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User talk:Chinneeb - Википедиа

User talk:Chinneeb

Чөлөөт нэвтэрхий толь, Википедиагаас

Хэлэлцүүлэг явуулах хэл: Монгол, Англи, Япон
Preferred discussion languages: Mongolian, English, Japanese
会話を行う言語: モンゴル語、英語、日本語

Харилцан яриаг тасалдуулахгүйн тулд асуултад хариулахдаа миний бие асуулт бичигдсэн хуудсан дээр нь хариулна.
Хэрэв би таны хэлэлцүүлгийн хуудсан дээр юм бичвэл таны хариултыг тэнд нь хүлээх болно.
Үүнчлэн хэрэв та энд юм бичвэл хариултыг нь энд хүлээнэ үү.

I will answer questions on the same page as asked, so that the dialog remains in one piece.
This means that I'll observe your talk page after posting there.
If you post here, please do the same.



[Засварлах] "Mongol invasion of Japan" in Mongol language

Hello, I'm a Korean wikipedian, and recently I started an article for "Mongol invasion of Japan". I would like to add the formal name of the war in Mongol language,but I couldn't. Would you help me? 05:21, 9 Хоёрдугаар сар 2008 (UTC)

Hi, sorry for the long wait in replying, but I've been a bit busy lately. I don't know if an "official" name exists for any of the battles of the Mongol Empire, so you should probably just add the Japanese name of the battle, Genkou (元寇). --Чинээминий яриа 06:15, 20 Хоёрдугаар сар 2008 (UTC)

[Засварлах] Betawiki

Hi Chinneeb! I see you translate interface messages here. I want to invite you to translate them on Betawiki instead. The reason is because all translations made on betawiki can be used on every wiki, this means if you log in on e.g. the English Wikipedia, you can select this language in your preferences. See Translating:Why use Betawiki for more advantages. See also Translating:Group statistics, if you look at Mongolian, you will see that nothing is translated yet, but we have imported the messages to Betawiki. If I convinced you, please log in (I see you have already created an account in January) and follow the instructions on your talk page. Thank you very much, SPQRobin@betawiki 00:19, 2 Гуравдугаар сар 2008 (UTC)

[Засварлах] hu:Nicholas Hilliard

Thank you very much for congratulating me on my good fortune:-) Pataki Márta

No problem. Amazing how fast Wikipedia is expanding, eh? --Чинээминий яриа 13:57, 1 Дөрөвдүгээр сар 2008 (UTC)

[Засварлах] Template:User mn-0

Hello, Chinneeb. Some days ago I tried to translate the template {{User mn-0}} with help of a very little book for tourists. The result is on my user page yet. Could you look, if one of the sentences is useful? Greetings --Tlustulimu 16:00, 5 Дөрөвдүгээр сар 2008 (UTC)

While you're at it, could you maybe have a look at {{User mn-4}} and {{User mn-5}} as well? --Latebird 11:07, 6 Дөрөвдүгээр сар 2008 (UTC)
Hallo, Chineeb. Thanks for your translation. I have an old book for learning mongol language only (from 1988). But the little newer one for tourists uses latin letters only. Do you know a good page about your language? I can read german (de), esperanto (eo-3), english (en-2) and a little bit sorbian languages (hsb-1, dsb-0,5). Greetings --Tlustulimu 16:40, 8 Дөрөвдүгээр сар 2008 (UTC)

[Засварлах] Messages from CommonsDelinker

Hallo, Chinneeb. If you like to have mongol messages from CommonsDelinker in "Сүүлийн үеийн засварууд", you or an other sysop has to translate some pages: User:CommonsDelinker/summary-I18n, User:CommonsDelinker/replace-I18n and User:CommonsDelinker/nowcommons-I18n. The original pages lie in meta: m:User:CommonsDelinker, m:User:CommonsDelinker/summary-I18n, m:User:CommonsDelinker/replace-I18n and m:User:CommonsDelinker/nowcommons-I18n. Greetings --Tlustulimu 17:01, 8 Дөрөвдүгээр сар 2008 (UTC)

Hallo, Chinneeb. Thanks for your translations. Greetings --Tlustulimu 17:41, 13 Тавдугаар сар 2008 (UTC)

[Засварлах] animation

If you want to animate the lens aperture pictures, you need to align them accurately, so that the jumping around of the lens doesn't dominate the perception and make the animation obnoxious. 05:04, 15 Тавдугаар сар 2008 (UTC)

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