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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  • A = Answer.
  • Cmmt = Comment.
  • D = Dictionary. You could probably find the word in a dictionary. Non-encyclopedic. Belongs on Wiktionary.
  • ESL = English as a Second Language. A localized English term, idiom, or saying that is common knowledge to a native speaker. Probably belongs on Wiktionary.
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  • Q = Question.
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Please note this is a place to request article regarding the above subjects. You may also be able to find more information using the Wikipedia's Reference Desk as the volunteers there provide external links and detailed information. Also note, don't ask them to make an article, they are helping out to find information, so once the information is collected, please create the article.


[edit] Accounting

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)-
  • earnings quality -
  • Enhanced business review -
  • IFRS 3 Business combinations -
  • accounting-based equity valuation -
  • Optimal cash holding -
  • Systems and Process Assurance -
  • Accounting Research Bulletins -
  • Gap Time -
  • WikiJob -
  • Restricted Cash -
  • IC-DISC -
  • extraterritorial income exclusion -
  • XRBL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) -
  • J. K. Lasser

[edit] Business

[edit] Businesses and Organizations

[edit] Human resources

  • Maybank2U a very efficient way of paying bills. Google it for Facts.
  • Early youth permits
  • Employee relations
  • Employee Assesments - Human Resources can use assesments, such as those provided by Profiles International, to help companies to manage their most valuable resource, people.
  • UCC-1 Financing Statement
  • Functional manager
  • Information interviews (Career Decision Making)
  • Inter-departmental relations
  • Jobsharing
  • Leader-Member Exchange Theory
  • Peromnes job evaluation system
  • Recruitment screening
  • Restricted holiday
  • Staff retention
  • Stress in the workplace
  • Team action management as devised by Albert S Humphrey from SWOT analysis
  • Workforce development
  • JobCrank.com a job listing and project bidding service.

[edit] Non-profits

  • Aspen Centre for Integral Living - A registered non-profit society located in the Capital region of Alberta, Canada.
  • Australian Institute of Building - A non-profit professional institute operating in Australia and overseas, Incorporated by Royal Charter.
  • Breast Cancer Care - UK-based, information services and patient support charity.
  • Children Of Bali - A Charity Supporting Balinese Kids School Education.
  • DHS Club Kids - United States based non-profit organization that helps feed, house and teach orphan kids throughout the world.
  • DiasPages - The First Not-For-Profit Community Yellow Pages.
  • Dial Before You Dig - A free public service that allows utilities such as Electricity and Phone to give plans to customers wishing to work in the area.
  • Heaven's M.A.G.I.C. (Miraculous Angelic Giving Inspirational Child) - A 501c3 created by Laura Ann Osterman and her fifth grade students at Immaculate Heart Academy in Tucson, Arizona on February 14, 2000.
  • Alternative Energy Foundation - Group that raises money to fund alternative energy research projects
  • Alternative Spring Break (UIUC) - The volunteer organization at the University of Illinois?
  • Chartered Institute of Housing - UK professional body for staff/managers in social housing sector
  • The Children's Investment Fund Foundation - A unique venture philanthropy foundation
  • Clean Up the Philippines - An environmental volunteer organization in the Philippines.
  • Dream Camp -
  • Dream Change -
  • First Redeemer Church of Atlanta -
  • Fiscal Sponsorship -
  • FLOW : Idealism -
  • Heal The World Foundation - Michael Jackson's charity formed in 1992, died due to lack of finances. See Michael Jackson#Humanitarian efforts
  • Girl Guides Australia
  • Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction -
  • Hivos - Dutch NPO which is for ICT4D for children & women as well as open access to all.
  • Hope for success - Charity that helps children through homework assistance, resides in Alabama.
  • The Institute Of Fraud Risk Management - Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist (CITRMS) is a course specifically developed to train and equip professionals to understand and address Identity Theft and related fraud. It addresses risks and issues for consumers, employees, and businesses / professional practices.
  • Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science - Provides resources and training for educators and employers to recruit and retain women to male-dominated fields
  • International Forestry Students' Association -
  • International Institute Of Business Analysis
  • Ironbridge Railway Trust
  • Isara.org - webportal charity providing education and health resources in Thailand
  • Manhattan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - 2006 NYC's Minority and Women Business Enterprise Chamber Challenge Champion
  • National Housing Federation - UK representative body for Housing Associations
  • Romanian Children's Relief, Fundatia Inocenti, a 501c3 charity dedicated to preventing child abandonment in Romania.
  • Sock Monkey Ministries - Outreach ministry that provides handmade sock monkeys to orphans, cancer patients, military soldiers, and those in need of encouragement. To date have sent out over 4000 sock monkeys ??
  • SoftwareCEO - Page One for Software Executives
  • Skillshare International - British international development organisation employing professional people in Africa and Asia.
  • StartingBloc -
  • Space Foundation - A organization based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA that promotes the development of space and education about space.
  • Tolerance in Diversity (TiD) -
  • Tree Trust - Minnesota organization focused on employment training and community greening
  • STUP - Staro Trnje Uredjuje Prostor -
  • Uplifting Athletes - a group of college football players working together to raise awareness and funds for rare diseases.
  • Eden Mill Nature Center - Pylesville, MD
  • Toronto Humane Society the largest animal shelter in Canada is also Canada's first no-kill shelter
  • Maine Historical Society
  • Council of Development Finance Agencies - organization representing the concerns of the development finance industry. www.cdfa.net
  • Nourish International - a student movement to eliminate poverty through innovation based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
  • Zalul Environmental Association - Non-profit environmental organization dedicated to protecting Israel's water resources.
  • Flopopeeps - A non-profit group that produces quality videos for free download and embedding.
  • Toromat1 Games - A small norwegian computer game developer.
  • MASA Israel Journey - An Israeli based nonprofit in conjunction with the Israel government

[edit] People

[edit] Terminology (Business)

  • ABC Factors
  • A-charge
  • Account map
  • Ad Value Equivalency - A.k.a. "AVE"
  • Arc of Distortion
  • Asset light
  • Asset strip
  • APN-A? Parcel number - Real estate term, to identify property by size, lot, etc.
  • Appropriation request
  • Balance of plant -
  • Business promotion plan -
  • Buying cycle -
  • CBB Prime rate - for US banks
  • Business acumen
  • CAP Competitive Access Provider - 1980's precursor to the 1990's ISP Internet Service Provider
  • Capitalization schedule
  • Cardholder Funds Transfer
  • Carried interest (Venture capital)
  • Cause branding
  • Certified Business Location - evidently a designation awarded to cities and counties in (at least) Virginia and West Virginia, as posted at the entrances to these jurisdictions
  • Cluster strategy - A method for monitoring expenditure of funds; a more specific definition would be most welcome! -
  • CMII Standard
  • Commercial Director
  • Construction Industry Institute-
  • Cost Allocation-
  • Cost sharing
  • Co-processing
  • Corporate banking
  • Corporate elite
  • Corporate paper, as in Letter of credit.
  • Consumption Polarity
  • Contract Manufacturing Organization (recently listed at CMO) -
  • Control Thresholds
  • Cram down
  • The Digital Firm- Understanding its effects on the marketplace. See Laudon, Laudon. “The Digital Firm.” Management Information System. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River. 2004.
  • Directional Movement Index- how to calculate the value?
  • Dunning level - Please expand Dunning (process) instead.
  • Director Emeritus - Please define. - 2 commonplace words, see Director#business and emeritus
  • E3value
  • Economic diversification -
  • Electronic customer relationship marketing (eCRM) - see CRM.
  • Effective buying income
  • Engagement director (a designation)
  • Exempt Employee - A. Usually equivalent to 'ineligible for overtime' in US; used to denote employees in first-level mgmt and above. Prob. derived from 'exempt from collective bargaining/organised labour agreements'.
  • Express industry
  • External shock
  • Exchange of Futures for Swaps (EFS)
  • Enclave economy
  • Family limited partnership
  • Financial databases
  • Firm element (SEC-required continuing education)
  • First-line supervisor
  • First offer last call
  • For-Profit Organization
  • Flood marketing
  • FCCB - foreign currency convertible bonds
  • Full cost of production as in cost of production to society and environment etc.
  • Gas jockey (Gas station attendant) -
  • Global Trade Management -
  • Hot capital
  • Hype circle
  • Hystersis
  • Industry protection
  • Information system architecture
  • Ingoing premium
  • Inside sales Cmmt. Sales channel staffed by employees, as distinct from outside sales, staffed by a 3rd party.
  • International strategic alliance
  • Juridisation
  • Kano curve
  • Lake Wobegon Strategy -
  • Lean Sigma (business process methodology related to Six Sigma) -
  • Level-of-effort (contractual term) -
  • Leveraged portfolio -
  • Locational coupling
  • Mall merchandising -
  • Mandatory tender offer -
  • Manpower Buildup Index -
  • Marginal Budget Shares -
  • Market skimming -
  • Minority Women Business Enterprise -
  • Minimalist architecture -
  • Mill Test Report (Steel Prducts/ Manufacturing)-
  • Net Event -
  • New political economy -
  • Non group insurance -
  • Organization dynamic
  • One-off Items
  • Paired choice matrix -
  • Public Deficit -
  • Pitchbook -
  • Platform company -
  • Press room -
  • Quote to cash - Collection of business processes related to managing a lead into a sale
  • Rationalized structure -
  • recapitalize/recapitalizing
  • Results based management - lots of references in the documents of the UK and related agencies (OECD etc.),
  • Rural Enterprise - references to enterprise agencies e.g. DEFRA, business support, networking, grants
  • Savings and credit cooperative (SACCO)
  • SB-Discount
  • Schedule manipulation
  • Standard carrier alpha codes (SCAC) - Four-letter transportation carrier codes
  • Statutory liability
  • Stimulus (economics) - used in many articles on economy topics, but never explained
  • Sunday contract
  • Surgical marketing
  • Totally Engaged and Meaningful - (under construction) describes the attitude and actions of a group in accomplishing a common goal. Totally Engaged refers to the focus of the group on its specific project. Meaningful refers to the focus on specific and relevant work pertaining to the achievement of the common goal.
  • Turtle trading system
  • Underwriting rate
  • Universe analysis - I've heard it mention in a marketing context.

[edit] Law firms

[edit] Management

[edit] Lists/Overall

  • Business in North America
  • Business in Europe
  • Business in the Pacific
  • Business in Emerging Nations

[edit] Other

  • Anthony Triangle
  • BioKleen - A cleaning product company
  • Contingent Workforce Management
  • Voloper Global Merchant

[edit] Economics

  • Modern Western economy
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Factors of Competition
  • Decision Making Sciences
  • Resource cycle
  • MEA Mannheim - "Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging" (MEA) associated with University of Mannheim (also listed in this article).

[edit] Terminology (Economics)

  • A.N.E.A. -
  • Corporateering -
  • Earning Power of Money -
  • EOU Status -
  • Export supply curve -
  • Financial Rationalism -
  • Folk Economics - "Folk economics is the intuitive economics of untrained people. It is concerned with distribution, and does not allow for or understand incentives." (p. 157) Paul A. Rubin advances a theory of folk economics arguing that the essential characteristics of the human mind evolved in an "environment of evolutionary adaptation (EEA)" prior to the civilization of humans approximately 10,000 years ago. This is largely consistent with Hayek. He suggests that, independent of the correctness of his theory on the origin of the economic behavioral nexus in modern humans, folk economics is a useful lens the economist can utilize to focus light onto many economic misunderstandings by non-economists. Southern Economic Journal, 70:1, July 2003, 157-171
  • Gossen's Law - apparently related to the Satiety of Want; many Google occurences. Including Chapter 3 of Friedrich von Wieser, Natural Value [1889].
  • Individual budget constraint -
  • Marshall and Swift Cost Index - Cost estimation for engineering equipment
  • Mild-after-water proposal -
  • R.S. Means -
  • Segment Operation Income -
  • Taxation in Japan -
  • Transfer Problem -
  • The Web-Bot Project -
  • Williamson Trade-off -
  • Working Document -
  • Academic Consortium of International Trade
  • consumer cyclical sector (or perhaps consumer sector)
  • Revenue Tariff
  • Circular economy - New principle in Chinese economic development.

[edit] Economic policy

  • Brookings Papers on Economic Activity -
  • Domestic Discretionary Spending -
  • Economic censorship - how profit motive in the "free" world is used to censor content
  • Financial Inclusion -
  • Mexico Totalization Agreement -
  • National plan -
  • Super 301 - Section 301 of the US Trade Act of 1974
  • Totalization Agreements -
  • Beijing Consensus - China's response to the Washington Consensus
  • tendenziale - Italian economics
  • State-Managed Capitalism
  • Beer distribution
  • Policy dialogue - a common concept in business
  • U.S. Tort Liability System-something to do with medical malpractice, i don't understand it, there are no clear definitions out there.

[edit] Economists

  • Dr. Hari Bansh Jha - one of the senior most economists of Nepal and highly qualified academician.www.cets.org.np
  • Nugent-Smith, Jerome Patrick - International economist and educator.
  • Derek Abell inventor of the Abell model
  • Henry Carter Adams who?-
  • Andrews, Philip Walter Sawford - ((1914-1971), fellow at Nuffield and subsequently professor of economics at Lancaster University (1967-71) cited in Umberto Meoli.
  • Brunner, Elizabeth - (1920-1983) Professor of Economics cited in Umberto Meoli.
  • John Bell Condliffe who?-
  • Brendan J Dames who? -
  • Arindrajit Dube - labor economist from Stanford, PhD from University of Chicago, currently at Berkley.
  • Manuel Fernández López - Specialist in History of Economic Thinking, FCE, University of Buenos Aires
  • Michael Grubb - UK based energy and environmental economist. Author of The Kyoto Protocol: a guide and assessment.
  • Sheen T. Kassouf - b.1929-d.200? PhD Economics, Columbia University 1965; Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of California Irvine.
  • Walter P. Stern - Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Board Member; Executive Committee Member of the Hudson Institute
  • Tommy Wimmer b. 1993 American millionaire
  • Matías Kulfas who?-
  • Daniel Marx who?-
  • Tim Leunig who?-
  • Carlos A. Melconian who?-
  • Sam I Nakagama who?-
  • Julio H. G. Olivera who? -
  • James E. Pesando who?-
  • Federico Pinedo who?-
  • J. Siobhan "Spricey" Price who?-
  • George Henry Soule who?-
  • Juan Vital Sourrouille who?-
  • Janet Stotsky who?
  • August Sartorius von Waltershausen whp?
  • Sir Edward F. West whp?-
  • Edward Wolff works on inequality, wrote Economics of Poverty, Inequality, and Discrimination. Teaches at NYU. (http://www.nyu.edu/econ/dept/vitae/wolff.htm)
  • Alfredo Zaiat who?-
  • Brendan McEvoy - An economic researcher at the National University of Australia, is nationally renowned.

[edit] Economic theory and history


  • 1976 IMF Crisis - in Britain
  • Asian Economic Model - The "Asian Way". cmmt: Web search turns up some references
  • Casualties of Telecom cases
  • Charles Kindleberger -
  • Consumer Awareness -
  • Coopertition -
  • Complete Survey Enumeration Method-
  • The Counter-Veblen Effect -
  • Dynamic asset pricing - Asset pricing in terms Euler equations - ie. pt=E[mt+1·xt+1].
  • Divine Right of Capital -
  • Excess Demand Function -
  • E-loyalty -
  • Economic History of Russia -
  • Economic Indicators(Latest)for Massachusetts-
  • Educational economics -
  • Engineering fallacy -
  • Ever Normal Granary -
  • Economic institutions -
  • Export Pessimism
  • Quadra Wilcox
  • Faustmann Model -
  • Financial instability hypothesis
  • Greenbackism-
  • Hahn problem -
  • History of Cooperatives in Canada -
  • History of Mexican Government -
  • Horulism -
  • Interim efficient -
  • Internal knowledge spillover -
  • IRR Modeling -
  • Kano analysis -


  • Linear pricing schedule -
  • List of countries by economic growth -
  • Loan Balance
  • Mandrake Mechanism - recently given on NPR as a reason not to worry about the deficit How the Fed creates liquidity - seems to be a possibly perjorative description of how, in the opinion of some, central banks are able to print money without adding reserves in a 1-to-1 ratio. These people often advocate that such a reserve requirement should be imposed. The name derives from Mandrake the magician and seems designed to liken the addition of liquidity to a conjuring trick.
  • Market power theory of advertising -
  • Median Location -
  • Mercatocracy -
  • Metaproduction function -
  • Money-in-the-utility-function models -
  • MyLot
  • New Economic Geography -
  • No regret options -
  • Northern Ark - The trade network of the Norse
  • Natural Progress of Opulence -
  • Outcarving
  • Pig Cycle - see Pork_cycle
  • Potential Value -
  • Pre-fisc -
  • Precautionary savings -
  • Pricing schedule -
  • Private ordering -
  • Probabilistic Voting -
  • Property-based Economics -
  • Property Premium -
  • Rationality : Substantive Vs Procedural -
  • Real price rigidity -
  • Rehn-Meidner model -
  • Residual risk-bearer -
  • Retail cycle -
  • Return to skills -
  • Revelation mechanism -
  • The Rhetoric of Reaction (book by Albert O. Hirschman)
  • Romer Model


  • Sample Survey Enumeration Method-
  • Search cost -
  • Sharing rule -
  • Signal-Jamming - Explained core principles - article including examples: Fudenberg, D. & Tirole, J. (1986) - A signal-jamming theory of predation, Rand Journal of Economics, 17, pp. 366–376
  • Single Market, costs and threats to UK businesses -
  • Smithian growth -
  • Social savings -
  • Sonnenshein-Mantel-Debreu theorem -
  • Sovjós -
  • Staggered contracting -
  • State price -
  • State price vector -
  • Superlative index numbers -
  • Swill children - poor children of the mid 1800s in larger cities who searched for scraps of clothing and other garbage to sell
  • Tapered integration
  • Team production -
  • Tendential Fall in the Rate of Profit -
  • Terje Hansen -
  • Thermodynamics and economics -
  • Topline Inflation -
  • Townsend inefficiency -
  • Translog -
  • Treadmill of production - environmental-sociologial term (Schnaiberg)regarding capitalism's inherent tendency to expand.
  • Treadmill of destruction - environmental-sociologial term regarding the ill effects of controlled growth.
  • Trillion dollar club of world economies (referenced in South Korea) -
  • Twentieth century global economy (economic history) -
  • Two-factor model
  • Union threat model -
  • Uneven and Combined Development -
  • Vienna Stock Exchange, collapse of, on May 9, 1873
  • Wage unit, Keynes -
  • Windfall loss

[edit] Econometrics


  • Arrow-Lind principle -
  • Asymptotically equivalent -
  • Accisa-debate
  • Baxter-King filter -
  • Bayesian VAR (Vector Autoregression)
  • Dynamic optimization -
  • Data, observations vs experimental
  • Error-correction model -
  • Essentially stationary -
  • Full information maximum likelihood -
  • Fisher consistency -
  • Grenander conditions -
  • Ichimoku Chart -
  • Incidental parameters -
  • Inflationary Bias - The tendency of a public debt-ridden nation to adapt policies which encourage inflation in the medium/long term. The contention is that there is no way to escape this cause of inflation, but not doing anything about it can be fatal to the economy. More later.
  • 0% finance - ie. buy now, pay later. How a company makes profit by sacrificing interest. (1) decreased negotiation power of the buyer, (2) moving inventory out frees resources, (3) instalments are spaced closer or are of much larger amounts thereby mitigating the loss of interest.


  • J statistic
  • Locally asymptotically normal -
  • Least squares learning -
  • Limited dependent variable -
  • Limited information maximum likelihood -
  • List of current and historic Net Food Importers and Exporters -A list of the current status of countries food trade as well as the status of various countries just before important historical events (example: Germany Before 1939). Would eventually like to get statistics for each country going going back for the the past hundred years or so (even further would be great but I imagine they would be difficult to come across).As well as Estimated world food production. Feel free to move this if you feel theres a better place for it just wanted to get it in the right neighborhood. Yum299 (talk) 20:51, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
  • Locally identified -
  • Lower hemicontinuous
  • Maximum score estimator -
  • New empirical industrial organisation model
  • Partially linear model -
  • Phillips-Perron test -
  • Prais-Winsten transformation -
  • Quasi-likelihood ratio statistic -
  • Quasi-maximum likelihood -
  • Quasi-differencing -
  • Reduced Form Regression -
  • Ridit scoring -
  • Robust smoother -
  • Roughness penalty -


  • Social economic analysis -
  • Staiger-Stock test for the strength of instrumental variables -
  • Structure of Production -
  • Stable steady state -
  • State-space approach to linearization -
  • Stochastic difference equation -
  • Structure (model) -
  • Swiss Challange
  • Test of identifying restrictions -
  • Vanishing hand

[edit] Finance

[edit] A-C

  • Abstract Fees -
  • accelerated bookbuilding -
  • Accumulator - Structurised Product -
  • Analysis of Financial Statements - See ISBN 0-673-98062-6 chapter 4 particularly pages 117 & 119
  • Arms Index -
  • Asset-pricing function -
  • Banknotes of Scotland - currently a redirect to Banknotes of the pound sterling but there's probably enough in just that article to make a good start.
  • Big Five UK Banks - There is currently a 'Big Five' article re Canadian banks but not about the UK's Big Five which includes many of the world's biggest and most profitable banks
  • Bond years -
  • Bond Tender Offer -
  • Borrowing base - the security against which a bank is welling to lend, expressed in terms of percentage of a/r, inventory, building and equipment, etc. Nice article on answers.com might be a good start.
  • Bottom-Up Money Management -
  • Business Development Company
  • Capital Allocation Line
  • Charge Rate - Financial Analysis / Tariff Computation
  • Check sequence number -
  • Continuously priced bond tenders -
  • Coupon leverage -
  • Collateral preparation -
  • Collateralized loan obligation -
  • Columbus Insurance -
  • Credit Cleaning -
  • Credit Facility
  • Credit subsidies -
  • Cross over credit -
  • Cross section returns -
  • CTA - Commodity Trading Advisor -
  • Cumulative average adjusted return -
  • Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) -

[edit] D-G

  • Deminimis allocation -
  • Deveraging -
  • Demand Drafts - A page explaining how demand drafts work, which withdraw from a checking account without approval
  • Dividend Premium -
  • Diversified Payment Rights
  • Dual Trading
  • E-Currency - Internet currencies
  • Ebooktops - Best Ebooks Site
  • eCommission - Advance payment of real estate commissions for Realtors
  • EPS Growth Rate
  • Escalation clause
  • Fair Value Hedge - As it relates to FASB 133.
  • Financial Intermediation -
  • Financial Products -
  • Financial Professional - Route to CeMAP(Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice)
  • Firm-Foundation Theory - an investment theory
  • Firstrade Discount Brokage -
  • Flotation Costs -
  • Foreign Currency Draft -
  • Forex Market Maker -
  • Front Loading with Real Estate Investments -
  • footloose labour
  • Genussscheine - Cmmt. Type of German profit participation certificates. May be deleted Dec. 17, 2007.
  • Global Porfolio Management -
  • Great Inflation - a time in the 1970s that was characterized by massive inflation in the developed world, particularly the US and UK. See http://research.stlouisfed.org/wp/2004/2004-001.pdf
  • Growth Investment - any type of funding available to early stage and developing companies with potential for growth. See http://www.ginem.co.uk

[edit] H-M

  • Idea Market(s) -
  • Impact Cost -
  • Institutional Investor Magazine -
  • Intertemporal public liabilities -
  • Investment Multiple -
  • Investment Promotion -
  • Industry in 1950's -
  • Industrial outwork
  • List of countries by government budget revenues
  • List of US States by GDP (PPP) -
  • List of US States by GDP per capita (PPP) -
  • Loan Notes - UK financing technique
  • London Bankers' Clearing House -
  • Lowest-income places in the United States- LIST Cmmt. A highly unlikely target of accurate research. Inherently difficult to survey lower income areas.
  • Lottery Ticket
  • Luxembourg stock exchange
  • Marubozo - A financial charting/graphing method where the graph is shaped like a candlestick with no shadow.
  • Merchant Accounts & Merchant Account Factoring -
  • Money market debt
  • Mortage Market in US

[edit] N-R

  • Negotiation in Banking -
  • Net Working Investment -
  • New International Division of Labor -
  • New Issue Income Allocation -
  • Nouveau Marche - French tech stock market.
  • Online trading -
  • OPRA Codes
  • Over-allocation provision -
  • Parent subordinated debt -
  • Parking securities -
  • Partnership bank -
  • PFIC (passive foreign investment company) -
  • Plain hair
  • Portfolio Insurance -
  • Pricing kernel -
  • Principal Investment - One The Investment Banks Activities Kinda Connected With Funds ...
  • Product Specialist - Marketing majors... Follow life cycle of products, have expertise...
  • ProShares
  • Public Private Partnership Models -
  • QDII (Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors) -
  • QFII (Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors)
  • Rangebound -
  • Rational herding -
  • Recovery rate -
  • Red88 Prepaid Card - A new type of prepaid card that is aimed at Chinese people
  • Rediscount rate -
  • Regional Economic Communities -
  • re-intermediation - (i.e. banks having to take (securitised) loans back onto their own balance sheets)
  • Repayment plan - as in a plan created by a consumer in consultation with creditors (such as credit card companies) to pay down consumer debt; such plans often are designed by specialized consumer credit counseling agencies in the U.S. as a way to avoid bankruptcy
  • Retention ratio -
  • Revolving senior bank debt -
  • Rogue trading -
  • Roll critique -
  • Rolling bond tenders -
  • Royalty financing -

[edit] S-Z

  • Saitori -
  • single asset real estate -
  • Sinking Fund Factor -
  • Solvency capital
  • Short-Term European Paper, A new program European for short-term invesment instruments
  • Sterilization -
  • Subsovereign entity or borrower -
  • Sucker rally - (Stock market sucker rally)
  • SuperDOT (NYSE)
  • SurveyEngine
  • Tax Lien Certificates -
  • Tax preferences -
  • Tax receipt -
  • Technical resistance -
  • Third Party Processor - Information describing exactly what this person does.
  • Time averages -
  • Time to customer -
  • Top-Down Money Management -
  • Top-Line Growth -
  • Trade matching -
  • Trading halt
  • Volume
  • Unit registry -
  • UNIFI - Unified Financial Industry messaging scheme
  • Wall Street-Treasury Complex -
  • War Credits -
  • Warehouse Credit
  • Wash Trade -
  • Writing Down Allowance

[edit] Others

  • American Automotive Industry -
  • Caribbean Cinemas - Cinema Industry of Puerto Rico, also exists in Saint Marteen, Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic, and the isle of St. Thomas.
  • CVS/ Caremark Corporation- merger conducted in March 07- see CVS Corporation and Caremark
  • Direct insurance -
  • Enkord -
  • Green National Accounting -
  • Intimate shop -
  • Kluster (start-up community) A start-up community (I can't find where I can put this under that category) discussed in the New York Times ca. 3 March 2008 and on http://www.sys-con.com/read/504689.htm and newmediasignal.com/kluster-launches-at-ted-a-new-product-in-72-hours-readwriteweb/
  • Napoleon approach
  • Olsen Currency Converter -
  • Optical Distortion Inc. -
  • Platform Release -
  • Port Hole -
  • Safety glasses ratings- how the system works
  • Deborah Shank - the disabled woman Wal-Mart attempted to sue for over US$400,000 in health care costs
  • SJM Concerts -
  • SpeedEquity - Developed by Australian Mortgage Expert Harj Gill
  • Surface Mail -
  • Unsolicited Selling -
  • Through Transport Club -
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit program - (WOTC)
  • GenOil
  • Logicom - SAI Global
  • ZVZZT (A stock ticker commonly causing questions - it's a ticker used for testing purposes)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -