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Characters of Revelations: Persona - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Characters of Revelations: Persona

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Shin Megami Tensei characters

Shin Megami Tensei
Digital Devil Saga
Digital Devil Saga 2
Revelations: Persona
Persona 2
Persona 3

This is a list of fictional characters that appear in the Playstation console role-playing game Revelations: Persona.


[edit] Playable characters

[edit] Main character

A student at St. Hermerlin High School and the protagonist of the story. Very little information is given about him. In the Japanese version, he is simply referred to as the "Boy with the Pierced Ear". In the Persona manga, his given name is Naoya Toudou.[1] In the American release, he is unnamed; the player is required to name him at the beginning of the game. The decisions the player makes for him will affect the epilogue of the game.

The main character wields a one-handed sword as his melee weapon. His long-range weapon is an MP5. His initial Persona is Seimen Kongou. Like most of the main characters, he wears a gray St. Hermerlin school uniform with a black collar.

[edit] Mary

Mary (園村麻希 Sonomura Maki?) is a frail girl who has been sick all of her life. More recently, she has been suffering from dementia which has left her bedridden. She is visited often by the main character and his friends, Mark and Nate. Unable to interact with the outside world, Mary retreats to a fantasy world of her own imagination. Guido Sardenia uses Mary's psyche as a test subject for his DVA generator, which converts the entire city into a reflection of Mary's unconscious mind. The trauma also fragments Mary into three beings: "Maggie", the "Ideal Mary", and the malevolent "Pandora". Mary's realm is nearly identical to the real world, save for her being healthy.

While visiting Mary in the hospital, the main character and his companions are unwittingly transported to Mary's world, an idyllic reflection of the city which being overrun with demons. When they return to St. Hermerlin, they are greeted by Mary, who joins them on their mission. Unbeknown to anyone, this version of Mary is merely an illusion. The real Mary is being kept in Guido's laboratory, where her brain is being harnessed to maintain the dream city.

Mary fights using two long-range weapons, a bow and a handgun. Her initial Persona is Matsu. In the dream world, Mary wears a gray St. Hemerlin uniform and a black tie.

See also: Mary in Persona 2

[edit] Mark

Mark (稲葉正男 Inaba Masao?) is a hyperactive boy who loves to dance. Mark considers himself to be the polar opposite of Nate, and the two of them do not get along. Mark has a crush on Mary and dutifully visits her in the hospital. He physically assaults Nate inside Mary's stasis room after Nate suggests killing Mary in order to sever her control over them.

Mark wields an axe as his melee weapon. His long-range weapon is a Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun. His initial Persona is Ogun. In addition to his school uniform, Mark wears a yellow baseball cap (in the Japanese release of the game, he wears a yellow tuque instead).

[edit] Nate

Nate (南条圭 Nanjou Kei?) is heir to the Trinity family fortune (Nanjou family in the Japanese version) and is a well-meaning snob. He is followed everywhere by his devoted family butler, Alfred. Nate apparently does not spend much time with his parents, so Alfred's death at the hands of zombies deeply affects him.[2] Because he and Guido mingle in the same social gatherings, Nate knows the most about him than anyone else in the party.[3] Nate shows a ruthless degree of pragmatism, and has nothing but dislike for the outspoken Mark.[4] Mark hits Nate in the face after the latter advises that Mary should die in order to restore order to the city. Nate also encourages the main character to allow a SEBEC scientist to die, as a consequence of an attempt to stop Guido.

Nate wields a broadsword as his melee weapon. His long-range weapon is a hunting rifle with sight. His initial Persona is Aizen Myouou. Nate wears a blue scarf with an embroidered "#1" in addition to his uniform.

See also: Nate in Persona 2

[edit] Brad

Brad (上杉秀彦 Uesugi Hidehiko?) is a brash, cocky youth with fiery red hair. It was his idea to persuade his fellow students to play "Persona", which resulted in the fateful meeting with Philemon. Following the changeover to Mary's dream world, Brad finds himself imprisoned inside the Police Station. The player may opt to recruit Brad or leave him to his own devices.

Brad's melee weapon is spear, and his long-range weapon is a TMP machine gun. His initial Persona is Nemain. Brad is one of few playable characters in the game who does not wear a school uniform; his attire consists of a black jacket and sunglasses.

See also: Brad in Persona 2

[edit] Ellen

Ellen (桐島英理子 Kirishima Eriko?) is a gorgeous student who aspires to become a fashion model or clothing designer. Though she is bright, she fails to take life-or-death situations very seriously. Ellen will only appear if the player refuses to let Brad join the party. She runs into the traveling party while exploring the abandoned subway station.

Ellen wields a rapier as her melee weapon. Like Nate, her choice of long-range weapon is a rifle. Her initial Persona is Nike. Ellen wears an orange neckerchief in addition to her school uniform.

See also: Ellen in Persona 2

[edit] Alana

Alana (綾瀬優香 Ayase Yuka?) is a blond temptress with pigtails. Though she only plays a small role in the American release, she is a mandatory character during the Snow Queen Quest.

Alana's melee weapon is a whip, and her long-range weapon is a handgun. Her initial Persona is Houris. Alana does not appear in a St. Hermerlin uniform like her fellow students, instead wearing a generic schoolgirl outfit with stockings and a plaid skirt.

[edit] Chris

Chris (城戸玲司 Reiji Kido?) is a long-haired student with an X-shaped scar in his face who is seen sneaking around St. Hermerlin High School and around the SEBEC building. He is relentlessly hunting down Guido;[5] Consequently, he does not socialize well with the other party members.[6] Chris is the half-brother of Guido, the product of an affair between Guido's father and his mistress.[7] He is disgruntled because Guido's father abandoned his mother when she became pregnant with Chris.[8] He is the most difficult party member to recruit.

Apart from an assault rifle as his long-range weapon, Chris enters battle armed only with his fists. His initial Persona is Bres. Chris wears a St. Hermerlin High uniform like the other students, albeit unbuttoned and disheveled.

See also: Chris in Persona 2

[edit] Yuki

Yuki (黛ゆきの Mayuzumi Yukino?) is a reformed street punk who polices her fellow students. She credits her teacher Ms. Smith for saving her from a self-destructive life. Yuki only briefly joins the party inside the hospital where Mary is being held. She is mandatory character during the Japanese Snow Queen Quest. After Ms. Smith unwittingly becomes possessed by the spirit of the Snow Queen, Yuki becomes determined to save her.

Yuki fights by throwing razor blades. Her long-range weapon is a double-barreled shotgun. Her initial Persona is Vesta. Yuki wears a modified version of her St. Hermerlin uniform; unlike other female characters, her skirt is ankle-length and adorned with safety pins.

See also: Yuki in Persona 2

[edit] Supporting characters

[edit] Philemon

Philemon is a benevolent spirit who resides "between consciousness and unconsciousness". He physically resembles a tall man wearing a white mask. In the waking world, his presence is indicated by a golden butterfly. The party members are brought to Philemon's realm and are bestowed with their Personae. Though largely a neutral observer, Philemon is more or less an ally to the party. Philemon is a direct reference to Carl Jung's wise spirit guide (see Analytical psychology).

[edit] Igor

Keeper of the Velvet Room, an astral space existing outside of the real world (similar to Philemon's space). Igor summons Personae in exchange for cards, a function he serves in every Persona game. While summoning, Igor contacts the Persona using what appears to be a cell phone carved out of bone.

[edit] Guido Sardenia

Guido Sardenia (鷹久神取 Takahisa Kandori?) is head of Saeki Electronics & Biological Energy Corporation (SEBEC). Although SEBEC masquerades as an energy company, it is actually the cause of the demons overrunning the city.[9] As later revealed in Persona 2, Guido's corruption led to Nyarlathotep being summoned to his side. If Guido is not being controlled by Nyarlathotep, then he is most certainly being goaded by him, at the very least. Guido's crown jewel is the DVA System (pronounced "Deva"), a generator which opens gateways to parallel dimensions by feeding off brainwaves from an unconscious host.

Guido is the initial antagonist of the game storyline, using his machine to enter Mary's mind and make contact with her malevolent Id, "Maggie". The result is the eastern half of the city becomes shrouded in black fog, indicating that it is under Guido's control. Although his plan is a complete success, Guido unexpectedly becomes nihilistic and bored with his power.[10] By the time the party confronts him in his new palace, the Deva Yuga, the remorseful Guido has lost the will to fight. When Nate calls him "weak", however, Guido loses his temper and attacks anyway. Upon his defeat, he becomes possessed by his own Persona and transforms into a large demon.[11] Guido dies shortly after revealing Mary's true identity, as well as her connection to the DVA machine. In the "Snow Queen" quest, a surreal vision of Guido appears as an ally of sorts, wearing his crisp St. Hermelin school uniform (despite having graduated many years beforehand).

In battle, Guido fights using a one-handed sword. His Persona is Massacre, which is later revealed to be a guise of Nyarlathotep.[12]

See also: Guido in Persona 2

[edit] Ms. Smith

Ms. Smith (Saeko Takami) is an idealistic, liberal-minded teacher at St. Hermelin. She is well-regarded by her students and shows genuine concern for them. Ms. Smith also kept Yuki from falling into a life of crime. She plays a major role in the Snow Queen quest (available only in the original Japanese game release) after she is possessed by the Snow Queen's mask, which causes St. Hemerlin High School to freeze over.

See also: Ms. Smith in Persona 2

[edit] Dean Harding

Dean Harding is the Vice-Principal of St. Hermerlin High School. Unlike Ms. Smith, the Dean hardly cares for his students and is concerned only with enforcing rules and evading lawsuits. He is detested by everyone at school. In the Japanese release, his students nickname him "Hannya," a play on his name (a Hannya is a demon from Japanese folklore). In the North American release, the students refer to him as "Darth Harding."

See also: Harding in Persona 2

[edit] Tad

Tad (Satomi Tadashi) is an obnoxious, glasses-wearing kid who attends St. Hermelin. He is simultaneously a love interest and rival of Tammy.[13] Tad is the son of local pharmacist. His Japanese name is Tadashi Satomi, named for a pharmacy chain that appears in later Persona games.

See also: Tad in Persona 2

[edit] Tammy

Tammy (Tamaki Uchida) is an attractive girl who attends St. Hermelin and fights on the fencing team. Although she is always arguing with Tad, the two actually have a soft spot for one another. Tammy is also the unnamed heroine from Shin Megami Tensei if...

See also: Tammy in Persona 2

[edit] Chunky

"Chunky" (Kenta Yokouchi) is the nickname for a portly fellow student at St. Hermelin. Chunky does not play much of a role in the American version of the game. In the Snow Queen Quest, he becomes possessed by a phallic demon after Alana stomps on his heart yet again. In the Japanese version, his nickname is Toro (which is a fatty part of tuna).

See also: Chunky in Persona 2

[edit] Alfred

Alfred (Yamaoka) is Nate's faithful butler. He perishes at the beginning of the game while secretly keeping an eye on Nate; he eventually returns as Nate's Ultimate Persona.

[edit] Kumi Hirsoe

Kumi Hirose is a sad girl who is in charge of Hypnos Tower (and the Dream World within it). She created a dream world of her own to escape the ridicule of family and schoolmates, with the help of her manipulative Persona Hypnos. She appears during the Japanese-only Snow Queen quest.

[edit] Michiko Matsudaira

Miciko Matsudaia is a sadistic girl in charge of Nemesis Tower. She likes Brad almost as much as she does torture. You find Kain (Akuma-kun in the Japanese version) being held prostrate over a bed of nails forced to do push-ups and Chunky being force-fed milk in her torture chamber. Her Persona is Nemesis, but like Kumi, it seems the Persona is the one in charge.

[edit] Yuriko Yamamoto

Yuriko Yamamoto is the Mistress of Thanatos Tower. She a popular student who worried about what would happen after her graduation, convinced that she would go into a downward spiral and end up an unhappy housewife. It is implied that she killed herself to escape the hardships of the real world. She is merely a puppet of the Persona Thanatos.

[edit] Tomomi Fujimori

Tomomi Fujimori is a character who only appears during the Snow Queen Quest. Angry because she was passed over for possession by the Snow Queen, she may have had a run-in with Ms. Smith that left her scarred. Her Persona is the Asura Joou, Queen Nyx.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hardcore Gaming 101 - Megami Tensei/Shin Megami Tensei: Revelations: Persona/Megami Ibunroku Persona: Be Your True Mind. Retrieved on 2007-8-2.
  2. ^ Nate: At my house I was only close to Alfred. My memory of my parents is a blur. Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  3. ^ Nate: I knew Guido was up to no good from the moment I met him at a cocktail party! I just wish I could've realized, then, what he was planning on doing... Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  4. ^ Nate: Shut up Mark! You stupid pest! Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  5. ^ Chris: So that Guido is here somewhere...I'll never give up. He better be ready to die. Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  6. ^ Mary: Chris, Mark is right. We're all friends. Chris: ...I'm not a member of your little group. We're all friends!? Don't make me puke! Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  7. ^ Guido: Don't call your brother's name in vain. Even if your mom was cheap, you still share my blood. Watch your mouth. Mark: Chris you're...his brother? Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  8. ^ Chris: My mother was Guido's father's mistress. [...] She knew she would be thrown out if she decided to give birth to me. Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  9. ^ Sebec Employee I knew there was something funny going on around here...But I never imagined that biological weapons were being made here. Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  10. ^ Guido: I have reached my every goal. What is left for me to do? I...I kept climbing to the top and destroyed this worthless world... I do not care anymore. I can do no more. Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  11. ^ Guido: Something's invading my body!! Massacre's Voice: Hahaha! Stupid human. I shall give you the power you desire! Mary: What's happening? Mark: What the heck!? Nate: He was taken over by his own Persona! Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)
  12. ^ Nate: Nyarlathotep...!? It wasn't merely Guido's Persona? Atlus Games Persona 2: Batsu/Eternal Punishment (in English) 2000-11-30 (US)
  13. ^ Mary: Tad and Tammy fight a lot...Actually, I've never seen those two getting along. Atlus Games Revelations: Persona (in English) 1996-9-20 (US)

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