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List of Narnian creatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Narnian creatures

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Narnian creatures are any non-human inhabitants of Narnia, the fantasy world created by C. S. Lewis as a setting for his The Chronicles of Narnia. This is a series of commentaries on the creatures of Narnia. Entries include information on physical, habitual, and behavioural elements of the creatures, as well as noting any important members of the species. Each commentary draws on specific references and citations from the seven books. Many animals that are found in our world are also present in Narnia. Some species include Talking Beasts. At the birth of Narnia, Aslan the Lion stares at certain animals and breathes upon them. This enabled them to think and talk in a manner similar to humans, and also altered their size (MN). Smaller Talking Beasts - such as rodents, birds and small mammals - are generally larger than their non-talking counterparts, whereas larger Talking Beasts are generally smaller than average[citation needed]. There is never any mention of talking fish or insects.Lewis freely drew on various sources for inspiration; the creatures contained in this include many from classical mythology and many from English folklore.[1]

The four Pevensies as rulers at Cair Paravel, surrounded by their Narnian friends and subjects, including Giant Rumblebuffin, the beavers, centaurs, satyrs, nymphs, dwarfs, talking beasts, a unicorn and a bull with a man's face. (This drawing was made by Pauline Baynes.
The four Pevensies as rulers at Cair Paravel, surrounded by their Narnian friends and subjects, including Giant Rumblebuffin, the beavers, centaurs, satyrs, nymphs, dwarfs, talking beasts, a unicorn and a bull with a man's face. (This drawing was made by Pauline Baynes.
Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  Adaptations  References  External links
Narnia Abbreviation Key
LWW: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
PC: Prince Caspian
VDT: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
SC: The Silver Chair
HHB: The Horse and His Boy
MN: The Magician's Nephew
LB: The Last Battle
TL: Narnian timeline

[edit] A

  • Albatross: Aslan is shown as taking the form of an albatross in Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
  • Ape: Apes are among the cleverest of Talking Beasts. As in our world, their diet seems to consist primarily of fruit (LB). There are evil apes present among the horde of the White Witch at the sacrifice of Aslan (LWW). In the movie adaptation Apes are shown to be on the side of Aslan. Also an ape was a ringleader in the Tashlan conspiracy. (LB)

[edit] B

  • Badger: Talking Badgers are intelligent, kind, and steadfast. They side with Aslan and his followers whenever battle erupts. One of the Badgers, Trufflehunter, has "a curiously earthy, husky voice". He refuses to wear armour, claiming instead that he can protect himself with his claws and teeth (PC).
  • Bat: Giant Bats are present among the horde of the White Witch at the sacrifice of Aslan (LWW).
  • Bear: Talking Bears are large, gentle, child-like creatures. A Bear is traditionally one of the Marshals of the Lists. They are depicted as strong but gentle creatures, who pass their time napping and eating honey. One prominent family of bears are the Bulgy Bears, the elder of which is known to suck his paw at inopportune moments. At one point a non-talking grey bear is killed for its meat, and is referred to by the name Bruin (literally meaning "brown"), the time-honoured poetic title for a bear (SC).
  • Beaver: Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are among the rebels who fight against the White Witch (LWW). It is they who explain the plight of Narnia to the Pevensies and first help them escape the Witch's minions. Lewis states that the White Witch exterminated most of the Beavers. The town of Beaversdam sits where the dam of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver was once situated(PC).
  • Birds of the Morning: Large white birds that fly from the sun and present fire-berries to a Star named Ramandu in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
  • Black Dwarf: (See Dwarf)
  • Boar: Talking Boars are fierce fighters, and use their tusks to gash enemies. A loyal Boar is among the Narnian fighters in The Last Battle.
  • Boggle: Boggles are followers of the White Witch (LWW). According to A Guide to Narnia, [2] "boggle" is another name for a Hobgoblin. In the 2005 film, they are portrayed as troll-like imps with mole and swinish features.

[edit] C

  • Cat: Cats are aloof, cunning, graceful creatures. One Talking Cat, Ginger, is in league with the evil Calormenes. When Tash arrives to take Rishda Tarkaan, Ginger is so terrified by the dark god that he loses his power of speech (LB). A "cat-a-mountain", or wildcat, is one of the creatures turned into stone by the White Witch (LWW).
  • Cattle: Bulls are shown several times in the corse of the series. in LWW they are shown fighting for Aslan but in LB a bull is shown fighting against Tirian. No cows are shown in the series.
  • Centaur: The centaurs of Narnia are noble beings and are one of the most loyal creatures to Aslan and to Narnia. They have the head, torso, and arms of a human but have the four legged body of a horse joining at the human's wait and horse's shoulders. Their horse bodies are generally chestnut colored with human hair and beards in colors matching that of chestnut, though some have blonde hair and black hair as well. They are masters of astronomy and divination, being able to read the stars and tell of future events. They are also proficient warriors and healers. It is said in Narnia that no one ever laughed at a centaur and that no one who valued his life would ever saddle a centaur (if offered the opportunity). They also have two stomachs, a human stomach and a horse stomach, which means they eat large quantities of human food and horse feed. In the animated adaption of The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe , they are portrayed as having blonde hair and clean-shaven faces or black haired and full bearded, with brown horse bodies. In the BBC adaptation, The Chronicles of Narnia, they are not seen in The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe episodes, though a statue of a centaur could be seen near the White Witch's throne, In the Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader episodes, Glenstorm is portrayed as having a white horse body and golden-brown hair and beard. A centaur appears again in several scenes in The Silver Chair episodes, again having a white horse body but has white hair and beard. In the 2005 film, many centaurs are portrayed and they are seen throughout Aslan's camp and in the battle. Their leader is General Oreius, who has black hair a goatee, and a black horse body. They use swords and lances in the battle, while Oreius uses two long swords and a claymore. Female centaurs are portrayed as members of Peter Pevensie's army, being positioned as archers with the dwarfs, they use longbows as their weapons. Centaurs have appeared again in the film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, this time with whole families of centaurs, including child centaurs.
  • Note: In Greek tales, centaurs were a wild race who were violent, womanizing, and usually intoxicated. The centaurs of Narnia are based of the centaur, Chiron, who, unlike the other centaurs, was a noble, wise, and powerful being.
  • Cruel: Cruels are followers of The White Witch, possibly a type of spirit (LWW).

[edit] D

  • Deer: (See Stag)
  • Dog: The Talking Dogs of Narnia are intelligent creatures, although they retain much of their canine behaviour. For instance , one group of Dogs is described as putting "their front paws on the shoulders of the humans and licking their faces". Dogs consider it a great offense to be called a "boy" or a "girl" by another dog. This is considered to be the same sort of insult as a human calling another human a "dog" (LB).
  • Donkey: Lewis portrays Donkeys as kind but foolish beasts. Only one Donkey, Puzzle, is ever mentioned by name in the novels. He is a Talking Donkey who is tricked by Shift the Ape, and plays a key role in (LB). Although no other donkeys are mentioned by name, they do make occasional appearances, such as when Silenus is seen riding upon a Donkey during the Bacchanalia (PC).
  • Dragon: Dragons are scaly fire-breathing creatures with bat-like wings. They exist throughout various regions of the Narnian world. A dragon is recorded as having once lived on an island in the Eastern Sea where he guarded a hoard of treasure. It is possible for a person to turn into a dragon by sleeping on this pile of treasure (VDT). In the Underlands, there are "dozens of strange animals lying on the turf, either dead or asleep, Jill could not tell which. These were mostly of a dragonish or bat-like sort" (SC). At the end of time in The Last Battle, these creatures wake up and begin "crawling and sliding down into Narnia" appearing as "great dragons and giant lizards". Dragons are generally sentient beings even though they cannot talk, for it is possible for a human to communicate with them (SC). There is also a stone statue of what appears to be a dragon in the courtyard of The White Witch (LWW). (See also Salamander)
  • Dryad: (See Nymph)
  • Duffer or Dufflepud: (See Monopod)
  • Dwarf: Dwarfs, or "The Sons of Earth" exist in Narnia in two separate varieties: Black Dwarfs and Red Dwarfs. Black Dwarfs are so called for their dark beards that are "as thick and hard as horsehair",while Red Dwarfs have hair "rather like a Fox's" (PC). In Narnia, dwarfs are around 3 feet tall. Throughout the books the Black Dwarfs tend to side with the White Witch while the Red Dwarfs usually side with Aslan. An example of this is shown in Prince Caspian where a Black Dwarf, Nikabrik, defends the White Witch, saying that she is "not an enemy to the Dwarfs (PC)", while Trumpkin, a Red Dwarf, is loyal to the King. Prince Caspian's tutor, Doctor Cornelius, is said to be descended from Dwarfs and humans. There are also "evil dwarfs" present among the witch's horde at the sacrifice of Aslan (LWW) Their appearance and loyalties aside, the Red and Black Dwarfs seem to be otherwise similar. Dwarfs live in small, tight knit communities. There is never any mention of female dwarfs in the books, although it is possible for there to be females of dwarfish descent, as the males are said to occasionally mingle and reproduce with human women. In the films made by Walt Disney Pictures, there is a scene in the special edition of the 2005 film where Edmund is walking through Jadis' courtyard and a glimpses a statue of a female dwarf in the arms of her husband, and living Dwarf women are portrayed in the 2008 adaption of Prince Caspian; in fact, during the movie, Dr. Cornelius, states that his mother was a black dwarf. (See also Monopod) Dwarfs are prolific smiths, miners, and carpenters. In battle, they are renowned archers and can march all day and all night without becoming tired (LB). Late in the series the distinction between Black and Red Dwarfs begins to fade as they become increasingly uninterested in the dealings of men. Eventually nearly all of the Dwarfs adopt the mantra "the Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs" and kill anybody who crosses their path, be they good or evil. They are the only creatures to completely reject Aslan's return and thus become blinded to the paradise that Narnia has become (LB). In Narnia the plural for Dwarf is "dwarfs" rather than "dwarves".
  • Note: In early illustrations, dwarfs were drawn very traditionally, with long beards, pointed caps, etc. but in later illustrations, they look more like short men with normal sized beards, some dwarfs were even drawn completely beardless!

[edit] E

  • Eagle: Eagles are quick, keen hunters. Lewis writes that it is "a treat to watch their grace and ease", and that they have strange voices (LB). One notable Eagle is Far-sight.Eagles also rescue Edmund in (LWW).
  • Earthmen: Earthmen are the gnome-like natives of Bism, a land which lies far beneath the surface of the Narnian earth. In The Silver Chair, the Lady of the Green Kirtle places the Earthmen under an enchantment and forces them to dig a tunnel to the surface of Narnia in preparation for her invasion. They seem to take this duty very seriously, for when Eustace and Jill encounter them they "all carried three-pronged spears in their hands, and all were dreadfully pale, and all stood as still as statues." However despite such uniform behaviour they vary greatly in appearance. Lewis states that they are "of all sizes, from little gnomes barely a foot high to stately figures taller than men." Later he remarks that "some had tails and others not, some wore great beards and others had very round, smooth faces, big as pumpkins. There were long, pointed noses, and long, soft noses like small trunks, and great blobby noses. Several had single horns in the middle of their foreheads". (SC).
  • Efreet: Efreeti are followers of The White Witch. They are briefly mentioned in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
  • Elephant: Elephants are among the largest animals in Narnia. The Talking Elephants shrink noticeably, however, when Aslan creates the Talking Beasts. The first Elephant is present at the First Council of Narnia, and his wife vainly takes great pride in the length of her trunk (MN).
  • Ettin: Ettins are followers of the White Witch (LWW). Historically they have been represented as similar to giants, but with two heads. It seems this connection may be shared in Narnia, as they lend their name to the Giant-inhabited land of Ettinsmoor (SC). (See Giant)

[edit] F

  • Falcon: Lucy mentions how the Pevensies used falcons during their hunting parties back when they were kings and queens (VDT).
  • Faun: Fauns are woodland creatures with the legs of a goat and the upper body of a human. They characteristically have curly hair, glossy black hair and fur, small horns resembling those of a goat, and long tails. They enjoy dancing and playing music, and their faces are simultaneously "mournful and merry". One faun, Mr. Tumnus is the first character Lucy Pevensie meets when she enters Narnia. Dryads frequentley join in their dances, while Naiads and Satyrs join in occasionally. In classical mythology of the sort that Lewis employs, there are never female fauns. Male fauns typically reproduce with nymphs, or sometimes, human women, although it is unknown if this point is shared in Narnia (LWW). In the 2005 Film, their fur and hair is brown or blondeish instead of black, have slender goat legs, and have regular goat tails instead of long tails.
  • Fish: The fish that inhabit the Narnian waterways are wide and varied, but are known to include earthly fish including trout (LWW) as well species indigenous to Narnia such as pavanders. In the books it is not specified whether or not there are talking fish in Narnia, although none are ever mentioned.
  • Fox: Foxes are sly, intelligent creatures. A Fox is present at the Christmas party where the White Witch turns the merry-makers into stone (LWW). Another Fox bites the Giant Wimbleweather when he treads on its tail (PC). A fox called Slinky joins the Calormene side in the last battle. (LB). In the film version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a fox helps the Pevensies to escape from the White Witch's secret police.

[edit] G

  • Ghoul: Ghouls are followers of The White Witch (LWW). They live in Calormen as well as Narnia, where they are known to live among graves, such as the Tombs of the Ancient Kings (HHB). They are included in the 2005 film where they are portrayed as pale goblin like creatures, with slit-nostrils, and long, skeletal arms and legs, and are sometimes confused with goblins and boggles.
  • Giant: Giants are tall, ugly, and often dim-witted creatures. Many Giants live in the lands that lie North of Narnia, including the Giants of Ettinsmoor, who fight each other with stone hammers, and the wicked Giants of Harfang (SC). Humans are often a source of amusement, entertainment, or occasionally food for these wicked giants. However, there are also good-natured giants such as the Buffins, who are "one of the most respected of all the giant families in Narnia." (LWW). Notable Giants include Rumblebuffin (LWW), Wimbleweather (PC), and Stonefoot (LB), all of whom fight on the side of the Pevensies in their respective battles. A two-headed Giant named Pire is turned into a mountain in the The Horse and his Boy. (See also Ettin, Ogre)
  • God: There are several sorts of "Gods" that appear and are mentioned in the Chronicles. There are the wild people of Narnia, such as the nymphs, satyrs, fauns, and centaurs, the male Dryads and Naiads are called Wood Gods and River Gods respectively, though these sorts of "gods" are not worshipped as deities and are probably not immortal. There are also Gods such as Bacchus, Silenus, Pomona, and the maenads, though these too, are also not worshipped. Then there are the Gods of the Calormene pantheon, such as Tash, Azaroth, and Zardeenah, though Only Tash has appeared in living form, but is proven to be a demon, and the rest are probably just stone idols that are exalted in Calormen. Then there is Aslan himself, though he is never referred to as a "god" he is hailed and revered as such and has proven to be immortal and is the creator of the narnian universe itself.
  • Gnome: (See Earthmen)
  • Gull: Mentioned in PC. Not known if they can talk.

[edit] H

  • Hag: Hags are followers of The White Witch who help bind Aslan to the Stone Table in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. They appear extremely loyal to the Witch as one Hag later attempts to bring back the ghost of the Witch through sorcery. She is described as having a "shrill, whining voice", and calls herself a "poor old woman". Her nose and chin stick out "like a pair of nut-crackers", and she has dirty grey hair (PC). In the Disney films, they are portrayed as somewhat bird-like, with beak-like mouths, and crome-dome heads.
  • Half-Breed: Half-Breeds are beings that have been born from parents who are not of the same species.The sons and daughters of King Frank and Queen Helen married Dryads and Naiads and had children with them, from these came the Archenlanders and later the Calormenes. Jadis and her race were desendents from the unions of Giants and Jinni. During the reign of Miraz and the Telmarines, dwarfs disguised themselves as humans and interbred with humans, and from these unions came the Half-Dwarfs, whom Dr. Cornelius and Caspian's nurse are one of, Prince Rilian is part-Star, since his mother, Caspian's wife, was the daughter of the Star Ramandu.
  • Hamadryad: (See Nymph)
  • Hare: One of the Old Narnians Caspian is first introduced to is a Hare called Camillo. (PC). Jewel the Unicorn tells Jill about the legendary Hare Moonwood of old. (LB).
  • Hedgehog: Hedgehogs are members of Caspian's army in (PC)[citation needed] One of the creatures Caspian is introduced to when he meets the Old Narnians is a hedgehog called Hogglestock. (PC) One of the first creatures Shasta meets in Narnia is a rather slow-witted hedgehog. (HHB).
  • Horror: Horrors are followers of the White Witch, no further description is ever given of them. Though in the video game, they are portrayed as black ghost-like spirits with long arms, and glowing eyes that guard the White Witch's stone prisoners and are vulnerable to sunlight.(LWW)
  • Horse: Both speechless and Talking Horses exist in Narnia. While the speechless variety are often used as mounts and pack animals, a Talking Horse will only allow itself to be ridden during desperate times, such as war. The Calormenes sometimes capture Narnian foals who consequently grow up in Calormen and live there in slavery. Bree and Hwin manage to escape (HHB). When the Calormenes invade Narnia, they force grown Talking Horses to work for them.

[edit] I

  • Incubus: Incubi are followers of the White Witch (LWW). In folklore, they are lusty male demons who cause nightmares and assume the form of handsome men and seduce women in their sleep. Their female counterparts are called Succubi.
  • Insects: The only varieties of insect mentioned in the series are bees, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, and butterflies. This is probably because the author, C.S. Lewis, was not fond of insects.

[edit] J

  • Jackal: Jackals are a variety of wild dogs. They are mentioned as living near the Tombs of the ancient Kings, near Tashbaan (HHB).
  • Jackdaw: A Jackdaw is a type of bird in northern Europa and Asia, related to the crow. They were also one of the first animals to be created by Aslan. It was a Jackdaw that made the first joke in Narnia, to which Aslan replies: "You have not made the first joke; you have only been the first joke." (MN)
  • Jinn: Jinni are evil demonic creatures. They interbred with giants and from these unions came the race of Charn, whom Jadis is descended from.

[edit] K

[edit] L

  • Lamb: At one point, Aslan symbolically transforms into a Lamb (VDT). Another lamb asks some searching questions of Shift the Ape in The Last Battle.
  • Leopard: Leopards are ferocious though honourable creatures. It is they who are entrusted with bearing Aslan's crown and sceptre in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  • Lion: Talking Lions are among the most respected creatures in all Narnia. Aslan, the creator and ruler of Narnia, is a Lion. At one point, a Talking Lion becomes boastful when Aslan refers to the two of them as "Us Lions". (LWW). It is mentioned that some Narnian hunters seek out non-talking Lions, presumably for sport (LB).

[edit] M

  • Man-Headed Bull: There is a follower of Aslan who is described as a "bull with a man's head", who openly defies the White Witch's claim that Edmund's blood is her property. It is described as having a "great bellowing voice", and stands in contrast to the Minotaurs, who are followers of the White Witch (LWW). The creature is posibly a Shedu of Mesopotamian mythology.
  • Marsh-wiggles are a race of frog-like humanoids that inhabit the marshes of northern Narnia, south of the River Shribble. They are described as having large ears and green-grey dreadlocks. They have strong leathery skin and very long limbs attached to short torsos. Both their hands and their feet are webbed, as it says in The Silver Chair, "like a duck's". Internally, they are evidently significantly different from humans, although the difference is not specified. For instance, when Puddleglum's hand was chewed by Golg the Earthmen, it is not nearly as damaged as it would have been if Puddleglum had been a human.Marsh-wiggles are known for their pessimistic and depressed views on life. They live in large wigwams usually set apart from one another, as Marsh-wiggles like their privacy. They are not a very technologically-advanced race, but they do possess both bows and swords. Marsh-wiggles fish for food. They usually catch and consume a creature known as a mudfish, but are very fond of eels when they can get them. The tobacco that they use gives off smoke that is heavier than air. It is said that they mix the tobacco with mud. They also consume a strong, unnamed alcoholic beverage. Marsh-wiggles do most of the work relating to water and fish in Narnia. Jill Pole and Eustace Scrubb are ferried across the Fords of Beruna by a marsh-wiggle. Marsh-wiggles also help dock ships at Cair Paravel. The only Marsh-wiggle named in the series is Puddleglum who appears in The Silver Chair.

The now defunct American folk-rock band, The Marshwiggles (of whom David Wolfenberger was a founding member) took their name from this Narnian character.

  • Maenad: (See Nymph)
  • Merpeople: Merpeople are half human and half fish. They sing at the coronation of the four Pevensie children (LWW). Merpeople can thus breathe both air and water, unlike the more human but completely aquatic Sea People (See also Sea People). In the 2005 Disney film, they are shown to have long, blueish, silvery tails with pinkish fins.
  • Minotaur: Minotaurs have the head of a bull and the body of a man. They are followers of the White Witch, and are present both at Aslan's death and at the ensuing battle (LWW) In the movies, they are more bull-like with bull legs, tails and body fur. In the film, the general of the White Witch's Army is a minotaur called Otmin. In the 2008 adaption of Prince Caspian, Minotaurs join the Old Narnians in fighting the Telmarines.
  • Mole: The Talking Moles of Narnia are excellent tunnelers and gardeners. During the reign of the Pevensie children, the chief mole, Lilygloves, plants an apple orchard which the Pevensies partake of when they return hundreds of years later. In Prince Caspian, the Moles are keen to propose digging trenches for no particular reason. Later in the same book, Clodsley Shovel and his Moles dig up turf for the treepeople to eat.
  • Monopod (also called Dufflepud): Monopods are a variety of one-legged dwarf. Lewis specifies that this leg is directly under their torso and "not to one side like the leg of a one-legged man". Their feet are described as "enormous... with the toes curling up a little". They occasionally use their foot as a boat and row themselves around with paddles. They were once normal dwarfs, ruled by the fallen star Coriakin, however they rejected him in favor of their Chief and were transformed into their present state as punishment. They are not as clever as the other dwarfs, and follow the word of their Chief to the letter. (VDT).
  • Mouse: Unlike the other Talking Animals, Mice did not gain the gift of speech during Narnia's creation. Instead they were given it as a gift for their kindness, after a group of them chewed Aslan free from his bonds as he lay dead on the Stone Table. The Talking Mice, including Reepicheep and Peepiceek, are larger than normal Mice. They are loyal, brave, and noble creatures, and excellent with swords (PC).

[edit] N

  • Naiad: (See Nymph)
  • Nymph: Nymphs are nature spirits that live in the trees and waters. They are capable of leaving their tree or watery domains and assuming a physical body resembling human form. They are so spiritually tied to their places of nature that, if it is destroyed, the nymph bound to that place dies with it. They are capable of consorting with human men and women, and can produce children with them. The term "nymph" is usually used to refer to female Dryads, Hamadryads, and Naiads, though the term "goddess" can apply as well. Nymphs are originally from classical mythology. Though there are no male nymphs in mythology, Lewis does mention male wood gods and river gods as the husbands, brothers, and fathers of nymphs. Wood nymphs and water nymphs were present at Aslan's camp playing harps upon the arrival of the Pevensies and the Beavers.
  • Note: In the drawing in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe depicting Aslan and his entourage, Pauline Baynes draws the dryads and naiads as slanted-eyed and afro-haired women with elfish ears, and skin colors and clothes matching each specific nymph (i.e. green for dryads and blue for naiads). In previous and most subsequent illustrations, they are drawn as human-looking young women with blonde or black hair, though still wearing dresses in colors corresponding to each type of nymph.

Dryads are tree nymphs that are capable of leaving their trees and assuming a physical body almost identical to human form. Each individual dryad is spiritually bound to a specific tree and if that tree dies or is cut down, its dryad will die as well. Female dryads, which are very common, usually inhabit such trees such as beeches, silver birches, larches and willows, while male dryads, who are usually referred to as "Wood Gods", are spiritually tied to trees like oaks, elms, hollies, and rowans. They are fond of dancing and often dance with fauns. They are described as having heads crowned with leaves, wearing garments matching the colors of their specific trees (i.e. birch girls wearing silver, beech girls wearing fresh, transparent green, and larch girls wearing green so bright that it looked yellow), and as having their trees' characteristics (i.e. pale, slender birch girls; long-haired willow women; queenly, graceful beeches; shaggy, wizened oak men; lean, melancholy elms; dark, shock-headed hollies; and happy, cheerful rowans). They are capable of marrying human men and women and siring children with them. There are several other kinds of tree spirit besides dryads but at times wood spirits are called dryads as a whole. .(MN), (LWW), (PC), (SC), and (LB).

Hamadryads are tree nymphs similar to dryads, but the books do not establish whether they are a separate kind of tree spirit or simply dryads with a synonymous nickname. In Greek tales, they are sometimes thought as the nymphs of oak trees, or as dryads who simply live in their trees, but are unable to leave, or as the dryads who die with their trees. (PC).

Silvans are tree spirits, although Lewis does not tell the reader whether they are a separate kind of tree spirit or if they are simply dryads with a synonymous nickname. Silvan means "related to trees". Due to there being a tribe of Middle-Earth elves that live in the woods that are titled "Silvan Elves," it is possible that the silvans of Narnia are synonymous with the Silvan Elves of Middle-Earth.(PC)

Wood Gods are tree spirits of the same species as dryads, hamadryads, silvans, and tree people, but are male in physical form. They inhabit and are spiritually tied to trees like, oaks, elms, hollies, and rowans. Like the wood nymphs, they are capable of leaving their trees and assuming physical bodies or using their trees as their bodies. They also are spiritually bound to their trees, and die if their trees are cut down. Though there are no known tree gods in Greek tales, wood gods may have been based on The Green Man from celtic myth.(MN), (PC), and (LB)

Tree People are wood gods and goddesses who use their trees as their physical bodies. Lewis doesn't specify weather they are the same as dryads or just a different sort of wood spirit, but they are described as beautiful giants and giantesses who have branch-like hair and fingers. They have roots for feet and wade in the earth like humans do in water. A whole swarm of trees dance sleepily around Lucy and Aslan when they are reunited, and even aid the Old Narnian Army in defeating the Telmarines. Lewis states that tree people usually eat a variety of soils, such as loam or bits of silver sand and the like.(PC).

  • Note: During the Hundred Years' Winter, many tree spirits turned evil and joined the White Witch's side and fought with her forces.

Naiads are nymphs of the rivers, wells, and streams. They can leave their watery domains and assume physical bodies resembling human form. When a stone bridge is built over a river, the naiads in it will become imprisoned in the river. They have been known dance with fauns and dryads occasionally. Four river nymphs are mentioned as being train bearers for Queen Helen. They are capable of marrying human men and women and siring children with them.(MN), (LWW), and (PC).

River Gods are water spirits of the same species as the naiads, but are male in form. River gods, as their name goes, only inhabit rivers while water nymphs inhabit rivers inclusively. One River God is mentioned rising out of the Great River of Narnia with his nymph daughters, and other river gods are mentioned as becoming husbands to the daughters of King Frank and Queen Helen. Another River God is mentioned lifting his head from the river with the river nymphs upon hearing Aslan's roar. He appears again and asks Aslan to loose his chains. River gods are based from river gods from Greek myths. (MN), and (PC). In the 2008 film of Prince Caspian, the river god is digitally portrayed as a giant man made entirely out of water with hair and beard made of foam, and rushes at the Telmarines, creating tidal waves and even destroys the bridge.

  • Note: In an illustration in Prince Caspian, the River God is depicted as a giant man with his head crowned with rushes, and covered with swampy muck and moss; however, the River God in The Magician's Nephew is depicted as a normal-sized, elderly man, his head still crowned with rushes, but dressed in a blue robe and a green cloak.

Maenads are followers of Bacchus, and are described as "wild, madcap young girls". They are physically identical to human girls, and are not proper nymphs, such as Dryads and Naiads. (PC).

Silenus is a follower of Bacchus. In classical mythology, Sileni are a whole race of fat, balding men, who ride on donkeys.

People of the Toadstools: The People of the Toadstools are followers of the White Witch. No physical description is ever given of them, though it is likely that they are the corrupted nymphs of toadstools. In illustrations of the battle and Aslan's sacrifice, they are drawn as large toadstools that have roots that are used as limbs. (LWW)

Poisonous plants: The nymphs of poisonous plants are mentioned as followers of The White Witch during Aslan's sacrifice at The Stone Table.

Oreads? Though never mentioned, it might just be possible that nymphs and gods of the mountains and rocks exist, due to Trumpkin's statement that it would be nice if the stones threw themselves at Miraz along with the trees (dryads) and waters (naiads) attacking the Telmarines.

[edit] O

  • Ogre: Ogres are followers of the White Witch. They have great strength and "monstrous teeth" (LWW). Female ogres are called "Ogresses". (See also Giant)
  • Orkny: Orknies are followers of the White Witch, no further description is ever given of them. Some speculate that the orknies of Narnia are synonymous with the Orcs of Middle-Earth (LWW).
  • Owl: An Owl is present at the first Council of Narnia (MN). The birds are later described as gathering in a Parliament of Owls when important matters arise (SC). This is a play on words by Lewis, as in nature a group of Owls is called a "parliament".

[edit] P

  • Panther: Panthers are mentioned as troops in the Narnian army during the siege at Anvard (HHB). A panther also is mentioned in aiding the dwarfs and moles in getting Eustace, Jill, Puddleglum, Rilian, and the horses out from underground (SC). A Black Panther is shown fighting with Prince Caspian in the Disney adapion of the book.
  • Pavender: A pavender is a small, rainbow-coloured fish native to Narnia. The Pevensie children catch and eat pavenders on the island of Cair Paravel in Prince Caspian. The pavenders are also part of a centaur's breakfast for his "human-stomach" in The Silver Chair. (See Fish)
  • Peacock: No Talking Peacocks are mentioned in the books, however Peacock feathers decorate the Western Wall of the Great Hall in Cair Paravel (LWW), and Peacock is one of the dishes served at feasts in the royal castle (SC).
  • Pegasus: (See Winged Horse)
  • Pelican: A Pelican is mentioned as a member of Aslan's army (LWW).
  • People of the Toadstools: (See Nymph)
  • Phoenix: A Phoenix resides in an apple orchard on the green hill in the Western Wilds. It is "larger than an eagle, its breast saffron, its head crested with scarlet, and its tail purple" (TMN). In the 2005 film, a Phoenix aids Aslan's army at the Battle of Beruna Ford.
  • Poisonus plants: (See Nymph)

[edit] R

  • Rabbit: Rabbits and hares are mentioned throughout the Narnian stories. Camillo the hare serves as their representative in Prince Caspian.
  • Reindeer: Reindeer are shown pulling both Father Christmas's and the Witch's sleds.
  • Raven: Of the seven who sit at the First Council of Narnia, two of them are Ravens (MN). Another Raven called Sallowpad later provides advice on the best route from Calormen to Archenland (HHB).
  • Red Dwarf: (See Dwarf)
  • River God: (See Nymph)
  • Robin: A robin is portrayed as understanding speech when it leads the Pevensie children to Mr Beaver, although it shows no sign of having the ability to speak itself (LWW).

[edit] S

  • Salamander: In The Silver Chair, there are salamanders that live far beneath the Narnian earth. They are "too white-hot to look at. But they are most like small dragons." They possess the ability of speech and are "very witty and eloquent". Some salamanders were seen assisting the dragons in destroying the fake Narnia (LB).
  • Satyr: Satyrs are woodland folk who are part human and part goat. They are similar to fauns, except that they are wilder and have reddish fur, longer horns, and more goat-like characteristics.They occasionally join in dances with fauns (LWW). In the 2005 film satyrs' faces resembles goats, whereas fauns are human from the waist up, they also have shaggy, frizzy hair and fur all over their bodies, and have thick, hardy goat legs. They are shown in the movie fighting on both sides. (See also Faun).
  • Sea Horse: The Sea People ride the ocean depths on these Giant Sea Horses.
  • Sea People: The Sea People are an aquatic race who live in the Last Sea. The are bipedal unlike the more amphibious Merpeople who live near Narnia. They have ivory coloured skin and dark purple hair. They wear no clothes although they adorn themselves with "coronets of some kind and many had chains of pearls." They are ruled by their king whom Lucy briefly glimpses while aboard the Dawn Treader. He and his knights ride large sea-horses as mounts. Their kingdom is an underwater version of Narnian society and geography (See also Merpeople).
  • Sea Serpent: A Sea Serpent attacks the ship in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The head of the Serpent is said to be "all greens and vermilions with purple blotches - except where shell fish clung to it - and shaped rather like a horse's, though without ears. It had enormous eyes, eyes made for staring through the dark depths of the ocean, and a gaping mouth filled with double rows of sharp fish-like teeth. It came up on what they first took to be a huge neck, but as more and more of it emerged everyone knew that this was not its neck but its body ... "
  • Serpent: The Lady of the Green Kirtle transforms into a giant, poisonous green serpent when preying on innocents.
  • Silenus: (See Nymph)
  • Silvan: (See Nymph)
  • Spectre: Spectres are followers of the White Witch. In folklore, spectres were malevolent ghosts. (LWW)
  • Sprite: Evil sprites are followers of the White Witch (LWW).
  • Squid: A squid is mentioned as a beast that lives in the Narnian Sea. (VDT)
  • Squirrel: In Prince Caspian, Pattertwig the Squirrel acts as a messenger as he can travel "nearly everywhere without setting foot to ground". It is bad manners among Squirrels to watch where another Squirrel keeps his store of nuts.
  • Stag: The White Stag can grant wishes to the person who catches him (LWW). A Talking Stag is captured and eaten by wicked Giants (SC).
  • Star: Narnian Stars resemble "glittering people, all with long hair like burning silver and spears like white-hot metal" (LB). Centaurs study their dances and constellations. It is possible for a Star to become fallen from grace and set to perform a menial task until Aslan permits it to rise once more, such as Coriakin. It is also possible for a Star to become too old. In these instances, it needs to eat fire-berries from the sun to regain its youth, such as Ramandu (VDT).

[edit] T

[edit] U

  • Unicorn: Unicorns are noble white horse-like creatures with a single blue horn on their foreheads. They use their horns in battle, and may be ridden when necessary. They are portrayed as white horses with a horn in in Pauline Baynes's original illustrations for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. In her illustrations for The Last Battle, however, they are portrayed in a more traditional manner with goat-like beards, cloven hooves, and lionesque tails. Jewel the Unicorn is present during the last moments of Narnia.

[edit] V

[edit] W

  • Warthog: There is a Warthog present at the creation of Narnia. It is one of a group of kind-hearted creatures who keeps Andrew Ketterley the human as a pet, although at first it thinks that he is a tree (MN).
  • Water Rat: A Water Rat is employed by the Calormenes to operate a small punt with a pole when they begin felling the Narnian trees (LB).
  • Werewolf: In the book series, werewolves don't take form under the full moon, and are immune to silver. A werewolf is always depicted as a "wolf's head and man's body," although this is explained as him being in the process of changing from man to wolf as he was killed. One of them states: "I hunger. I thirst. Where I bite, I hold till I die, and even after death they must cut out my mouthful from my enemy's body and bury it with me. I can fast a hundred years and not die. I can lie a hundred nights on the ice and not freeze. I can drink a river of blood and not burst. Show me your enemies." (PC)
  • Whale: Whales are mentioned being seen by the crew of the Dawn Treader near Dark Island. What species of whale these whales are is not told.
  • Winged Horse: Winged Horses have great wings rising from their flanks. The first Winged Horse in Narnia is a normal horse called Strawberry before Aslan the Lion gives him wings and calls him Fledge. A statue of a winged horse is mentioned among the stone prisoners, and two can be seen in an illustration of Aslan's army. (MN), (LWW).
  • Witch: There are two Witches in the Narnia books. Jadis, the White Witch, is said to be descended from Giants and Jinns (LWW). However, in The Magician's Nephew, she is revealed to be the last queen of Charn, which she destroyed single-handedly with the Deplorable Word. The Lady of the Green Kirtle can transform into a snake. In The Silver Chair, an Owl says of the Green Witch that "at the very beginning, a White Witch came out of the North and bound our land in snow and ice for a hundred years. And we think this may be some of the same crew". Lewis later writes in the same book that the Northern Witches "always mean the same thing, but in every age they have a different plan for getting it."
  • Wolf: Wolves work for the White Witch and are called the Secret Police. Their leader is a Grey Wolf called Maugrim. There are also wolves who are mentioned among the Witch's stone prisoners who are freed by Aslan and join him in battle. (LWW)
  • Wood God: (See Nymph)
  • Woose: Wooses are followers of the White Witch and were present at the killing of Aslan in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. According to Nancy-Lou Patterson in Mythlore 27, the term is derived from the Woodwose or "Wild Man of the Woods", a figure carved in East Anglia churches and mentioned in 16th and 17th Century literature. (LWW).
  • Wraith: Wraiths are followers of the White Witch. In folklore, wraiths were the miserable spirits of people. (LWW).

[edit] Illustrations

Narnian creatures that are not mentioned in The Magician's Nephew but can be seen in the original ink illustrations by Pauline Baynes include Camels, Chickens,Cobras, Ducks, Ferrets, Frogs, Gazelles, Giraffes, Goats, Hippopotamuses, Mooses, Otters, Shrews, Skunks, Storks, Raccoons, Rats, Weasels, and Zebras. An Ipotane that was meant to be a Centaur can be seen in one of the illustrations in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Unidentifiable mythical creatures are listed below.

  • Dragon/Bull Creature: In one of the illustrations of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, there is a monster with a bull's body, webbed dragon forepaws, and large dragon wings. It fights in the White Witch's army.
  • Minotaur/Centaur Creatures: In two illustrations of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, In Aslan's camp, the bull with the man's face appears as more of a reversed minotaur-like creature with possibly a centaur-like frame. In the Witch's courtyard, there is a centaur creature with bull's horns when Aslan frees the statues back into Narnians.
  • Hamadryad Creatures: In illustrations of Magician's Nephew and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, respectively, the oak, requested by Aslan to attend the council, appears as a walking tree with a human face; and in the scene when Aslan revives the statues, there are several tree women who appear as trees with human shaped heads on their trunks and branches for arms, and branches growing out of their heads. These may have been meant to be hamadryads.
  • Vulture/Dragon/Man Monster: In one of the illustrations of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a faun fights an odd sort of monster from the White Witch's army. It has the body and stature of a man, but has the head of a vulture and the hind legs and tail of a dragon. It may be an inspiration for the physical appearance of the character Tash.
  • Goblin with crow feet: A creature is shown in the picture of Aslan's sacrifice that looks like a goblin with crow feet.

[edit] Adaptations

Narnian creatures that are not mentioned in Lewis' books but that appear in film or game adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia include the following:

[edit] Animated Adaptation

  • Bigfoot-like Creature: Fights for Witchs army.
  • Eagle-Headed Man: A stone prisoner in the White Witch's courtyard.
  • Humanoid Pig: One was seen fighting in battle.
  • Kirin: A stone prisoner in the White Witch's courtyard.
  • Moose: Fights with Aslan's army.
  • Ostrich-like Creature: Fights with Witch's army.
  • Winged Tiger: A stone prisoner in the White Witch's courtyard.

[edit] BBC Miniseries Adaptations

  • Cockatrice: Head and legs of a chicken, body, tail, and wings of a dragon. Fights with Aslan's army.
  • Hyena: A hyena is seen snapping at Aslan's feet prior to his sacrifice.
  • Lich: Fights with the White Witch's army.
  • Lizard Men: Fights with the White Witch's army.
  • Winged Panther: Fights in Aslan's army.

[edit] Disney Movie Adaptations

  • Ankle Slicer: These creatures were created for the Disney film adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and do not appear in Lewis's works. They are small reptilian creatures with parrot-like heads. They average about a foot in height. True to their name, Ankle Slicers bring down their enemies by slicing through their ankles with sharp hand-scythes.
  • Cheetah: Fights with Aslan's army.
  • Cyclops: Brutal one-eyed warriors loyal to the White Witch. They are surprisingly intelligent, and are skilled in swordfighting, using spears and many other forms of combat.
  • Goblin: Goblins fight for the White Witch. They are portrayed as a different race from Ghouls and Boggles, but are confused with them.
  • Griffin: Magnificent creatures, part-eagle and part-lion with large ears. They have mastered both land and air, and are valuable fighters in Aslan's army. Some also appear in the older, animated film.
  • Harpies: Depicted as horrifying bat-like creatures that serve the White Witch. The fact that they can fly high above their foes and are swift enough to avoid arrows makes them one of the hardest of opponents to defeat. They attack by dropping large rocks from above. Only a flying opponent like a griffin or an eagle can fight them.
  • Minoboar: Part man, part boar. One of the White Witch's most dangerous henchmen.
  • Polar Bear: Three of them pull the White Witch's chariot into battle. They look particularly more ferocious (because of their teeth) than in real life.
  • Rhinoceros: These creatures only appear in the Disney film adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and not in Lewis's works. In that movie, Rhinos are one of the largest animals loyal to Aslan. Almost nothing can stop them when they charge through their enemies. Nothing, surprisingly, except Ankle Slicers, the White Witch's smallest minions.
  • Tigers: In LWW white tigers fights with the White Witch's army. In PC regular tigers fight on Caspian's side.

In concept art for LWW,Manticores and Succubuses were intended for the White Witch's army.

[edit] References

  1. ^ K. M. Briggs, The Fairies in English Tradition and Literature, p 209 University of Chicago Press, London, 1967
  2. ^ A Guide to Narnia by Martha C Sammons,published 1979 by Hodder Christian Paperbacks, ISBN 0 340 24800 9

[edit] External links

Original text for this article provided by Joshua Bell of NarniaMUSH.

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