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User talk:Srl - Wikipedija

User talk:Srl

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa.

Paġni ta' diskussjoni: Artikli | Users

Għid kelma magħna! Ikklikkja immodifika ħdejn is-sezzjoni li tixtieq, jew żid waħda ġdida. Tinsiex tiffirma billi tagħmel ~~~~

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[editja] Older items

[editja] bil- Malti

Great work Srl! :)--Roderick Mallia 15:12, 12 Novembru 2005 (UTC)

[editja] Wikizine

Hi, I am w:nl:gebruiker:Walter of the dutch Wikipedia. I am writing you because your are listed as ambassador of your wiki. I have something to say that I think you will find useful and possibly others of your wiki also.

You know it is not easy for the members of a local wiki to be informed about what is going on in the higher levels of the Wikimedia family. This because of the language problem and the high level of fragmentation of places where you can find information.

I am now making a weekly news letter (Wikizine) that attempts to provide the news of the Wikimedia projects. The concept is to list only a very short description of the news an give the relevant url to the subject. I want it to be short, only give the news that is important for all projects. The target audience include the ambassadors. It is for people who are interested in what it going on outside there own wiki. I emphasize on the news that is practical-technical. The information comes form several "news"-pages on several wikis, the mailinglists and IRC. There will be news I can not discover. If you have news found somewhere or from you own wiki please let my know. wikizine AT wikipedia.be

I can only create one version in something that supposed to be English. I count on the readers to inform there local wiki about the news in there own language.

Wikizine is send by use of the mailinglist Announce-l. It is only used for this. So people can subscribe without being swamped by emails like the lists.


I hope that you and others of your wiki will subscribe to Wikizine and give feedback. So that Wikizine can become really a source where Wikimedians can find out what is going on. Greetings, w:nl:gebruiker:Walter PS: do not repond here. I will not see it.

[editja] Contributions

I'd be very happy to help in any coordinated efforts in both Wiki MT and EN, though I cannot dedicate a lot of time to large articles at the moment because of university. VodkaJazz 03:45, 16 Novembru 2005 (UTC)

no prob. Srl | lblb 06:38, 16 Novembru 2005 (UTC)

[editja] Undesired conversion in nickname signiture

Hi Steven,

I've been back editing on mt.wikipedia ;)) - I'm having some trouble coz my signiture isn't rendering correctly - I'm not really sure what's going on - I didn't change anything.. It used to render correctly before.

In my settings ( Il-laqam/diminuttiv tiegħek (għall-firem): ) I've got

joelemaltais]][[User talk:Joelemaltais|/<sup>talk</sup>

somehow, the opening [[ for talk is being converted to the numeric entity &#91 ; &#91 ;

so when I sign it looks like this: --joelemaltais [[User talk:Joelemaltais]] 17:45, 6 Jannar 2006 (UTC) ... if yo edit you see the numeric entity.

I use this form on all mediawiki installations (latest stable) I run and never had any trouble. Any idea?

I've got a bunch of things I wanted to ask suggest... but let's get this one sorted out first. Cheers JLM :o)

OK, let me see what i can do. 「ѕʀʟ·」 06:34, 10 Jannar 2006 (UTC)
no hassle - m'hemx għaġla. If you find time could you please delete the redirect Lingwa Awziljari Internazzjonali- nothing links there any longer. I finished the article and moved the page with its correct heading Lingwa Awżiljari Internazzjonali (żżidt iz-ż).
Għas-sena il-ġdida nixtieqlek saħħa u (aktar) ħsibijiet sbieħ. jlm ;-)

[editja] Artikli godda minn barranin u artikli vojta

Qed ninnota ammont konsiderevoli ta' users mhux registrati li qed jifthu artikli godda u ma jimlewhomx jew inkella jiktbu definizzjoni daqs li kieku dan dizzjunarju. Hawn ukoll hafna artikli godda mghamulin minn barranin (Inglizi, Taljani, Polakki...) u jiktbu fihom b'lingwa barranija.

Dan qed jonfoh in-numru ta' artikli u jaghmilha aktar difficli biex niehdu hsieb l-artikli ghax insibu li hafna minnhom huma jew vojta, jew b'lingwa ohra, jew anki idjozziji (bhal Uniejów ??!!). Hemm xi mod kif nevitaw dawn il-problemi? Forsi hemm xi 'setting' li ma jhallix users mhux registratti biex jifthu artikli godda? Minghalija hekk qedha fil-Wiki Ingliza. VodkaJazz 18:06, 10 Jannar 2006 (UTC)

[editja] Help Namespace

Hi Srl ..sorry that I'm double posting.. somehow seems that both admins are on leave :*(. I left a note about the subject here ) I was considering refactoring some help pages but it would be nice to get that sorted out before. actually there is a bunch of other stuff ..maybe we could use a chat client for a change? jlm.

It has to be changed in the template I think.. i.e. in code. I have to get around to it :( Saħħa, 「ѕʀʟ·」 07:50, 7 Frar 2006 (UTC)

[editja] Bug

Fil-"lista t'osservazzjoni tiegħi" qed jigini hekk fuq:

(5 paġna segwita mhux inklużi paġni ta' diskussjoni; 120,000 paġna modifikati since cutoff; ... <a href='http://mt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Watchlist&edit=yes'>uri u mmodifika l-lista kompluta</a>.)

Forsi tista titranga :) VodkaJazz 17:13, 7 Frar 2006 (UTC)

[editja] blocking user

Hi Srl,

I'm gradually losing my patience with someone who is editing via look at the history). Although this IP appears to be a shared proxy, our friend seems to be the only one using it here as an unregisterd user.

Can we do something about this? block or write to abuse at melitacable dot com ?

Have you considered the suggestions brought forward Three talks further up (#Artikli godda minn barranin u artikli vojta)?

cheers jlm

jlm, i'll check... 02:51, 28 Frar 2006 (UTC)

[editja] Trust in Wikipedia

this is Cathy from Hong Kong working on a research about trust on Wikipedia. I wonder if you would kindly contact me at researchingmedia@gmail.com? I'd like to chat with you about Wikipedia of your language. Would you kindly drop me your email or IM (Skype, MSN, AIM or ICQ)? It wouldn't take more than ten minutes, but it would help enormously for us to understand the overall trust-based social landscape of Wikipedia. Thank you!

[editja] Urgent Stuff

Hi Srl, haven’t heard from you in ages.. I hope everything is ok ;)). Could we meet up on skype one of these days.. there's a bunch of stuff which we have to get done ASAP. The Help pages are in a mess.. we need to regroup and merge them .. I just don't feel like doing the work twice i.e. it would be really nice if we could get the help namespace issue settled. When could you spare an hour for us? cheers --joelemaltais [[User talk:Joelemaltais]] 20:47, 25 Ġunju 2006 (UTC)

yes.. like to get back into this.. look for my email.. sorry 「ѕʀʟ·」 05:19, 2 Lulju 2006 (UTC)
drop me an email?「ѕʀʟ·」 05:20, 2 Lulju 2006 (UTC)
Hi srl, I dropped you an email some time ago.. apart from the pending stuff I'd like to use this extension Graphviz extension. I have a patch for it so that it supports Maltese. --joelemaltais [[User talk:Joelemaltais]] 10:43, 18 Lulju 2006 (UTC)

[editja] Wikisource

Hi Srl,

we lately had a bunch of poems as new articles. By convention they usually go to Wikisource. Don't you think it's time to set up wikisource for mt? Of course we've also got fahmu.net/wiki -- there's alot of good stuff there ...might be a good idea merging both projects. X'tgħidli sieheb?


contact the owner of fahmu.net/wiki i if you dont have his contact, email me. I wondered that also. I don't think poems are appropriate here- articles about poems, not poems. 「ѕʀʟ·
I don't have his contact ... Joe.

[editja] special:Allmessages

  • Dear Srl! I want to inform you about a special platform to translate the MediaWiki interface in many languages:
  1. please log in first
  2. choose « ‎Malti‎ · mt: » as user interface language
  3. go to [1] and / or [2]
thanks.. 「ѕʀʟ·

[editja] Translation Request (2 sentences)

For the front page of the Novial Test Wikipedia it would be nice to have a Maltese translation of the following 2 sentences:


Welcome to the Wikipedia in the Novial language!

You can read about the international auxiliary language Novial here.


See the original request at Wikimedia Incubator here.

Thank you, Nov_ialiste

Took care of this myself. I'll try and create an article on Novial too. - Tony Sammut 08:39, 20 Settembru 2006 (UTC)

[editja] dizzjunarju malti


First of all please allow me to congratulate you on the great informative content on your website.

I would like to point to you the latest maltese english dictionary online launched just a couple of days ago... it would be extremely appreciated if you could add a link to it from your site.

The website is :

and maybe blog about it!!!

once again congratulation on your great site and it would be appreciated if you could acknowledge receipt of this email especially with a positive reply to linking to the new website....

please do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information

Ian Vella

Ian, thanks, responded to you by email.. 「ѕʀʟ·

[editja] common.css

Hi Srl - a user posted to Pjazza asking why table borders don't render. I noticed this once before. Has class="wikitable" been moved to some place uncommon? It's usually in MediaWiki:Common.css which was deleted by somebody or somebot saying no longer required - any idea why? Should we recover the file? Thnx&Cheers Joe/Tħaddet :))

[editja] Kategorija "Għajnuna"

Hey there... we're missing you here..and all hoping you're keeping well. First off: happy new year :°> I have to disturb: Leli just asked this question which sort of makes sense:

Joe, Għaliex il-paġni fil-kategorija "Għajnuna" jisimhom Help:(Għajnuna)----
minflok Għajnuna:-----. Hemm xi raġuni teknika? Fil-lingwi oħra m'hemmx "Help".
Taljan: Aiuto:-------
Franċiż: Aide:-------------------
Suomi: Ohye:-------------
Leli Forte 17:11, 5 Frar 2008 (UTC)

I had posted here on this two years ago - I can't figure out why you kept the the english Help: in the prefix. Maybe you could comment before I mess around. Hope to hear from you. Insellimlek

Joe/Tħaddet Super Tuesday 2008.

Thx. Sorry for being absent. I am trying to keep my finger in Maltese, sfortunament dawn il granet nistudja biċċa kbira Ċiniż fil-ħolm li sejjer hemm għal l-Olympiku… i will look at it, but most probably I just didn't know how to change the prefix. You're no disturbance. I think one issue is we really need to submit a NEW TRANSLATION FILE into the wikimedia project, not just translate namespaces here. There's only so much that can be done. Look on my talk page or on the pjazza for links to this . 「ѕʀʟ·」 08:27, 6 Frar 2008 (UTC)
see: Wikipedija:Pjazza#Betawiki:_better_support_for_your_language_in_MediaWikiѕʀʟ·」 08:33, 6 Frar 2008 (UTC)
Thanks, I'll go to Betawiki and see how things work there. .. but c'mon please ...give me a break ... Chinese !!*# .. stick to the underdog Maltese :)) Joe

[editja] Using the 'ref'-tag on mt.wiki

Hi Srl, I'm switching to use the 'ref'-tag for references:

<ref name="somename">Joe Le Maltais (14 ta' Settembru, 1973. [http://www.foobar.html#ezempju 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet']. Kontenut miġbud 22 ta' Mejju 2008.</ref>.

Hitting the reference, properly scrolls directly to the right point in the page but the target is not highlighted (as rendered on en.wiki). C.f. en: Joe Sacco vs. Joe Sacco. Do you have any Idea if I have ta add something in common or monobook to make it work? - I can figure this one out but thought I'd ask, say hello .. and give you something to do :)) Hope you're doing well! Joe

[editja] Reviewers of icu mt locale source data

Hi Srl, do you know who reviews source data for the mt locale? Are they really sure its Ġorġja and not Ġjorġja? cheers Joe :))

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