Jenis badan usaha
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Berikut jenis-jenis badan usaha yang ada di dunia, diurutkan berdasarkan nama negara.
[sunting] Jenis badan usaha berdasarkan negara
[sunting] Afrika Selatan
- Pty. (Proprietary) = P.T (Perseroan Terbatas)
- Pty. Ltd (Proprietary Limited)
[sunting] Amerika Serikat
- Company (Co.) Perusahaan
- Corporation (Corp.)
- Incorporated (Inc.) (which has meanings that vary widely from one state to another)
- Limited (Ltd.) (not all states use this term) Terbatas (saham tidak dijual bebas)
- Limited Liability Company/Corporation (LLC) (legally distinct from Corp., Inc. or Ltd. and the whole name or abbreviation of LLC must be used in the company name)
- Limited Company (LC or Ltd. Co.) (same as LLC, but this term is not used in all states)
- No Liability (NL) (not all states use this term)
- Unlimited (not all states use this term)
Note: In the United States, the individual states incorporate businesses, not the federal government. Each state has varying requirements for forming a company and also determining what designations can and can not be used. For example, Texas allows the terms Corporation (Corp.), Incorporated (Inc.), Limited (Ltd.), Limited Company (LC), Limited Liability Company (LLC) but the terms No Liability (NL) and Unlimited are not used to designate a corporation.
[sunting] Argentina
- S.A. ("Sociedad Anónima", Spanyol: "anonymous society" = Perusahaan Saham)
[sunting] Australia
- Proprietary (Pty)
[sunting] Austria
- AG (Aktiengesellschaft - Jerman: "perusahaan saham")
- GesmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschrénkter Haftung - Jerman: "Perusahaan dengan kewajiban terbatas")
[sunting] Belanda
- BV (Besloten Vennootschap - Dutch: "private company")
- NV (Naamloze Vennootschap - Dutch: "nameless company", similar in meaning to the Spanish corporate terminology "S.A.")
[sunting] Belgia
Berbahasa Belanda
- B.V.B.A (Besloten Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid)
- N.V. (Naamloze Vennootschap)
- C.V. (Coéperatieve Vennootschap)
- C.V.A. (Commanditaire Vennootschap op Aandelen)
- G.C.A. (Gewone Commanditaire Vennootschap)
- V.O.F. (Vennootschap Onder Firma)
Berbahasa Prancis
- S.A.R.L. (Société Anonyme é Responsabilité Limité) - bahasa Prancis: "Perusahaan dengan kewajiban terbatas")
- S.A. (Societé Anonyme)
[sunting] Britania Raya dan Irlandia
- Private limited company.
- Company Limited by Guarantee.
- Public limited company (plc or PLC) (Irish language: cuideachta phoiblé theoranta, cpt)
With the exception of public limited companies (which must use the style "plc", "PLC", or in Ireland, "cpt"), limited companies in the UK and Ireland must always use the suffix "Limited", shortened to Ltd. Irish companies may use the suffix "Teoranta" or "Teo" instead, but this is mainly limited to Gaeltacht companies.
[sunting] Chili
- Srl (Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada)
[sunting] China
- 股份有限公司 (perusahaan saham terbatas)
- 有限公司 (perusahaan terbatas)
[sunting] Ceko
- (spol.) s.r.o. (společnost s ručením omezeným) - Czech: "company with limited liability"
- a.s. (akciová společnost) - Czech: "perusahaan saham"
[sunting] Denmark
- A/S (Aktieselskab) (bahasa Denmark, "Aktieselskab" = "perusahaan saham"), perusahaan dengan kewajiban terbatas.
[sunting] Finlandia
- Ay (avoin yhtiö)
- Ky (kommandiittiyhtiö)
- Oy (osakeyhtiö - Finnish: "stock corporation" equivalent of Ltd.)
- Oyj (julkinen osakeyhtiö) - bahasa Finlandia: "perusahaan saham publik" sama dengan Plc.)
[sunting] Jerman
- AG (Aktiengesellschaft - German: "stock corporation")
- GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - German: "Company with limited liability")
- KGaA (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien)
[sunting] Indonesia
- Perusahaan perorangan|Perorangan]]- UD
- Persekutuan:
- Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang-seorang atau badan hukum Koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip Koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan.
- Perseroan Terbatas (PT)
- PT Tertutup
- PT Terbuka
- PT Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN)
- PT Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA)
- PT Persero
- Perusahaan Jawatan (Perjan)
- Perusahaan Umum (Perum)
- yayasan
- Perkumpulan
- Maatchaap
[sunting] Iran
- شرکت , کمپانی. (Sherkat, Company)
[sunting] Italia
- S.p.A. (Società per Azioni - Bahasa Italia: "Serikat bedasar-saham")
[sunting] Jepang
- 株式会社 (Kabushiki-kaisha atau Kabushiki-gaisha - "perusahaan saham" Jepang)
[sunting] Kolombia
- Comandita por acciones
- Ltda. ("Limitada", Spanish: "limited" = Limited stock corporation)
- S.A. ("Sociedad Anónima", bahasa Spanyol: "Serikat anonim" = perusahaan saham)
- Unipersonal
[sunting] Luxembourg
- S.A.R.L. (Société Anonyme é Responsabilité Limité) - "perusahaan pribadi dengan tanggung jawab terbatas untuk pemilik"
- S.A. (Societé Anonyme) - "perusahaan kewajiban terbatas publik"
[sunting] Meksiko
- S.A. de C.V. (Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable) - equivalent to a corporation
- S. de R.L. de C.V. (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada de Capital Variable) - equivalent to a limited liability company
[sunting] Norwegia
- AS (in Norwegian, "aksjeselskap" = "stock corporation"), a company with limited liability.
- ASA (in Norwegian, "allmennaksjeselskap" = "public stock corporation"), a publicly held company with limited liablity
- ANS (in Norwegian, "ansvarlig selskap" = "liable company"), a general partnership
- KS (in Norwegian, "komandittselskap"), a limited partnership Firma
[sunting] Prancis
- EURL (Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée)
- SA (Société anonyme) - French : "stock corporation"
- SARL (Société à responsabilité limitée) - French: "Company with limited liability")
- SAS (Société par actions simplifiée)
- SASU (Société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle)
- SCOP (Société coopérative)
- SNC (Société en nom collectif)
- Rarely used schemes
- SCA (Société en commandite par actions)
- SCS (Société en commandite simple)
- Investment funds
- FCP (Fonds commun de placement) (unincorporated investment fund)
- SICAF (Société d'investissement à capital fixe) (incorporated investment fund)
- SICAV (Société d'investissement à capital variable) (incorporated investment fund)
[sunting] Romania
- SRL (Societate cu Răspundere Limitată) - Limited Liability Corporation
- SA (Societate pe Acţiuni) - Stock Corporation (not Anonymous Corporation)
- RA (Regie Autunomă) - A state company some degree of independence of the management
[sunting] Rusia
- TOO (Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью, ТОО) - Russian "Company with a limited liability"
- ZAO (Закрытое акционерное общество, ЗАО) - Russian "Closed joint-stock company"
- OAO (Открытое акционерное общество, ОАО) - Russian "Public joint-stock company"
- ANO (Автономная некоммерческая организация) - Russian "Autonomous non-profit organization"
- GP (Государственное предприятие) - Russian "State enterprise"
[sunting] Selandia Baru
- Incorporation (terkenal di Selandia Baru)
[sunting] Spanyol
- S.A. ("Sociedad Anónima", Spanish: "anonymous society" = perusahaan saham)
- S.A.p.A.
[sunting] Swedia
- AB (Aktiebolag) (perusahaan saham)
- AB (publ) (perusahaan saham publik)
- HB (Handelsbolag)
- KB (Kommanditbolag)
- EF (Enskild Firma)
- EF (Economical association) (Ekonomisk Förening)
- Home owners association (Bostadsrättsförening)
- Home renters association (Hyresrättsförening)
- Co-operative (Kooperativ)
[sunting] Swiss
- AG (Aktiengesellschaft - German: "stock corporation")
- GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - German: "Company with limited liability")
[sunting] Ukraina
- TOV (Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю, ТОВ) - Unkrainian "Limited liability company"
- ZAO (Закрите акцiонерне товариство, ЗАО) - Unkrainian "Private joint-stock company"
- VAO (Вiдкрите акцiонерне товариство, ВАО) - Unkrainian " Public joint-stock company"
[sunting] Uruguay
- SAFI (Sociedad Anónima Financiera de Inversión)