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The Relapse - Wikipedia

The Relapse

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John Vanbrugh (1664–1726) autore de The Relapse  (Li Residivo).
John Vanbrugh (1664–1726) autore de The Relapse (Li Residivo).
Colley Cibber kom Lord Foppington, "brutal, mal, e saji."
Colley Cibber kom Lord Foppington, "brutal, mal, e saji."

The Relapse (Li Residivo), o Virtue in Danger (Vertu in Danjere), es restaurational komedie de 1696 da John Vanbrugh, li sekuentum del notori, lakromosi Love's Last Shift o Virtue Rewarded (Li Lasti Deseptione de Amo o Vertu Rekompensat) da Colley Cibber. In Love's Last Shift da Cibber, liberim vivanti libertine del Restauratione bli fa repenta e riforma dal deseptiones de sen marita, e in The Relapse, li libertine ri sukomba ye tentatione e komensa novi amo-afere. Lon vertuosi marita es li objekte de intensi probo por sedukte, ma la resistad kun desfasileso.

Vanbrugh planad The Relapse sirk partikulari aktores che li Drury Lane Teatre in London, skriptent lesen kustomes sur li pleo-platforme, publi reputationes, e personal relationes en li texte. Un tal aktore esed Colley Cibber self, kel plead li luxuosi fatue Lord Foppington amb in Love's Last Shift e The Relapse. Tamen, li artisti planes de Vanburgh blid menasad da impetuosi kompetitione inter li du teatral kompanias de London, chaki de kel sedukted aktores fro li altri. The Relapse preske totim non blid produkte, ma li suksesosi spektakle finim atenet ye novembre 1696 pruvad li intentiones de Vanbrugh, e plusim salvad li kompania fro bankrote.

Diferant fro Love's Last Shift, nultem pleat after li 1690 dek-yare, The Relapse ha retena sen atraktione por audientias. Durant li 18esmi sekle, tamen, lun toleranti trakto de fakti e probat adultero gradualim devenid nonakseptabli segun li opinione del publikum, e li original pleo esed durant un sekle remplasat sur li pleo-platforme dal moralisati versione A Trip to Scarborough (Exkursione a Scarborough) (1777) da Sheridan. Sur li moderne pleo-platforme The Relapse es establit kom un ek li maxim populari restaurational komedies, prisat pro li fasili, lejeri esprite de Vanbrugh.

[modifika] Referos

(omnes anglim)

  • Cibber, Colley (unesme publikigita 1740, ed. Robert Lowe, 1889). An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, vol.1, vol 2. London.
  • Faller, Lincoln B. (1974–75). "Between jest and earnest: the comedy of Sir John Vanbrugh". Modern Philology 72, 17—29.
  • Gildon, Charles (1699). The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets. London.
  • Harris, Bernard (1971). Introduction to The Relapse. London: New Mermaids, Ernest Benn.
  • Holland, Peter (1979). The Ornament of Action: Text and Performance in Restoration Comedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hume, Robert D. (1976). The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Milhous, Judith (1979). Thomas Betterton and the Management of Lincoln's Inn Fields 1695–1708. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Van Lennep, William (ed.) (1965). The London Stage 1660—1800: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces Together with Casts, Box-Receipts and Contemporary Comment Compiled from the Playbills, Newspapers and Theatrical Diaries of the Period, Part 1: 1660–1700. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.

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