[edit] Summary
Shows the solutions to the equation
Some of the particular solutions are in blue; the singular solution is in green; and a hybrid solution is in red. I used this image on Wikipedia's ODE page to illustrate the different types of solution.
baccala@freesoft.org 29 Oct 2005
[edit] Source
set terminal png
set output "diffeq.png"
set key off
set style line 1 lt 8
set style line 2 lt 2 lw 3
set style line 3 lt 1 lw 3
# set yzeroaxis lt -1
set parametric
plot [x=-10:10] [-10:10] [-25:25] \
x,0 ls 1, \
x,x+1 ls 1, \
x,-x+1 ls 1, \
x,2*x+4 ls 1, \
x,-2*x+4 ls 1, \
x,3*x+9 ls 1, \
x,-3*x+9 ls 1, \
x,4*x+16 ls 1, \
x,-4*x+16 ls 1, \
x,5*x+25 ls 1, \
x,-5*x+25 ls 1, \
x,6*x+36 ls 1, \
x,-6*x+36 ls 1, \
x,7*x+49 ls 1, \
x,-7*x+49 ls 1, \
x,8*x+64 ls 1, \
x,-8*x+64 ls 1, \
x,9*x+81 ls 1, \
x,-9*x+81 ls 1, \
x,10*x+100 ls 1, \
x,-10*x+100 ls 1, \
x,11*x+121 ls 1, \
x,-11*x+121 ls 1, \
x,-(.25)*(x*x) ls 2, \
(x-12),(x-12)+1 ls 3, \
(x+12),-(x+12)+1 ls 3, \
(x/5),-(.25)*((x/5)*(x/5)) ls 3
[edit] Licensing
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