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Discussion Utilisateur:Guaka - Wikipedia

Discussion Utilisateur:Guaka

Un article de Wikipedia.


[modifier] Administrator

Hello, you are now an administrator. If you have any problems, let me know on my talk page, or leave a note on meta:Requests for permissions. Good luck. Angela 13:23, 29 May 2005 (UTC)

[modifier] Logo

Hi Guaka,

I've created the logo: image:wiki.png. Now you should probably file a bug request to get it changed, or ask a developer personally. --Node ue 13:44, 13 Jun 2005 (UTC)

That's fast! :) And, I hadn't thought of Wikipedia itself, but it probably makes sense to spell it Wikipeediya (like in Wolof). Could you also do the Bambara Wikipedia logo? And, I don't want to ask too much, but the font for the subtitle of this logo might be a tad bit too small..? Guaka 18:58, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Hi Guaka, I monitor recent changes on all inactive Wikipedias, so as soon as I noticed the site subtitle was translated I created a logo :) Unfortunately, the subtitle can't be made any bigger or there will be rendering problems in some browsers (the logo needs to be kept at 180x155 px, which often means a smaller font size...) --Node ue 15:31, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC)

[modifier] Admin

Hi Guaka. If you come back, there are some spam pages to get rid of.

Thanks for the maintenance here! I just confirmed my email address. So next time you can send me a message from here. Guaka 21:55, 15 April 2006 (UTC)

[modifier] Fulfulde

You asked me, "You don't speak Fulfulde by any chance?" No, I don't. My interest in this wiki is mainly to track article counts, but on occasion I might also be able to fix obvious wiki errors if I come across them. - dcljr 04:19, 23 April 2006 (UTC)

[modifier] Vandalism

Hi Guaka,

I reverted the vandalism by the user and reverted his page moves, too. Unfortunately, it was not possible to move every page back because he sometimes edite the redirecting pages. But you can now simply go through ff:Category:Candidates for speedy deletion and follow the eventual instruction on the pages I have proposed to be deleted, just like "delete, then move AAAAAAAAAAA to here" (and delete the obsolete redirecting pages). It should be ok then. Greetings, Pill 10:01, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

[modifier] Les caractères spéciaux du fulfulde

Bonjour, Guaka! Comme administrateur, est-ce que vous pourriez modifier la liste des caractères spéciaux au dessous de la boîte de modification? Il y manque quelques lettres utilisées en peul/fulfulde et il y en a quelques-unes qui n'y sont pas utilisées du tout. Donc, voici la liste des caractères essentiels pour l'orthographe d'un ou plusieurs dialectes peuls:

ɓ Ɓ ɗ Ɗ ƴ Ƴ ŋ Ŋ ñ Ñ ɲ Ɲ

Quant aux autres caractères, je dirais que seulement ceux qui sont utilisés en français ou en anglais devraient être gardés. Les locuteurs natifs du fulfulde écrivent d'autres langues très très rarement (si ce n'est pas l'arabe, dont tout l'alphabet est différent). Alors, on peut effacer au moins les suivants: ā ḍ ē ī ō ṅ ṇ ś ṣ ṭ ū. En revanche, on pourrait peut-être y ajouter les caractères français manquants: Â â Ë ë Î î Ï ï Ô ô Ü ü. De l'autre côté, ce n'est pas la Wikipédia francophone, donc faites ce qui vous semble bon. Merci beaucoup! Malhonen 19:39, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

C'est fait! Merci pour l'attention! Guaka 13:55, 1 April 2007 (UTC)
Ok, merci. J'ai remarqué que vous avez pourtant enlevé même des caractères bien utilisés en français (ce qui n'était pas mon intention). Donc, voici la liste complète regroupée en trois parties (fulfulde, français, ponctuation):
ɓ Ɓ ɗ Ɗ ƴ Ƴ ŋ Ŋ ñ Ñ ɲ Ɲ · à À â  ç Ç é É è È ê Ê ë Ë î Î ï Ï ô Ô œ Œ ù Ù û Û ü Ü · « » “ ” — – ’
Malhonen 14:27, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

[modifier] Forms of Fulfulde

I do know something about the different forms of Fulfulde/Pulaar but probably nothing more than what the Ethnologue would tell you. I can read and write Pulaar of Fuuta Tooro (fuutaŋkoore, language of the Toucouleur, ISO 639-3 fuc) to some extent and differentiate it from Pulaar of Fulacunda (fulakundaare in Casamance, also fuc) and Pular of Fuuta Jallon (in Guinea, ISO 639-3 fuf), but that's where my knowledge ends. Hopefully some day I will be able to write articles in Pulaar myself, but at the moment my skills are too meager for that, so I'm restricted to pretty insignificant stuff like templates etc. I have seen AfrophoneWikis, it seems pretty interesting. Malhonen 14:27, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

[modifier] About small translations

Greetings Guaka!

Sorry to bother you.

I know that you had specified on you userpage that you do not prefer people bothering to get translations into small language Wikipedias; especially if the people being asked for translation help do not speak the language at all. However this time I believe that User:Amkoullel is a native speaker and that there is at least a 1% chance that he/she will be able to help me.

Yours Sincerely, --Jose77 02:20, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

There is also a significant chance (>1%) that the person does not even read English. And there is a smaller, but still significant chance that someone will stop contributing to this project. So I'd rather have you wait requesting people for translations until there is actually a community that can help you out here. But in the meanwhile, feel free to ask people around you if they know someone who writes Fulfulde, or pay a translator to the translation for you. Thanks, Guaka 16:43, 17 June 2007 (UTC)
Greetings Guaka,
I have changed my mind and have decided support Amkoullel‎ for administrator.
Amkoullel‎ did reply on my talk page a few months ago that he was willing to help me later when the Fula Wikipedia has sufficient content. Therefore I will respect his reply and stop bothering him in the meantime. I give my sincere apologies to you if I have caused any inconvenience.
Please forgive me.
Yours Sincerely, From --Jose77 13 septembre 2007 à 21:52 (UTC)

Bonjour Guaka. J'ignore si tu as vu mes interventions ici. Les stewards ont compris depuis longtemps que Jose77 ne mérite plus qu'on présume la bonne foi. N'hésite pas à me contacter si tu veux plus de renseignements. Dans l'immédiat, je te conseille de le bloquer pour très longtemps. guillom 14 septembre 2007 à 17:26 (UTC)

Greetings Guaka, I know that Guillom wishes to have me blocked. But I have never vandalised or spammed any article before. Both English Wikipedia and French Wikipedia have entire pages devoted to helping out translation requests Here and Here. I came here because there were no native Fula speakers available there.
For the past few months, through the kind help of native speakers, I have helped translate the Interface messages of Mongolian, Nepalese, Fijian, Hawaiian, Cambodian, Tibetan, Burmese, Zulu and Xhosa, Setswana Wikipedias into their native languages. Although it is true that I have asked those native speakers for translation requests, I have also helped many of them to become Sysops in their native language so they could translate and administer their local language editions. I hope user:Guillom can show some gratitude and appreciation to my contributions and think several times before attempting to block me. (It is true that I have made several mistakes in the past, but we are all human and would sometimes make foolish mistakes. As Christians, I hope you can forgive me)--Jose77 15 septembre 2007 à 09:49 (UTC)

I will finish our discussion with this Bible passage (intended for User:Guillom):

"Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." (Book of Acts 5:38-39) --Jose77 15 septembre 2007 à 10:14 (UTC)
I don't want to cause any unnecessary harm. I think blocking is only warranted in extreme cases, definitely not in this one. Jose, I do think that you did good work, even just on the Wikipedias that I'm involved in. But please don't bring up the translation requests the first time that someone wants to apply to become sysop (and help translate). I know it's hard to be patient (I am a very inpatient man myself), but please, just leave the translation requests for later. :) Guaka 18 septembre 2007 à 00:35 (UTC)

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