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[edit] Contestants

  • Thela Brown (13th)
  • Heath Crawford (12th)
  • Jennifer Toof (11th)
  • Chris Steverson (10th)
  • Courtney Jackson (9th)
  • Davis Boyd (8th)
  • Schatar Taylor (7th)
  • Larissa Aurora (6th)
  • Zachary Johnson (5th)
  • Peter Szaraz (4th)
  • Brian Johnston (3rd)
  • Leilene Ondrade (2nd)
  • Jesselynn Windsor (1st)

[edit] No Mo'Nickname's

The 13 contestants arrive at Charm School and are there for specific reasons. Heath for his very low confidence, Zachary for his over confident cocky attitude, Jesselynn for her manipulation with her friends, Brian for his spilt personality(Black/White), Thela for her thoughts of fighting to solve her problems, Larissa for her bad attitude, Peter for his attitude to not care, Schatar for her wealth and stuck up persona, Davis for his unclenliness, Leilene for always crying, Chris for being selfish, Courtney for her awkwardness, and Jennifer for her promiscuous actions.

Mo'Nique introduces herslef outside of the mansion and tells the kids to find their beds. Immediately drama occurs as Larissa and Zachary learn that they have to share a room with Peter. They felt as though Peter didn't like them from first impressions on the bus ride to the mansion. Peter in his defense says that that wasn't the case, but Larissa and Zachary don't believe him.

The kids are then called down to the main hall where they introduce themselves. Heath claims that he wants to be called by his singing name, "Wej". But Mo'Nique insists that he goes by his real name. Then there is a mixer where Mo'Nique and the the two other judges Mikki and Keith get to know the contestants a little better. The next day the competition starts to win the $50,000 by the assignment to work together. The students were driven to a road where they were to walk to a campsite, two miles away, while going as a group. Immediately, Schatar, Jennifer, and Peter get what they need and start down the road without anyone. Thela complains that she has a torn achelis heel and can't hike two miles.

Schatar is the first to arrive at camp and is dissapointed that it wasn't a spa retreat like she expected. When the others arrive they were upset to see that Schatar only brought a bag of candy and a log. Mikki later arrives that night to ask if the task of working together had worked. Everyone disagreed. Mikki then told the group that they needed to pick two team captains for the challenge the next day, since the task did not come across. The students vote Leilene and Jesselynn as captains. The day Sgt. Jones wakes them up from their campsite and brings them down to an obstacle course. There the captains pick their teams. Jesselynn picks Courtney, Zachary, Larissa, Jennifer, Brian, and Schatar. Leilene picks Davis, Thela, Chris, Peter, and Heath. Thela explains that she doesn't want to do it because of her heel. Davis says the just doesn't want to do it. when Leilene's team goes Davis slows down the team and Thela's heel seemed fine. Jesselynn's team goes through the course faster winning the challenge and safety at the elimination.

Back at the house the contestants get their uniforms and Thela talks to Mo'Nique about herself and what she has learned so far at the house. Mo'Nique thought she was crazy.

At elimination, Leilene, Davis and Thela are called down to the carpet and are at risk for elimination. The judges say that Leilene should have picked a better team. They told Davis that he should have not complained about the task and just should have done it. They tell Thela that her "imjury" should have not been an excuse and she should have pulled it aside for her team. Mo'Nique states that they are weak and that they all need to improve in there confidence. She then announces that Thela is expelled.

  • Challenge Winners: Jesselynn Windsor, Schatar Taylor, Larissa Aurora, Zachary Johnson, Brian Johnston, Jennifer Toof, & Courtney Jackson
  • Bottom Three: Davis Boyd, Leilene Ondrade, & Thela Brown
  • Expelled: Thela Brown

[edit] Dirty Drawers Done Dirt Cheap

The 12 contestants wake up to find that their new task is to learn etiquette. They learn to walk, hold a converstion, and know the different utensils on a table. Leilene also learns when to make a toast. Mon'Nique then tells the students that they will need to pick a partner to compete against. They will be trying to impress Andrew Firestone who will then select one person from each pair to have dinner with him. From there, he will choose two people to join him for dessert. Then he will choose the winner who will represent him at his winery opening the next day. The partners are as followed: Peter & Larissa, Zachary & Chris, Courtney & Leilene, Brian & Jennifer, Jesselynn & Davis, and Heath & Schatar. As the contestants were getting ready, Heath found that his suit was missing. Some of Peter's things were gone as well. Heath then flips out and goes hysterical. Peter is the only one to help look for the clothes and finds them in a cabinet in the kitchen.

As the contestants compete to impress Andrew Firestone he picks Larissa, Chris, Leilene, Brian & Davis to join him for dinner. When Heath and Schatar talk to Andrew, Schatar said that Heath looked nice in his suit and that she should have hidden it better. Heath then loses composure and Schatar wins the dinner with the other students. Heath goes to tell the other's what Schatar had done. Peter gets mad and sprints up the stairs to hide her things. He doesn't succeed and then argues with Schatar.

At dinner, Andrew gets to know everyone a little better and Leilene decides to make a toast. Larissa got to personal with Andrew and it seemed she was coming on to him. Davis talked about his charity work, and Chris talked about himself. Schatar talked about she is good representation.

Andrew picks Davis and Schatar to have dessert with him. Meanwhile, Peter takes takes Schatar's dirty underwear and puts on the picture over her bed to humiliate her. At dessert the converstion gets personal with Schatar and Davis, but Schatar is chosen as the winner and is safe from expulsion. When she gets back to her room, Larissa, Zachary, Heath, and Peter point out the underwear and Schatar gets embarassed.

The next day Schatar leaves to promote Andrew and his new winery, and everyone hopes that she does bad. Back at the house, the students must cook lunch for Mo'Nique and work together. Everyone helps except Leilene who comes down late to help. At the winery, Schatar arrives and falls on the ground after she gets out of the limo. While presenting the new winery, she knocks over the podium setting a bad example. At lunch, Mo'Nique decides for everyone to role play. Peter is made fun of for freaking out about the stolen clothes. Jesselynn argues with Chris by saying that Chris always talks about himself. Also, Mo'Nique notices Heath plays the role of the victim.

At elimination, Larissa, Chris and Heath are called down to the carpet. Larissa was told that her come on to Andrew was not appropriate. Chris was told that he talks too much amd that he needs to step up his game. Heath is told that he plays the role of the victim and the judges felt that Heath had an attitude that he didn't need to change since he was an inspiring singer. Therefore, Heath is expelled.

  • Challenge Winner: Schatar Taylor
  • Bottom Three: Chris Steverson, Heath Crawford, & Larissa Aurora
  • Expelled: Heath Crawford

[edit] Big Titty Girl No No

The remaining 11 contestants are called down the next day to learn their new lesson which is about fashion and how to dress properly. Brian and Schatar are recognized as having unique senses of fashion as well as their own personal styles. They learn about couture and Mikki informs the students are going to compete in a fashion show. The teams will each consist of five people. 2 designers, 1 hairstylist, 1 make-up artist and 1 model. Everyone though had to choose 1 person to be the judge along with Mo'Nique, Mikki, and Keith for the challenge. This person would be safe from being expelled.

After Mikki is done explaining the rules, everyone decides that they want to be the judge. But meanwhile Jesselynn decides to choose her team so she could win. She chooses Schatar, Larissa, Zachary, and Leilene. The only people leftover were Peter, Chris, Davis, Brian, Courtney, and Jennifer. Many people vote Courtney to be the judge, but Schatar says that if Courtney was the judge, she would pick whatever team Peter was on to win, since they are friends. Peter argues by saying that Courtney is friends with a lot of people, and that Schatar doesn't know what she's talking about. Therefore, Courtney is voted as the judge.

On Chris' team, many of the teamates thought Chris should be the model, but Chris insisted that Davis should be it. Peter and Brian thought that he shouldn't since he does not look like a model. While on Larissa's team, Leilene decided that she wanted to be the model. Zachary and Schatar were the desginers and helped make the dress to be inpsired by the Japanese culture. Being that most of Chris' team were boys, they had trouble with their design for Davis. Jennifer was supposed to help Brian with the team's outfit, but it seemed as though she didn't contribute at all. Brian did most of the work with the help of Chris to make the outfit. Its theme was that of a bird. When Larissa went to go spy to see what Chris' team was doing for their design, all she did was laugh.

The next day was the day of the fashion show and Courtney came around to each team to tell them that the finishing touches needed to be done on the outfits and that the fashion show would be soon. Peter did hair on his team, while Larissa did hair on hers. Jennifer was supposed to help, but decided to nap and take brakes while her teamates were working. When the fashion show came, Leilene looked very elegant when she walked down the runway and the jugdes were impressed. When Davis came down the runway, it was the opposite in that the outfit was poorly made. When it came to decision making, the judges said that it was up to Courtney to make the final decision. Peter hoped that she would have picked his team, but she picked Leilene's team. The judges then tried to ask questions to Jennifer about working with her team but she could not answer any of them.

Later that night, Chris went to Mo'Nique and told her that the outfit on Davis was all Brian and Jennifer's fault and that he shouldn't be blamed for. After that, Chris told Peter what he said to Mo'Nique, and Peter went and told Brian and Jennifer. Both of them were furious and feared that they were going to go home.

At elimination, Brian, Jennifer, and Chris were called down to the carpet. The judges told Chris that he should have stepped and been the model like most of the team wanted. They told Jennifer that she should have contibuted more with the team. They told Brian that he did a bad job on the outfit with Jennifer, but Brian told them that he was fooled by Chris' false confidence. Mo'Nique tells Brian to go back to the steps leaving Chris and Jennifer in the bottom two. Mo'Nique asks them why the other should go home. Chris says that Jennifer wasn't a major contribution to the team, while Jennifer starting talking about herself, and she didn't answer the question. Mo'Nique then expels Jennifer.

  • Challenge Winners: Leilene Ondrade, Larissa Aurora, Schatar Taylor, Zachary Johnson, & Jesselynn Windsor
  • Bottom Three: Brian Johnston, Chris Steverson, & Jennifer Toof
  • Expelled: Jennifer Toof

[edit] Master Debaters

The next day, the 10 remaining contestants learn that they need to get ready because they are heading off to a different school. They arrive at a college where they sit in a class and learn the form of debate. They learn that there are two sides to a debate and they learn the rules to debate: Stay on the topic, don't interupt your opponent, and never give up. The teacher then splits the contestants into two teams. The first is Larissa, Schatar, Peter, Leilene, and Courtney. The second team was Zachary, Brian, Jesselynn, Davis, and Chris.

They each had an instructor to help them and practice for the debate which would happen in a few hours. Leilene had trouble with all of the terms her mentor was using and seemed lost. Chris on the other hand, was on a team with Brian, who does not like Chris for what he did the night before. After the contestants practiced, the teacher informed them that they needed to bench one person from each team. Leilene was easily benched on her team, since she did not understand the concept of debate. On the other team, Chris wanted to participate because he feared he would be eliminated if he didn't. Brian didn't care and voted him to be benched, along with everyone else.

The teacher then stated that Larissa's team was the negative side, while Zachary's was the affirmative. He stated the topic of the debate was "Everyone from Courtney's team should be expelled." When the debate came, Mo'Nique said that she was not surprised to see Leilene and Chris benched. Peter and Brian opened the debate, with Brian saying that the other team was bad and wasn't willing to learn at Charm School. Peter stated that sending his team would not better anything, the point is to get better, and his team needs that in Charm School. Zachary and Larissa then get up with Larissa cross-examining. For Larissa, it was tough, and she didn't do her job well while Zachary did. Schatar and Jesselynn then got up with Jesselynn cross-examining. Schatar tried to make her points, but Jesselynn kept interuppting her, which against a rule for debate. Courtney and Davis closed the debate with Davis a very good job. But Courtney stated that Davis' team had not adressed the topic at all. All they had said was that her team was bad, and if they were bad then they needed Charm School.

The debate teacher decided that Larissa's team was the winner of the debate. Mo'Nique disagreed, which made Larissa angry. She felt as though that when she did a good job, Mo'Nique thought she had an attitude. It escalated into a verbal fight, and Mo'Nique left, angry.

After the debate, the contestants went to a resturant to eat. They all ended up going crazy with Peter making out with one of the girls. Leilene confronted Larissa about her attitude, which made Larissa angry. Larissa started to call Leilene a stripper and all sorts of degrading names. Leilene was almost punched by Larissa also. Jesselynn helped calm Leilene down by taking her outside to talk to her.

Back at the house it was time for elimination. The three people called down to the carpet were, Leilene, Jesselynn, and Chris for the third time in a row. Mikki stated that she was sad to see Leilene on the bench even though she had done so well at the fashion show the day before, She said that Leilene shouldn't let people walk over her. Jesselynn was on the carpet because she had interupted Schatar during the debate, and was getting heated about nothing. Chris was on the carpet because he didn't step up his game, and Keith stated that he thought Chris felt comfortable being a loser. Mo'Nique let Leilene go back to the steps, with Jesselynn and Chris in the bottom two. Jesselynn said that Chris only talked about himself and din't handle himself well after he learned he was being benched. Mo'Nique then expels Chris.

  • Challenge Winners: Larissa Aurora, Peter Szaraz, Courtney Jackson, & Schatar Taylor
  • Bottom Three: Chris Steverson, Jesselynn Windsor, & Leilene Ondrade
  • Expelled: Chris Steverson

[edit] Big Stink at Charm School

The 9 contestants wake up the next day to find out they have another leeson to learn. While they are getting ready Larissa talks to Zachary about Peter and how she didn't like that he kissed a girl at the resturant the day before.

The students are brought to a business office where they learn about how to make profit and how to sell things. They also learn how to market and what the best ways are to sell products. Mikki then informs them that they will split into 3 teams. The teams will then try to sell a bottles of either perfume or cologne the nest day out on the street. Mikki announces that the three CEO's will have to interview each contestant and then pick which ones they want to be on their team. The CEO's Mo'Nique chose were Larissa, Zachary, and Peter.

While interviewing contestants it seemed that the stronger people to pick were Brian, Schatar, and maybe Courtney. Jesselynn, Davis, and Leilene did not impress the CEO's at all. The CEO's were given pictures of each person and they each had to choose two. Zachary immediately picked Schatar and Brian, while Larissa picked Courtney when Peter wanted her. The didn't want the three that were left but Larissa just chose Jesselynn. Peter was upset that he was stuck with Leilene and Davis, and started to argue with Larissa and Zachary.

The CEO's announce who is on their team, and they say why each of them was chosen. Peter told Leilene that she was sexy and that she would use her assests to the best of her ability. Larissa then blurted out that he didn't want her. The teams then decide what the will sell. Peter's team will sell perfume, Larissa's cologne, and Zachary's perfume. The teams ech got to pick how there scents smelled and what the name their perfume was. Peter's perfume was called "Fruit of Love", Larissa cologne, "La, Se, Cour", and Zachary's perfume, "Icon."

When they got back to the house, they started to make the poster's for their perfume to put up on the street, while they were selling the bottles. Zachary's was simple and plain, Larissa could not think of an idea for her poster. Peter on the other hand decided to go on the lines of sex sells, but in a classy way. Peter then went downstairs to find out on a note that the two CEO's of the losing team will automatically be called down to the carpet.

The next day the contestants but their scents into the bottles and were taken to the streets of Hollywood. The started to sell their scents with Peter's and Zachary's teams started off well. Larissa's teamates took a while to get ready to get started. Courtney didn't do well selling the bottles in that she was too shy to approach anyone. Larissa notcied this. Peter's team kept selling bottle after bottle, while Larissa's team was not doing so well. A girl Peter's age came up to him and told that if he kissed her, she would buy a bottle. Everyone from the opposite team's were shocked.

After selling their bottles, they were taken back to the house where their money was tallied and it was recealed that Peter's team had won the challenge. Larissa was mad at this. Later, when she was talking on the phone to someone, the line was disconnected and she blamed Peter and said he pulled the cord. This resulted into a heated argument between the two. Larissa went to go talk to Mo'Nique about what happened and Mo'Nique called Peter to the office where they talked about what happened with Larissa getting into the most trouble.

At elimination, Larissa and Zachary were called down because they were the CEO's of the losing teams. Mo'Nique then told Larissa to chose someone from her team to join them on the carpet since her team did the worst. She chose Courtney. The judges told Zachary that he really didn't do anything wrong, he was just on the carpet because it was the rules. They told Courtney that they feel she is just playing it safe and that she doesn't really need a change here in Charm School. They tell Larissa that she has an attitude problem from what they saw from her argument with Peter. But in the end, Mo'Nique tells Courtney that she doesn't need to be there, and that she is keeping a bed warm, and also that she should let the people who need to be charmed do so. Therefore, she is expelled.

  • Challenge Winners: Peter Szaraz, Leilene Ondrade, & Davis Boyd
  • Bottom Three: Courtney Jackson, Larissa Aurora, & Zachary Johnson
  • Expelled: Courtney Jackson

[edit] Give and Take

With only 8 contestants remianing, the competion gets seriuos when Dean's Mikki and Keith tell the students that their next challenge is to sell their clothes off of their backs at a local thrift store. Everyone must split into 4 teams consisting of 2 people each. The team that makes the most money proves to be very generous, and will win be safe from expulsion. Peter and Leilene have now become close friends and team up. Friends Zachary and Larissa choose to be partners. Jesselynn and Brian are also close at this point and choose to be partners, on the other hand Davis is stuck with Schatar.

The contestants pack their clothes that they want to sell into big duffel bags. Peter and Leilene put many clothes in their bags as well as Larissa and Brian. Schatar puts many clothes in hers, but Davis' decided that Schatar had so many clothes that he decided to sell as little as possible. Brian didn't mind selling his things, but Jesselynn started to cry because she didn't have a lot, and was sad that she had to give up her only clothes.

The contestants then go to the thrift store. Peter and Leilene sell their things first, and end up selling quite a bit of items. Leilene though wanted to sell a ring her mother had given her before she passed away. Peter did not want her to do this. He felt like her mother could not give her another ring. She sold it anyway. Larissa and Zachary did very well selling their clothes. Some things the store couldn't take though. Zachary was upset that some of his expensive clothes weren't being priced like he thought they should have. Davis and Schatar didn't sell a lot for the fact that most of Schatar's clothes were dirty and some were ripped and stained. Davis was upset that they weren't making much money. Brian sells most of his things, while Jesselynn felt like her things weren't being priced fairly and she threw a big fit at the store. She later regained composure and sold all of her things, even her favortie Ug boots.

Back at the house, Davis offered some clothes to Jesselynn, but Jesselynn felt he was treating her as a charity case. This lead the two to fight with one another. Mo'Nique then brought the contestants into the main hall where she announced who won the challenge. She said that Schatar and Davis did the worst, Peter and Leilene did the third best, Brian and Jesselynn came in second, and Zachary and Larissa did the best. Zachary cheered for joy, but then Mo'Nique stated that they had won until Leilene had sold her mother's ring, which made and Leilene and Peter the winners. As a prize they get to choose one other team to go on a shopping spree to go with them.

The next day, Leilene and Peter chose Davis and Schatar to go on the spree with them. Brian and Jesselynn felt like they should have gone. While they were at their shopping spree, Jesselynn went to talk to Mo'Nique in her office about her meltdown at the thrift store. Mo'Nique sympathized with her and Jesselynn was no longer in trouble. Larissa didn't like the fact that Schatar was still here in the house and decided to try and frame her. She took the picture of Leilene's deceased mother, and put it under Schatar's bed to make it look like she had stolen it. When Leilene arrived back at home from shopping, she noticed that her picture was gone. Larissa did not want to bring it up at this moment and wait until after elimination, if Schatar still stayed.

At elimination, Zachary, Davis, and Schatar were called down to the carpet. The judges told Zachary that he was not generous during the challenge. He kept complaining that his expensive clothes were not priced at the proce he wanted him to be at. For Schatar, she was on the carpet because her team managed to sell the least amount. They felt that she should have taken what she sold into consideration since they felt most of her clothes were a joke anyway. The judges thought that Davis did not do well on this challenge. They felt that his intention was not to sell the least he could, and let his teammate Schatar do most of the work and sell the most clothes. In the end, Mo'Nique expels Davis for his selfishness, and his manipulation with Schatar. After Davis left the house, Mo'Nique presented Leilene with her mother's ring that she had got back. Mo'Nique told Jesselynn she would do her best to get her boots back.

  • Challenge Winners: Leilene Ondrade & Peter Szaraz
  • Bottom Three: Davis Boyd, Schatar Taylor, & Zachary Johnson
  • Expelled: Davis Boyd

[edit] Oh No She Didn't

With only 7 people left, Mo'Nique starts to make the competition even more serious. The contestants are half way to their prize of $50,000 and she decides to have a test. She tells the contestants that later that night they have an a written exam over what was taught so far in Charm School, and whoever does the best will be safe from elimination. There will be one extra credit question worth 10 points.

Everyone splits up in two's to help study for this test. Peter & Leilene work together. Larissa and Zachary work together, and Brian and Jesselynn work together as well. Schatar on the other hand, does not get to work with anyone. Nobody at this point trusts Schatar at this point, especially Larissa. While studying for the test, Larissa told Zachary what she did whith Leilene's picture the day before. Zachary thought it was a genius plan, but told Larissa that Leilene needs to find the picture before elimination comes.

Peter told Leilene not to trust anyone in this house when it comes to friendship, although he said she could trust him, and that he had trust in her. His plan was for of them to help each other to get to the final two. Leilene agreed. In response, they both studied hard from the notes they had taken during the lessons. While Brian and Jesselynn were studying, Jesselynn explained more of her background to Brian about her early life, and how her father had passed away. Jesselynn and Brian had become more close than before. Schatar on the other hand didn't study that much at all. It seemed like all she did was eat throughout the day.

When test time came, everyone was really focused. Ironically, Schatar was the first one done, even though she had not studied that much. Zachary was second to finish followed by Larissa. The two went upstairs after the test and agreed that they would make Leilene find her picture the next day before elimination. Brian didn't think he did well at all on the test and was done after Larissa. Leilene was then done. Peter couldn't answer some of the questions and decided to try the extra credit question. He finished, with Jesselynn right after him.

The next day Mo'Nique called the remaining contestants down to the main hall to reveal the test scores. She started with the worst and made her way up. She revealed that Schatar did the worst on her test with a score of 67%. Brian did the second to last worst with a score of 73 %. Larissa got a score of 75%. Leilene followed with an 80%. Peter got an 84% and Jesselynn got a 86%. Mo'Nique revealed that Zachary was the winner with a score of 94%. He was happy, but then she said that Peter got the extra credit question correct, boosting his percent up 10, which led both Zachary and Peter to tie. She revealed that they were both the winner's and are safe from elimination.

Throughout the day, Leilene was busy trying to find her mother's picture, because she had thought that she had mis-placed it. Larissa and Zachary offered to help to look for. Leilene thought this was strange because she does not get along with Larissa or Zachary. Larissa told her to look under Schatar's matress because she is known for stealing the suits previously in the competition. Leilene then finds the picture under Schatar's mattress and is furious. She tells Schatar where she found the picture and Schatar is shocked. Schatar finds out that she is being framed and does appreciate it at all.

Leilene then goes to Mo'Nique's office where she tells what happened. Mo'Nique calls Schatar to the office and Schatar asks Leilene if someone told her to look under her matress, and Leilene said yes. Schatar exclaimed that that was the person who probably took it. Leilene doesn't really listen and Mo'Nique tells the two to get ready for elimination. Schatar goes to talk to the other's and Larissa tells her that it was Leilene's idea to look under the matress. Schatar then believes Leilene is trying to set her up.

At elimination, Schatar, Larissa, and Brian are called down to the carpet. The judges tell both Brian and Larissa that they did poor on their tests and that they need to either pay attention, or study better. When they get to Schatar, they say that she had the worst score and not only, but that she might have stolen Leilene's picture. Mo'nique then goes around to each person and asks if they had taken Leilene's picture. They all say no. Mo'Nique then tells Schatar that the only thing she has to go by is history, and history says that she is theif. Therefore, she is expelled. Mo'Nique warns the others that if Schatar didn't take the picture, karma would come back to the person who did.

  • Challenge Winners: Zachary Johnson & Peter Szaraz
  • Bottom Three: Brian Johnston, Larissa Aurora, & Schatar Taylor
  • Expelled: Schatar Taylor

[edit] It's Mo's Birthday and I'll Cry If I Want To

With just 6 contestants remaining, they learn that the competition will become more cut-throat. Peter is worried that if Schatar didn't steal the picture, and that there is still a person in the house who might get other's kicked off. Leilene has a feeling that Schatar did not steal her mother's photo.

The contestants learn how to be intervied for their next lesson. they learn how to approach what the interviewer says, and what they ask. The instructor for this lesson tells them to not take the bait and not portray anyone in a negative way. He then went around to each student where he practiced interviewing with them. He then tells them to stay on topic and to deflect whatever question that they should not answer.

The students get ready and then head off to a press junket where they will be interviewed by someone. No one knows who the interviewer will be and Peter is the first one up. He is nervous to who the interviewer will be. New York from the Flavor of Love series walks in and Peter is not excited. New York asks him who he doesn't like and Peter took the bait when he shouldn't have, by telling her that he didn't like Larissa. Zachary was next and did fairly well with his interview by deflecting the questions and staying on the subject about Charm School. Larissa surprisingly did well also, by not letting her temper get to her. Leilene was one of the best of the day and told New york how she was there to better herself and she stayed on topic. Jesselynn did extremely well in that she made the interview fun and exciting. When it became Brian's turn, he has not happy to see it was New York. He let his anger get to him and he took the bait for every single one of New York's questions. When decision time came, the intructor felt like Jesselynn did the best and she wins the challenge.

On the way back to the mansion, Brian is really upset that he did not do well on the challenge. He fears that he might go home and Jesselynn trys to calm him down.

The next day, the students get a note that tells them that that day was Mo'Nique's birthday. They were instucted to set up a birthday party for her before she arrived later that night. Before they started to decorate, Leilene confronts everyone by saying that she didn't think Schatar took her picture. Larissa then got defensive and told Leilene not to bring up her name because she did not take it. Larissa then called Leilene a crack head.

Larissa and Zachary went into their room and Zachary told Larissa not be defensive because eventually it will come out on who took the picture. Larissa agreed. Later that day, Brian and Jesselynn went up to Larissa and asked if she took the picture. Larissa said no. Brian and Jeselynn said that they thought she didn't take the picture. Larissa then told them that Zachary took it. They then run to Leilene and tell her that Zachary took the picture.

While setting up Mo'Nique's birthday party, Brian and Zachary were setting up balloons together. Brian then tells Zachary that he apparently took the picture. Zachary was shocked and didn't know why his came up at all. Zachary then asks him why he didn't go by his own judgement and off of someone elses. Brian then says that everyone has been talking about him including Larissa. Zachary then got angry and confronted Larissa. Larissa turned the whole story around to make it sound like it was Brian's fault for bringing up Zachary's name. Brian gets really upset and goes up to his room to pack and try and leave the competition.

Mo'Nique arrives at her party surprised to find out that there are only 5 people present, Peter, Larissa, Zachary, Jesselynn, and Leilene. She asks where Brian is, and the students tell her. Mo'Nique then goes upstairs to ask Brian what was wrong. brian explains the whole situation about the picture and Zachary comes in and apologizes to Brian. Zachary then tells Mo'Nique that he needs to talk to her. He confesses to her that Larissa was the one who took the picture. Zachary then try's to explain to Larissa that all she had to do was admit she did it and say she was sorry. But Larissa said Zachary was not her friend anymore, and Zachary said Larissa was a back stabber. They then had to get ready for elimination.

At elimination, the judges call Brian, Zachary, and Larissa down to the carpet. The judges tell Zachary that he did very well on the challenge but there are other reasons for why he was on the carpet. The judges also said Larissa did a good job, but she has no one to blame for why she is on the carpet. Brian get's tols that he did the worst in the challenge by telling New York everything that was going on in the house. Mo'Nique then asks Larissa about the picture. Larissa tells her that she took it and Mo'Nique then starts to talk to her. Larissa gets defensive and tells her that she doesn't care if she goes home or not. She brings out her bad attitude. Mo'Nique says that Brian was supposed to go home but because of her attitude and cockiness, Larissa was expelled.

  • Challenge Winner: Jesselynn Windsor
  • Bottom Three: Brian Johnston, Larissa Aurora, & Zachary Johnson
  • Expelled: Larissa Aurora

[edit] Respect All People

With just 5 contestants remaining the competition takes a turn for Zachary. When he wakes up in the morning he cannot focus and is deeply sad for the way Larissa portrayed herself, and how she got herself sent home. Peter and Leilene on the other hand did not feel bad for Larissa whatsoever. Brian was thankful that he was given another chance. He said it was sad to see Larissa screw herself over.

The students then learn their new lesson. They learn about how to plan a good future. They learn that they need to have a set idea of they want to do when they are older and what they will do to get to their goal. Each person was then to get up and say what they wanted to be. Jesselynn said that she wanted to be a hair stylist. Leilene said that she wanted to be a professional dancer. Brian said that he wanted to be a professional football player. Peter thought that was completely out of question, when he thought Brian should have a real more realistic plan for his life. Peter wanted to be some sort of journalist or writer. Zachary though said he didn't know what he wanted to be when he was older, and it seemed he didn't care for the lesson.

The students were then brought to an auditorium filled with over 50 professional adults where they were to present their ideas on what they wanted to be. Everyone seemed to be extremely nervous except for Peter. Leilene was first up and gave her presentation on how she wanted to be a dancer. She said things like she would study the art of dance in school, but she never said anything about practicing dance herself. Jesselynn said that she wanted to cut hair and style it, and that was basically about it. Peter was up and impressed almost everyone by saying that he has already started to pursue his dream job since he had already written a book. Zachary didn't really try at all. Though he said that he wanted to be a doctor. He dragged on his presentaion about what doctor's are but didn't say anything about himself. Brian also impresses many people by saying how he far he has gone with his football career, and how his high school had won state last year.

The adults were then givin a ballad to vote on who they thought did the best. They voted and the person who won, won by a landslide. Peter was announced as the winner and was safe from elimination. Brian was mad at this because he does not like Peter and it was his 5th time winning a challenge, and he has yet to be on the carpet.

When the contestants get home they see Zachary and how depressed he was become. Peter was especially surprised that he become this way, because he was basically the bully in the house along with Larissa when she was there. Everyone tried to comfort him, Leilene talked to him one on one, and she suggested that he go and talk to Mo'Nique. Zachary said that he wasn't going to. He didn't want to stay in the house just out of pity.

The next day, Mo'Nique decided to post on the wall downstair where everyone stood in the competition. It went like this: 1st: Peter, 2nd: Jesselynn, 3rd: Leilene, 4th: Brian, 5th: Zachary. Zachary said that he was not surprised to see that he was on the bottom. At the bottom of the message, it said, things could change that day.

Mo'Nique later brought over one of the professional adults from the previous day to see how well they work with adults and see how well they respect them. They had a nice dinner and they all had simple conversation. When the adult said something about his political views though, Peter told him that he didn't want to here it. Peter didn't like the fact that the adult could bring up anything that he wanted to and just get away it just because he was an adult. Peter became very heated and Leilene calmed him down. Everyone else held their composure although most of them didn't like the topics that adult chose to talk about.

Before elimination, Mo'Nique called Peter down to her office to talk about what had happened at dinner. Peter told her that he didn't like what the adult was saying. Mo then told him that he could have told him that in a way without being defensive. Peter said that he was very defensive, and would always stick up for himself, whether he was right or wrong. Mo'Nique told Peter to get ready for elimination. Peter felt that Mo'Nique did not like him.

At elimination, Leilene, Jesselynn and Zachary are called down to the carpet. The judges tell Jesselynn that she needed to be more open with what she was talking about. She needed to give more examples about what she wanted to do with her life when she was older. Jesselynn just said okay as if she didn't care. Leilene was told that she didn't do a bad jod during the lesson, they just felt that she could have tried harder, and been a bit more confident. They came to Zachary and they told him that he had a good idea going for him, but he presented it in a manner as though he had given up. Mo'Nique then told Leilene that she could go back to the steps leaving Zachary and Jesselynn in the bottom two. Mo'Nique tells them that she thinks as though they don't care about the competition anymore. She then asks one of them if they do. Jesselynn says yes and Zachary just shruggs his shoulders. Mo'Nique tells Zachary that they he has given up since Larissa left, and therefore, he is expelled.

  • Challenge Winner: Peter Szaraz
  • Bottom Three: Jesselynn Windsor, Leilene Ondrade, & Zachary Johnson
  • Expelled: Zachary Johnson

[edit] Tore Up From the Floor Up

Now that there are only 4 contestants left, the contestants decide to break up into pairs, for support through the rest of the competition. Peter & Leilene decide not to talk to Jesselynn & Brian. Peter tells Leilene that Jesselynn is a shady person and does not really want to help Brian out, and she will backstab him in the end.

The contestants are then called down to the main hall to learn their second learn their last lesson before the final comeptition. Mo'Nique brings in a professional on relationships. He teaches the students how to spot the right guy's and girls that everyone should need. They are called the "Urban Renasiance Man and Woman". At the same time though, he tells how to spot the other types of boy's and girls to watch put for. Boys: Professional, Parolee, Player, and Pushover's. Girls: Pretty, Pouty, Perfect, and Pricy. These are the types everbody needed to watch out for.

Mo'Nique then tells the students that that evening there would be the first Charm School Prom that evening. There would be all types of the guys and girls to watch out for there plus the "Urban Renasiance Man and Woman". At the end of the prom, the girls would try to spot the URM while the guys had to spot the URW. Whoever chooses them at the end of the prom will win and be safe from expulsion.

The contestants put on the suits and dresses Mo'Nique provided for them and went downstairs to find the whole hall designed like a prom. The intsructor for this lesson then introduced all of the other girls and guys, two of them were the URM and the URW. Leilene had her eyes set on one guy and was sure he was the URM. She spent the whole night with him, engaging in good converstion and laughter. Brian made sure that he went around to every girl and talk to her to see if she was the URW. Peter did the same as Brian, but he wanted to have fun at this prom. He started to dance with the girl's and Mo'Nique(who was watching a from a t.v. in her office), did not like the way he was dancing with the girl's. She said that he was being a bit of a player. Jesselynn talked to ever guy also and she found everyone to be boring. One of the men made fun of Jesselynn and that's when she into a verbal altercation with him. They started to yell at each other and everyone's main focus at the prom was the fight. After, it was broken up, Peter started to get to know all of the girl's a little more. He was being funny and usuing sexual inuendo's to make the girl's laugh. He continued to dance with them even more and he ended up kissing a couple of them on the dance floor. Mo'Nique refered said he was being promiscuous.

At the end of the prom, the then had to choose the person who they thought were the URM and the URW. They all ended up choosing the wrong person. Mo'Nique then said that all of them were at risk for expulsion if she decided to spare someone the next day, since she was disspointed in some of the students actions.

The next day, Peter was saying that the prom was stupid and that all of the girl's there were boring. Jesselynn agreed and said it was the same for the guy's there.

Mikki then called the students down to the hall where she told them that in an hour they would vote who they thought best and worst represented Charm School at the prom the day before. She said that they could not vote for themselves. The person who was voted best representation, would win and be safe from expulsion. The person who worst represented would be called down to the carpet.

Immediately, Peter starts to talk to Leilene and tells her to vote on his side. He told her that if they teamed up and voted for Jesselynn she would probably be called down to the carpet. Leilene then got confused on what Peter was trying to explain to her. Jesselynn and Brian teamed up and decided to vote Peter for worst represention. They just needed one more vote to get him to the carpet. They talked to Leilene when she was coming upstairs and Jesselynn told her that Peter wanted her out. Leilene was shocked and listened to what Jesselynn and Brian had to say. Peter then explained to Leilene more about the way they voted, so she wasn't confused.

After the contestants voted Mikki said that she would only say who worst represented Charm School and would save best representation for elimination. She revealed that Jesselynn had one vote for worst representation. Peter had three votes, meaning that he was worst representaion and would go to the carpet. This also meant that Leilene voted against him. Peter was furious, and started to yell at Leilene about she was a backstabber and how she was a slut. Jesselynn told Peter he was acting like a man-whore at the prom. Peter told Jesselynn off as well as Brian, and then went to get ready for elimination.

At elimination, Peter was called to the carpet first, followed by Leilene. Meaning that either Brian or Jesselynn was best representaion. Mo'Nique then called Jesselynn to the carpet meaning that Brian had won. The judges said that Jesselynn should not have fought with that guy at the prom, it maked her look un-classy. They told Leilene that she should have talked to every guy instead who she felt comfortable with. Judge Keith called Peter a pig and said he was was not good representation. Mikki told Peter he was a disgrace. Mo'Nique then got up and told Jesselynn she needs to step her game, and that she could go back to the steps. She told Leilene she needed to step out of her comfort zone and that she could go back to the steps, leaving Peter by himself on the carpet. Mo'Nique then told Peter she was sad for him that it was his first time on the carpet being the man-whore of Charm School. Peter in defense said he was just having fun. Mo'Nique said his actions were not acceptable and that he was expelled. When Peter gave his pledge pin to Mo'Nique she told him that she wished the best of luck for him. Peter said he didn't believe her. And proceeded to be defensive. Mo'Nique then told him he could better his life in therapy. Peter then told her, that she could better her's, by buying a tredmill. He stormed out of the house telling Leilene she was next. In his exit interview, Peter let the world have it on how his elimination was complete bull-s&*!. He didn't deserve to go home, and the people remaining do not deserve to win.

  • Challenge Winner: Brian Johnston
  • Bottom Three: Jesselynn Windsor, Leilene Ondrade, & Peter Szaraz
  • Expelled: Peter Szaraz

[edit] Charm School Secrets

This episode recaps the whole season of Charm School and shows never before seen footage such as:

  • The contestants did not like the food they were offered when entering the house, espescially Thela
  • More about Heath's missing suits
  • A fight between Jennifer and Chris
  • Schatar's sneaky tactics of getting everyone out, one by one
  • More background info on the lives of mainly Jesselynn, Peter, Leilene, and Brian
  • Extended fight between Davis and Jesselynn
  • A fight between Zachary and Peter
  • Talk session's between Larissa and Zachary
  • Extended showing of Peter's shocking elimination

[edit] Ghettin Phabulous

This episode starts by showing Peter's elimination and how shocked the remaining contestants were. Leilene said that she was thankful to still be in the house, but she was also glad to see Peter get sent home.

The next day, Mo'Nique calls Brian, Jesselynn, and Leilene into the hall where she tells them that they have 5 hours to study what they had learned throughout their whole time being on the show. at the end of the 5 hours they would be called back down to the hall where they would play a trivia game. In the game each person would get a question, but they choose someone else to answer it. A person can only get three questions wrong. The person who was first to be out of the trivia game was expelled.

The contestants were focused and Jesselynn and Brian decided that they would team up on Leilene. Their plan was to ask all of their questions to Leilene to get her out. Leilene went to study by herself and thought of the same sort of strategy, but she going to ask all of her questions to Brian.

Mo'Nique then called down the 3 contestants to the hall were the game was set up. The first question that Leilene got she made Brian answer and Brian got it wrong. The game was very tense between the three because Leilene found out that Jesselynn and Brain were ganging up on her. Leilene answered most of her questions right as well as Brian. In the end, Leilene and Brian had missed 2 questions each. Leilene then asked Brian her question. Brian didn't know that the question was a trick question and he had missed 3 questions. He was therefore expelled.

Jesselynn was extremely sad that Brian was expelled, and Brian was just as shocked, because he was certain that Leilene was going to be sent home.

Mo'Nique then assigned the remaining contestants to write a speech that they were to present to some special guests. They had only one hour. This would help to determine who deserved to be the winner of Charm School the next day.

After the contestants were done writing their speeches, the were called down to the hall where both Jesselynn and Leilene were shocked. Their special guests to help to determine the winner were all of the previous contestants that were eliminated: Thela, Heath, Jennifer, Chris, Courtney, Davis, Schatar, Larissa, Zachary, Peter, and Brian.

Leilene was the first to go and in her speech talked about how she would use the money to help her mother. Her mother was single with 4 children including herself. She talked about how her father had left her and that winning the money would make a huge difference in not her life but her whole families. Jesselynn then went up and said her speech. She thought that she didn't have a real home. She talked about how her father had passed away which led for her family to be evicted from their apartment. She then became very emotional and said that by winning the money she would actually have a place to sleep and know she was safe, a place where she could call home.

The contestatnts then had to vote on who they wanted tp win. The each had to get up and say why.

  • Thela: Jesselynn
  • Heath: Jesselynn
  • Jennifer: Jesselynn
  • Chris: Leilene
  • Courtney: Leilene
  • Davis: Leilene
  • Schatar: Jesselynn
  • Larissa: Jesselynn
  • Zachary: Leilene
  • Peter: no-one, but if he had to choose, Leilene
  • Brian: Jesselynn

The final decision was up to Mo'Nique the nest day.

The next the final 2 went out to get their makeovers with Keith and Mikki the two Deans. The both help pick a dress and a new hair style for them to look "fabulous." The would then return to the house and find out who had won.

They returned to the house later that night to find mo'Nique waiting for them. She said something positive about both Jesselynn and Leilene. She was proud of their growth and well they had both overcome their obstacles with themselves and other people that were present in the house. She told Leilene to step forward where she told her that she unfortunately was not the winner. Leilene said that that was okay and that she was proud of herself anyway of the growing as a person she gone through during her stay. Leilene congratulated Jesselynn. Jesselynn was in tears and she said how thankful she was and that she wasnted to thank God. Mo'Nique then presented Jesselynn with her $50,000 check. She also gave her back the boots she had sold while at the thrift store challenge. Jesselynn said that she could not wait to get back into the real world again.

  • 3rd Place: Brian Johnston
  • Final Two: Jesselynn Windsor & Leilene Ondrade
  • Runner-Up: Leilene Ondrade
  • Winner: Jesselynn Windsor

[edit] Charm School Class Reunion

Episode Progress
Contestant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
     The contestant won the challenge and was safe from expulsion.
     The contestant did not win the challenge but was safe from expulsion.
     The contestant was at risk for expulsion.
     The contestant was in the bottom 2
     The contestant was expelled.
     The contestant was a judge during the challenge and was safe from expulsion.
     The contestant won the competition.

Charm School
Order Intro Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 12
1 Heath Jesselynn Schatar Leilene Larissa Peter Leilene Zachary Jesselynn Peter Brian Jesselynn Jesselynn
2 Zachary Larissa Davis Zachary Peter Leilene Peter Peter Leilene Brian Jesselynn Leilene Leilene
3 Jesselynn Zachary Leilene Schatar Courtney Davis Brian Jesselynn Peter Leilene Leilene Brian
4 Brian Schatar Brian Larissa Schatar Brian Jesselynn Leilene Zachary Jesselynn Peter
5 Thela Courtney Jesselynn Jesselynn Brian Schatar Larissa Brian Brian Zachary
6 Larissa Brian Peter Courtney Davis Jesselynn Zachary Larissa Larissa
7 Peter Jennifer Courtney Peter Zachary Zachary Schatar Schatar
8 Schatar Peter Zachary Davis Leilene Larissa Davis
9 Davis Chris Jennifer Brian Jesselynn Courtney
10 Chris Heath Larissa Chris Chris
11 Leilene Davis Chris Jennifer
12 Courtney Leilene Heath
13 Jennifer Thela

     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated
Charm School 2
Order Intro Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 12
1 Kevin David Sally Faith Luke Alexander Sally Alexander Zoe Sally Alexander Alexander Alexander
2 Sally Patrick Bianca Alexander Faith Bianca Faith Sally Sally Luke Zoe Zoe Zoe
3 David Lily Zoe David David Luke Alexander David David Alexander Luke Luke
4 Lily Faith Alexander Zoe Patrick Zoe Bianca Luke Alexander Zoe Sally
5 Bianca Luke David Patrick Lily David David Zoe Luke David
6 Marcus Sally Faith Joey Sally Patrick Zoe Faith Faith
7 Joey Kevin Abigail Luke Zoe Sally Luke Bianca
8 Patrick Joey Patrick Bianca Alexander Faith Patrick
9 Abigail Abigail Joey Lily Bianca Lily
10 Alexander Zoe Luke Sally Joey
11 Zoe Alexander Lily Abigail
12 Luke Bianca Kevin
13 Faith Marcus

     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated
Charm School 3
Order Intro Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 12
1 Miranda Anderson Miranda Ian Karen Olivia Samantha Brooke Anderson Carl Anderson Brooke Brooke
2 Anderson Karen Karen Samantha Samantha Anderson Brooke Samantha Olivia Brooke Brooke Anderson Anderson
3 Samantha Frank Anderson Anderson Ian Brooke Karen Karen Carl Samantha Carl Carl
4 Carl Samantha Terence Terence Miranda Carl Carl Anderson Brooke Anderson Samantha
5 Frank Carl Samantha Olivia Terence Karen Anderson Olivia Samantha Olivia
6 Brooke Olivia Heather Carl Olivia Miranda Olivia Carl Karen
7 Quinton Miranda Carl Miranda Anderson Ian Miranda Miranda
8 Olivia Brooke Ian Heather Brooke Samantha Ian
9 Jasmine Ian Frank Brooke Carl Terence
10 Terence Terence Olivia Karen Heather
11 Heather Heather Brooke Frank
12 Ian Jasmine Jasmine
13 Karen Quinton

     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated
Charm School 4
Order Intro Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 12
1 Robert Barry Yanay Cassandra Margaret Yanay Robert Cassandra Xander Helen Barry Cassandra Barry
2 Sarah Margaret Helen Xander Cassandra Robert Helen Robert Helen Barry Xander Barry Cassandra
3 Tom Yanay Barry Dominique Xander Dominique Xander Barry Cassandra Cassandra Cassandra Xander
4 Helen Lee Margaret Lee Dominique Xander Barry Yanay Barry Xander Helen
5 Xander Dominique Sarah Barry Robert Helen Margaret Xander Robert Robert
6 Julie Robert Cassandra Yanay Ray Cassandra Cassandra Helen Yanay
7 Yanay Helen Robert Ray Helen Barry Yanay Margaret
8 Margaret Cassandra Ray Margaret Barry Margaret Dominique
9 Lee Sarah Dominique Robert Yanay Ray
10 Cassandra Julie Lee Helen Lee
11 Ray Xander Xander Ssrah
12 Dominique Ray Julie
13 Barry Tom

     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated
Charm School 5
Order Intro Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 12
1 Martin Brittany Oliver Adam Alexandra Tykeisha Amber Tykeisha Oliver Oliver StacyAnn StacyAnn Oliver
2 Mary Joe Martin Martin Brock Amber Oliver Tykeisha Oliver Alexandra StacyAnn Oliver Oliver StacyAnn
3 Amber William William Martin Adam William Brittany Alexandra Tykeisha Tykeisha Tykeisha Tykeisha
4 Tykeisha Oliver Amber Brittany William Alexandra StacyAnn Adam Brittany Alexandra Alexandra
5 Garrett Alexandra Tykeisha William StacyAnn Amber Adam Brittany StacyAnn Brittany
6 Ben Tykeisha Brock Oliver Brock Brittany Alexandra StacyAnn Adam
7 Oliver Ben Adam Alexandra Tykeisha StacyAnn Oliver Amber
8 Brittany Brock Brittany StacyAnn Oliver Adam William
9 William StacyAnn StacyAnn Amber Brittany Brock
10 Brock Amber Ben Tykeisha Martin
11 StacyAnn Garrett Alexandra Ben
12 Alexandra Adam Garrett
13 Adam Mary Joe

     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated
Charm School
Order Intro Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 12

     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was eliminated

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -