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Mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani

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Rudy Giuliani
Mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani

In office
January 1, 1994 – December 31, 2001
Preceded by David Dinkins
Succeeded by Michael Bloomberg

Political party Republican
Rudy Giuliani series
Mayor of New York City
September 11 attacks
2008 presidential campaign

Rudy Giuliani (full name "Rudolph William Louis Giuliani") served as the 107th Mayor of New York City from January 1, 1994 until December 31, 2001.


[edit] Crime control

In his first term as mayor, Giuliani, in conjunction with New York City Police Department Commissioner Bill Bratton, adopted an aggressive enforcement-deterrent strategy based on James Q. Wilson's Broken Windows research. This involved crackdowns on relatively minor offenses such as graffiti, turnstile jumping, and aggressive "squeegeemen", on the principle that this would send a message that order would be maintained, and that the city would be "cleaned up".

At a forum three months into his term as mayor, Giuliani mentioned that freedom does not mean that "people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it".[1]

Giuliani also directed the New York City Police Department to aggressively pursue enterprises linked to organized crime, such as the Fulton Fish Market and the Javits Center on the West Side (Gambino crime family). In the breaking up of mob control of solid waste removal, the city was able to save city businesses over $600 million.

One of the first initiatives of Giuliani and Bratton was the institution of CompStat in 1994, a comparative statistical approach to mapping crime geographically and in terms of emerging criminal patterns, as well as charting officer performance by quantifying criminal apprehensions. CompStat was operationalized by the empowerment of precinct commanders, based on the assumption that local authorities could best institute crime reduction techniques specific to their experiential knowledge of their own localities. This system also enhanced the accountability of both the commanders and the officers themselves.[citation needed] Critics of the system assert that it creates an environment in which police officials are encouraged to underreport or otherwise manipulate crime data.[2] The CompStat initiative won the 1996 Innovations in Government Award from the Kennedy School of Government.[3]

Bratton, not Giuliani, was featured on the cover of Time Magazine in 1996.[4] Giuliani forced Bratton out of his position after two years, in what was generally seen as a battle of two large egos in which Giuliani was unable to accept Bratton's celebrity.[5]

National, New York City, and other major city crime rates (1990–2002).[citations needed]
National, New York City, and other major city crime rates (1990–2002).[citations needed]

Giuliani continued to highlight crime reduction and law enforcement as central missions of his mayoralty throughout both terms, efforts that largely met with success and he was able to continue the crime reduction trend in New York City started in 1990,[6] two years before he took office. Concurrent with his achievements, a number of tragic cases of abuse of authority came to light, and numerous allegations of civil rights abuses were leveled against the NYPD. Giuliani's own Deputy Mayor, Rudy Washington, alleged that he had been harassed by police on several occasions. More controversial still were several police shootings of unarmed suspects,[7] and the scandals surrounding the sexual torture of Abner Louima and the killing of Amadou Diallo. In a case less nationally-publicized than those of Louima and Diallo, unarmed bar patron Patrick Dorismond was killed shortly after declining the overtures of what turned out to be an undercover officer soliciting illegal drugs. Even while hundreds of outraged New Yorkers protested, Giuliani staunchly supported the New York City Police Department, going so far as to take the unprecedented step of releasing Dorismond's "extensive criminal record" to the public,[8] While many New Yorkers accused Giuliani of racism during his terms, former mayor Ed Koch defended him, stating "Blacks and Hispanics ... would say to me, 'He's a racist!' I said, 'Absolutely not, he's nasty to everybody'."[9]

The amount of credit Giuliani's policies deserve for the drop in the crime rate is disputed. A small but significant nationwide drop in crime preceded Giuliani's election, and he may have been the beneficiary of a trend already in progress. Additional contributing factors to the overall decline in crime during the 1990s was federal funding of an additional 7,000 police officers and an overall improvement in the national economy. Many experts believe changing demographics were the factor most responsible for crime rate reductions, which were similar across the country during this time.[10] Some have pointed out that during this time, murders inside the home, which could not be prevented by more police officers, decreased at the same rate as murders outside the home. Since the crime index is based on the FBI crime index, which is self-reported by police departments, some have alleged that crimes were shifted into categories that the FBI doesn't collect.[11]

Different studies show that New York's drop in crime rate in the '90s and '00s exceeds all national figures and therefore should be linked with a local dynamic that was not present as such anywhere else in the country: "most focused form of policing in history. Zimring (Frank Zimring — The Great American Crime Decline) estimates that up to half of New York’s crime drop in the 1990s, and virtually 100 percent of its continuing crime decline since 2000, has resulted from policing." However, any "credit for keeping Gotham on the path of ongoing crime reduction belongs to Ray Kelly, serving his second tour of duty as the NYPD’s commissioner.(...) Giuliani loyalists, perennially predicting le déluge, greeted Kelly’s appointment with dismay."[12]

Many New Yorkers believe Mayor Giuliani's policies pertaining to the policing of NYC have been effective.[citation needed] This view was obviously not limited to New York City residents, as several programs similar to CompStat were subsequently instituted by a variety of urban police departments nationwide.[13][14]

In 2005 Giuliani was reportedly[2] nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to reduce crime rates in the city.[15] The prize went instead to Mohamed ElBaradei and the IAEA for their efforts to reduce nuclear proliferation.[16]

[edit] Urban reconstruction

Giuliani pursued similarly aggressive real estate policies. The Times Square redevelopment project saw Times Square transformed from a center for small privately owned businesses such as tourist attractions, game parlors, and peep shows, to a district where chain stores and theaters predominate, including the MTV studios and a large Virgin Megastore and theater. Giuliani faced some opposition to these changes, which critics alleged displaced low income residents of the area in favor of large corporations. His critics also alleged that the Giuliani administration's real estate policies tended to reduce the amount of usable public space in the city while increasing the amount of private or corporate space (e.g., the sale of city-owned community gardens to private developers). Throughout his term, Giuliani also pursued the construction of a new sports stadium in Manhattan, a goal in which he did not succeed, though new minor league baseball stadiums opened in Brooklyn, for the Brooklyn Cyclones, and in Staten Island, for the Staten Island Yankees. Conversely, Giuliani refused to attend the opening ceremonies for a Dinkins success, Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing Meadows, Queens, stating his anger with a contract that fines the city if planes from LaGuardia Airport fly over the stadium during U.S. Open matches. Giuliani boycotted the U.S. Open throughout his mayoralty.

[edit] Relations with the Homeless

During his 1993 campaign, Giuliani proposed drastically curtailing city services for the homeless, setting a limit of 90 days for stays in shelters. Opponent Dinkins accused Giuliani of punishing the children of the homeless with the policy.[17] This contrasted with Giuliani's campaign promise during the 1989 campaign to build hundreds of new homeless shelters around the city.[18] Advocates for the homeless sued the mayor over an alleged failure to provide proper medical treatment to homeless children.[19]

During the Giuliani administration, police conducted sweeps of parks and other public places to arrest homeless people and move them to shelters. Critics charged that this policy was done not to help the homeless but to remove them from sight. The pastor of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. Thomas Tewell, said: "I think the police and the administration in New York were a bit embarrassed to have homeless people on the steps of a church in such an affluent area. The city said to us that it's inhumane to have people staying on the streets. And my response was that it's also inhumane to just move them along to another place or to put them in a shelter where they are going to get beat up, or abused, or harassed." The Church sued the city of New York, stating that it was his church's First Amendment right to minister to the homeless on its steps.[20][21] [22]

In 1998, when the City Council overrode Giuliani's veto to change how homeless shelters were run, Giuliani served an eviction notice on five community service programs, including a program for the mentally ill, a day-care center, an elderly agency, a community board office and a civic association in favor of a homeless shelter.[23] Giuliani asserted he specifically chose the site because it was in the district of chief bill sponsor Stephen DiBrienza. The plan came under heavy criticism, especially for the eviction of the program serving 500 mentally ill patients, and Giuliani backed down.[24] In an editorial, The New York Times called the event a "dispiriting political vendetta" and asserted that "selecting sites [for homeless shelters] as a punishment for crossing the Mayor is outrageous."[25]

[edit] Race Relations

A well-known Harlem minister, Calvin O. Butts, who had previously supported Giuliani for re-election, said of the Mayor, "I don't believe he likes black people. And I believe there's something fundamentally wrong in the way we are disregarded, the way we are mistreated, and the way our communities are being devastated. I had some hope that he was the kind of person you could deal with. I've just about lost that hope."[26] When Butts supported Governor George Pataki's re-election, Giuliani told Pataki he should not accept Butts' support (Pataki did accept Butts' endorsement).[27] Giuliani diverted funds away from projects connected to Butts after the minister criticized him.[23]

Giuliani said that by not dealing with black leaders, he could "accomplish more for the black community."[19] State Comptroller H. Carl McCall, who is black, claimed that Giuliani ignored his requests to meet for years, and then met with him after the Amadou Diallo shooting "for show."[19] Queens Congressman Gregory Meeks said that he never met or talked with Giuliani in his entire eight years in office.[19]

Giuliani's schools chancellor, Rudy Crew, an African-American, later said, "I find his policies to be so racist and class-biased. I don't even know how I lasted three years.... He was barren, completely emotionally barren, on the issue of race."[28]

Giuliani has been accused of supporting racial profiling,[29] specifically in the shooting death of Amadou Diallo, a West African immigrant, by the NYPD under his watch.[30][31] Many African Americans were outraged of Patrick Dorismond's death.[32][33] Giuliani defended the police against racial profiling.[citation needed]

[edit] Public Schools

[edit] General policy goals

One of Giuliani's three major campaign promises was to fix public schools. Giuliani cut the public school budget in New York City by $2 billion from 1994 to 1997 and trimmed the school repairs budget by $4.7 billion. Test scores went down during this time. His successor Michael Bloomberg later said, "Giuliani never got his hands around the school system. There is no question that it's gotten worse the last eight years, not better."[19] Giuliani has been accused of diverting funds for school repair from poor districts to middle-class ones. A large debt left after the Giuliani administration has resulted in less money to spend on education, according to some sources.[19]

[edit] Relations with the Board of Education

Giuliani expressed frustration with the New York City Board of Education. He was on record as saying in April 1999 that he would like to "blow up" the [then] Board of Education.[34][35] [36] This statement was made two days after the Columbine massacre.[37]

Giuliani had pressed schools chancellor Ramon Cortines, eventually resulting in Cortines' resignation, over some of Giuliani's proposals for public schools. However, the decision on the policies was not up to City Hall, but the Board of Education.[18] Giuliani supported a for-profit privatization plan for public schools that parents voted against. During his tenure, three school chancellors of color left office.[19] Chancellor Ramon C. Cortines, Mexican-American and gay, resigned after a spat in which Giuliani told the press Cortines shouldn't "be so precious" and called him "the little victim."[18] Cortines said that Giuliani was intolerant of ideas other than his and demanded total conformity from those he worked with. After Giuliani disparaged his leadership abilities, Cortines said, "He's made it very clear that no matter what I do or say, unless I acquiesce to all of his wishes, that I am not a good manager and I am not showing good leadership."[38] After the resignation, many felt that there had been a gay-baiting tone to Giuliani's comments to Cortines.[19]

Cortines and Giuliani had come up with a plan to privatize maintenance and repair on city schools that earned praise from the New York Times.[39]

Cortines' replacement as schools chancellor, Rudy Crew, was close friends with Giuliani for years, but their relationship soured over the issue of school vouchers. Giuliani had said in his 1993 campaign that parochial school vouchers were "unconstitutional."[19] In 1999, he placed $12 million into the budget for parochial school vouchers.[19] Their relationship soured, and Crew felt that Giuliani immediately began pressuring him to leave. The same day that Crew was to attend the funeral of his wife, Giuliani leaked a letter to the tabloids, and Crew fielded press calls before he went to deliver his wife's eulogy. Crew later told a Giuliani biographer: "This is a maniac. On the day I was burying my wife, I have these people concocting this world of treachery.... When Rudy sees a need to take someone out, he has a machine, a roomful of henchmen, nicking away at you, leaking crazy stories. He is not bound by the truth. I have studied animal life, and their predator/prey relations are more graceful than his."[19]

Of Giuliani's disagreement with Chancellor Crew, former Mayor Ed Koch said, "It's like his goal in life is to spear people, destroy them, to go for the jugular. Why do this to Crew? And I'm not a fan of Crew."[40] Some speculated that Giuliani was pursuing the issue of vouchers at the expense of his relationship with Dr. Crew because he was looking towards an upcoming Senate run.[41]

When the city's five-year contract with schoolteachers ran out and negotiations with the city had not yet begun, teachers' union president Randi Weingarten said that a strike was not off the table if the city didn't offer a contract. Giuliani told the press that he would put Weingarten in jail if she led a strike; under New York state law, government employees could not strike. Weingarten said that she would lobby the state legislature to allow employees to strike if the government had refused to negotiate in good faith. Giuliani objected to the teachers' request for a pay raise to align their salaries with those of the city's suburbs. Teachers pointed out the city's then-budget surplus and the number of teachers leaving the city. Giuliani called for merit pay based on student test scores, a plan which was derided by teachers as ineffective.[42]

[edit] Budget management

Mayor Giuliani inherited a $2.3 billion deficit from his predecessor, David Dinkins.[43] During its first term, the Giuliani administration cut taxes, cut spending, and reduced the munipical payroll, thereby closing the budget gap.[43] By the time of its second term, the upward swing of the mid-late 1990s dot-com bubble, which especially benefited New York's financial sector, resulted in greatly increased tax revenues for the city; soon there was a budget surplus of $3 billion.[43] City spending now rose 6.3 percent a year, above the inflation rate, and the city payroll increased again, especially for police officers and teachers.[43]

The massive bursting of the dot-com bubble, combined with the increased spending and the effects of an accounting decision that Giuliani had pushed for regarding city pension funds, led to a reversal of city finances, with the result that by the beginning of 2001, a $2.8 billion budget gap was now forecast.[43] When the city's economy suffered badly as a result of the September 11 attacks, that gap worsened to $4.8 billion, which was inherited by Giuliani's successor, Michael Bloomberg.[43]

[edit] Health care

In 2000 Giuliani initiated what the New York Post called "a massive program" to get city employees to expand the number of low-income, uninsured children and adults into public health entitlement programs such as Medicaid, Child Health Plus and Family Health Plan. Promoting enrollment in his HealthStat program, Giuliani said at the time that the program could be "a model for the rest of this country for how to get people covered on the available health programs."[44]

[edit] Immigration and Illegal Immigration

[edit] Opposition to federal immigration law

Giuliani was criticized for embracing illegal immigrants.[45][46] Giuliani continued a sanctuary city policy of preventing city employees from contacting the Immigration and Naturalization Service about immigration violations, on the grounds that illegal aliens must be able to take actions such as to send their children to school or report crime and violations without fear of deportation. In 1996 Giuliani sued the federal government over a new federal law (Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996) that overturned the 1985 executive order by then-mayor Ed Koch that barred government employees from turning in illegal immigrants that were trying to get government benefits from the city.[47] He ordered city attorneys to defend this policy in federal court. His lawsuit claimed that the new federal requirement to report illegal immigrants violated the 10th Amendment.[48] The court ruled that New York City's sanctuary laws were illegal. After the City of New York lost an appeal to the United States Supreme Court in 2000, Giuliani vowed to ignore the law.[49] [50] [51][52]

[edit] Public statements on illegal immigration

As Mayor of New York City, Giuliani encouraged hardworking illegal immigrants to move to New York City.[53] He said, 1994:

"Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city. You're somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair."[53]

In a Minneapolis speech two years later he defended his policy, "There are times when undocumented immigrants must have a substantial degree of protection."[54] In 2000, Giuliani said of New York City, "Immigration is a very positive force for the City of New York. Immigration is the key to the city's success. Both historically and to this very day."[55]

Giuliani also expressed doubt that the federal government can completely stop illegal immigration.[56] Giuliani said that the Immigration and Naturalization Service "do nothing with those names but terrorize people." In 1996 he said that the new anti-illegal immigration law, as well as the Welfare Reform Act, were "inherently unfair."[57][58] In 1996, Giuliani said, "I believe the anti-immigration movement in America is one of our most serious public problems."[59] In the same year he said, "We're never, ever going to be able to totally control immigration in a country that is as large as ours." He went on to say, "If you were to totally control immigration into the United States, you might very well destroy the economy of the United States, because you'd have to inspect everything and everyone in every way possible."[60] That year he also said, "I believe the anti-immigration movement in America is one of our most serious public problems."[61]

[edit] Media management

Giuliani, after being elected, started a weekly call-in program on WABC radio. He avoided one-on-one interviews with the press, preferring to only speak to them at press conferences or on the steps of City Hall. Giuliani made frequent visits to The Late Show with David Letterman television show, sometimes appearing as a guest and sometimes participating in comedy segments. In one highly publicized appearance that took place shortly after his election, Giuliani filled a pothole in the street outside the Ed Sullivan Theater.

Giuliani was not shy about his public persona; besides Letterman he appeared on many other talk shows during his time in office, hosted Saturday Night Live in 1997 and introduced it again when the show resumed broadcasting after September 11.

[edit] Drag appearances

Giuliani and Donald Trump in a film clip shown at the 2000 New York Inner Circle press dinner.
Giuliani and Donald Trump in a film clip shown at the 2000 New York Inner Circle press dinner.

Giuliani performed in public dressed in women's clothing three times, and almost a fourth:

  • On March 1, 1997, at the New York Inner Circle press dinner, an annual event in which New York politicians and the press corps stage skits, roast each other and make fun of themselves, with proceeds going to charity.[62] In his appearance he first imitated Marilyn Monroe. Then, he appeared in a spoofing stage skit "Rudy/Rudia" together with Julie Andrews, starring at the time on Broadway in the cross-dressing classic Victor/Victoria (about a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman). Under his drag name "Rudia" and wearing a spangled pink gown, Giuliani said he was "a Republican pretending to be a Democrat pretending to be a Republican."[63][64]
  • On November 22, 1997, during his Saturday Night Live hosting role, he played an Italian American grandmother in a bright floral dress during a long sketch that satirized Italian American family rites at Thanksgiving time.[65]
  • On March 11, 2000, at another Inner Circle dinner. He was on stage in male disco garb spoofing John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, but also appeared in drag in taped video clips that reworked the "Rudy/Rudia" theme again.[66] These included a bit in which he flirts with (normally dressed) real estate mogul Donald Trump, then slaps Trump for trying to get too "familiar" with him,[67][68] and then afterward in an exchange with Joan Rivers that sought to make fun of his then-Senate race rival and fellow dinner attendee Hillary Rodham Clinton.[69]
  • In October 2001, Giuliani agreed to appear in drag on the gay-themed television series Queer as Folk (North American TV series) to raise aid money for gay and lesbians affected by the September 11 attacks, saying "If it means more money for relief funds, sure."[70] However, the appearance never took place.

Elliot Cuker, a friend and advisor to Giuliani, told The New Yorker that "I am the one who convinced him that it would be a great idea to put him in a dress, soften him up, and help him get the gay vote." [71]

[edit] Role of press staff professionals

Giuliani's spokeswoman, Cristyne F. Lategano (who would later deny allegations of an affair with her boss when his wife said Lategano's relationship with him had damaged her marriage), admitted that she and her staff refused to allow the Mayor to conduct interviews with reporters that she thought would not be sympathetic to his views. Some reporters alleged that she had kept information from the public with her actions. After the police spokesman, John Miller, resigned in 1995, he said that Giuliani's press office had forgotten that public information was public.[72] Some City Hall reporters maintained they were harassed by Lategano if they wrote something she found unflattering and that they received late-night calls from Lategano. Giuliani defended her, saying that he didn't care whether his press secretary pleased reporters and at one point gave Lategano a higher post as communications director and a $25,000 raise during a time that his office had called a budget crisis. In one incident, Lategano called newsrooms alleging impoprieties by one of previous Mayor Dinkins' appointees. The allegations were later found to be false, and reporters said that the allegations by Lategano were meant to divert attention from tax impoprieties of one of Giuliani's own appointees. The New York Times wrote that the incident "put a cloud over the integrity of the Giuliani press office, if not that of the administration itself."[73]

Jerry Nachmann of WCBS-TV said of the Giuliani staff's intrusions with the media, "I say without regret and with no remorse that as editor of The [New York] Post I used to torture David Dinkins every day of his life. And there were calls. But the calls were never, 'Put the Mayor on before sports and weather.'"[73]

Giuliani was also criticized for dismissing journalists who had been appointees of the Dinkins administration. John Miller, police department spokesman, was pressured to resign after publicly disagreeing with Giuliani's cutting of his staff and replacement of police officers with civilians.[73]

[edit] Fox News conflict of interest

In 1996, The New York Times reported that Giuliani was threatening Time Warner to get them to carry Rupert Murdoch's new Fox News Channel on their cable network.[74] Time Warner executive Ted Turner suggested that Giuliani had a conflict of interest in dealing with Murdoch's media empire because his wife, the broadcaster Donna Hanover, was employed by a television station owned by Murdoch.[75]

[edit] Actions related to foreign policy

In 1995, Giuliani made national headlines by ordering PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat ejected from a Lincoln Center concert held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. While Giuliani called Arafat an uninvited guest, Arafat said he did hold a ticket to the invitation-only concert, which was the largest such gathering of world leaders ever held.[76] "Maybe we should wake people up to the way this terrorist is being romanticized", Giuliani said, and noted that Arafat's Palestinianian Liberation Organization had been linked to the murder of American civilians and diplomatic personnel. President Clinton protested the ejection[77] and a senior administration official called it "an embarrassment to everyone associated with diplomacy" and a setback in the Middle East peace process Clinton was trying to help broker, for which Arafat was a necessary component.[78] The New York Times criticized the move, saying that Arafat had met with Jewish leaders earlier that day and held a Nobel Peace Prize: "It is fortunate that New York City does not need a foreign policy, because Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who evicted Yasir Arafat from a city-sponsored concert for United Nations dignitaries on Monday night, clearly lacks the diplomatic touch... The proper role of New York, as the UN’s home city, is to play gracious host to all of the 140 or so world leaders present for the organization’s gala 50th birthday celebrations... In fact, he has needlessly embarrassed the city at a moment when New York's hospitality should be allowed to shine."[79]

Giuliani's two preceding mayors, David Dinkins and Ed Koch, held a joint press conference in which they denounced Giuliani's actions. Koch said, "Mayor Giuliani has behavioral problems dealing with other people."[78] Dr. Lawrence Rubin, executive vice chairman of the National Jewish Community Relations Council, said that Giuliani's actions were solely for political reasons and did not help the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations; he pointed out that Israel regularly met with the Palestinian leader in peace negotiations.[76]

[edit] Brooklyn Museum art battle

In 1999, Giuliani threatened to cut off city funding for the Brooklyn Museum if the museum did not remove a number of works in an exhibit entitled "Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection." One work in particular, The Holy Virgin Mary by Turner Prize-winning artist Chris Ofili, featured an image of an African Virgin Mary on a canvas decorated with shaped elephant dung and female genitalia pictures.[3] It was targeted as being offensive to some in the Christian community in New York, leading the artist to comment, "This is all about control." Giuliani's position was that the museum's actions amounted to a government-supported attack on Christianity.

In its defense, the museum filed a lawsuit, charging Giuliani with violating the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Religious groups such as the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights supported the mayor's actions, while they were condemned by groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union, accusing the mayor of censorship and interference with the First Amendment rights of the museum.[80][81] The museum's lawsuit was successful; the mayor was ordered to resume funding, and the judge, Federal District Judge Nina Gershon, declared "[t]here is no federal constitutional issue more grave than the effort by government officials to censor works of expression and to threaten the vitality of a major cultural institution as punishment for failing to abide by governmental demands for orthodoxy."[82]

[edit] Civil liberties

Litigants filed several civil liberties violations lawsuits against the mayor or the city. Giuliani's administration lost 22 of 26 cases. [83]

Some of the court cases which found the Giuliani administration to have violated First Amendment rights included actions barring public events from their previous location at the City Hall steps, not allowing taxi drivers to assemble for a protest, not allowing city workers to speak to the press without permission, barring church members from delivering an AIDS education program in a park, denying a permit for a march to object to police brutality, issuing summons and seizing literature of three workers collecting signatures to get a candidate on the presidential ballot, imposing strict licensing restrictions on sidewalk artists that were struck down by a court of appeals as a violation of artists' rights, using a 1926 cabaret law to ban dancing in bars and clubs, imposing an excessive daily fee on street musicians, imposing varying city fees for newsstand owners based on the content they sold, a case against Time Warner Cable, and an incident in which Giuliani ordered an ad for New York magazine that featured his image taken down from city buses.[84][85] The ad featured a copy of the magazine with the caption, "Possibly the only good thing Rudy hasn't taken credit for".[86]

Giuliani and his administration encountered accusations of blocking free speech arising from a lawsuit brought by Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church for removing the homeless from the church's steps against the church's will, and during his 1993 campaign, when he criticized incumbent Mayor Dinkins for allowing Louis Farrakhan to speak in the city. After being criticized for impinging on freedom of speech, he backed down from his criticism of Dinkins.[17]

In 1998, 1999, and 2000, Mayor Giuliani received a "Muzzle Award" from the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Muzzles are "awarded as a means to draw national attention to abridgments of free speech."[87][88]The 1999 award was the Center's first "Lifetime Muzzle Award," which noted he had "stifled speech and press to so unprecedented a degree, and in so many and varied forms, that simply keeping up with the city's censorious activity has proved a challenge for defenders of free expression."[84]

More than 35 successful lawsuits were brought against Giuliani and his administration for blocking free speech. In his book Speaking Freely, First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams said Giuliani had an "insistence on doing the one thing that the First Amendment most clearly forbids: using the power of government to restrict or punish speech critical of government itself."[89]

[edit] Gay rights

During Giuliani's mayoralty, gays and lesbians in New York asked for domestic partnership rights. Giuliani in turn pushed the city's Democratic-controlled New York City Council, which had avoided the issue for years,[citation needed] to pass legislation providing broad protection for same-sex partners. In 1998, he signed the local law that granted all city employees equal benefits for their domestic partners. Empire State Pride Agenda, a LGBT political advocacy group, described the law as "a new national benchmark for domestic partner recognition."[cite this quote]

[edit] Gun control lawsuit

On June 20, 2000, Giuliani announced that the City of New York had filed a lawsuit against two dozen major firearm manufacturers and distributors.[90][91][92] The ramifications of this action extended beyond the end of Giuliani's mayoralty: President Bush signed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in October 2005 in an effort to protect gun companies from liability.[93] In 2006, the Tiarht Amendment was added to an appropriations bill and was signed into law. The amendment seeks to prevent ATF data from being used to sue gun companies. Despite these two legislative attempts to end the case, the case remains active.[94]

[edit] Virginia Trash Controversy

On January 13, 1999, Giuliani suggested a "reciprocal relationship" where other states such as Virginia were obligated to accept New York City's garbage in exchange for being able to visit New York City's cultural sights. Then Governor of Virginia, Jim Gilmore III, wrote in response, "I am offended by your suggestion that New York's substantial cultural achievements, such as they are, obligate Virginia and other states to accept your garbage".[95][96] Other politicians also were upset about the proposed arrangement. State Senator William T. Bolling said, "This represents a certain arrogant attitude that is not consistent with the way we do business in Virginia."[97] Even owners of trash repositories and other businesses that would benefit from the deal spoke against the Mayor's statements, saying that the comments gave New Yorkers and Virginians a bad name and would harm their business in the long run. One such owner, Charles H. Carter III, said, "Giuliani couldn't have said anything that could have harmed his own cause more. He is definitely not presidential material."[97]

A month earlier, Giuliani had similarly infuriated then-New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, when he announced a plan to ship garbage to New Jersey without consulting her beforehand. She issued a press release saying, "Whitman to New York's Garbage Plan: Drop Dead" and said the plan was "a direct assault on the beaches of New Jersey."[98]

The situation arose when Giuliani closed New York City's existing landfill, Fresh Kills on Staten Island, calling it an "eyesore",[99] although it contained 20 to 30 more years' worth of space for garbage. Critics alleged that the decision was made for purely political reasons, rather than financial or environmental reasons. Staten Island had been an important constituency in electing Giuliani to his two terms, and would stand to be important if he ran for the Senate in 2000.[100] The plan to export trash was expensive and not environmentally friendly. Garbage trucks taking trash out of the city were estimated to make an extra 700,000 trips a year. The New York State attorney general's office sued the city for not properly taking the environmental effects into account. The office alleged that air pollution along Canal Street, leading to the Holland Tunnel, had increased 16% due to the plan.[101]

The Times and Daily News later editorialized calling for Fresh Kills to be re-opened.[19] A year after the landfill closed, New York City's sanitation commissioner said, "Fresh Kills was really closed without an awful lot of thought, you know, if the story be told."[102] Mayor Bloomberg now budgets $400 million a year to barge New York City's garbage to landfills in Virginia and Ohio. The extra $400 million is a direct result of having to barge the trash out of town. In five years, the city's trash budget rose from $631 million to more than $1 billion because of the plan. The city cut back on recycling to save money.[102]

[edit] Ferret Ban

Giuliani vetoed a bill legalizing the ownership of ferrets as pets in the city, saying that legalizing ferrets was akin to legalizing tigers. He sent a memorandum, "Talking Points Against the Legalization of Ferrets," to City Council members saying that ferrets should be banned just as pythons and lions are in the city. Councilman A. Gifford Miller said afterwards that Giuliani's "administration has gone out of its way to invent a ridiculous policy."[103] The editor of Modern Ferret magazine testified that ferrets are domesticated animals who do not live in wild and whose natural habitat is within people's homes. She argued that no case of ferrets transferring rabies to humans ever occurred, and the legalization bill would require ferrets to be vaccinated against rabies as dogs are. She later wrote that at the public hearings proposing to ban ferrets, no citizen or veterinarian ever spoke against ferrets, only representatives from the Department of Health, City Council, and Mayor Giuliani himself.[104]

David Guthartz, founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ferrets, called a radio show Giuliani was hosting to complain about the citywide ban. Giuliani responded:

"There is something deranged about you. ... The excessive concern you have for ferrets is something you should examine with a therapist. ... There is something really, really very sad about you. ... This excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness. ... You should go consult a psychologist. ... Your compulsion about—your excessive concern with it is a sign that there is something wrong in your personality. ... You have a sickness, and I know it's hard for you to accept that. ... You need help."[105]

[edit] Radio show

From 1994 to 2001, Giuliani hosted the Live From City Hall With Rudy Giuliani show weekly on Friday mid-days on WABC-AM radio.[106][107] The show quickly became known for Giuliani's "bullying therapist" approach to callers, and gained the second-largest audience on AM radio in its time slot.[106]

Some of each program was devoted to discussing current city events, or to Giuliani's political philosophies.[106] Then calls from the public were taken; many were from citizens with problems that Giuliani was sympathetic to and enlisted help for.[107] But when Giuliani disagreed with a caller, he let them know it. While Giuliani's debate with the ferret fan described above became the show's most well-remembered exchange,[108] there were many others, on a wide variety of topics: a complaint about handling of the Amadou Diallo case brought the Giuliani response "Either you don't read the newspapers carefully enough or you're so prejudiced and biased that you block out the truth";[106] a query about parking privileges for a well-to-do firm received "Well, let me give you another view of that rather than the sort of Marxist class concept that you’re introducing";[107] a question about flag handling brought "Isn't there something more important that you want to ask me?";[106] and in commentary about dog owners who don't clean up after their pets, Giuliani said such people have "a whole host of other problems that play out in their personalities."[106]

Sometimes the baiting went both ways. As depicted in the documentary Giuliani Time, Parkinson's disease patient John Hynes called Giuliani's show in January 2000 to complain about being cut off from Medicaid after paying more than $100,000 of taxes in his life, before he was disabled with the disease.[109] Hynes accused the New York City Human Resources Administration of repeatedly opening fraud investigations on him, then dropping the case for lack of evidence, only to re-open it. Hynes told Giuliani, "The biggest thing you could do to reduce crime would be to resign, sir. Crime would drop like a rock if you resigned. You're the biggest criminal in the city." Giuliani responded, "What kind of little hole are you in there, John? It sounds like you are in a little hole. JOHN! Are you okay there? You're breathing funny." Hynes replied: "No, I'm not okay. I'm sick, and you cut me off my food stamps and Medicaid several times; but I suppose you don't give a damn about that either." Giuliani replied, "There's something really wrong with you there, John. I can hear it in your voice.... Now, why don't you stay on the line. We'll take your name and your number and we'll send you psychiatric help, 'cause you seriously need it."[110] After Hynes hung up, Giuliani continued, "Man! Look, it's a big city, and you get some real weirdos who hang out in this city, and that's what I was worried about on, uh, New Year's Eve. I wasn't, you know—I figured, the terrorist groups and all that we could keep under control—worried, but who knows what, what's living in some cave somewhere. So, uh, and John called up. John calls up from Queens, but who knows where he's from."[110] Hynes subsequently said, "Mr. Giuliani showed a total lack of respect for all disabled people when he mocked me after I revealed that I was sick."[110]

[edit] New York Yankees gifts

On 8 May 2007, the Village Voice published a feature questioning whether Giuliani might have received gifts from the New York Yankees baseball team that violated a city ordinance against receipt of gifts by public officials. The gifts possibly included tickets, souvenirs, and World Series championship rings from 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000. However, the Yankees' public relations firm produced documents that the rings were sold to Giuliani for a total of $16,000 in 2003 and 2004, although this departs from usual industry practice. The article further questioned whether Giuliani properly reported these gifts or paid any necessary taxes on this gifts. The rings have been estimated to have a market value of $200,000, and the tickets to box and Legends seats a value of $120,000.[111] Much of this information was substantiated by a subsequent May 12 New York Times report.[112] The New York Times described Giuliani's role during his mayoral term as "First Fan" and "the team's landlord", providing the public Yankee Stadium to the franchise for a rent lower than that paid by residents of the adjacent St. Mary's public housing project.

[edit] Jury duty

In August 1999, Giuliani served as jury foreman for a civil suit; he is believed to be the first sitting mayor of New York to serve on a jury.[113] The case concerned a Harlem couple who alleged that their building's supervisor improperly maintained the facilities, resulting in the man's genitals being burned by the shower, which hurt their sexual life and ultimately caused their marriage to break down.[113]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Bearak, Barry & Fisher, Ian (1997-10-19), “RACE FOR CITY HALL: The Republican Candidate; A Mercurial Mayor's Confident Journey”, New York Times: 8, <http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9402E4D61E3FF93AA25753C1A961958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=8>. Retrieved on 24 October 2007 
  2. ^ Langan, Patrick (2004-10-21). The Remarkable Drop in Crime in New York City (PDF). Bureau of Justice Statistics. Retrieved on 2006-12-05.
  3. ^ JoinRudy2008 :: Missing Controller
  4. ^ Time Magazine, "Finally, We're Winning The War Against Crime. Here's Why.", January 15, 1996. Retrieve March 6, 2007.
  5. ^ Richard Pérez-Peña, "Giuliani Courts Former Partner and Antagonist", The New York Times, March 9, 2007. Accessed March 14, 2007.
  6. ^ http://samoa.istat.it/Eventi/sicurezza/relazioni/Langan_rel.pdf
  7. ^ Saxakali, "NYC POLICE SHOOTINGS 1999", July 09, 2000. Retrieved December 5, 2006.
  8. ^ CNN, "Giuliani, New York police under fire after shooting of unarmed man", March 19, 2000 coming under wide criticism. Retrieved December 5, 2006.
  9. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17440557/site/newsweek/page/6/
  10. ^ Greene Crime Delinquency .1999; 45: 171–187"Zero Tolerance: A Case Study of Police Policies and Practices in New York City". Retrieved December 5, 2006.
  11. ^ "Rudy! An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani" by Wayne Barrett
  12. ^ Heather Mac Donald, The Manhattan Institute, "New York Cops: Still the Finest". Retrieved December 5, 2006.
  13. ^ Josh Feit, "Crime Pays: City Council Reviews Curious Federal Grant to Fight Crime", Mar 29, 2000. Retrieved December 5, 2006.
  14. ^ Detroit Police Department, "National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)", 2004. Retrieved December 5, 2006.
  15. ^ "Former NYC mayor to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize", The Local, June 2, 2005. Retrieved on 2006-12-26. 
  16. ^ Peace 2005
  17. ^ a b James C. McKinley, " THE 1993 ELECTION: Chronology; Tracking the Race for Mayor Since the Primary", New York Times, November 4, 1993. Accessed June 1, 2007.
  18. ^ a b c Gabriel Ross, "REVIEW: Mr. Personality: Revisiting Giuliani's Legacy", The Next American City Accessed June 2, 2007.
  19. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Jack Newfield, "The Full Rudy: The Man, the Mayor, the Myth", The Nation, May 30, 2002. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  20. ^ "Homeless in America, Part One", PBS, March 29, 2002. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  21. ^ "U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH v THE CITY OF NEW YORK", New York Times, June 12, 2002. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  22. ^ Margaret Loehlin Shafer, "A Ministry on City Steps", Wooster Magazine, Fall 2002. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  23. ^ a b Jonathan Capehart, "Hizzoner the Curmudgeon", Washington Post, March 6, 2007. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  24. ^ Abby Goodnough, "No Evictions for Now in Feud On Homeless Shelter, City Says", New York Times, February 12, 1999. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  25. ^ Editorial, "The Rudy Giuliani Wars; Vengeance in Brooklyn", New York Times, January 16, 1999. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  26. ^ David M. Halbfinger, "With Attack on Giuliani, Pastor Returns to Fiery Past", New York Times, May 22, 1998. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  27. ^ Abby Goodnough, "Mayor Faults Pataki Approval Of Harlem Minister's Support", New York Times, October 12, 1998. Accessed June 12, 2007.
  28. ^ Michael Powell, "'Giuliani Time' Recalls Ex-Mayor's Less Heroic Deeds", Washington Post, May 26, 2006. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  29. ^ Powell, Michael (2007-07-22). In a Volatile City, a Stern Line on Race and Politics. The New York Times. Retrieved on 2007-11-03.
  30. ^ Giuliani's Response Shows a World of Differences Between Two Shootings - New York Times
  31. ^ village voice > news > Ducking Diallo by Wayne Barrett
  32. ^ Giuliani Cites Criminal Past Of Slain Man - New York Times
  33. ^ Salon Politics2000 | Has Rudy gone too far?
  34. ^ A Wider Audience - New York Times
  35. ^ [1]
  36. ^ A Crack in the Wall | National Review | Find Articles at BNET.com
  37. ^ http://www.openair.org/alerts/artist/nydef.html
  38. ^ Maria Newman, "School Safety Sparks Fight Between Giuliani and Cortines", New York Times, June 2, 1995. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  39. ^ " A Shrewd Move on Schools", New York Times, March 7, 1995. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  40. ^ Anemona Hartocollis, "GIULIANI EXPLAINS SCHOOLS REMARKS", The New York Times, April 28, 1999. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  41. ^ Abby Goodnough, "A Wider Audience", The New York Times, April 28, 1999. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  42. ^ Steven Greenhouse, [ http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D07E3DB143BF935A25752C1A9669C8B63 "Teacher Contract Ends; Giuliani Plans an Offer Soon"], The New York Times, November 16, 2000. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  43. ^ a b c d e f Cooper, Michael (2007-08-25), “Giuliani Boasts of Surplus; Reality Is More Complex”, New York Times, <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/25/us/politics/25giuliani.html?ref=nyregion>. Retrieved on 28 August 2007 
  44. ^ "New Rudy vs. Old on Kid Health," New York Post, October 15, 2007, p. 8.
  45. ^ End Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants by Michelle Malkin - Capitalism Magazine
  46. ^ The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Winter 2004
  47. ^ Jake Tapper with Ron Claiborne, "Mitts Off!: Romney Blasts Giuliani's NYC 'Sanctuary' for Illegal Immigrants: Republican Presidential Contender Calls Giuliani's New York a 'Sanctuary' for Illegals" ABC News, August 8, 2007 http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3459498
  48. ^ CNN, "New York City Sues Federal Government over Immigration, Welfare Laws" October 11, 1996 http://www.cnn.com/US/9610/11/immigration.suit/
  49. ^ Archives of Rudolph W. Giuliani
  50. ^ Heather McDonald, "The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave," "City Journal," Winter 2004 http://www.city-journal.org/html/14_1_the_illegal_alien.html
  51. ^ Kirkwood, R. Cort. The New American. American Opinion Publishing, Inc. Jan 8 2007. http://socialissues.wiseto.com/Articles/158092280/?page=5
  52. ^ Michelle Malkin, "Sanctuary Nation or Sovereign Nation: It's Your Choice," Cybercast News Service, August 15, 2007 http://michellemalkin.com/2007/08/15/sanctuary-nation-or-sovereign-nation-its-your-choice/
  53. ^ a b New York Officials Welcome Immigrants, Legal or Illegal - New York Times
  54. ^ Jake Tapper with Ron Claiborne, "Mitts Off!: Romney Blasts Giuliani's NYC 'Sanctuary' for Illegal Immigrants: Republican Presidential Contender Calls Giuliani's New York a 'Sanctuary' for Illegals" ABC News, August 8, 2007 http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3459498
  55. ^ YouTube - Rudy Giuliani says immigration is good
  56. ^ Rudy97 - Immigration: Kennedy School Speech
  57. ^ CNN, "New York City Sues Federal Government over Immigration, Welfare Laws" October 11, 1996 http://www.cnn.com/US/9610/11/immigration.suit/
  58. ^ CNN, "New York City Sues Federal Government over Immigration, Welfare Laws" October 11, 1996 http://www.cnn.com/US/9610/11/immigration.suit/
  59. ^ YouTube - Rudy Giuliani says immigration is good
  60. ^ "Giuliani: 'Leave my family alone'" "Los Angeles Times," August 16, 2007 http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-apgiulianifam17aug17,0,2950588.story?coll=la-politics-campaign
  61. ^ YouTube - Rudy Giuliani says immigration is good
  62. ^ 1010 WINS - On-Air, Online, On Demand - *
  63. ^ [http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/03-97/03-03-97/zzzwnppl.htm "People, Places & Things in the News"], South Coast Today, March 3, 1997. Accessed March 12, 2007.
  64. ^ October 22, 2001
  65. ^ Elizabeth Kolbert, "Metro Matters: Mayor in Drag? There He Goes Again", November 24, 1997. Accessed April 11, 2008.
  66. ^ Salon Politics2000 | Rudy does "Saturday Night Fever"
  67. ^ http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/chi-0702140028feb14,0,7307712.column
  68. ^ YouTube - Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump
  69. ^ Beth J. Harpaz, "Spoofs Target First Lady, Giuliani", Associated Press, March 2000. Accessed March 12, 2007.
  70. ^ News & Politics
  71. ^ Peter J. Boyer, "Mayberry Man," "The New Yorker, August 20, 2007, p. 53
  72. ^ David Firestone, "Giuliani Gives Press Secretary a Promotion", New York Times, April 1, 1995. Accessed June 1, 2007.
  73. ^ a b c Bruce Weber, "A Press Secretary Under Fire; Giuliani's Spokeswoman Draws Criticism From Reporters", New York Times, March 24, 1995. Accessed June 1, 2007.
  74. ^ City Hall Threatens Action if Time Warner Rejects Channel - New York Times
  75. ^ Giuliani Denies Conflict Charge - New York Times
  76. ^ a b Firestone, David. THE U.N. AT 50: ARAFAT; White House Condemns Giuliani for Ejecting Arafat From Concert. Retrieved on 2007-06-12. New York Times, October 25, 1995.
  77. ^ Steinhauer, Jennifer. A NATION CHALLENGED: THE DONATIONS; Citing Comments on Attack, Giuliani Rejects Saudi's Gift. Retrieved on 2007-06-12. New York Times.
  78. ^ a b Moaz, Jason. When Rudy Booted Arafat. Retrieved on 2007-06-12. Front Page Magazine.
  79. ^ Editorial. Clumsy Diplomacy by Mr. Giuliani. Retrieved on 2007-06-12. New York Times.
  80. ^ CATHOLIC LEAGUE for Religious and Civil Rights. Retrieved on November 15, 2005.
  81. ^ American Civil Liberties Union : Civil Liberties Union Files Brief Supporting Brooklyn Museum In Controversy with Mayor Giuliani. Retrieved on November 15, 2005.
  82. ^ Giuliani Is Ordered to Halt Attacks Against Museum. Retrieved on November 15, 2005.
  83. ^ Kenneth Turan, "Giuliani Time," "Los Angeles Times," June 16, 2006, http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/movies/cl-et-giuliani16jun16,1,4421177.story?coll=la-promo-entnews&ctrack=1&cset=true
  84. ^ a b "New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, recipient of the first Lifetime Muzzle Award", Thomas Jefferson Center for Freedom of Expression, 1999. Accessed June 7, 2007.
  85. ^ "NYCLU v. Giuliani: First Amendment Cases", New York Civil Liberties Union, October 1, 1999. Accessed June 7, 2007.
  86. ^ Amy Reiter, "Here's your award; now shut the hell up", Salon, April 19, 1999. Accessed June 7, 2007.
  87. ^ [http://www.tjcenter.org/muzzles/muzzle-archive-1999/#item12 Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression. Accessed March 3, 2007.
  88. ^ "New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani", Thomas Jefferson Center for Freedom of Expression, 2000. Accessed June 7, 2007.
  89. ^ "Libertarians, Beware the Rigid Reign of Rudy", Cato Institute, May 31, 2007. Accessed June 8, 2007.
  91. ^ YouTube - Rudy Giuliani announces lawsuit against gun companies
  92. ^ YouTube - Re: Rudy Giuliani announces lawsuit against gun companies
  93. ^ Gun Control And The New Federal Law Shielding Gun Manufacturers From Lawsuits (Gotham Gazette, November 2005)
  94. ^ Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
  95. ^ Giuliani's Trash-for-Culture Deal Doesn't Play in Virginia. Retrieved on June 8, 2007.
  96. ^ Governor Gilmore's Letter to Mayor Giuliani Regarding Trash Transportation from New York to Virginia - Jan. 15, 1999
  97. ^ a b Trade Trash For Culture? Not Virginia. Retrieved on June 8, 2007.
  98. ^ Mayor Tells Non-New Yorkers That City's Trash Is Price for What They Reap. Retrieved on June 8, 2007.
  99. ^ [http://www.nyc.gov/html/rwg/html/97/freshkls.html Archives of Rudolph W. Giuliani Fresh Kills Exportation Announcement]. Retrieved on June 2, 2007.
  100. ^ Giuliani Calls Garbage Plan Regional Plus. Retrieved on June 8, 2007.
  101. ^ Efforts to Close Fresh Kills Are Taking Unforeseen Tolls. Retrieved on June 2, 2007.
  102. ^ a b City's Been Forced To Talk Trash Again. Retrieved on June 8, 2007.
  103. ^ Council Legalizes Ferrets, but Veto Is Expected From Giuliani. Retrieved on June 1, 2007.
  105. ^ Blogosphere Ferrets Out Giuliani. Retrieved on June 1, 2007.
  106. ^ a b c d e f Abby Goodnough. "An On-Air Mayor Gives His City an Earful", The New York Times, 1999-08-21. Retrieved on 2007-11-09. 
  107. ^ a b c Michael Powell. "Giuliani Pulled No Punches on the Radio", The New York Times, 2007-10-05. Retrieved on 2007-11-09. 
  108. ^ Sarah Wheaton. "THE GREAT FERRET DEBATE", The New York Times, 2007-10-09. Retrieved on 2007-11-09. 
  109. ^ "Rudy Giuliani Makes Fun of a Parkinson's Patient", YouTube. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  110. ^ a b c Peter Noel, "It Ain't Easy Feeling Sorry For Rudy", Village Voice, May 17-23, 2000. Accessed June 2, 2007.
  111. ^ Wayne Barrett (2007-05-08). The Yankees' Clean-Up Man. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
  112. ^ Jim Dwyer (2007-05-12). The Rings of Giuliani. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
  113. ^ a b Giuliani serving as jury foreman in New York trial. Retrieved on December 12, 2006.
Political offices
Preceded by
David Dinkins
Mayor of New York City
January 1, 1994December 31, 2001
Succeeded by
Michael Bloomberg

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