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User:StonedChipmunk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Home Page
About Me (IRL)
Talk Page
My Userboxes
My Theories
Fight Vandalism
User Homepage
My Theories

[edit] Welcome to StonedChipmunk's Emporium of Junk

You may remember me from my old ego, StonedChipmunk's Userpage. But I've come back, better than ever, to rock your world !

[edit] How to Use My Userspace

Above you will see a large bar with a bunch of icons. Clicking them will produce the following textual information:

User Homepage - This page.
Biography - About my real life (or lack thereof).
Talk - Takes you to my talk page, so you can pick fights with me.
Userboxes - My crazy collection of (true) userboxes. A broadband internet connection is required.
My Theories - Ever wonder why I think about in my free time? Enjoy.
Vandalism - Why vandalism sucks, what I've done to help, and how to fix it.

Remember that a lot of userspace content of mine is only accessible through this page. I don't feel like cluttering up the menu bar with it.

[edit] About My Wikilife

Do you seriously have this much time on your hands? You're reading about what someone else does on Wikipedia. You're probably more addicted than I am...
Anyways, I usually spend my time updating my userpage, fighting vandalism, and searching around for random topics of uninterest. You might find me posting my custom vandalism warning templates to random userpages.

[edit] Why I am Too Lazy to Write My Userpage

Who isn't? Nobody is going to read it, are they? Of course not. That's why I'm stopping here.

My Prototype User Page will hold latest "beta" userpage updates, then I'll transfer them here.

WARNING! This page may not comply to a certain Wikipedia guideline. Heck, it may not apply to any of them. Nevertheless, do not mercilessly delete, remove, move, edit, spelchekc, burn, flush, explode, incinerate, throw away, eat, or otherwise destroy any articles, sections, paragraphs, images, templates, sentences, phrases, words, or letters on this page.

Committed identity: 863d39f2bb4788c0129318f990f332a8b32a19bd is a SHA-1 commitment to this user's real-life identity.
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