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List of Marvel Comics alien races - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Marvel Comics alien races

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There are several different extraterrestrial races in the Marvel Comics' universe. The vast majority are humanoid in structure.


[edit] Major Races

A few alien races have had considerable "air time" in various Marvel Comics publications over the years, having a near-constant presence and/or major crossovers and storylines involving them. This includes:

[edit] Secondary Races

Scores of other extraterrestrial races have been depicted in the pages of Marvel Comics publications, though not to the extent of the races mentioned above. This list is not comprehensive.

[edit] A

Aakon A race of yellow-skinned, dark-haired humanoids, The Aakon are enemies of the Kree and are allied with the Shadow Consortium. The Aakon empire is based on the planet Oorga, in the Milky Way Galaxy. They have an Intergalactic Council and sought the destruction of all human life due to the perceived universal threat of Earth's population of super-beings. A number of Aakon colonies have since been destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. The Aakon race first appeared in Captain Marvel Vol. 1, #8 (Jul 1969).

Aedians The Aedians possess certain telepathic powers, only a few of which have been observed. They can sense the presence of others within their planet's orbit. They are empathic, able to sense the pain or emotions of others. They can project their astral selves, even into orbit. They are thin humanoid bipeds, with an elongated cranium and no obvious external nasal structure. first appearances: Silver Surfer Volume III #32 (December, 1989)

A'askvarii A green-skinned humanoid race with octopoid traits, possessing two legs (ending in three-toed taloned feet) and three tentacles sprouting from each shoulder in place of arms. They possess gills in place of a nose, and closely-spaced needle-like teeth. They possess fairly advanced technology, with rudimentary warp-drive capability. A'askvarii are native to the planet O'erlanii, the third planet orbiting the star Deneb; it is an oceanic world with oceans covering 75% of the planet's surface, and the rest being craggy mountains. They were first seen in Black Goliath #5 (Nov 1976).

Acanti See Acanti. First appearance: X-Men #156 (Apr 1982).

The Achernonians A purple-grey-skinned humanmoid race native to the planet Achernon, fourth planet orbiting Alpha Unakalhai. Achernonians are a tall race, averaging 6'4" tall, and possess only a pre-Industrial level of technology. They are depicted as superstitious and hedonistic, with a dictatorial government. Some possess the ability to become immaterial at will, though it is unknown how common this ability is or what causes it. The planet Achernon is a rocky world, 60% covered in volcanic rock; the atmosphere possesses a high sulfur content. They were first seen in Thor Annual #6 (1977). The name of the planet/race may have been derived from the Greek river Acheron.

A-Chiltarians A humanoid race possessing multi-faceted eyes and purple-grey fur over their entire bodies, with four-fingered hands and three-toed feet. They possess a tribal culture, and are mildly aggressive and temperamental. They are native to A-Chiltar III, the third planet orbiting the star A-Chiltar (known to Earth astronomers as R Monocerotis). A-Chiltar III is a marshy planet (60% marsh, 40% prairie), and the atmosphere has a high methane content. They were first seen in Tales to Astonish #46 (Aug 1963).

Alpha Centaurians A humanoid race with fine grey scales and other piscine adaptations (gills, webbed toes) that enable them to live underwater. Their governments is a feudal one, organized into several small, independent kingdoms; their culture tends to be self-centered and dispassionate. They are native to Arima, the third planet orbiting Alpha Centauri A; Arima has water covering 95% of its surface, and its gravity and atmospheric thickness are both approximately twice that of Earth. They possess spacecraft capable of 85% lightspeed. They were first seen in Sub-Mariner #17 (Sep 1969).

Arcturans A humanoid race with pink-white skin and a capacity for mutation equal to Earth humans; approximately half the population is severely mutated due to a combination of biochemical advancements and reactions to radioactive fallout. They are native to Arcturus IV, the fourth planet orbiting the star Arcturus. Their technology level is comparable to Earth's. In the 31st century, two of the best-known Arcturans are Starhawk and Aleta, members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Arcturans were first seen in Fear #23 (Aug 1974).

Astrans A humanoid race with yellow skin and toe-less, spatulate feet, no hair at all, four lungs, and special excretory glands in the stomach. Their planetary government is a theocracy, have the ability to control metal like Magneto and three-quarters of the population are either priests or artists. They are native to Astra, the second planet orbiting Mu Cephei (Although originally quoted as being many galaxies away.), a world where 50% of the planet' surface is metallic ore, and the remained is split evenly between water and soil. They were first seen in The Incredible Hulk #6 (Mar 1963) when The Metal Master tried to invade Earth.

Autocrons A humanoid race with blue-black skin, two-toed feet, and an average height of 6'5". Their bodies are iron-based rather than carbon-based, and they possess superhuman strength and durability. Their government is a technocracy (and their level of technology is superior to that of Earth), ruled by a world-computer; their culture is imperialistic, militaristic, and orderly. They are native to Cron, the sixth planet orbiting Betelgeuse; Cron possess a gravity and atmospheric density almost three times greater than Earth's, and the atmosphere has a high methane content. Cron is rich in metallic ores and only has 4% surface water; mechanized cities cover 85% of the planet. They were first seen in Machine Man #3 (Jun 1978).

Axi-Tun A humanoid race that appears much like tall humans, with an average height of 6'4". They live on the planet Tun, the third from the sun, in the S'vihn-Hoont star system in the Ring Nebulae M-57 galaxy. Axi-Tun have varying capacities for energy-manipulating powers. Axi-Tun have a level of technology superior to Earth's, with the capability of faster than light travel. Four Axi-Tun explorers crash-landed on Earth during World War II, and a Nazi scientist named Werner Schmidt named them after Teutonic gods. These Axi-Tun battled the Invaders but committed suicide to keep their technology from falling into human hands. Many years later, four Axi-Tun warriors calling themselves "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" attacked Earth but were defeated by the Fantastic Four. First seen in Invaders #1 (Aug 1975) & Giant-Size Fantastic Four #3 (Nov 1974).

[edit] B

Ba-Bani A humanoid race with yellow skin and orange or yellow hair. They are governed by local militaristic dictatorships and tend to be dogmatic and warlike, engaging in a planet-wide war that was briefly halted by Moondragon's psionic powers. They are native to the planet Ba-Banis, an Earth-like world which orbits the star they call Ba (one of the Draconis stars in the Draco constellation). They were first seen in Avengers #219 (May 1982).

Baluurians A humanoid race, stronger and tougher than humans. Baluurians are native to the Negative Zone, where they have established an empire. Blastaar and Burstaar are Baluurians.

Betans A humanoid race with light purple skin, two-toed feet, and vestigial wings which enable them to gly in low-gravity environments. They live on the planet Beta, third from the sun, in the Mirpet star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Their technology is superior to that of Earth and they are capable of faster than light travel. The people of Beta were engaged in centuries in a war with the neighboring planet Megan. First seen in Godzilla #12 (Jul 1978).

Bidoceros First seen in Incredible Hulk #472.


[edit] C

Centaurians A humanoid race with blue skin and a sizeable red dorsal fin along the back and atop their head that gives them an average height of 7 feet. Some demonstrate rudimentary psionic abilities. They are a fairly primitive tribal race, using bows and arrows in hunting. Centaurians are native to Centauri IV, the fourth planet orbiting Beta Centauri. Centauri IV is notable for being the source of the sound-sensitive yaka metal, which may be related to Wakandan vibranium. Yondu of the Guardians of the Galaxy is a Centaurian, the only survivor of his race after the Badoon ravaged his world. The Centuarians were first seen in Marvel Super Heroes #18 (Jan 1969).

Centurii A humanoid race with light yellow skin and a culture composed largely of philosophers and artisans. The Centurii are native to Centuri-Six, an Earth-like world which orbits Proxima Centauri. The Centurii have a worldwide democracy, and their level of technology is comparable to Earth's. The pirate starship Bird of Prey, commanded by the Grey Gargoyle, conquered Centuri-Six and sold the population into slavery throughout the galaxy; as a result, few Centurii still live on their native planet. The Centurii were first seen in Thor #258 (Apr 1977).

Chr'Ylites An insectoid race, averaging 1'6" in length and possessing two red eyes, an iridescent green carapace, and transparent insectile wings on top of their bodies, making them resemble a cross between a dragonfly and a helicopter. They are highly empathic, and are able to psychically scan the interior of organic bodies, which lead to them becoming highly valued as physicians in the Shi'ar Empire. They are native to the planet Chr'Yllalisa, which orbits the star Chr'Yll int he Shi'ar home galaxy; Chr'Yllalisa's atmosphere possesses a high oxygen content. Sikorsky, the medic of the Starjammers, is a Chr'Ylite. The Chr'Ylites were first seen in X-Men #156 (Apr 1982).

Ciegrimites A green-skinned hairless humanoid race with snail-like traits, Ciegrimites average 4' in height, have snail-like shells around their trunks, and their eyes are on raised stalks. They possess a laissez-faire style of government, and most are capitalistic and extremely hedonistic. Their technology is incredibly advanced in the area of alcoholic beverage distillation; their homeworld, Ciegrim-7 (orbiting the star they call Omacron, a star in the constellation known on Earth as Hercules) is known as "The Distiller's Planet." They were first seen in Hercules #4 (Dec 1982).

Clavians A humanoid race that appear similar to humans from Earth. They live on the planet Clarius, in the Clyph star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They are a tribal people, with technology inferior to Earth's. Dire Wraiths invaded Clarius, but were defeated by Rom. First seen in Rom the Spaceknight #71 (Oct 1985).

Contraxians A humanoid race with pink or brown skin, who appear as humans except that the left sides of their bodies are darker-hued than the right sides. Contraxians live on the planet Contraxia in the Elidra star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Two Contraxian women, going by the names Marcy Kane and Marie Hart, were sent to Earth disguised as humans to find a means to rekindle their sun's dying energies. Marie Hart was able to conceive a child with a human, who grew up to become the Jack of Hearts. First seen in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #22 (March 1976) and Jack of Hearts #1 (Jan 1984).

Cotati See Cotati. First seen in Avengers #133.

Courga A humanoid-canine race with brown skin, and three fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot, Courga average 7'2" in height. They live on the planet Courg, in the Bledsoe star system in the Milky Way galaxy. In an alternate future 30th Century, the Courga have developed technology comparable to Earth, and operate the planet Asylum, a mental institution. First seen in Marvel Presents #5 (Jun 1976).

[edit] D

Dakkamites A humanoid race that appears mostly identical to Earth humans. Dakkamites come from the planet Dakkam, in the Beta Rigel star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Exposure to Earth's Sun grants them super-powers. Known Dakkamites include Wundarr the Aquarian and Quantum. First seen in Silver Surfer #6 (Jun 1969) & Fear #17 (Oct 1973).

Darbians A humanoid race that appears similarly to Earth humans, except that they average 8'10" in height. Their home planet is Darbia, in an unknown star system. They are able to generate and project concussive force. First seen in Fantastic Four #298 (Jan 1987).

D'Bari See D'Bari. First seen in Avengers #4 (Mar 1964). Their homeworld was destroyed by Dark Phoenix.

Deonists A humanoid race with pale white skin and a slender build. The Deonists -- all 200 of them -- are fanatical members of a theocracy. Their homeworld, Deo (fifth planet orbiting Denebola), was once the religious center of a confederation of planets, but the planet were all destroyed by an armada of alien warships. "The One Above All," a god-like entity who provided Deo with energy, exhausted himself and died in creating a protective barrier around Deo. Since then, the Deonists have gone out to capture other gods to use as an energy source for their world. Deo, once known as "Templeworld" but now called "The Doomsday Star," is 75% desert. The Deonists were first seen in Thor #261 (Jul 1977).

Druffs Druffs are timid creatures, averaging 3'6" in height and possessing pink skin covered by brown fur. They possess little more than child-like intelligence, and have the disconcerting ability to reproduce asexually by dividing into three identical beings whenever one is struck with sufficient force (or strikes an object with sufficient force). They have a lifespan of approximately three Earth-years, and are highly adaptable to most any environment. They originated on the world Ryas, fourth to orbit the star Psori, in the Andromeda Galaxy. Ryas was colonized by the Skrulls 25,000 years ago, and the Druff soon spread to other worlds in the Skrull Empire by stowing away aboard starships. They are considered to be vermin by the Skrulls, and are periodically slaughtered. The Druffs were first seen in Fantastic Four #37 (Apr 1965).

[edit] E

Elan A semi-humanoid race, possessing green skin, two antennae atop their head, multifaceted eyes, hoof-like feet, three fingers and an opposable thumb. Adult Elan 10' in height, and possess vast, virtually limitless psionic powers with which they can rearrange and transmute atoms and telekinetically manipulate objects. They possess ships with advanced warp drives and technology superior to that of Earth, but rarely utilize it, instead relying on their fantastic powers. The Elan are native to the planet Elanis, fifth to orbit Beta Scorpii. As a race, they are peaceful and tend not to associate with other aliens. The "Infant Terrible", faced by the Fantastic Four, is an infant member of the Elan race. The Elan were first seen in Fantastic Four (Vol.1) #21 (Dec 1963).

Entemen A humanoid race with octopoid features, including tentacles in place of their arms and legs, and have yellow skin and average 6'6" in height. Their home planet is Entem, fifth from the sun, in the Donatut star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Their level of technology is inferior to that of Earth's. In the 30th Century, an Entemen named Mr. Slech is an inmate on the planet Asylum, which is run by the Courga. First seen in Marvel Presents #5 (Jun 1976).

Epsiloni A humanoid race with pink-white skin, a fanged mouth, and toe-less spatulate feet. Epsiloni are parasites, draining life-force from other beings and gaining power from it. Their government was a fascist military dictatorship, and the Epsiloni were ruthless and regarded all other lifeforms as prey. Most of the race were destroyed by robot hunters, but some exist in captivity offworld. The Epsiloni were native to Ravagor, the fourth planet orbiting the star Epsilon (which is now a white dwarf). First seen in Captain America Annual #3.

Ergons A humanoid race with red skin, averaging 6'2" in height. They possess superhuman strength, an evolutionary adaptation to their homeworld's higher than normal gravity. There is a number of governments planetwide, though military dictatorships dominated; their culture is highly competitive, merciless, and adventurous. Their homeworld, Ergonar, is the second planet to orbit one of the stars in the Canes Venatici constellation. Ergonar has a gravity twice that of Earth's, is 50% covered in water (mostly ice) and the rest in mountains, and possesses a 90:10 oxygen:methane atmosphere. An Ergon named Sklarr was the captain of the starship Bird of Prey until the Grey Gargoyle defeated him and took over command. Ergons were first seen in Thor #259 (May 1977).

Ethereals A non-humanoid race, the Ethereals are not composed of solid matter and believe that they are directly evolved from the elementary particles present when the universe was first created. The Ethereals do not normally interact with other races, referred to as "solids" or "corporeals", although the renegade Ethereal Stardust abandoned its race to serve Galactus. The race was almost exterminated by the Annihilation Wave. A handful of survivors escaped and confronted Stardust, who destroyed them and offered their essences as a gift to Galactus.

[edit] F

Flb'Dbi A race of semi-arachnoid creatures 3'8" high at the shoulder, they have four arms and four legs which resemble tentacles. Flb'Dbi are telepathic and have lifespans of many thousands of Earth-years. They come from the planet Jhb'Btt, fourth from the sun, in the Beta Lyrae star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Half a million years ago, the Flb'Dbi had intermediate-level interstellar vessels; presumably today, they are far more advanced. First seen in Fantastic Four #221 (Aug 1980).

Fomalhauti A race of amoebic, amorphous blobs which average 2'5" in height, and are multi-cellular and can form tentacles to manipulate objects. They communicate telepathically. Fomalhauti come from the planet Pumor, sixth from the sun, in the Fomalhaut star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Thor #256 (Feb 1977) (as mutant race), in Thor Annual #6 (as normal race).

Fonabi A semi-humanoid race with light yellow skin that averages 16'5" in height with very squat, weak bodies. A Fonabi named Terminus utilizes a huge energy-transforming device in the shape of a lance and exoskeleton armor making him appear to be 150 feet tall. First seen in Fantastic Four #269 (Aug 1984).

Fortisquians First seen in Adventure into Fear #21/Comet Man #1. Max is a Fortisquain.

Froma A humanoid race with green skin, averaging 7'6" in height due to heavy gamma radiation in solar radiation. They are able to levitate psionically. The Froma are ruled by corporations and cartels. Their home planet is Chize, second from the sun, in the Delee star system, in the Milky Way galaxy. The Froma once attempted to attack Earth but were repulsed by Iron Man. First seen in Tales of Suspense #68 (Aug 1965).

[edit] G

Galadorians A humanoid race that appears almost identical to humans, except that they average 6'3" in height. They come from the planet Galador, third from the sun in the Taloman star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Rom and most of the Galadorian Spaceknights are Galadorians. First seen in Rom the Spaceknight #1 (Dec 1979).

Gegku A race of semi-reptilian humanoids, the Gegku have green scaled skin and two-toed feet and average 6'6" in height. Their home planet is Wilamean, third form the sun in the Gabansaa star system in the Andromeda galaxy. Although they have reptilian features, the gegku are actually mammalian. First seen in Hercules #2 (Oct 1982).

Glx A race of semi-humanoid silicon-based creatures, the Glx have mostly humanoid bodies that average 8' tall, but they have yellow skin and their heads are shaped more like flat cylinders. Their home planet is called Glxx, third from the sun in the Zplst star system in the Milky Way galaxy. A Glx named Chleee was responsible for transforming a chain into an "energy synthicon" which linked the criminals Hammer and Anvil together and gave them superhuman powers. First seen in The Incredible Hulk #182 (Dec 1974).

Gramosians A humanoid race with blue-black skin that otherwise resembles humans physically, and are able to discharge energy through their hands. They come from the planet Gramos, third from the sun in the Sekar star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Years ago, the planet's magnetic polarity changed, admitting radiation from space which caused mass insanity and death until normalcy was restored by the debris of Xorr the God-Jewel. Mercurio the Fourth-Dimensional Man is a Gramosian. First seen in Thor #208 (Feb 1973).

Grunds A humanoid race that averages only 3'2" in height, Grunds have yellow skin and a paid of antennae atop their heads that absorb energy for concussive blasts. Their home planet is Grundar, fifth from the sun in the Quat star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Grund named Grott the Man-Slayer was one of the agents of Korvac, the mad cyborg of 30th Century Earth. First seen in Giant-Size Defenders #3 (Jan 1975).

Guna A reptilian-humanoid race that measures 5'6" tall on average, they have semi-scaled green skin with frontal plate-like formations. Their hands and feet are adapted for digging. They come from the planet Gunava, first from the sun in the Janoth star system in the Andromeda galaxy. They have a planetwide technocratic dictatorship, and their technology is advanced to the point of interstellar travel and vast solar energy converters. The Guna were in danger of extinction due to the dwindling of their sun. First seen in Tales of Suspense #55 (Jul 1964).

[edit] H

H'ylthri H'ylthri are an other-dimensional, sentient plant race. Their bodies are vegetable fiber with few vital organs, making them difficult to injure. They possess superhuman strength to an unspecified level, can control other plant life, and extend both tangling vines or poisonous barbs to knock mammals unconscious. They can grow humanoid doppelgangers with the originals' personality and memories. First seen in Iron Fist # 2

Herms A race of cetacean creatures with yellow-white skin that can absorb all manner of electromagnetic energy for strength and substance, which can also allow them to briefly transform into beings of pure energy; they can apparently travel through intergalactic space in energy form. First seen in The Incredible Hulk #136 (Feb 1971).

Hibers A humanoid race with a similar appearance to Earth humans, except that they are all entirely hairless. Their home planet is Hiberlac, sixth from the sun in the Hunyoc star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They spend their entire lives in suspended animation, coming out only once every thousand years when the planet thaws. First seen in Rom #67 (Jun 1985).

Horusians A humanoid race with brown or yellow skin, that averages 7' tall. They come from the planet Horus IV in the Horus star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Using machines, they can simulate psionic powers, and disguise themselves as the native gods of whatever planet they visit in order to inspire awe. When they visited Earth, they wore masks to make them resemble the gods of Heliopolis. First seen in The Incredible Hulk #145 (Nov 1971).

Hujah A race that resembles giant green serpents with an average of 16'4" in length. The Hujah live on the planet Huj, seventeenth from the sun in the Zuccone star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They have psychokinetic powers that compensate for their lack of arms. First seen in Avengers Annual #7 (1977).

[edit] I

Interdites A humanoid race with blue skin, they have developed precognition as well as other psionic powers. They come from the planet Interdis, seventh from the sun in the Tartaru star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Their civilisation was demolished by the Badoon, and surviving Interdites have turned to mysticism and live like hermits scattered across the galaxy. First seen in Warlock #15 (Nov 1974).

[edit] J

Judans Judans' bodies are 12' tall on average and consist of an oval-shaped trunk with enormous facial features, four arms, and two legs; they support this weight by generating psychokinetic force from their enormous brains. Their home planet is Dyofor, second from the sun in the Palyn star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Judge Kray-Tor is a Judan. First seen in Strange Tales #180 (Jun 1975).

[edit] K

K'Lanti A humanoid race with pale skin, featureless eyes and the ability to levitate. They dress regally, favoring long flowing robes and ornate chest-pieces. They were wracked with civil war, until the retrieval of an object called the Harmonium, which played music that they found greatly pleasing. Despite having gained the object which would restore peace, they still attempted to kill those, Lila Cheney and X-Factor, who ultimately retrieved it. First seen in X-Factor #111 (Feb 1995).

Kallusians A humanoid race with deep pink skin, with white or gray hair. Kallusians come from the planet Kallu, third from the sun in the Kallu-Kan star system in the Andromeda galaxy. The Avengers drove a group of Kallusians from their temporary refuge in Earth's Arctic for a distant section of the galaxy where they would again battle the aliens who first drove them from Kallu. First seen in Avengers #14 (Mar 1965).

Kamado A humanoid race with an exaggeratedly muscular physique. Their home planet is Mikkaz, seventh from the sun in the Dopner star system in the Milky Way galaxy. In in alternate future 24th Century, the Defenders while time-travelling inadvertently caused the son of the Kamado king and his followers to commit suicide. In response, the Kamado annihilated Earth. To prevent this occurrence from coming about, the original Defenders team disbanded. First seen in Defenders #125 (Nov 1983).

Kawa A reptilian semi-humanoid race with orange skin that averages 10' in height. They come from the planet Kawa in the Bawa Kawa star system in the Andromeda galaxy. After Galactus destroyed their planet, the Kawa began to worship him as their god and even lead him to sacrificial planets. First seen in Hercules #3 (Nov 1982).

Klklk An insectoid race covered with chitinous carapaces that averages 8' in length from head to end of tail. Their homeworld is La'kll, fourth from the sun in the Tl'blk star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They have antennae which can project disintegrating blasts. Klklk can exude thin but strong web-like filaments, and queens have demonstrated telepathy. First seen in The Incredible Hulk #273 (Jul 1982).

Kodabaks A humanoid porcine race with two digits on each appendage, averaging 6'2" in height. They come from the planet Kodaba, seventh from the sun in the Grosgumbique star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Thanos recruited some Kodabaks to serve in his army, and they battled the Avengers aboard Sanctuary II. First seen in Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2 (1977).

Korbinites A humanoid race with light orange skin, averaging 6'2" in height, and originating in the so-called "Burning Galaxy." Beta Ray Bill is a Korbinite. First seen in Thor #337 (Nov 1983).

Kosmosians A semi-reptilian race with similarities to multi-cellular amoeboids, with bodies that can "flow" as they move, thereby changing their length, which is 50' on average. Kosmosians come from the planet Kosmos, fifth from the sun in the Zokka star system, in the Milky Way galaxy. They have limited telepathic abilities which cause victims to be hypnotized into ceasing to live. Dr. Vernon van Dyne, father of Janet van Dyne once summoned a Kosmosian to Earth, which killed him; Henry Pym drove the creature away from Earth. First seen in Tales to Astonish #44 (Jun 1963).

Kronans A semi-humanoid race, also known as "the Stone Men of Saturn," whose orange bodies are silicon-based and 8' tall on average, with thick, virtually impenetrable stone-like hides. Their home planet is Ria, first from the sun in the Krona star system in the Milky Way galaxy. As revealed in WWH: Aftersmash: Warbound #4, Kronans reproduce when two males join hands to melt part of their bodies together, creating an infant Kronan when the two break apart; it is not known if there are any female Kronans. The most notable Kronan has been the Hulk's ally in Planet Hulk and World War Hulk, Korg. First seen (as the Stone Men from Saturn) in Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug 1962).

Krylorians A semi-humanoid race from the planet Krylor, third from the sun in the Aceta star system in the Andromeda galaxy. Krylorians have an extremely high level of technology, with advanced interstellar ships powered and guided psionically. They are also advanced in molecular-scale manipulation, transmutation, and robotics. First seen in Incredible Hulk #269 (Mar 1982).

Kt'kn A semi-insectoid race with 2" spherical bodies with six spindly legs. They come from the planet Kn'kn, first from the sun in the Tk'kn star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They can communicate telepathically and have psionic senses rather than physical ones. The Faceless One is a member of this race. First seen in Astonishing Tales #2 (Oct 1970).

Kymellians See Kymellian. First seen in Power Pack #1 (Aug 1984).

[edit] L

Landlaks A humanoid race from Birj, sixth moon of the planet Marman, a gas-giant, seventh from the sun. Terrax is a Landlak. First seen in Fantastic Four #211 (Oct 1979).

Lava Men (of Molto) First seen in Journey into Mystery #97, (of Jinku and his tribe) in Avengers #5, (of the tribe beneath Project Pegasus) Avengers #236.

Laxidazians A humanoid race with pointed ears, which average 4'5" in height. They come from the planet Laxidazia, fourth from the sun in the Dolenz star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The hedonistic Laxidazians imbibe an illegal alcoholic and mutagenic beverage which permanently transforms them into trolls. Pip the Troll is a Laxidazian. First seen in Strange Tales #179 (Apr 1975).

Lem A semi-serpentine race with red skin that averages 4'9" in height. They come from the planet Lemista, sixth from the sun in the Atianti star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Lem eat through special mouths in their chest. They have tails instead of legs but can stand and traverse in a semi-upright position. First seen in Shogun Warriors #19 (Aug 1980).

Levians A humanoid race with blue skin that otherwise looks very similar to Earth humans. Surviving Levians live aboard the "world-ship" Levianon; their homeworld Levia was destroyed as they depleted the planet of magma and resources. First seen in Thor #256 (Feb 1977).

Lumina A humanoid race that stands 5'5" in height on average, and appears just about identical to humans. They come from the planet Lumin, ninth from the sun in the Sh'Mengi star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They have average lifespans of thousands of years. They are members of the federation of alien races called the Charter (along with the Lem, Myndai, and Nanda). First seen in Shogun Warriors #1 (Feb 1979).

Luphomoids Nebula and Spirit are Luphomoids.

[edit] M

Majesdanians First seen in Runaways (vol.1) #1. Able to absorb and project solar energy.

Makluans A race of reptilians with green skin that average 32' in height when upright. They come from the planet Maklu-IV in the Maklu star system, in the Milky Way galaxy. Fin Fang Foom is a Makluan. His race invaded China, but was put to sleep by narcotic herbs. First seen in Tales of Suspense #62 (Feb 1965) and then Strange Tales (vol.1) #89. In New Excalibur #12 it is revealed that Makluans invaded Camelot around the same time, and possibly other places as well. From the Axonn-Karr of Maklu-4, Mandarin was able to acquire his rings of power before setting up his base in the Valley of Spirits in China. The Axonn-Karr are revealed to be centuries ahead of earth in terms of technology.

Mandos A race of humanoids with green skin, averaging 9'1" in height. They come from the planet Mand, eight from the sun in the Tumbia star system in the Andromeda galaxy. Mando skin is capable of withstanding the vacuum of space, and Mandos are superhumanly strong. First seen in Warlock #15 (Nov 1976).

Marvanites A semi-humanoid race with oversized craniums and green skin, averaging 40' in height. They come from the planet Marvan, fifth from the sun in the Mawnolf star system. They have psionic abilities which allow them to overcome the pull of gravity on their huge bodies and levitate themselves; their psionics also allow them to project destructive force beams from their eyes and to self-teleport. First seen in Marvel Two-in-One Annual #3 (1978).

Megans A semi-reptilian, semi-humanoid race with red skin, oversized ears, and suction cups at the end of each digit. They live on the planet Mega, third from the sun, in the Mirpet star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The people of Mega were engaged in centuries in a war with the neighboring planet Beta. First seen in Godzilla #12 (Jul 1978).

Mekkans A race of semi-humanoid robots with superhuman strength. They come from the planet Mekka, second from the sun in the Kirthom star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Their planet was originally called Maarin, after the humanoids who lived there. They built the Mekkans as servants, but after the Maarin were all killed by an extraplanetary spore virus, the Mekkans took control of the planet. Torgo was from Mekka. First seen in Fantastic Four #91 (Oct 1969).

Mephitisoids A race of humanoids with feline characteristics, they have night vision, retractable claws, and acute olfactory senses. They come from the planet Tryl'sart, third from the sun in the Cyrane Om'lr star system in the Shi'Ar galaxy. They communicate using pheromones. Hepzibah of the Starjammers is a Mephitisoid. First seen in X-Men #107 (Oct 1977).

Microns Are inhabitants of Ithaka in the Homeworld region from the sub-atomic universe. First seen in Micronauts #1

M'Ndavians A semi-humanoid race with yellow skin and oversized, diamond-shaped heads, averaging 6'3" in height. They possess highly advanced intellects. They live on the planet M'Ndavi, tenth from the sun in the B'lbwo star system in the Shi'ar galaxy. they have the most complex legal system in the known galaxies and are used by the Shi'ar for matters of great significance to the empire; a M'Ndavian served as the judge at the trial of Mister Fantastic, who was tried for saving the life of Galactus. First seen in Fantastic Four #262 (Jan 1984).

Mobians A humanoid race with orange skin and hair, averaging 8' in height. They come from the planet Mobius, eleventh from the sun in the Lemivell star system in the Andromeda galaxy. they have the ability to survive for short periods in the vacuum of space. A Mobian named Xeron "the Star-Slayer" was a harpooner aboard the starship Andromeda when the ship encountered the Hulk. First seen in Incredible Hulk #136 (Feb 1971).

Morani A semi-humanoid race with green skin and hair, averaging 19'6" in height. Some Morani possess the ability to project bioelectric energy. Morani come from the planet Moran, fourth from the sun in the Jark star system in the Andromeda galaxy. A party of Morani once attacked one of the Watchers. First seen in Tales of Suspense #58 (Oct 1964).

Myndai A humanoid race which appears very similar to Earth humans. The Myndai were once members of the federation of alien races called the Charter (along with the Lem, Lumina, and Nanda). They were engaged in a galaxy-wide war with the Lumina, and some were placed on Earth in suspended animation eons ago as sleeper agents. First seen in Shogun Warriors #1 (Feb 1979).

[edit] N

Nanda A semi-humanoid race with light green skin and large ovular heads, which average 6' in height. They come from the planet Nanda, second from the sun in the Particulus star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They are members of the federation of alien races called the Charter (along with the Lem, Lumina, and Myndai). First seen in Shogun Warriors #19 (Aug 1980).

Nuwali First seen in Ka-Zar the Savage #34. Created the Savage Land.

Nymenians A humanoid-hippopotamoid race with light purple skin that averages 6'4" in height. Their home planet is Eomuma, fourth from the sun in the Myunimo star system in the Andromeda galaxy. They live in tribal clans. First seen in Hercules #1 (Sep 1982).

[edit] O

Ovoids A semi-humanoid race with oversized, oval-shaped heads and yellow skin, and are 8' in height on average. They come from the planet Birkeel, third from the sun in the Janstak star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They are capable of levitating objects psionically, and are capable of mind transfer. Ovoids once rescued Doctor Doom, and were responsible for teaching him the mind transfer technique. First seen in Fantastic Four #10 (Jan 1963).

[edit] P

Pegasusians A reptilian race with light green skin that average 20' in height. They live on the planet Lar, fifth from the sun in the Stinlar star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Pegasusians can psionically project anti-gravitons to support their large mass in high gravities. A Pegasusian named Sphinxor was contracted by the Beyonders to tow Counter-Earth to their museum. First seen in Strange Tales #178 (Feb 1975).

Pheragots A semi-humanoid race with light blue skin that averages 10' in height. They come from the planet Arago-7 in the Arago star system in the Andromeda galaxy. They have extraordinary superhuman strength due in part to their dense molecular structure. First seen in Hercules #1 (Sep 1982).

Plodex The Plodex are an entirely nonhumanoid race and are shapeless blobs in their natural form. They are able to adapt to forms capable of creating and manipulating their technology. Marrina of Alpha Flight is a member of the Plodex race. First seen in Alpha Flight #1 (Aug 1983).

Procyonites A reptilian race with a large brown tortoise-like shell and brown scales, 6'5" in height on average. They come from the planet Perratin, second from the sun in the Procyon star system in the Milky Way galaxy. A Procyonite named Tork was among the minions of Korvac in the 30th Century. First seen in Thor Annual #6 (1977).

Prosilicans First seen in Tales of Suspense #53. The race who inspired the Watchers' oath of non-interference.

Poppupians A semi-humanoid race with light green skin that is able to assume virtually any form within a certain range of mass. Poppupians can also levitate and traverse interstellar space without starships, and they reproduce asexually by massive cell division. Galactus destroyed their home planet of Poppup. The Impossible Man is a Poppupian. First seen in Fantastic Four #11 (Feb 1963).

[edit] Q

Queega A race of reptilian semi-humanoids with green scaled skin that average 6' tall. Their home planet is Queeg, fourth from the sun in the Quolan star system in the Andromeda galaxy. They can generate electrical energy around their heads, and they breathe and speak through small orifices in their foreheads. They can project intense waves of coldness from their foreheads. A band of Queega once used a "sight-stealing ray" to attempt to blind all of Earth's humans. First seen in Daredevil #28 (May 1967).

Quists A humanoid race which appears very similar to Earth humans, except that they are 6'5" tall on average. Their home planet is Quistalium, second from the sun in the Quistraa star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Lucifer is a Quist, and Dominus was created by Quists. First seen in Tales of Suspense #56 & X-Men #20 (May 1966).

Quo Modari A purple fleshed semi-humanoid race, that stands over 6' tall and has four eyes. They are a pacifist race that was dedicated to the arts of diplomacy and the inter-species community. First seen in Force Works #13

Quons A semi-humanoid race with leathery brown skin that averages 6'4" tall. They come from the planet Quon, third from the sun in the Byjak star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They are amphibious, possessing both lungs and gills. They are superhumanly strong, to survive both great water pressure and their planet's gravity. First seen in Fantastic Four #97 (Apr 1970).

Qwrlln First seen in Alpha Flight #25.

[edit] R

Rajaks A semi-humanoid race with green skin, averaging 6' tall. Their home planet is Rajak, fifth from the sun in the Jakkel star system. Their society consists of confederacies of large space piracy organizations, which wipe out all life on a planet with their "delta-ray" cannon, in order to plunder them of valuable elements. First seen in Tales of Suspense #57 (Sep 1964).

Reptoids A reptilian race with green scaled skin, and a snake-like head and tail, they are 6' tall on average when standing erect. Their home planet is Tayp, second from the sun in the Kormuk star system in the Milky Way galaxy. A Reptoid named Teju served as a minion of Korvac in the 30th Century. First seen in Thor Annual #6 (1977).

Rhunians A race of humanoids that resemble Earth humans with pointed ears, but are 300' tall on average. They come from the planet Rhun, in the Vulliger star system. They are capable of deriving energy through destroying stars and other planets. First seen in Thor #219 (Jan 1974).

R'malk'i A race of plant creatures, they resemble trees with humanoid arms, and average 6'8" in height. They live on the planet R'makl'z, in the C'lehr'ee star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They communicate telepathically, and are mobile but must take root in their native soil when asleep. First seen in Warlock #15 (Nov 1976).

Roclites A semi-humanoid race with reddish-brown to dark brown skin, they average 8' tall. They come from the planet Rocklon, fifth from the sun in the Tarl star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Blood Brothers are Roclites. First seen in Iron Man #55 (Feb 1973).

Ruul Actually an evolved form of Kree. First seen in Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet #1.

R'zahnians A humanoid race with red skin. They come from the planet R'zahn, second from the sun in the Lahj'kk star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They have a planetwide monarchy. A R'zahnian named Zamu was sent as an advance scout to infiltrate Earth, but he was defeated by Doctor Druid. First seen in Weird Wonder Tales #20 (Jan 1977).

[edit] S

Sagittarians A humanoid race with grey skin, standing 6'2" on average; male Saggitarians have fins atop their heads. They originate from the planet Berhert, third from the sun in the Rempit star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in The Incredible Hulk #111 (Jan 1969).

Sarks A humanoid race with light blue skin, standing 6'1" on average. They come from the planet Sarka, third from the sun in the Tilnast star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Sarks were among the highest officials in the Universal Church of Truth. Captain Autolycus is a Sark. First seen in Strange Tales #179 (Apr 1975).

Saurids A race of amphibious reptilian bipeds with both lungs and gills, Saurids have green scaled skin with yellow fins. Their home planet is Timor, fourth from the sun in the Varanus star system, in the Shi'ar galaxy. Ch'od of the Starjammers is a Saurid. First seen in X-Men #107 (Oct 1977).

Scatter First seen in Force Works #1. Insect-like hive minds inhabiting humanoid shells.

Scy'ar Tal As yet, little is known about this mysterious race, whose name literally means "Death to the Shi'ar." First appeared in X-Men: Emperor Vulcan #1 (Sep 2007).

Sidri See Sidri. First seen in X-Men #154 (Feb 1982).

Sirians A humanoid race appearing identical to Earth humans, the Sirians are ruled by a dictatorship. They inhabit both their home planet of Sirius III and a colony on Sirius IV in the Sirius star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Sirians were conquered by the Quists, and a Sirian named Ixar came to Earth with the intent of conquest using his giant androids called Ultroids, but was repulsed by the Avengers. First seen in Avengers #36 (Jan 1967) & X-Men #21 (Jun 1966).

Siris A semi-octopoid race with ten fingered tentacles and light green skin, averaging 6' in height (not including the tentacles). They come from the planet Yormot, second from the sun in the Sirius star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Mutant Master was a Siris. First seen in X-Men #37 (Oct 1967) (disguised as humanoid) & X-Men #39 (true form revealed).

Sirusites A humanoid race that appears virtually indistinguishable from Earth humans. They live on the planet Sirus X, in the Al'Ma'an star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Sirus X is the Holy Planet of the galaxy-wide Universal Church of Truth theocratic empire. First seen in Strange Tales #179 (Apr 1975).

Sleepwalkers A race of beings that patrols the Mindscape, a parallel dimension that connects the minds of all living beings, to protect those minds from the invasions of monsters and demons. Physically, they resemble gaunt humanoids with long limbs, olive-green skin, and purple compound eyes. One of these entities became trapped in the mind of university student Rick Sheridan, and gained the ability to manifest on Earth whenever Rick slept, becoming a superhero. First seen in Sleepwalker #1.

Sligs A race of brown insectoid non-humanoids with eight tentacle-like limbs, the front limbs of which can be used for grasping and manipulating objects. Sligs have telepathic powers, and can levitate themselves. They come from the planet Ankara, sixth from the sun in the Ryneb star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Fantastic Four #209 (Aug 1979).

Sm'ggani A semi-insectoid race with orange skin and a brown shell that averages 7'2" tall. They have suction disks on their fingers and feet and superhuman strength; some can alter the density of part or all of their bodies so that they can pass through other solid objects. They come from the planet M'ggani, fifth from the sun in the T'letio star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in The Incredible Hulk #230 (Dec 1978).

Sneepers A semi-humanoid race with green skin that averages 5'8" tall. They come from the planet Sneep, fourth from the sun in the Snuup star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Sneepers have built a small interplanetary empire and intend to rule the entire galaxy someday. First seen in Tales of Suspense #49 (Jan 1964).

Solons A race of humanoids with blue skin that averages 9' in height. They home planet is Solon, fourth from the sun in the Nardea star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They are a race of purpose-bred clones with psionic powers. A Solon named Spinnerette encountered the Fantastic Four. First seen in Fantastic Four #237 (Dec 1981).

Spartoi Human-like species of Star-Lord. Marvel Preview #4

Sssth A reptilian semi-humanoid race with green skin, and a mane of red, yellow, or orange hair, Sssth are 8' tall on average. They come from the planet Sszardil, second from the sun in the Sslirteep star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Thor #212 (Jun 1973).

Stark See Stark (species).

Stenth A semi-humanoid race with yellow skin that stands 5'10" on average. They come from the planet Stent, fifth from the sun in the Duggil star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Fist seen in Inhumans #7 (Oct 1976).

Stonians A race of winged humanoids, with a gargoyle-like appearance and skin of green, orange, yellow, brown, or grey; most are 6' tall, although some grow up to 25 times that. Stonians inhabit the planets Stonus I through Stonus V in the Stonus star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Astonishing Tales #21 (Dec 1973).

Strontians Gladiator of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard is a Strontian. First seen in X-Men #107.

[edit] T

Taurians A semi-humanoid race with orange skin that averages 7' in height. Their home planet of Taur, in the Jenzen star system in the Milky Way galaxy, was destroyed by Galactus. A few Taurians escaped and now live aboard starships. The Taurian named Kehl served Nebula. First seen in Thor #160 (Jan 1969).

Tektons A semi-humanoid race covered with purple fur, averaging 6'2" in height. They come from the planet Tekton, ninth from the sun in the Tacuspar star system in the Andromeda galaxy. These savage primitives have superhuman strength and prehensile tails. First seen in Fantastic Four #91 (Oct 1969).

Thuvrians A race of humanoids with oversized heads, averaging 6'1" in height. Their home planet is Thuvria, third from the sun in the Lomyra star system in the Milky Way galaxy. As of 200 years ago, their development was arrested at a level comparable to the European Middle Ages. First seen in Rom the Spaceknight #19 (Jun 1981).

Tribbitites A race of semi-humanoid reptilians with scaled orange skin, Tribbities, or "Toad Men," as they are commonly called, are 5' tall on average. They originated on the planet Kroke, but built on the artificial world of Tribbit (or "Toadworld") from stolen Kree plans to use as the capital of the Tribbitite Empire. A Tribbitite has a long sticky tongue which can be extended, like an Earth toad's. They have advanced technology stolen from other races, and specialize in powerful magnetic technology. First seen in Incredible Hulk #2 (Jul 1962). They appear as Toad Men in the Marvel Superheroes tv show (1966) Tribunals Beings of sentient energy that can take on whatever physical form they desire. They possess untold psionic energy-manipulative abilities, and are even capable of moving objects through time. The Tribunals once summoned the original Defenders before them in order to persuade them to permanently disband. First seen in Defenders #124 (Oct 1983).

Tsiln A race of semi-reptilian anthropoids, with both reptilian and mammalian characteristics, with orange scaled skin, and average 300' in height. They come from the planet Broi, second from the sun in the Wyllys star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Amazing Spider-Man #103 (Dec 1971).

Tsyrani A humanoid race with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. They come from the planet Tsorcherhi, third from the sun in the Ella star system in the Shi'ar galaxy. they are ruled by a matriarchal monarchy under supervision of the Shi'ar Empire. First seen in Spider-Woman #36 (Mar 1981).

[edit] U

Uncreated. Once called "the Works", the Uncreated are warlike and seek the extermination of all religions and religious species. Slightly larger and stronger than humans, they have claws and are covered with quills. Uncreated are capable of communicating with humans, but it is unclear whether this is through speech or some form of telepathy.

The Uncreated claim that they did not evolve naturally, but were instead created by a powerful creature which they worshipped as a god. For a time, they lived peacefully and revered their creator, but eventually they became frustrated by its existence and superior power. Eventually they travelled into space, found a creature that they identified as their creator and killed it. They renamed themselves the Uncreated and convinced themselves that they had destroyed God. Discovering that many other species still worshipped, they set out to exterminate all religions.

Uncreated spaceships are highly advanced, comparable in power to those of the Shi'ar. Their warship designs emphasize superior firepower rather than armour or agility. The Uncreated also utilise advanced biological weapons: examples include a flesh-eating virus triggered by strong emotions and large spider-like creatures that can be programmed to exterminate all creatures with a specific genetic sequence.

After a small Uncreated ship crashed on Earth, the ship and surviving crew members were seized by the secret organisation Black Air and taken to the base designated 'Dream Nails' for experimentation and investigation. When Excalibur members Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom later broke into the base, Kitty encountered some of the Uncreated, who had already escaped. After explaining their history, they unsuccessfully tried to kill her. Shortly after this, the base was destroyed in an explosion and the Uncreated were presumably killed.

The Uncreated later launched a major assault on the Shi'ar empire, a war that ended when the Starjammers became aware of the Uncreated's history and created a gigantic hologram of the Uncreated's creator. Faced with the seeming resurrection of their god, the Uncreated committed suicide.

They were created by writer Warren Ellis and artist Carlos Pacheco and first appeared in Excalibur #89 (September, 1995).

Ul'lula'ns Shapeshifting race with powerful mental abilities, their natural form resembles a giant tentacled fish. Their home planet is Ul'lula, second from the sun in the Ul star system in the Milky Way galaxy. Nebulon and Supernalia are Ul'lula'ns. First seen in Defenders #13 (May 1974).

[edit] V

Vegans A humanoid race that stands 30' tall on average. Vegans continually radiate anti-gravitons from areas of their brains contained within two horn-like projections on the front of their skulls in order to support their vast bulk. Their home planet is Vega Superior, fourth from the sun in the Vega star system in the Milky Way galaxy. A Vegan named Agent 7M, the Colossus, attempted to conquer Earth but was thwarted by Giant-Man. First seen in Tales to Astonish #58 (Aug 1964).

Vorms A reptilian race with red scaled skin that averages 16'6" in height. Their home planet is Vormir, sixth from the sun in the Helgentar star system in the Kree galaxy (Greater Magellanic Cloud). Each Vorm has a long tail that can be used as a weapon. Vorms are nocturnal and are vulnerable to great heat. The Star-Stalker, a Vorm mutant, possessed powers that other Vorms lack, such as the ability to fly through space and drain energy. First seen in Avengers #123 (May 1974).

Vrellnexians An insectoid race that usually has purple skin, and stands 5'5" on average. They come from the planet Vrelnex, fifth from the sun in the Cetsin star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They stand on their hindmost pair of limbs, and have two sets of arms. They differ widely in appearance; some are winged and can fly. First seen in Thor #212 (Jun 1973).

[edit] W

Wilameanis A humanoid race that appears very similarly to Earth humans, averaging 5'4" in height. They come from the planet Wilamean, fifth from the sun in the Yalnot star system in the Andromeda galaxy. In the 22nd Century, Wilameanis dun Starharbor, a popular spaceport. First seen in Hercules #2 (Oct 1982).

Wobbs A semi-humanoid race that possess telepathic abilities enabling them to understand any auditory language and translate it telepathically to other nearby sentient organisms. They have light purple skin, and are 5'1" on average. Their homeworld is Wobb-Lar, second from the sun in the Filipima star system in the Andromeda galaxy. First seen in Incredible Hulk #137 (Mar 1971).

[edit] X

Xandarians First seen in Nova #1. Human-like species surviving on four conjoined asteroids, the only remains of their homeworld. Founders of the Nova Corps.

Xantareans A reptilian humanoid race with red scaled skin that stands 7'5" on average. They are amphibious. Their home planet is Xantar, second from the sun in the Xantares star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Tales to Astonish #73 (Nov 1965).

Xantha A semi-humanoid race with pale yellow skin that stands 4'6" on average. They originate from the planet Xanth (aka Planet X), which was destroyed in a collision with a rogue asteroid. With the help of Mister Fantastic, the survivors established a new home planet of New Xanth, first from the sun in the New Jatskan star system in the Milky Way galaxy. First seen in Fantastic Four #7 (Oct 1962).

Xartans Shapeshifting species capable of detailed duplication of living or non-living subjects. They come from the planet Xarta, fourth from the sun in the Zugano star system in the Fornax galaxy. In their true forms, Xartans have orange skin and average 6'9" in height. First seen (as the Carbon-Copy Men) in Journey into Mystery #90 (Mar 1963).

Xeronians A semi-humanoid race with orange skin that averages 6'8" in height. They come from the planet Xeron, second from the sun in the triple star system containing Aerim, Honj, and Verserin, in the Milky Way galaxy. Xeronians have five eyes, but use only two adjacent eyes at the same time. First seen in Incredible Hulk #103 (May 1968).

Xixix A semi-humanoid race with red skin that averages 5'9" in height. They come from the planet Xix, which was in the Xaravaran stary system in the Milky Way galaxy until destroyed by Galactus. The Xixix survivors joined the wandering fleet of starships bearing many members of the many alien races whose home worlds were destroyed by Galactus. First seen in Fantastic Four #261 (Dec 1983).

[edit] Y

Yirbek A race of humanoid reptilians with green skin that averages 6'7" in height. Their home planet is Yirb, second from the sun in the Bek star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Yirbeks governed a small empire in the Skrull galaxy until the Skrulls defeated them centuries ago. First seen in Avengers #14 (Mar 1965).

Yrds A semi-humanoid race with green skin that stands 6'2" on average. They come from the planet Yrest, third from the sun in the Corinum star system in the Draco galaxy. Each Yrd has a 1' long horn protruding from its forehead that could be used as a weapon. First seen in Tales of Suspense #54 (Jun 1964).

[edit] Z

Zenn-Lavians A human-like species, later described as a pacifist offshoot of the Kree. Their planet, Zenn-La is third from the sun in the Deneb star system in the Milky Way galaxy. The Silver Surfer was a Zenn-Lavian. First seen in Silver Surfer #1 (Aug 1968).

Zen-Whoberis Gamora is a Zenn-Whoberi.

Z'nox A race of reptilians with brown skin that averages 6'1" in height. They come from the planet Z'nox, second from the sun in the Huz'deyr star system in the Andromeda galaxy. They are ruled by a planetwide military dictatorship. They once attacked Earth, but were repelled by the X-Men. First seen in Amazing Spider-Man (vol.2) #23 & X-Men #65 (Feb 1970).

Zn'rx See Zn'rx. Also called the Snarks. First seen in Power Pack #1

Zundamites A semi-humanoid race with pale yellow skin that stands 11'8" tall on average. Their home planet is Zundam, eighth from the sun in the Fakowi star system in the Milky Way galaxy. They have the ability to survive in virtually any environment without a special apparatus. A Zundamite served as herald to Terminus, but when the Zundamite tried to encourage the Fantastic Four to stop Terminus, his master killed the herald. First seen in Fantastic Four #270 (Sep 1984).

[edit] References

Tribbites appears as Toad Men in Hulk segment of Marvel Superheroes show (1966)

[edit] External links

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -