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User talk:Zanimum/Quarto issue 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

User talk:Zanimum/Quarto issue 2

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Quarto

How's the wikijunior report coming? I really need it by this weekend. As for comparison with other print projects, don't worry about it. [we do have various plans for Wikipedia 1.0, and there have been m:Wikireaders published, but this isn't important to the report.] +sj + 20:29, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC)

You're going to think we're stalking you ;-). But if you could paste your report on the Draft page that would be just grand. Thanx a lot ! [[User:Notafish|notafish }<';>]] 16:42, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Quarto cover

Nice one indeed. Just one (major) problem. The title is QuaRto and not QuatRo ... notafish }<';> 18:56, 9 Jan 2005 (UTC)

[edit] glorious cover

What a slick WQ cover you proposed ! It makes my heart sing. Now just over 6 weeks past the deadline, the contest is over. Please do add the WM logo, or some slight variant, in a corner of the cover; and let me know if you have trouble uploading an uncompressed version to the Commons. +sj + 11:41, 1 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Upload the original in two layers, one with the background and one with the text. If you can use a standard format in which the text layer is still actually text, and hasn't been flattened to an image, that's even better (but not necessary). +sj +
Thanks for the compliments. I tried to make a format that could be reused for covers, with new colours and Featured Pictures every time. Okay, two things. The original file is at home (I'm at Humber College for the week), so I'll have to create it again, which is fine. Secondly, I did it in vector (Corel Draw), so that I could easily composite the words for all of the languages. Would that be okay if I did it all, and just uploaded the end jpegs or pngs? -- user:zanimum
The only slightly annoying thing about you doing it all, is that translations trickle in over the days and weeks to come. So then all 30 langs that want covers will have to send you text (in various charsets / fonts that you might not have) and wait for you to render it in Corel... not sure how to make that work. But as long as you also upload a separate background image, you don't have to upload any text layers, and can render all the langs you have fonts for. +sj + 15:29, 1 Feb 2005 (UTC)
There's only 11 languages that have even started to translate, and I have proper fonts for all of them. Plus, it'll be an easy but worthwhile test for Wikijunior's print editions, to see how easily they can be modified. I don't know, I can definetly let each language do it themselves, but I just wanted to try for quality control. -- user:zanimum
Sounds fine then :) we'll handle other probs as they crop up. +sj + 23:51, 1 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Great. Do I post a general call for front page text, or would it be better to contact everyone individually? Or is the Foundation mailing list better? Should we allow other Wikimedian languages to reorder the front cover order to their own language's priorities, or maintain the order used on the English? -- user:zanimum

Figure out the english text you'll use, make a page for it on meta under m:Translation Requests/WQ/2/Cover, and leave a note and link to it from TR/WQ/2 . Then people will translate the text. Yes, in the same order; they'll shout if they want to change things for a particular language. +sj + 03:33, 2 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Hi! Any luck getting a .pdf of the English cover uploaded? Cheers, +sj + 07:34, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Yes, I've recreated the cover in Illustrator. The side bar is a little purer of an orange, and the highlighted articles are a little different, but I feel it remains closely to the same concept. One thing: could we hold a one week vote to see what Featured picture gets on the cover? Just a continuing way to get more community envolvement over all WQ issues.
Also, is it okay if I create a vector version of the Wikimedia logo? The designer of the WM and Wikiquote logos hasn't edited on EN since September, and even before that was incredibly irregular. While I don't need an amazing quality pic for the cover, it would be handy for us to have such a file for the future. -- user:zanimum
Oh, I've also got the Dutch and Italian covers laid out, but the Czech, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Japanese, Swedish, and Chinese translations have yet to come. I plan on bugging them tonight.

[edit] Quarto cover in italian

  • Wikimedia
  • Quarto
  • Wikinews notizie dal mondo
  • Creata Wikijunior, rivista per bambini
  • Fondazione delle associazioni locali in Francia e Germania
  • Raduni a Rotterdam, New York, Berlino, Taipei e Pechino
  • Wikimania 2005 prevista per agosto a Francoforte
  • La Francia ospita delle cache Squid di Wikimedia
  • Creata la Wikiversity in spagnolo come parte di Wikibooks
  • Gli sviluppi tecnici arrivano mentre la popolarità di Wikimedia aumenta a balzi

Hi Zanimum, I translated the french cover on meta, in the WQ section. SweetLittleFluffyThing 18:19, 8 Feb 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Quarto cover in czech

English Czech
Wikimedia Wikimedia
Quarto Quarto
Wikinews reports on the world Wikinews podávají zprávy ze světa
Wikijunior kids magazine created Vytvořen dětský časopis Wikijunior
Local chapters founded in France, Germany Ve Francii a Německu založeny místní pobočky
Meetups in Rotterdam, New York City, Berlin, Taipei and Beijing Setkání v Rotterdamu, New York City, Berlíně, Tajpeji a Pekingu
Wikimania 2005 planned for August in Frankfurt Wikimania 2005 bude v srpnu ve Frankfurtu
France hosts Wikimedia’s squid caches Francie hostuje pro Wikimedii squid cache servery
Spanish Wikiversity created as part of Wikibooks Španělská Wikiversita založena jako část Wikibooks
Technical developments come with Wikimedia’s popularity increases in leaps and bounds Technický rozvoj jde spolu s popularitou Wikimedie mílovými kroky

The name of version (czech) should be ČESKÁ (there miss caron above C) --Li-sung 20:33, 9 Mar 2005 (UTC)

In the sentence "Wikinews podávají zprávy ze světa" of czech version the character "ě" has bigger font than other characters. Is it possible to correct this problem? --RuM 23:45, 11 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Meetups in Europe, Asia, and North America == Setkání v Evropě, Asii a Severní Americe --Li-sung 19:58, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Quarto cover in spanish

  • Wikimedia
  • Quarto
  • Wikinews, noticias del mundo
  • Wikijunior, creada revista infantil
  • Capítulos locales creados en Francia y Alemania
  • Reuniones en Rotterdam, Nueva York, Berlín, Taipei y Beijing
  • Wikimania 2005 prevista para agosto en Frankfurt
  • France alberga caches squid para Wikimedia
  • Wikiversidad en español creada como parte de Wikilibros
  • Desarrollos técnicos llegan a grandes pasos con el incremento de la popularidad de Wikimedia

--Ascánder 02:18, 16 Feb 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Cover

Hiya ! Where is the cover in english ? Is that ready ? cheers; SweetLittleFluffyThing 18:27, 17 Feb 2005 (UTC)

It is glorious... amazing. I like what you did with the logo, in particular. Rock on!! Are the other languages any trouble so far? +sj + 00:04, 20 Feb 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Quarto cover in polish

http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translation_Requests/WQ/2/Cover/Pl - kocio 00:33, 8 Mar 2005 (UTC)

There's a small correction: Tajpei->Tajpej; please apply it. And maybe you can help me understand what the 'Glossy old' really mean, and how can I translate it (Sj gave me no answer till now...)? - kocio 23:53, 11 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Meetups continentalization done (on the same page) ;-} -- kocio 19:57, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

PL / Polish - translated, to composite text Thursday -- hm, which thursday did you mean?... 8-o -- kocio 09:44, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Quarto cover in Portuguese


  • Wikimedia
  • Quarto
  • Wikinews reports on the world
  • Wikijunior kids magazine created
  • Local chapters founded in France, Germany
  • Meetups in Rotterdam, New York City, Berlin, Taipei and Beijing
  • Wikimania 2005 planned for August in Frankfurt
  • France hosts Wikimedia’s squid caches
  • Spanish Wikiversity created as part of Wikibooks
  • Technical developments come with Wikimedia’s popularity increases in leaps and bounds


  • Wikimedia
  • Quarto
  • Wikinews reporta o mundo
  • Criada revista infantil Wikijúnior
  • Divisões locais fundadas na França e Alemanha
  • Encontros em Roterdã, Nova Iorque, Berlim, Taipei e Pequim
  • Wikimania 2005 planejado para agosto em Frankfurt
  • A França hospeda os squid caches da Wikimedia
  • Wikiversidade em espanhol criada como parte do Wikilivros
  • Desenvolvimentos técnicos vêm com o crescimento da popularidade da Wikimedia

That's it! Thank you. --Ikescs 01:24, 10 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Hi Zanimum! The new line should be:
Encontros na Europa, Ásia e América do Norte
--Ikescs 00:01, 15 Mar 2005 (UTC)


  • 维基媒体
  • 季刊
  • 全球维基新闻报道
  • 维基少年杂志创刊
  • 法国、德国地方分会创立
  • 鹿特丹,纽约,柏林,台北和北京聚会
  • Wikimania 2005计划8月在法兰克福召开
  • 法国维基媒体的高速缓存主机
  • 维基教科书的西班牙语维基大学创立
  • 维基媒体大众化导致技术开发呈现飞跃性的进步

--Shizhao 06:27, 10 Mar 2005 (UTC)


  • Wikimedia
  • Quarto
  • Wikinews berichtet über die Welt
  • Wikijunior Kindermagazin ins Leben gerufen
  • Lokale Gruppen in Frankreich und Deutschland gegründet
  • Meetups in Rotterdam, New York, Berlin, Taipeh und Peking
  • Wikimania 2005 geplant für den August in Frankfurt
  • Wikimedias Squid Caches in Frankreich aufgestellt
  • Spanische Wikiversity gegründet als Teil von Wikibooks
  • Technisches Wachstum steigt mit der Popularität Wikimedias sprunghaft an

de:User:Gunnar Eberlein

[edit] Quarto cover in Swedish

Swedish translation:

  • Wikimedia
  • Quarto
  • Wikinews rapporterar från hela världen
  • Wikijuniors barntidning har skapats
  • Lokala avdelningar grundade i Frankrike och Tyskland
  • Wiki-träffar i Rotterdam, New York, Berlin, Taipei och Beijing
  • Wikimania 2005 planeras i augusti i Frankfurt
  • Frankrike tar hand om Wikimedias squid-cachar
  • Spanska Wikiversity skapat som en del av Wikibooks
  • Teknisk utveckling i takt med Wikimedias tillväxt

[edit] Quarto cover in Russian

  • Wikimedia
    • Викимедиа
  • Quarto
    • Кварто
  • Wikinews reports on the world
    • Викиновости сообщают о событиях в мире
    • Another translation, treating the 'reports' as a plural noun: Репортажи Викиновостей о событиях в мире;
  • Wikijunior kids magazine created
    • Создан детский журнал Wikijunior
  • Local chapters founded in France, Germany
    • Основаны местные отделения во Франции и Германии
  • Meetups in Rotterdam, New York City, Berlin, Taipei and Beijing
    • Собрания в Роттердаме, Нью-Йорке, Берлине, Тайпее и Пекине
  • Wikimania 2005 planned for August in Frankfurt
    • Викимания 2005 пройдёт в августе во Франкфурте
  • France hosts Wikimedia’s squid caches
    • Во Франции установлены кеширующие сервера Викимедии
  • Spanish Wikiversity created as part of Wikibooks
    • Испанский Wikiversity создан в рамках проекта Викиучебники
  • Technical developments come with Wikimedia’s popularity increases in leaps and bounds
    • Технические разработки идут в ногу со стремительно увеличивающейся популярностью Викимедии

--.:Ajvol:. 18:02, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)

  • Meetups in Europe, Asia, and North America
    • Собрания в Европе, Азии и Северной Америке

Thanks, ajvol 20:04, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Changing a copy in cover

Thank you for your reply, Zanimum. I feel your proposal makes a sence ; "Meetups in Asia, Europe and North America" It is a good summarie of many meetups in this fall! --Aphaea* 15:14, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Quarto cover in Spanish

Sorry to border you, but there are two details to change in the Spanish version of the cover. I'm sorry about it because I've just notice the cover were ready today.

  • Capítulos locales creados should be changed to Asociaciones locales creadas (After discussion with other translator we changed the translation of the word chapter and I forgot to inform you).
  • France alberga caches squid para Wikimedia should be changed to Francia alberga caches squid para Wikimedia (Also my fault).

Thanks in advance. --Ascánder 22:49, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Translation of "Meetups in Europe, Asia, and North America":
"Reuniones en Europa, Asia y América del Norte"
--Ascánder 23:04, 14 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Chinese Translation of "Meetups in Europe, Asia, and North America":

--Shizhao 06:30, 15 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Quartizatin: covers, pdfs, etc.

Heya, zan. You should meet a friend of mine in NY working on puppetry and children's TV... Anyhow, check out the new covers page. I auto-levelled your covers, which darkened the orange in general. Also fixed the Nl: cover. A few questions:

  • Any luck with the new Czech version?
  • I was really pleased with the way this one turned out; I also realized that the next cover should ideally be PD (for print/pdf distribution, I'd like the entire newsletter to be PD if possible, and am making that clear for future text submissions.). If you have thoughts about the next cover, please list them on m:WQ/Covers.
    • Also, the top existing image on that page says "Quatro" instead of "Quarto" -- this is a common enough mistake that I'd like to replace the image, so as not to cofuse people...
  • Thoughts on making PDFs of existing versions? What toolchain do you use for htlm-->pdf conversion? I've been playing with a separate layout in pagemaker, but I'd really rather do it in Quark. You mentioned at one point being interested in working on PDFs, and I assume you have experience with that. +sj + 01:05, 29 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Oh wow, that's cool, do you know what show he works on?
Fairly good renders, besides the slight variance in the shade of orange.
I've got the Czech version corrected, and the Polish and Russian versions put together. [1] I think next issue, the contents font should be swtiched to Myriad Pro; it's the only decent sans-serif that has all the many characters we need (except for Chinese and Japanese of course).
The Russian cover currently has a sans serif typeface for Викимедиа Кварто/Wikimedia Quarto, unlike all the rest which are in the serifed font Sabon. I searched all my fonts, for some reason this is the only one that worked for Russian text.
I've changed the Quatro image to the current English cover with Quarto on it.
The cover "should ideally be PD": how so? I gave a Wikimedia Copyright tag to each of the current files, I thought that would be correct. Do you wish for me to relicense them under GNU or outright PD? I'm fine with any license. The image of the London city hall itself is GNU licensed.
Html to PDF conversion? I don't convert web to Acrobat that often. I've been working in Illustrator all the way through this, but I generally would do it all in Quark or Adobe InDesign. You're talking about an actual print-style version of WQ, right? -- user:zanimum

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