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Lwennas Meɛṭub - Wikipedia

Lwennas Meɛṭub

Seg Wikipedia

Lwennas Meɛṭub deg 1988 asmi t-wwten iǧadarmiyen
Lwennas Meɛṭub deg 1988 asmi t-wwten iǧadarmiyen

Lwennas Meɛṭub ilul deg 24 yennayer 1956 di taddart n Tawrirt n Musa deg At Dwala, di Tmurt n leqbayel. Mi yessiweḍ tesɛa n isegassen deg lɛemer-is ixedm-d snitra-s tamezwarut akk-d ccnawi-s imezwura. Tarmit-is tasertayt, tadelsant, akk-d tugna-s tebda s ifukal ger leqbayel akk-d iɛsekriyen n wanabad n Ledzayer deg 1963-1964. Deg 1968 Anabad n Ledzayer yesseɣser-d asertay n useɛreb n Imaziɣen; Meɛṭub yeḥbes-d leqraya-ines kra n iseggasen mbeɛd yunag ɣer Fransa.


[beddel] Tamɣit

Lwennas Meɛṭub yebda tanunnect deg ddunit n uẓawan s talilt n uccenay azwaw Idir; l album amezwaru-ines "Ay, Izem!" deg 1978, yiwen si ger 36 deg tuddert-is merra, yella d asmures ameqqran deg tmurt n yezwawen.

Lwennas Meɛṭub ixdem-d abaraz amezwaru-ines deg Yebrir 1980 di lweqt n Tefsut Tamaziɣt imi agdud azwaw ibed mgal anabad n dreɛ n Ledzayer. Aẓawan-is d asserwi n Cceɛbi s uẓawan amaziɣ ; idrisen-ines heddren ɣef tamurt n imaziɣen, tilelli, tugdut, tayri, nnfu, timektit, amezruy, lehna, akk-d izerfan n yemdanen; ihedr-ed ɣef ayen yellan, ayen yelhan neɣ yerkan, deg tudert n medden merra.

[beddel] Tudert Tasertayt

Deg 1980 imi bdan ccwalat n Tafsut Tamaziɣt, Lwennas Meɛṭub yettwajeh-d xemsa n iberdan s yifasen n tamsetla n unabad n Ledzayer; yeqqim-ed sin iseggassen deg ṣbitar yerna yesɛedda 17 n igzamen ɣef lǧetta-s imi yewt-ed ɣef tiwwura n lmut.

Di lweqt n ttrad n tajmaɛt n tagmat n yinselmen, FIS akk-d GIA, i yebɣan ad kksen tugdut si Lezdayer deg useggas n 1992, ḥekmen fell-as s lmut. Deg wass 25 n Ctember 1994 yettwaxṭef-ed s yifasen n tagmat n yinsleman, maca 15 n wussan seld aya, serrḥen-as-d imi walan belli aḥric meqqren n wegdud azwaw bdan ttgalan deg-sen ɣef sseba-ines.

Deg 1994 yura-d yiwen n wedlis (taktabt) ɣef tudert-is s tutlayt Tafransist “Rebelle” (Paris: Stock, 1995).

[beddel] Arrazen

  • 6 n Dujember 1994 Meɛṭub yeṭṭef-ed Le Prix de la Mémoire (“Arraz n Timektit”) seg ifasen n massa Danielle Mitterrand, taselwayt n “tuddsa n tlelli n tafransist” (La Fondation France Libertés) deg temdint n Paris.
  • Deg 22 n Meɣres 1995, tuddsa n ineymas n l Kanada tefka-yas Le Prix de la Liberté d'Expression (Arraz n tanfalit tilellit).
  • Dujember 19, 1995 yeṭṭef-ed Le Prix Tahar Djaout (Arraz n Ṭaher Ǧawut) seg ifasen n La Fondation Nourredine Abba (Tudsa n Nourredine ɛabba) deg azadaɣ n l UNESCO deg Paris. Irwan agi yettussema ɣef yiwen n uneɣmas yettwanɣen s yifassen n "tagmat n yinsleman".

[beddel] Ussan Ineggura

25 n Yunyu 1998 azal n 12:30 n tmeddit, ṭonobil n Meɛṭub tettwaḥbes ɣef rrif n webrid; bu tmegrad, u yiwen wergaz ur nettwassen ara, yenɣa Meɛṭub, ijreḥ tlata n tilawen i llant yid-es. Akken kan, azal n sin neɣ tlata n swayɛ mbeɛd, tamgert n Meɛṭub thuz tamurt n izwawen merra imi aṭas n medden i t-iḥemlen; ilulufen n lɣaci fɣen ɣef iberdan n ttnaddin “Anabad Aqettal!”. Sebɛa n wussan n ccwal iǧehden snuhzen tamurt merrra; ilemẓyen nnuɣen mgal tamsetla, zedmen ɣef izdaɣen akk d wayla n unabad. Deg 28 n Yunyu 1998 ilulufen n lɣaci ḥedren ussan-ed ɣef timeqbert n taddart-is am akken a t-ẓren ɣef tikkelt taneggarut as-fken tanemmirt akken ilaq lḥal.

Tamgert n Meɛṭub tedra yiwet n ddurt aqbel anabad n Ledzayer yesɛedda lqanun i menɛen tamaziɣt s imukan n lbaylek; Meɛṭub yella d afernan iǧehden mgal lqanun-agi.

Meɛṭub Lwennas nɣan-t iɛdawen n tudert amedyaz, d acennay ameqqran, d win yefkan udem yelhan i ccna n wezwawen, daɣen d ameɣnas ameqqran n tmaziɣt d tugdut, yefka fell-asent ula d idammen-is; yella mechur deg ddunit merra imi iqerreb-ed aṭas n medden s imeslayen akk-d lecɣal-is.

Deg useggas mbeɛd lmut-is, asunded meqqren iḥebs-d Tizi Wezzu imi ilulufen n lɣaci fɣen-ed ɣef izenqan ad sskan belli ur ttun ara Meɛṭub. L BBC (“tudsa n tifeffaɣt n tmurt n Legliz”) txebber-ed belli aḥric ameqqran n lɣaci lumen anabad n Ledzayer ɣef lmut-is ur qeblen ara tamacahutt n unabad i qqaren belli d tagmat n yinsleman i t-inɣan.

Azal n 20,000 n lɣaci fɣen-ed ɣef izenqan deg useggas wis tlata n temgert-is.

Sin iberdan deg timdinin n Grenoble akk-d Lyon, tamurt n Fransa, ttusemman ɣef Meɛṭub Lwennas.

Tawacult-is txelq-ed yiwet n tudsa (Tundsa n Mɛṭub Lwennas) iwakken ad seɣlin tafat ɣef ssiba n temgert-is akk-d ad rnun lǧehd-nsen i wid yettnaɣen ɣef izerfan n yemdanen merra.

Aḥric ameqqran n tudert-is Meɛṭub yella d argaz urmid n izerfan n wegdud azwaw, tugdut, akk-d tilelli; ɣas akken wid yerkan ttqelliben amek ara t-susmen, imi nɣant, Meɛṭub deg wulawen n wegdud-is mazal yedder.

[beddel] Iseddagen d Yizdayen iberraniyen

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