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User:SFGiants/monobook.js - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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//A helper function to add a button to one of the toolbars in the interface.
//An improved(I hope) version of [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Add LI link|addlilink]].
//[[User:JesseW/sig|JesseW, the juggling janitor]] 05:33, 8 November *2005 (UTC)
function addLink(where, url, name, id, title, key, after){
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    //   i.e. one of "p-cactions", "p-personal", "p-navigation", or "p-tb".
    //* url is the URL which will be called when the button is clicked.
    //   javascript: urls can be used to do more complex things.
    //* name is what will appear as the name of the button.
    //* id is the id of the button; it's best to define one.  
    //   Use a prefix to make sure its unique. Optional.
    //* title is the tooltip title that gives a longer description 
    //   of the button; if you define a accesskey, mention it here. Optional.
    //* key is the char you want for the accesskey. Optional.
    //* after is the id of the button you want to follow this one. Optional.
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        else if(title) { ta[id] = ['', title];} 
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;
// [[User:Lupin/popups.js]]
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             + 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Lupin/popups.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// Install InstaView
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addOnloadHook(function() {InstaView.conf.user.name = 'SFGiants';});
/* This is to keep track of who is using InstaView: [[User:Pilaf/instaview.js]] */
/************ OLD STUFF *************
// Live Preview customization,
// edit this to your own liking.
// Include Live Preview...
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Pilaf/livepreview.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// Now set everything up
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 // You may include here other "extensions"
/**** afd helper ****/
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/* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Jnothman/afd_helper/script.js]] */
// Script from [[User:MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js]]
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// A small piece of JS writen by [[User:MatthewFenton]], This is my first piece of JS.
function welcome() {
        if (document.title.indexOf('Editing User talk:') == 0) {
                document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value + '==' + 'Welcome' + '==\n' + '{{subst:User:' + 'MatthewFenton/Welcome}}\n~~' + '~~';
                document.editform.wpSummary.value = 'Welcome a user to Wikipedia using JS WW';
function welcome_tab() {
                add_link('javascript:welcome()', 'Welcome');
if (document.title.indexOf('Editing User talk:') == 0) {
// install [[User:Cacycle/diff]] text diff code
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
  + 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Cacycle/diff.js' 
  + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// install [[User:Pilaf/Live_Preview]] page preview tool
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
  + 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Pilaf/livepreview.js' 
  + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// install [[User:Cacycle/editor]] edit tool
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
  + 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Cacycle/editor.js' 
  + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
// Script from [[User:Wmahan/wpspell.js]]
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             + 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Wmahan/wpspell.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//'winc' function allows buttons to be added toolbar
function formatunits() {
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-?sq\-?m(\W)/gi, '$1 m²$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/m²\.\)/gi, 'm²)');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?cc(\W)/gi, '$1 cc$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-cc(\W)/gi, '$1 cc$2');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?ml(\W)/g, '$1 ml$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-ml(\W)/g, '$1 ml$2');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\/sec\)/gi, '/s)$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?m\/second/gi, '$1 m/s');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[(minutes?)\]\]/gi, '$1');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[minutes?\|([^\]]{1,30})\]\]/gi, '$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[(hours?)\]\]/gi, '$1');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[hours?\|([^\]]{1,30})\]\]/gi, '$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[(days?)\]\]/gi, '$1');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[days?\|([^\]]{1,30})\]\]/gi, '$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(kilogram)me/gi, '$1');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\W)(gram)mes?(\W)/gi, '$1$2$3');
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    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[grams?\|([^\]]{1,30})\]\]/gi, '$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-kg(\W)/gi, '$1 kg$2');
    // newton metre
    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\W)N[-.·•\/]m(\W)/gi, '$1N·m$2');
    // kilowatt
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?kW(\W)/gi, '$1 kW$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-kW(\W)/gi, '$1 kW$2');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-(G|M|k)?hz/gi, '$1 $2Hz');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/khz/gi, 'kHz');
    // ohm
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?(Y|Z|E|P|T|G|M|k|K|h|da|d|c|m|µ|μ|µ|n|p|f|a|z|y)?\s?(&Omega;|ohm|Ohm)s?(\W)/g, '$1 $2Ω$4');
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    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[inches\|([^\]]{1,30})\]\]/gi, '$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-ft(\W)/gi, '$1 ft$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\W)ft\.\)/gi, '$1ft)');
    // square foot
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/sq\.?\s?ft/gi, 'sq ft');
    // foot and inch
    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/([^;°h]{1,4})(\d{1,4})\s?['’]\s?(\d{1,3})\s?["”]([^NESW])/g, '$1$2 ft $3 in$4');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(idth[.]{1,3})(\d{1,4})\s?[']\s?(\d{1,3})\s?["”]/gi, '$1$2 ft $3 in');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/([\(\|:]\s?\d{1,4})\s?['’]\s?(\d{1,3})\s?["]([^NESW])/g, '$1 ft $2 in$3');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?ft\s?(\d{1,3})\s?in/gi, '$1 ft $2 in');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?yds(\W)/gi, '$1 yd$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)&nbsp;yds(\W)/gi, '$1&nbsp;yd$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/sq\.?\s?yds?/gi, 'sq yd');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/yd\.\)/gi, 'yd)');
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    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/\[\[(miles?)\]\]/gi, '$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?mph/gi, '$1 mph');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-mph/gi, '$1 mph');
    // square mile
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/sq\.?\s?mi/gi, 'sq mi');
    // foot pound
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/ftlbs?(\W)/gi, 'ft·lbf$1');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/ft[ -.·•\/]lb(\W)/gi, 'ft·lbf$1');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/ft[ -.·•\/]lbs/gi, 'ft·lbf');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/ft[ -.·•\/]lbf/gi, 'ft·lbf');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/ft[ -.·•\/]lbff/gi, 'ft·lbf');
    //the next two suspended until solution is found for wing loading (i.e. pounds per square foot)
    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/lb[fs][ -.•\/]ft/gi, 'ft·lbf');
    //txt.value = txt.value.replace(/lb[ -.•\/]ft/gi, 'ft·lbf');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?per ?cent([^aei])/gi, '$1%$2');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-per ?cent([^aei])/gi, '$1%$2');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?knt(\W)/gi, '$1 knots$2');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?bhp/gi, '$1 bhp');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?shp/gi, '$1 shp');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\-rpm/gi, '$1 rpm');
    // decibel
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?(dB)\b/g, '$1 $2');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)\s?(bps)/gi, '$1 bit/s');
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/(\d)&nbsp;bps/gi, '$1&nbsp;bit/s');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/bytes?\/s(\W)/gi, 'B/s$1');
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    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/m(bit|B)\/s/g, 'M$1/s');
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    // Common error with bits and bytes
    txt.value = txt.value.replace(/mibi(bit|byte)/g, 'mebi$1');
    //Remove 'Easter egg' diversions (linking unit name to orders of magnitude articles)
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    // Press the diff button to check it
addOnloadHook(function () {
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// Links for tracking purposes: [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/addLink]] [[User:Lupin/popups.js]] [[User:Pilaf/instaview.js]] [[User:Jnothman/afd_helper/script.js]]  [[User:MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js]] [[User:Cacycle/diff]] [[User:Pilaf/Live_Preview]] [[User:Cacycle/editor]] [[User:Wmahan/wpspell.js]]
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aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -