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Fuutaaji - Wikipedia


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fuuta tooro, fuuta maasina, fuuta jaloo, fuuta fuladu, fuuta aadmawa haa hewtoyi too e suudan e iccoopi, pulaar noFULA (Fulfulde, Pulaar, Fulani, Peul) Language Page


Fula belongs to the northern branch of West Atlantic and is spoken throughout West Africa. Most speakers are found within a band running from Senegal to northern Cameroon, including the countries of Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso, northern Benin, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon. Technically, Fulfulde or Pulaar is the name of this language, while ful'be (singular = pullo) is the name of the people who speak Fulfulde. Fulani is the Hausa designation for these people, while Fula is the Mandinka term, and Peul is Wolof.


Sauvegeot (1978) cautiously estimates there are around 5 million speakers of Fula. The population statistics of the ICAO (1980-1981) are given as follows.

Country Estimated Speakers Source Estimated Speakers Source (cited in Grimes 1996) Benin 80,000 ICAO 280,000 Johnstone 1993 Burkina Faso 600,000 ICAO 1,038,200 Johnstone 1993 Cameroon 400,000 ICAO 668,700 "1986" Central African Republic 156,000 "1996" Chad 5,500 ICAO 24,000+ Grimes 1996 Cote d'Ivoire 100,000 ICAO 1,200 "1991" (Grimes, personal communication 1998) Gambia 1,000,000??? ICAO 214,000 "1995" Ghana 7,300 "1991" Guinea 2,100,000 ICAO 2,574,000 Grimes 1996 Guinea Bissau 100,000 ICAO 180,000 Vanderaa 1991 Mali 600,000 ICAO 1,144,700 Grimes 1996 Mauritania 100,000 ICAO 150,000 Grimes 1996 Niger 400,000 ICAO ? Nigeria 5,000,000 ICAO 7,611,000 SIL 1991 Senegal 1,152,451 Vital Statistics Senegal, 1981 2,046,000 Grimes 1996 Sierra Leone 178,400 "1991" Sudan 90,000 SIL 1982 Togo 48,200 Johnstone 1993 Total 10,000,000+ . 16,411,700 .


Although no dialect survey has come to our attention, Arnott (1970, p. 3) reports the following dialect areas: "Fuuta Tooro (Senegal), Fuuta Jalon (Guinea), Maasina (Mali), Sokoto and western Niger, `Central' northern Nigeria (roughly Katsina, Kano, Zaria, Plateau, Bauchi, and Bornu Provinces and eastern Niger), Adamawa." All dialects of Fula are mutually intelligible.


Fula is an officially recognized national language in the following countries: Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Gambia. It is one of the six national languages of Senegal, French being the official language. It is current government policy to teach each student to read in the prominent national language of each major region. Radio broadcasts in Fula can be heard in the countries where it is an officially recognized language. In addition, the USSR and Radio Cairo broadcast in Fula. Senegal has a Fula press. Each country where it is an official language has (1) a government office responsible for adult literacy in Fula and (2) a section in the Department of Education responsible for introducing national languages into the school system and radio broadcasts in Fula (Fagerberg-Diallo, personal communication, 1985).


A standard orthography (based on the 1966 Bamako conference on orthographic standardization) has been adopted in all of West Africa, Europe, and the United States. Exceptions are Guinea and Nigeria, although Guinea has now accepted the future use of the standard orthography (Fagerberg-Diallo, personal communication).


Despite mutual intelligibility, at least two sets of materials (Eastern: Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and the Central African Republic; and Western: Senegal, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, and Mali) are required.


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