_name optional Tip: Names are automatically wiki-linked if an article exists; if the target is not the intended one, insert a character such as "& nbsp;" to disable the link
optional For long lists use {{Collapsible list}}. See Halifax for an example.
established_title optional Example: First settled
established_date optional
established_title2 optional Example: Incorporated (town)
established_date2 optional
established_title3 optional Example: Incorporated (city)
established_date3 optional

[mag-edit] Geographic information

These fields have dual automatic unit conversion meaning that if only metric values are entered, the imperial values will be automatically converted and vise-versa. If an editor wishes to over-ride the automatic conversion, e.g. if the source gives both metric and imperial or if a range of values is needed, they can should enter both values in their respective fields.
Field Name Usage Description
unit_pref optional If the editor would like to change the unit order to imperial (metric) they should enter imperial. The default is metric (imperial). However, template will swap the unit order automatically if the subdivision_name equals same variation of the U.S.
All values must be entered in a raw format, no commas, spaces, or unit symbols. The template will format them automatically.
area_footnotes optional If a reference(s) is available this where to put them using the <ref> </ref> tags and possibly the citing format at {{Cite web}} within the ref tags.
area_magnitude optional Area magnitude of total_area in terms of m². Should enter 1 E+6 for area of 1.0 km². See 1 E+6 m²
area_total_km2 optional Total area in square kilometers—symbol: km², which is wiki-linked. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square miles if area_total_sq_mi is empty.
Deprecated name =area_total
area_land_km2 optional Land area in square kilometers—symbol: km². Value must be entered in raw format, no comms or spaces. Auto-converted to display square miles if area_land_sq_mi is empty.
Deprecated name =area_land
area_water_km2 optional Water area in square kilometers—symbol: km². Value must be entered in raw format, no comms or spaces. Auto-converted to display square miles if area_water_sq_mi is empty.
Deprecated name =area_water
area_total_sq_mi optional Total area in square miles—symbol: sq mi, which is wiki-linked. Value must be entered in raw format, no comms or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers if area_total_km2 is empty.
Deprecated name =TotalArea_sq_mi
area_land_sq_mi optional Land area in square miles—symbol: sq mi. Value must be entered in raw format, no comms or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers if area_land_km2 is empty.
Deprecated name =LandArea_sq_mi
area_water_sq_mi optional Water area in square miles—symbol: sq mi. Value must be entered in raw format, no comms or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers if area_water_km2 is empty.
Deprecated name =WaterArea_sq_mi
area_water_percent optional Enter the percent of water without the "%"
area_urban_km2 optional
Deprecated name =area_urban
area_urban_sq_mi optional
Deprecated name =UrbanArea_sq_mi
area_metro_km2 optional
Deprecated name =area_metro
area_metro_sq_mi optional
Deprecated name =MetroArea_sq_mi
area_blank1_title optional Example see London
area_blank1_km2 optional
area_blank1_sq_mi optional
area_blank2_title optional
area_blank2_km2 optional
area_blank2_sq_mi optional
elevation_footnotes optional If a reference(s) is available this where to put them using the <ref> </ref> tags and possibly the citing format at {{Cite web}} within the ref tags.
elevation_m optional Raw number entered in meters. Will automatically convert to display elevation in feet if elevation_ft is empty. However, if a range in elevation (i.e. 5–50 m ) is desired, the editor must enter a converted range in the elevation_ft field to over-ride the automatic conversion.
Deprecated name =elevation
elevation_ft optional Raw number, entered in feet. Will automatically convert to display elevation in meters if elevation_m field is empty. However, if a range in elevation (i.e. 50–500 ft ) is desired, the editor must enter a converted range in the elevation_m field to over-ride the automatic conversion.
latd optional Latitude degrees. Can also be used for decimal degrees.
latm optional Latitude minutes
lats optional Latitude seconds
latNS optional Latitude North or South.
longd optional
longm optional
longs optional
longEW optional

[mag-edit] Population infomation

The density fields have dual automatic unit conversion meaning that if only metric values are entered, the imperial values will be automatically converted and vise-versa. If an editor wishes to over-ride the automatic conversion, e.g. if the source gives both metric and imperial or if a range of values is needed, they can should enter both values in their respective fields.
Field Name Usage Description
population_as_of optional
population_footnotes optional If a reference(s) is available this where to put them using the <ref> </ref> tags and possibly the citing format at {{Cite web}} within the ref tags.
population_total optional
population_density_km2 optional
Deprecated name =population_density
population_density_sq_mi optional
Deprecated name =population_density_mi2
population_metro optional
population_density_metro_km2 optional
population_density_metro_sq_mi optional
Deprecated name =population_density_metro_mi2
population_urban optional
population_density_urban_km2 optional
population_density_urban_sq_mi optional
Deprecated name =population_density_urban_mi2
population_blank1_title optional Can be used for estimates. Example: Windsor, Ontario
population_blank1 optional The population value for blank1_title
population_density_blank1_km2 optional
population_density_blank1_sq_mi optional
population_blank2_title optional
population_blank2 optional
population_density_blank2_km2 optional
population_density_blank2_sq_mi optional
population_note optional A place for additional infomation such as the name of the source. See Windsor, Ontario for example.

[mag-edit] Other infomation

Field Name Usage Description
timezone optional
utc_offset optional
timezone_DST optional
utc_offset_DST optional
postal_code_type optional
postal_code optional
area_code optional
blank_name optional Can be used for additional information such as car plates
blank_info optional This is where the information for the blank_name would go. Example see: Warsaw.
blank1_name optional
blank1_info optional
footnotes optional
website optional

[mag-edit] Microformat


[mag-edit] Usage Example

from Detroit, Michigan--Note Pipe characters are in front of the line of cell data, instead of at the end of the line, which simplify the spacing:

{{Infobox Settlement
 | official_name = City of Detroit
 | nickname = Motor City, Motown, Rock City, The D
 | motto = "Speramus Meliora; Resurget Cineribus"<br />([[Latin]] for, "We Hope For Better Things; It Shall Rise From the Ashes")
 | image_skyline = DetroitSkyline.jpg
 | image_flag = Detroit flag.png
 | image_seal = Detroit Seal.png
 |image_map = Wayne_County_Michigan_Incorporated_and_Unincorporated_areas_Detroit_highlighted.svg

 | map_caption = Location in [[Wayne County, Michigan|Wayne County]], [[Michigan]]
 |subdivision_type = [[Countries of the world|Country]]
 |subdivision_type1 = [[U.S. state|State]]
 |subdivision_type2 = [[List of counties in Michigan|County]]
 |subdivision_name = [[United States]]
 |subdivision_name1 = [[Michigan]]
 |subdivision_name2 = [[Wayne County, Michigan|Wayne County]]
 | established_title = Founded
 | established_date = [[1701]]
 | established_title2 = Incorporation
 | established_date2 = [[1806]]
 | government_type = [[Mayor-council government|Strong Mayor-Council]]
 | leader_title =[[List of mayors of Detroit, Michigan|Mayor]]
 | leader_name =[[Kwame Kilpatrick]] (D)
 | area_magnitude = 1 E8
 | area_total_sq_mi =143.0
 | area_total_km2 = 370.2
 | area_land_sq_mi = 138.8
 | area_land_km2 = 359.4
 | area_water_sq_mi = 4.2
 | area_water_km2 = 10.8
 | area_urban_sq_mi = 1295
 | area_urban_km2 = 3354
 | area_metro_km2 = 10135
 | area_metro_sq_mi = 3913
 | population_as_of=2006
 | population_footnotes =<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.census.gov/popest/estimates.php|title=US Census July 1, 2006 est}}</ref>
 | population_total = 871121
 | population_urban = 3903377
 | population_metro = 4468966
 | population_density_sq_mi = 6856
 | population_density_km2 = 2647
 | timezone = [[Eastern Time Zone (North America)|EST]]
 | utc_offset = -5
 | timezone_DST = [[Eastern Daylight Time|EDT]]
 | utc_offset_DST = -4
 | latd = 42 | latm = 19 | lats = 53.76 | latNS = N
 | longd = 83 | longm = 2 | longs = 51 | longEW = W
 | elevation_footnotes=<ref name= elevation>{{cite web |url={{Gnis3|1617959}} |title=USGS detail on Detroit |accessdate=2007-02-18 }} </ref>
 | elevation_ft = 600
 | elevation_m = 183
 | website = http://www.detroitmi.gov/
 | footnotes =

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -