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List of Kenny vs. Spenny episodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Kenny vs. Spenny episodes

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The following is an episode list for comedy reality series Kenny vs. Spenny.


[edit] Pilot

Number Episode Competition Winner Episode highlights Humiliation
Pilot Who Can Gain the Most Weight? Kenny (cheated: 16 lbs-8 lbs) Kenny switched Spenny's protein powder with weight loss powder causing Spenny to lose weight. Kenny also crushed up super laxatives and put them in the weight loss milkshake powder. Spenny ruined the ending of Unbreakable by telling people waiting in line to buy tickets how it ends.

[edit] Season One

Number Episode Competition Winner Episode highlights Humiliation
101 Who Is the Best Fashion Designer? Kenny (4-0) One of Spenny's male models walked off of the show, forcing Spenny to desperately scramble for a new model off of the street. Spenny walked the streets in one of Kenny's bikini creations.
102 Who Can Stay Awake the Longest? Kenny Kenny used a bright light visor, an earpiece that beeped when he tilted his head and lots of coffee. Spenny sought to win by using his willpower. Spenny had to serve as Kenny's bathroom attendant.
103 Who Is the Better Cook? Kenny (3-0) During the competition, Spenny cheated by getting help through a hidden earpiece from a professional chef. Spenny ate cat food.
104 Who Can Stand Up the Longest? Kenny (cheated) Kenny used various contraptions to aid his standing; it was debated throughout the show whether this was cheating or not. In a final stand-off, Kenny put itching powder on Spenny's standing spot before the competition. Spenny bit off a piece of Kenny's toenail. Also, Kenny spat in the bottle of mouthwash he knew Spenny would use after biting Kenny's yellow nails.
105 Who Can Sit on a Cow the Longest? Kenny (arguably cheated) Kenny threw a toy dog at Spenny's cow, scaring it. Kenny also visited the cattle farm prior to the competition date and arranged to have a docile cow for himself, and a rather skittish cow selected for Spenny. Spenny was covered in cow manure.
106 Who Is the Sanest? Spenny (3-1) Kenny complained that two of the judges that voted for Spenny were themselves crazy. Kenny went streaking through the streets.
107 Who Can Earn the Most Money in Three Days? Spenny ($1234.31 to $67.00) Kenny sold shares of air time for thousands of dollars but found out that legally he had to split the money with Spenny. Kenny drank a coffee brewed with Spenny's underwear.
108 Who Does She Like Better? Kenny (cheated) Kenny swapped Spenny with an unattractive decoy to date the judge, while Spenny dated a friend of Kenny's. Spenny received a beating from a transvestite dominatrix.
109 Who Can Stay Blindfolded the Longest? Kenny (cheated) Kenny planted a third blindfold for Spenny to find, tricking him into thinking he had taken his off. Kenny also avoided wearing the blindfold for most of the competition. Spenny endured Kenny's bad breath for 60 seconds.
110 Who Can Win a Beauty Pageant? Spenny (2-0 in best of three) Kenny cheated by claiming to have written a Walt Whitman poem, and switched Spenny's tap shoes with a smaller pair. Spenny leashed and walked Kenny like a dog.
111 Who Can Win a Series of Mini-Competitions? Spenny (8-7)* The duo had a competition in which they had to race to the top of the CN Tower. Spenny ran the entire way up, whereas Kenny lagged behind and took the elevator. The competition was obviously a win for Spenny, but it tired him out for the remaining competitions. Kenny walked up the steps of the CN Tower.
112 Who Can Lose the Most Weight? Kenny (cheated: 17.5 lbs-17.0 lbs) At the first weigh-in, Kenny hid a solder halo in his hair. During the competition, he injected constipation medicine into Spenny's food. Spenny gave a spongebath to an old man.
113 Who Can Stay Handcuffed the Longest? Kenny Kenny tricked Spenny into removing the handcuffs by "agreeing" to a draw, but winking into the camera. Spenny accepted the crew's decision that Kenny had not actually agreed to the draw. Spenny attempted to "pick up" women with a fake (and extremely large) herpes sore painted on his face.
114 Who Can Put On the Best Concert? Kenny (cheated: 3-0) Kenny called Spenny's band, and informed the band that the show was cancelled using a fake message created from voice clips from the Kenny vs. Spenny editing studios. Spenny stood in the middle of the street, in costume, and sang Kenny's song.
115 Who Is the Best Parent?** Kenny (cheated) Kenny switched his already dead doll with Spenny's doll. Spenny dressed up as a baby and sat in a crib on a busy downtown sidewalk.
116 Who Do Kids Like Most? Kenny (6-1) Kenny bribed the kids by promising them a pile gifts he had, which were actually empty boxes. Feeling guilty for tricking them, he did give them gift cards in the end. Spenny bobbed for apples out of Kenny's toilet bowl.
117 Who Is the Strongest? Kenny (default - Spenny injured) Kenny convinced Spenny that Miriam (Kenny's sister, competing against Spenny in this competition) was taking steroids, and Spenny allegedly injured his arm. Spenny received an "atomic wedgie".
118 Who Makes the Most Convincing Woman? Spenny (5-0) Kenny invited Spenny's uncle over to the dinner with the judges while Spenny was wearing woman's attire. Kenny "walked the streets" in an area known for prostitution while wearing a female costume. (Two vehicles stopped.)
119 Who Is the Better Actor? Kenny (cheated) Kenny got someone else to act as himself, and gave Spenny a flat tire on his van so he couldn't watch the performance. Spenny had a dozen eggs thrown at him (including one hard boiled).
120 Who Is the Best Male Stripper?** Spenny (5-0) Kenny said at the start he was going to let Spenny win out of pity for him. Spenny used pliers to rip out some of Kenny's body hair.
121 Who Is the Best Figure Skater? Spenny (default - Kenny faked an injury) Kenny faked a broken leg and got Spenny to tend to him for the entire episode. No "official" humiliation - but Spenny urinated on Kenny's bed.
122 Who Will Use Their Arms First? Kenny (arguably cheated) Kenny walked around with a dwarf friend tied to his chest and had him throw Spenny's guitar off the roof, causing Spenny to use his arms to catch it. Spenny smelled Kenny's sweaty armpit for five seconds.
123 Who Can Survive in the Woods the Longest? Draw (both forfeited) Kenny used a smuggled magnifying glass to start a fire. Kenny and Spenny French kissed each other for five seconds (humiliation imposed by the film crew).
124 Who Can Win a Court Case? Kenny Kenny took Spenny to court to claim he was owed money. Kenny called Spenny's camera crew as witnesses that Spenny admitted owing him money. Kenny spat in Spenny's face.
125 Who Can Live in a Van the Longest? Draw Kenny agreed to live in the back of the van with various electrical equipment, while Spenny drove and stayed in the front seat, knowing he hated Kenny's driving. Spenny agreed to switch areas, taking the keys with him. Kenny had made a duplicate key, but his electric equipment had drained the battery. No humiliation.
126 Who Is the Better Boxer? Spenny (Kenny forfeited) Kenny locked Spenny alone in a closet for over a day. Kenny felt bad and let him go and forfeited. Kenny urinated in his pants.
  • * In the mini-comps competition, Spenny (9 wins) urinated longer (Kenny disqualified); jumped on a pogo stick more times (5-2); won rock, paper, scissors; stared longer (only shown on Season 1 DVD); held his breath longer; bowled a better game (146-105); scored higher on the pinball machine (only shown on television); climbed the CN Tower stairs faster (Kenny did not climb) and won the 100-metre dash. Kenny (8 wins) stood on his head longer; blew a bigger gum bubble; won the spelling bee; stuffed more marshmallows in his mouth (15-10); had a higher sperm count (caused Spenny not to give a sample); climbed a flight of stairs faster; spat a grape a further distance (cheated, only shown on television) and won the wrestling match (12-4).
  • ** Although these episodes were filmed as part of season one, they actually appear on the season two DVDs.

[edit] Season Two

Number Episode Competition Winner Episode highlights Humiliation
201 Who Can Drink More Beer? Kenny (cheated) Kenny drank non-alcoholic beer and vomited next to Spenny whilst he was passed out to make him think that he himself had vomited. Spenny ate Kenny's vomit (believing it was his own).
202 Who Can Stay Naked the Longest? Kenny (arguably cheated) Spenny bought Kenny a first class ticket to Las Vegas, but Kenny changed the reservation date using Spenny's credit card. Kenny went out under an umbrella with a curtain hanging from it. After Spenny refused to take off his wrist watch, Kenny got a giant watch to wear around his waist until Spenny agreed to take his watch off. After Kenny hired three leathermen to come over and abuse Spenny, Spenny decided to hide in the basement for the rest of the comptetition. Near the end of the competition, Kenny set all the clocks in the house ahead five minutes so Spenny would think the competition was over and put on clothes. Spenny stood on a busy street corner dressed as a town crier and proclaimed to have a small penis.
203 Who Has the Biggest Balls? Spenny (Kenny forfeited) To make Spenny scared of him, Kenny ran into Spenny's room and trashed his belongings. Kenny forfeited to stop Spenny from jumping off a cliff into water to prove that he has the biggest balls. Kenny licked bird feces off of the windshield of the production van.
204 Who do Old People Like More? Kenny (3-0) Three old ladies spent time with each guy as judges. Spenny took them to a financial seminar and fitness class. Kenny treated them to manicures, and brought them to meet his family, including a man with Down Syndrome who pretended to be Kenny's brother, "Lenny." Spenny participated in a seniors' water aerobics class while wearing a woman's bathing suit.
205 Who Can Dance the Longest? Kenny Kenny said the competition would start after he changed his shoes; then he sneaked out of the house. Spenny started dancing. A day later Kenny, came back to change shoes and the competition began. After hours of dancing, Spenny gave up. Spenny dressed up as a cheerleader and performed several self-denigrating cheers.
206 First One to Talk Loses Spenny Spenny used a parabolic microphone to eavesdrop on Kenny. Kenny used a text-to-speech program on a laptop to talk for him. Kenny invited Spenny's cousin over on a date to get Spenny to speak in anger, but instead spoke himself while trying to make out with her. Kenny had his mouth washed out with soap.
207 Who Is Funnier? Kenny Kenny mailed Spenny a fake letter from the Ministry of Health, informing him that he may have HIV to demoralize him. Kenny then used the practical joke as his entry for the competition. Spenny attempted to perform stand-up comedy, but was too upset to do his routine. Mark Breslin was the sole judge of the competition. Once Spenny found out that his HIV scare was part of Kenny's plan, Spenny destroyed Kenny's clothing, and slashed his leather jacket. Spenny performed oral sex on a condom-covered cucumber.
208 Who Can Kiss More Women? Kenny (420-33) A girl Spenny met during the competition attempted to help him get more kisses, and the two seemed to be starting a relationship. Spenny's crew then suggested she might be working for Kenny, and as a result Spenny got rid of her. Kenny later revealed that he did not have anything to do with the girl. Spenny kissed the buttocks and testicles of horse statue.
209 Who Can Win a Rat Race? Spenny Kenny kidnapped Sally the rat (Spenny's rat). Spenny retaliated by stealing his valuable vinyl records, which angered Kenny into pretending to kidnap Spenny's mother, who he exchanged for his records. Kenny then used a capybara, claiming it was a "South American Jungle Rat". Kenny had a live rat placed in his underwear.
210 Who Is the Better Journalist? Spenny (default - Kenny did not show) Kenny tried to create fake news stories by hiring actors that look like famous people, including fake Beyonce Knowles, however he failed to appear at the judging because he was apparently having sex with her in his bedroom Kenny sat on a toilet placed on the sidewalk of a busy street.
211 Who Can Sell More Bibles? Kenny (7-0) Kenny tricked Spenny into thinking his children's film script was bought by Hollywood executives. Spenny, thinking that his script offer was real, bought seven Bibles from Kenny to prove he was serious about quitting the show to become a Hollywood screenwriter. Spenny flew to Los Angeles and waited at the airport in vain for non-existent Hollywood executives to pick him up.
212 First One to be Mean Loses Draw Kenny disguised apparently mean acts as "nice", such as giving Spenny the gift of a parrot to annoy him. The two assigned a referee after agreeing they would never concur on whether an act was mean. Spenny then consumed several tranquilizers to prevent himself from being mean. No humiliation (draw); however, Kenny dressed Spenny up as a clown and urinated on him while he was unconscious.
213 Who Is the Better Rapper? Spenny (2-1) Kenny created a fake crime scene at their home to look like a drive by shooting caused by Spenny's remarks made to a gang. Kenny had hired an actor to play a police officer but Spenny saw through the act by noting the officers dirty shoes. He subsequently went along with the whole ordeal (relocating to a hotel room) making Kenny believe that he would not show up to the rap off. Spenny does show up however, and wins with help from the Rice Cakes. Spenny had "Kenny is a Loser" displayed on a large outdoor TV screen along with some very unflattering pictures. Spenny became annoyed after realizing that narcissistic Kenny actually enjoyed the attention.

[edit] Season Three

Number Episode Competition Winner Episode highlights Humiliation
301 First One to Laugh Loses Spenny Spenny gets Kenny to laugh by having a mutual friend humiliate himself in front of Kenny. Results of competition are decided by photo finish (since Kenny and Spenny both laughed at their friend’s routine). Kenny ate one of Spenny's freshly picked "boogers".
302 Who Do gay Guys Like More? Draw Spenny's date consisted of him relating truthfully to the homosexual judge. Ultimately, the lone gay judge chose "neither" after walking out on his date with Kenny. Kenny and Spenny were each "teabagged" on the forehead (humiliation imposed by the film crew).
303 Who Can Wear a Dead Octopus on His Head the Longest? Kenny (cheated) Kenny took the octopus off his head and attached the tentacles to his hat to make it look like he was still wearing it. Also, Kenny supposedly dosed Spenny with LSD, leading to Spenny releasing the octopus into the lake. Spenny ate sushi off of Kenny's naked buttocks.
304 Who Can Win a Ten Mile Race? Spenny Kenny tricked Spenny into believing that his mother was dead, so that Spenny would go to a fake funeral miles away from the race track. Spenny managed to drive back to the track and still beat Kenny Kenny received a spanking on his bare buttocks from his mother.
305 Who Can Lift More Weight With Their Genitals? Kenny (Spenny forfeited) Kenny lifted 5 fake bricks with his genitals which Spenny believed were real. Spenny supposedly quit the show and moved out having had enough of Kenny's games. Kenny held tryouts for Spenny's position. In the end Spenny agreed to stay on the show but ultimately lost the competition. Spenny sucked on the nipples of mutual friend Bobby.
306 Who Is Cooler? Kenny Kenny faked a drug overdose causing Spenny to lose his cool during judgement. Although Spenny's attempts at being cool would have lost him the competition anyway. Spenny stood naked in a meat freezer.
307 Who Can Produce More Semen? Kenny (cheated) Kenny got semen from other crew members and collected semen from used condoms in alleyways. In addition, Kenny stole an x-ray machine and irradiated Spenny. Just before the final verdict Spenny filled his beaker with hair conditioner, which fooled Kenny, but he couldn't go through with cheating and admitted to what he had done. Kenny tried to get Spenny to drink the semen he collected, but Spenny refused. Kenny then splashed Spenny with the semen; some of it got in Spenny's mouth.
308 Who Can Stay in a Haunted House the Longest? Spenny Before entering the house, Spenny went to specialists on the supernatural in hopes of resolving his fears while Kenny went to a different specialist on the supernatural in hopes of gaining the skills to conjure up the devil. While in the house, Kenny played many tricks on Spenny in hopes of scaring him out of the house. In a last ditch effort to prevent his fears from taking over, Spenny handcuffed himself to a chain link in a room. Kenny went to the room next door and attempted to raise the devil in a ritualistic fashion. What followed was a loud bang which caused Kenny and the crew to run out of the house. The loud bang turned out to be a crane from the next building. Kenny dressed in and modeled women's lingerie in a store window.
309 Who Can Make a Better Porno? Kenny Kenny makes a series of funny pornographic series to win over Spenny’s routine porn. Spenny performed anal sex on one of Kenny's inflatable male sex dolls.
310 Who Can Catch a Bigger Fish? Kenny (cheated) Prior to the competition, Kenny visited the owner of the boat and paid him off to go to an area with no fish, and to go through with his plan. Also during his trip, Kenny had filmed himself catching a dead fish. Later on during the actual competition, Kenny pushed Spenny into the lake, drove away, and left him for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the boat drove back and retrieved Spenny and Kenny showed him the tape made beforehand of him catching the fish. Spenny's head was wrapped in clingfilm while he pressed his face into a hanging pig's buttocks.
311 Who Can Imitate the Other Guy Better? Kenny Kenny besmirched Spenny's character while imitating him thus provoking Spenny to break out of character too many times. Kenny, through an earpiece, made Spenny say rude things to unsuspecting people on the street.
312 Who Can Stay Homeless the Longest? Kenny (arguably cheated) During the contest Kenny visited his bank and withdrew money without his card so he could dine in a restaurant. Spenny was arrested after hitting Kenny in front of two police officers, causing him to spend the night in a cell, thus losing the competition. (Rules stated that they must sleep outside). Kenny kneed Spenny in the groin.
313 Arm Wrestling Competition Kenny Although Kenny attempted to cheat by finding a child with the name Spencer Rice and arm wrestling him, Spenny and Kenny arm wrestled at the end of the competition. Spenny was easily defeated by Kenny (using right hands, despite Kenny being left-handed) even though he had trained for the entire episode. The replacement Spencer Rice lost and was hosed down with ice cubes down his pants. Then baby food was poured on his head and a pie smashed in his face. When the real Spenny ended up losing he had to stick his hand in a public bathroom toilet and unplug it. The toilet was nearly overflowing with urine, feces and other garbage.

[edit] Season Four

Number Episode Competition Winner Episode highlights Humiliation
401 First Guy to Get a Boner Loses. Kenny (cheated) Kenny got a nerve blocking injection into his penis, preventing him from getting an erection. Spenny had bees poured onto his crotch.
402 Who Can Blow the Biggest Fart? Kenny Kenny put flatulence-reducing powder in chili Spenny ate. Kenny manually pumped air into his colon, producing louder and longer farts to psych out Spenny; however, these farts were not measured, as they expelled air, not flatus. Spenny was forced to lie down while the "National Farting Champion of Canada" repeatedly farted in his face.
403 Who Can Make the Best Viral Video? Kenny (10,348-8,175 hits) Each roommate shot several video options. Kenny chose "Kenny on Paris Hilton" for the title, showing him dancing via greenscreen on a Hilton hotel balcony in Paris. Spenny chose "Spenny drinks pee", after his crew insisted on it. Spenny was forced to lick the doorhandle of an adult video store.
404 Who Can Eat the Most Meat? Spenny (15.0-14.6 lbs) Kenny was forced to stop eating when he got food poisoning. Spenny worked out while eating and edged out Kenny, who could not eat due to his sickness. Kenny was forced to make out with an old lady.
405 First Guy to Get A Stain Loses Kenny After repeatedly having to clarify the rules and start over, the contest was changed to "Whoever Has the Most Stains Loses". Kenny and Spenny competed in four high-risk stain competitions, in which Kenny handily defeated Spenny. Spenny was rolled down a hill in a plastic sphere with dog feces inside.
406 Who Can Be Tied to a Goat the Longest? Kenny Kenny used a very long rope, and used various methods to upset Spenny's goat. Kenny then bought a skinned lamb at the butcher and pretended he had killed his goat, causing Spenny to quit in disgust. Spenny, in a goat costume, was humped by his own goat.
407 Who Can Handle More Torture? Spenny
In a series of torture mini-comps, Kenny avoided doing any torture either by cheating or forfeiting, allowing Spenny to humiliate himself many times, while accepting the single humiliation for losing. Kenny had to do improvisation.
408 First Guy to Stop Singing Loses Kenny (cheated) Spenny used his singing to try to raise money for a community centre. Kenny tried to use costumes to keep his singing interesting and rested his voice by lip syncing with a choir. He then sprayed window cleaning liquid in Spenny's mouth to make him stop singing. Kenny acted as an organ grinder on the street while Spenny, wearing a diaper, fez, and coat, acted like a monkey to collect money.
409 Who Can Be Obese the Longest? Kenny (cheated) The guys wore weight vests to see who could carry an extra 80 lbs. the longest. Kenny took the weights out of his vest after the initial weighing. He then wore makeup and a fat suit and left the house. Thinking this was a decoy, Spenny used a lipstick camera and saw Kenny in his room without his weights on. Spenny took his own weights off, however, The Kenny in his room was a lookalike decoy. Spenny lay beneath Kenny and acted as a human bidet by spitting water.
410 Who Can Commit the Most Crime? Spenny Spenny preferred to stick to more politically correct crimes, until he became drunk while drinking in public. Although Kenny had a large lead, he received a parking ticket from a police officer, and was disqualified for being "busted". Kenny was held in stocks in public while Spenny and others threw tomatoes at his face.
  • * In the torture competition, Spenny (5 wins) drank a bottle of hot sauce faster (Kenny forfeited); removed a roll of duct tape from his body faster (Kenny forfeited); had his head crushed further in a vice (Kenny disqualified); put a hot dog further up his rectum (Kenny only pretended); and was hit by children for longer as a human piñata (Kenny forfeited). Kenny (2 wins) received more shocks from an electric dog collar (7-4 beeps, cheated - disabled shocking on his collar); and took more abuse from a dominatrix (cheated - was not actually being abused). Two competitions were cancelled: The competition to see who could take more body checks was cancelled after Spenny took several checks from hockey players because their time on the ice allegedly expired. A competition to hold a ventrilloquist dummy's fake penis in their mouth for longer, Spenny did so (sucking it) for 35 minutes before Kenny convinced him the competition would go on for hours and they agreed to cut it.

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