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Russian opera articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russian opera articles

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a list of Russian opera articles. It provides with the names of composers, librettists, opera patrones, directors, companies, theatres, singers as well as opera titles — everything that is connected to the topic Russian opera.


[edit] 18th century

[edit] Opera composers

Giovanni Alberto Ristori (1692-1753)

Johann Adolph Hasse (1699-1783)

Baldassarre Galuppi (1706-1785), operas ataged in Russia in the 18th century:

  • Il mondo della luna (Russian:Лунный мир - The World of the Moon, previously premiered in 1750, Venice)
  • Il Filosofo di campagna (Деревенский философ - The Village Philosopher, 1754, Venice)
  • L'Arcadia in Brenta (Аркадия в Бренте - Arcadia in Brenta, 1749, Venice)
  • I bagni d'Abano (Купанье в Абано - The Bathing in Abano, written together with Bertoni, 1753, Venice)
  • Il conte Caramella (Граф Карамелла - The Count Caramella, 1749, Verona?)
  • La calamità de' cuori (Сердечное бедствие - A Heart Calamity, 1752, Venice)
  • Il mondo alla roversa, ossia Le donne che commandono (Мир наизнанку, или Женщины командуют - The Worlds Upside Down, or Women Command, 1750, Venice)

Francesco Araja (1709-c1770)
Operas premiered or staged in Russia:

Hermann Raupach (1728-1778)

Tommaso Traetta (1727-1779), a maestro di cappella at the Russian Imperial Court (1768-1775; wrote there the operas:

Giuseppe Sarti (1729-1802)

Vincenzo Manfredini (1737-1799)

Giovanni Paisiello (17401816), a Neapolitan composer of more than 100 operas, in Russia (1776-1783), where he wrote:

Vasily Pashkevich (1742-1797)

  • St Petersburg Bazaar (Санкт Петербургский Гостный Двор — Sankt Peterburgskiy Gostinyi Dvor, 1782 St. Petersburg), Kniper Theatre

Maksym Berezovsky (1745-1777) Ukrainian on service of the Russian Imperial Court

Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801), operas written for the Russian theatre:

Dmytro Bortniansky (1751-1825)

Vicente Martin y Soler (1754-1806) a Spanish composer. He wrote in Russia:

Ivan Kerzelli (?) see also: Kerzelli

  • Lyubovnik - koldun (Любовник - колдун - The Lover-Magician, one-act opera, text by Nikolai Nikolev, 1772 Moscow),
  • Rozana i Lyubim (Розана и Любим - Rozana und Lyubim, four-act opera, text by Nikolai Nikolev, 1778, Moscow)
  • Derevenskiy vorozheya (Деревенский ворожея - The Village Wizard, text by Vasily Maikov after Rousseau, c1777 Moscow). Overture and songs were printed in Moscow 1778. They were the first opera fragments printed in Russia.
  • Guljanye ili sadovnik kuskovskoy (Гулянье или садовник кусковской - Promenade or the Gardener from Kuskovo, text by Vasili Kolychev, 1780 or 1781 Kuskovo, The Private Theatre of Count Nikolai Sheremetev).

Kerzelli (other opera composers of the same family)

Mikhail Sokolovsky (c1756-?)

Yevstigney Fomin (1761-1800)

  • The Novgorod Hero Boyeslayevich (Новгородский богатырь Боеслаевич – Novgorodskiy bogatyr’ Boyeslayevich, opera-ballet. Libretto by the Empress Catherine II, 1786 St Petersburg)
  • The Coachmen at the Relay Station (Ямщики на подставе - Yamshchiki na podstave 1787 St Petersburg)
  • Soirées (Вечеринки или гадай, гадай девица — Vecherinki, ili Gaday, gaday devitsa, 1788 St Petersburg)
  • Magician, Fortune-teller and Match-maker (Колдун, ворожея и сваха - Koldun, vorozheya i svakha 1789 St Petersburg)
  • Orpheus and Eurydice (Орфей и Эвридика — Orfey i Evridika, melodrama. Text by Yakov Knyazhnin, January 13, 1792 St Petersburg)
  • The Miller who was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Match-maker (Мельник - колдун, обманщик и сват — Melnik - koldun, obmanshchik i svat (1779 Moscow, c.1795 St Petersburg) [revision of the music by Mikhail Sokolovsky (?)]
  • The Americans (Американцы - Amerikantsy, comic opera, 1800 St Petersburg)
  • Chloris and Milo (Клорида и Милон – Klorida i Milon, 1800 St Petersburg)
  • The Golden Apple (Золотое яблоко — Zolotoye yabloko, 1803 St Petersburg)

[edit] Operas:

Calandro (1731)
Tsefal i Prokris (1755)
Anyuta (1772)
Demofonte (1773)
Fevey (1786)

[edit] Opera librettists

Stefano Benedetto Pallavicini (16721742)
Metastasio (1698-1782)
Giuseppe Bonecchi [?-?]
Alexander Sumarokov (1717-1774)
Catherine II (17291796)
Alexander Ablesimov (1742-1783)
Mikhail Popov (1742-1790)
Yakov Knyazhnin
Mikhail Matinsky
Vladislav Ozerov

[edit] Opera singers

Gavrilo Martsenkovich
Praskovya Zhemchugova

[edit] Opera patrons

Anna of Russia (1693-1740)
Elizabeth of Russia (1709-1762)
Catherine II of Russia (17291796)
Nikolai Sheremetev (1751-1809)

[edit] Opera companies

Ristori troupe (performed in 1731, Moscow)
Araja troupe (1735-1759)
Locatelli private entreprise (1757-1760s)
Sheremetev private theatre (1751-1809)
Bolshoi Theatre|Mikhail Medoks (or Michael Maddox) theatre (from 1776)
Imperial opera and ballet theatre (from 1783, St Petersburg)

[edit] Opera theatres

"Comedie et opere", (small hall in a wing of Zimniy Dvorets—(The Winter Palace, From 1735 St Petersburg)
Theatre of Letniy Sad — (Summer Garden), from 1735 St Petersburg)
Opera House (with 1000 seats, at Zimniy Dvorets — (The Winter Palace, from 1743, St Petersburg)
Moscow Theatre (built 1742 for the coronation of Elizaveta Petrovna, Moscow)
Kuskovo Summer Theatre (from 1755, Kuskovo near Moscow)
Karl Kniper Theatre (1777-1797 St Petersburg)
Chinese Opera Theatre (From 1779, Tsarskoe Selo near St Petersburg)
Petrovsky Theatre (with 1000 seats, from 1780-1805, Moscow)
Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre (1783-1811, St Petersburg)
Hermitage Theatre (from 1785 St Petersburg)
Ostankino Theatre (from July 22, 1795, Ostankino near Moscow)

[edit] 19th century

[edit] Opera composers:

Alexey Verstovsky (1799-1862)

Mikhail Glinka (1804-1857)

Alexander Dargomyzhsky (1813-1869)

Semen Hulak-Artemovsky (1813-1875)

Alexander Serov (1820-1871)

Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894)

Alexander Borodin (1833-1887)

César Cui (1835-1918)

César Cui, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Modest Mussorgsky, Alexander Borodin:

Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908).

Sergei Taneyev (1856-1915)

Anton Arensky (1861-1906)

[edit] Opera theatres

[edit] 20th century

[edit] Opera composers:

Vladimir Rebikov (1866-1920)

Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943)

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Yuri Shaporin (1887-1966) only one opera:

  • The Decembrists (written during a period of 33 years 1930-1953, staged 1953)

Vladimir Shcherbachov (1889-1952)

Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953)

Isaak Dunayevsky (1900-1955) 14 operettas, including:

  • For Us and You, (1924)
  • Bridegrooms (Женихи) (1926)
  • The Knives(Ножи) (1928)
  • Polar Passions(1928)
  • Million Langours (1932)
  • The Golden Valley (Золотая долина) (1937)
  • The Roads to Happiness (Дороги к счастью) (1939)
  • The Wind of Liberty (Вольный ветер) (1947)
  • The Son of the Clown (Сын клоуна) (1950)
  • White Acacia (Белая акация) (1955, completed by Kirill Molchanov)

Alexander Mossolov (1900-1973), 4 operas:

  • A Hero (Герой, (1928) chamber opera
  • The barrage (Плотина – Plotina, libretto Ya. Zadykhin 1929-1930)
  • A Signal (Сигнал, libretto O. Litovsky (1941)
  • Masquerade (Маскарад, after Mikhail Lermontov (c1944)

Vissarion Shebalin (1902-1936)

  • Sorochintsy Fair by Modest Mussorgsky, completion and orchestration 1930
  • Zhenikh iz posolstva (Жених из посольства – The Bridegroom from the Embassy, music comedy (1942)
  • Ukroshcheniye stroptivoy (Укрощение строптивой – The Taming of the Shrew, after William Shakespeare) (1957)
  • Solntse nad stepyu (Солнце над степьюThe Sun above the Steppe, 1958)

Vladimir Fere (1902-1971) 9 operas (most of them together with Vladimir Vlasov and Abdylas Maldybayev)

Dmitri Kabalevsky (1904- 1987)

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)

Veniamin Fleyshman (1913-1941)

Tikhon Khrennikov (b. 1913)

Grigory Frid (b. 1915)

Mieczysław Weinberg (1919-1996)

  • Op. 97 The Traveller (ПассажиркаPassazhirka opera in two acts (1967-1968)
  • Op. 105: The Madonna and the Soldier (Мадонна и солдат – Madonna I soldat, opera in three acts after A. Medvedev (1970)
  • The Love of d'Artagnan Op. 109: opera after A. Dumas (1971)
  • I congratulate Op. 111: opera in one act after S. Alechem (1975)
  • Lady Magnesia Op. 112: opera in one act after G.B. Shaw (1975)
  • The Portrait (Портрет, Op. 128: opera in eight scenes after Nikolai Gogol (1980)
  • The Idiot, (Идиот, Op. 144: opera after Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1985)

Kirill Molchanov (1922-1982)

Alexander Kholminov (b. 1925)

Boris Tchaikovsky (19251996)

  • The Star (Звезда - Zvezda) Opera in three pictures. (1949) On the novel of E. Kazakevich; libretto of D. Samoilov Unfinished work. This work was Diploma-work, when he finished the Moscow Conservatory. Manuscript (autograph). Full Score: Author's archive.

Edison Denisov (1929-1996)

Sergei Slonimsky (b. 1932)

  • Virinea, an opera in 7 scenes. Libretto by S. Tsenin after the novel by L. Seifullina (1967)
  • Ioann the Terrible's vision Russian tragedy in 13 visions with 3 epilogues and overture. Libretto by Ya. Gordin after historical documents (1970)
  • Tsar Iksion monodical drama after ancient myth and tragedy by Innokenty Annensky. Libretto by S. Slonimsky (1970) preniered January 31, 1981, Kuibyshev.
  • Mary Stuart, a ballad opera in 3 acts. Libretto by Y. Gordin after the novel by Stefan Zweig (1980)
  • Master and Margarita, a chamber opera in 3 acts. Libretto by Y. Dimitrin and V. Fialkovsky after the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov (1970), (1985) 25'
  • Hamlet dramma per musica in 3 acts. Libretto by Ya. Gordin and S. Slonimsky after the Shakespeare's tragedy translated by Boris Pasternak, (1990)

Nikolai Karetnikov (1930-1994)

  • Till Eulenspiegel, opera in two acts (1965-1985)
  • The Mystery of Apostle Paul, opera-oratorio in 10 acts (1970-1986) First performance on 4 August 1995 in Hannover.

Nikolai Sidelnikov (1930-1992), operas:

  • Alen'kiy Tsvetochek (The Red Flower, after S. Aksakov, 1974)
  • Chertogon (opera dilogy after N. Leskov: Zagul, Pokhmelye, 1978-1981)
  • Beg (The Run after Mikhail Bulgakov, 1987)

Andrey Petrov (1930-2006)

Rodion Shchedrin (b. 1932)

Alfred Schnittke (1934-1998)

  • The Eleventh Commandment, opera in two acts, libretto by Marina Churova, Georgy Ansimov and Alfred Schnittke, (1962)
  • Arrangement: Peter Tchaikovsky, The Queen of Spades, opera in 2 acts after Alexander Pushkin (1977)
  • Life with an Idiot, opera in 2 acts (4 scenes) by Viktor Yerofeyev after his likenamed short story (in Russian, 1991)
  • Historia von D. Johann Fausten, opera in 3 acts, a prologue and an epilogue by Jörg Morgener (Jurjen Köchel]] and Alfred Schnittke based on the likenamed book published by Johann Spies in 1587 (in German, the third acr also in a Russian version by Victor Schnittke). Electronic music by Andrei Schnittke, (1991-1994)
  • Gesualdo, opera in 7 tableaux, a prologue and an epilogue by Richard Bletschacher (in German, 1993)

Sandor Kallosh (b. 1935)

Leonid Hrabovsky (b. 1935)

Yuri Butsko (b. 1938)

Boris Tishchenko (b. 1939)

  • The Stolen Sun, an opera in one act (1968) Libretto by Mikhail Bialik, Z. Korogodsky and B. Tishchenko. After the Tale by Korney Chukovsky.
  • A Cockroach, a musical comedy (operetta) in one act (1968) Libretto by Z. Korogodsky. After the Tale by Korney Chukovsky.

Valeri Gavrilin (1939-1998) operas:

  • Sailor and Waves, opera (1968)
  • Family Album, opera (1969)
  • Peshchnoe deystvo (Oven Action), opera (1970)
  • Tale about the fiddler Vanyusha, or Consolations, opera (1972)
  • The Wedding of Balzaminov after Ostrovsky, opera (1990)

Alexander Knayfel (b. 1943)

Alexander Vustin (b. 1943)

Gleb Sedelnikov (b. 1944)

Merab Gagnidze (b. 1944)

Alexander Tchaikovsky (b. 1946)

Nikolai Korndorf (1947-2001)

Vasily Lobanov (b. 1946)

Antigone, opera after Sophocles, Opus 51, 1985-1987
  • Father Sergius (Отец Сергий – Otets Sergiy"), opera in one act after the story by Lev Tolstoy, 1990-1995

Dmitri N. Smirnov (b. 1948) 3 operas:

Leonid Bobylev (b. 1949)

  • Gregory Melehov (1980, libretto by A.Medvedev after Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "The Quite Don", the concert audition of the fragments Moscow, 1988)
  • The Lost Hunt (1981, libretto by Tatiana Vershinina and Leonid Bobylev after prose by V. Astafiev, the concert audition Moscow, 1983)
  • Who Invented the Soap Balloons? (1989, for children, libretto by O. Volozova);
  • Hi, Alice! (1993, for the juniors, premiere Moscow; 1993)
  • …With the Last Kissing… (1994, mono-opera, libretto by Leonid Bobylev after the novel by Boris Pasternak Doctor Zhivago premiere Moscow, 2001)
  • Playing Chekhov (2000, libretto by Leonid Bobylev after Anton Chekhov's stories)

Elena Firsova (b. 1950)

Vladimir Tarnopolsky (b.1955)

Leonid Desyatnikov (b. 1955)

[edit] 21st century

[edit] Bibliography

  • Abraham, Gerald: The Concise Oxford History of Music, Oxford 1979 ISBN 0-19-284010-X
  • [Abramovsky A.] Абрамовский А. Русская опера до Глинки Moscow 1940
  • [Aseev B. N.] Асеев Б. Н. Русский драматический театр XVII – XVIII веков. Moscow 1958
  • [Berkov P. N.] Берков П. Н. Русская комедия и комическая опера XVIII века. М. – Л., 1950
  • [Findeizein N. F.] Финдейзен Н. Ф. Очерки по истории музыки в России. т. 2, М.-Л. 1929
  • [Gozenpud A. A.] Гозенпуд А. А., Музыкальный театр в России Л., 1959 г.
  • [Gurevich L.] Гуревич Л. История русского театрального быта, т.1. М. – Л., 1939
  • [Druskin M.] Друскин М. Очерк VI в кн. Очерки по истории русской музыки. Л., 1956
  • [History of Russian Music] История русской музыки в 10 томах, т. 2, 3. Moscow 1984
  • [Keldysh Yu. V.] Келдыш Ю. В. Русская музыка XVIII века Moscow 1965
  • [Livanova T. N.] Ливанова Т. Н. Русская музыкальная культура XVIII века в ее связях с литературой, театром и бытом в 2-х томах 1952-1953 гг. т.1, т.2
  • [Rabinovich A. S.] Рабинович А.С. Русская опера до Глинки Moscow 1948
  • [Rapatskaya L. A.] Рапацкая Л.А. Русское искусство XVIII века Moscow 1995
  • [Serov A. N.] Серов А. Н. Опера в России и русская опера // Серов А.Н. Критические статьи. Т. 4. Спб. 1965
  • Taruskin, Richard: Russia in 'The New Grove Dictionary of Opera', ed. Stanley Sadie (London, 1992) ISBN 0-333-73432-7
  • Frolova-Walker, Marina: Russian Federation, 1730-1860, Opera; Powell, Jonathan: 1860-90, Opera; Barttlett, Rosamund (Music of the Soviet Period) in the entry Russian Federation, The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 21 ISBN 0-333-60800-3

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -