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Laurens van der Post - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Laurens van der Post

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Laurens van der Post
Born Laurens Jan van der Post
December 13, 1906(1906-12-13)
Philippolis, Orange River Colony
Died December 16, 1996 (aged 90)
London, England
Burial place Philippolis, Orange River Colony
Education Grey College, Bloemfontein
Spouse Marjorie Edith Wendt (1928-1949)
Ingaret Giffard (1949-death)
Children Jan
Parents Christian Willem Hendrik and Lammie van der Post

Sir Laurens Jan van der Post (aka Laurens van der Post) (December 13, 1906December 16, 1996) was a famous 20th century Afrikaner author of many books, farmer, war hero, political adviser to British heads of government, godparent of Prince William, educator, journalist, humanitarian, philosopher, explorer, and conservationist.


[edit] Early years

Van der Post was born in the small town of Philippolis in the Orange River Colony, a British colony in what is today South Africa.[1] His father, Christian Willem Hendrik van der Post (1856–1914), of Dutch origin, had arrived in South Africa at the age of three and later married van der Post's mother in 1889. Her name was Lammie and she was of German origin. The family had a total of fifteen children, with van der Post being the thirteenth, the fifth son. Christiaan was a lawyer and politician, and fought in the Second Boer War against the British. After the Second Boer War he was exiled with his family to Stellenbosch, where Laurens was conceived. They returned to Philippolis in the Orange River Colony, where he was born in 1906.

He spent his early childhood years on the family farm, remembering how he became a fan of reading books from his father's extensive library which included Homer and Shakespeare. In August 1914 his father died and then in 1918 van der Post went to school at Grey College in Bloemfontein. There it was a great shock to him that he was "being educated into something which destroyed the sense of common humanity I shared with the black people". In 1925 he took his first job as a reporter in training at The Natal Advertiser in Durban, where his reporting included his own accomplishments playing on the Durban and Natal field hockey teams. In 1926 he and two other rebellious writers, Roy Campbell and William Plomer, published a satirical magazine called Voorslag (English: whip lash) which promoted a more racially integrated South Africa; it lasted for three issues before being forced to shut down because of its radical views.[2] Later that year he took off for three months with Plomer and sailed to Tokyo and back on a Japanese freighter, the Canada Maru, an experience which produced books by both authors later in life.

In 1927 Van der Post met Marjorie Edith Wendt (d. 1995), daughter of the founder and conductor of the Cape Town Orchestra. They traveled to England and on March 8, 1928 married at Bridport, Dorset. A son was born soon after on December 26, named Jan Laurens (later known as John). In 1929 van der Post returned to South Africa to work for the Cape Times, a newspaper in Cape Town, where "For the time being Marjorie and I are living in the most dire poverty that exists," he wrote in his journal. He began to associate with bohemians and intellectuals who were opposed to James Hertzog (Prime Minister) and the white South African policy. He wrote an article entitled 'South Africa in the Melting Pot' which clarified his views of the South Africa racial problem, he said "The white South African has never consciously believed that the native should ever become his equal." But he predicted that "the process of leveling up and inter-mixture must accelerate continually ... the future civilization of South Africa is, I believe, neither black or white but brown."

In 1931 he returned to England and formed friendships with members of the Bloomsbury group including Arthur Waley, J. M. Keynes, E. M. Forster and Virginia Woolf. Virginia and her husband Leonard Woolf were publishers, and had previously published William Plomer's works, and it was through Plomer's connections that van der Post gained introduction to the Woolfs and the Bloomsbury Set.

In 1934 the Woolfs published van der Post's first novel under the Hogarth Press label. Called In a Province, it portrayed the tragic consequences of a racially divided South Africa. Later that year he decided to become a dairy farmer and, possibly with the help of Lilian Bowes Lyon, bought a farm called Colley Farm, near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, with Lilian as his neighbor. There he divided his time between the needs of the cows and occasional visits to London where he was a correspondent to South African newspapers. He considered this a directionless phase in his life which mirrored Europe's slow drift to war. In 1936 he made five trips to South Africa and during one trip he met and fell in love with Ingaret Giffard (d. 1997), an English actress and author five years his senior. Later that year his wife Marjorie gave birth to a second child, a daughter named Lucia, and in 1938 he sent his family back to South Africa. When the Second World War started in 1939 he found himself torn between England and South Africa, his new love and his family; his career was at a dead end, and he was in depressed spirits, often drinking heavily.

[edit] War years

Cover of Admiral's Baby (1996), a portrait of van der Post during the war years.
Cover of Admiral's Baby (1996), a portrait of van der Post during the war years.

In May 1940, van der Post volunteered for the British Army and upon completion of officer training in January 1941 he was sent to east Africa in the Intelligence Corps as a Captain. There he took up with General Wingate's Gideon Force which was tasked with restoring the Emperor Haile Selassie to his throne in Abyssinia. His unit led 11,000 camels through difficult mountain terrain and he was remembered for being an excellent caretaker of the animals. In March he came down with malaria and was sent to Palestine to recover.

In early 1942, as Japanese forces invaded South East Asia, van der Post was transferred to Allied forces in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), because of his Dutch language skills. He was given command of Special Mission 43, the purpose of which was to organise the covert evacuation of as many Allied personnel as possible, after the surrender of Java.

On April 20, 1942, he was captured by the Japanese. He was first taken to camps at Sukabumi and then to Bandung. Van der Post was famous for his work in maintaining the morale of personnel of many different nationalities. Along with others, he organised a "camp university" with courses from basic literacy to degree-standard ancient history, and he also organized a camp farm to supplement nutritional needs. He could also speak some basic Japanese, which helped him greatly. Once, depressed, he wrote in his diary: "it is one of the hardest things in this prison life: the strain caused by being continually in the power of people who are only half-sane and live in a twilight of reason and humanity." He wrote about his experiences in A Bar of Shadow (1954) and The Seed and the Sower (1963). Japanese film director Nagisa Oshima based his film Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1982) on these books.

Following the surrender of Japan, while his fellow POWs were repatriated, van der Post remained in Java, and on September 15, 1945 he joined Admiral William Patterson on HMS Cumberland for the official surrender of the Japanese in Java, to British forces representing the Allies.

Van der Post then spent two years helping to mediate between Indonesian nationalists and members of the discredited Dutch colonial regime. He had gained trust with the nationalist leaders such as Mohammad Hatta and Ahmed Sukarno and warned both Prime Minister Clement Attlee and the Allied Supreme Commander in South East Asia, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, whom he met in London in October 1945, that the country was on the verge of blowing up. Van der Post went to The Hague to repeat his warning directly to the Dutch cabinet. In November 1946, British forces withdrew and Van der Post became military attaché to the British consulate in Batavia. By 1947, after he had returned to England, the Indonesian Revolution had begun.

That same year, Van der Post retired from the army and was made a CBE.

[edit] Rise to fame

With the war over and his business with the army concluded, van der Post returned to South Africa in late 1947 to work at the Natal Daily News, but with the election victory of the National Party bringing in apartheid he came back to London. In May 1949 he was commissioned by the Colonial Development Corporation (CDC) to "assess the livestock capacities of the uninhabited Nyika and Mulanje plateaux of Nyasaland".

Around this time he divorced Marjorie, and on October 13, 1949 married Ingaret Giffard. Before he married Ingaret, he had become engaged to Fleur Kohler-Baker, the daughter of a prominent farmer and businessman, who was seventeen years old; they had met on a ship with an intense but brief affair of love letters, and so she was shocked when he broke off the relationship. He went on a honeymoon with Ingaret to Switzerland where his new wife introduced him to Carl Jung. Jung was to have probably a greater influence upon him than anybody else, and he later said that he had never met anyone of Jung's stature. He continued to work on a travel book about his Nyasaland adventures called Venture to the Interior, which borrowed on the structure of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

Cover of The Lost World of the Kalahari (1958)
Cover of The Lost World of the Kalahari (1958)

In 1950 Lord Reith (head of the CDC) asked van der Post to head an expedition to Bechuanaland, to see the potential of the remote Kalahari Desert for cattle ranching. There van der Post for the first time met the Kalahari natives, a hunter-gatherer bush people known as San. He repeated the journey to the Kalahari in 1952, the same year Venture to the Interior was published, and it became an immediate best-seller in the US and Europe. In 1954 he published his third book Flamingo Feather, an anti-communist novel about a Soviet plot to take over South Africa, which sold very well. Alfred Hitchcock planned to film the book, but lost support from South African authorities and gave up the idea. Penguin Books kept Flamingo Feather in print until the collapse of the U.S.S.R.. In 1955 the BBC commissioned van der Post to return to the Kalahari in search of the bushmen, a trip that turned into a very popular six-part television documentary series in 1956. In 1958 his most famous book was released under the same title as the BBC series: The Lost World of the Kalahari, followed in 1961 by The Heart of the Hunter, derived from 19th-century Bushmen stories by Wilhelm Bleek.

Van der Post described the bushmen as the original natives of southern Africa, outcast and persecuted by all other races and nationalities. He said they represented the "lost soul" of all mankind, a type of noble savage myth. This mythos of the Bushmen inspired the colonial government to create the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in 1961 to guarantee their survival, and the reserve became a part of settled law when Botswana was created in 1966.

[edit] Later years

Cover of Storyteller.. by J.D.F. Jones, picture of van der Post in his later years.
Cover of Storyteller.. by J.D.F. Jones, picture of van der Post in his later years.

Van der Post's fame and success was now assured. He had become a popular television personality, had introduced the world to the Kalahari bushmen, and was considered an authority on Bushmen folklore and culture. "I was compelled towards the Bushmen," he said, "like someone who walks in his sleep, obedient to a dream of finding in the dark what the day has denied him." Over the next decade he had a steady stream of book releases, including novels drawn from his war experiences, The Seed and the Sower (1963) and The Night of the New Moon (1970). A travel book called A Journey into Russia (1964) described a long trip through the Soviet Union. In 1972 there was another BBC television series of his 16-year friendship with Jung, who died in 1961, which was followed by the book Jung and the Story of our Time (1976).

Ingaret and he moved to Aldeburgh, Suffolk where they became involved with a circle of friends that included an introduction to Prince Charles, whom he then took on a safari to Kenya in 1977 and with whom he had a close and influential friendship for the rest of his life. Also in 1977, together with Ian Player,a South African conservationist, he created the first World Wilderness Congress in Johannesburg. In 1979 his Chelsea neighbor Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister and she called on his advice with matters dealing with southern Africa, notably the Rhodesia settlement of 1979–80. In 1981 he was given a Knighthood.

In 1982 he fell and injured his back and used the downtime from tennis and skiing to write an autobiography called Yet Being Someone Other (1982), which discussed his love of the sea and his journey to Japan with Plomer in 1926. By now Ingaret was slipping into senility, and he spent much time with Frances Baruch, an old friend. In 1984 his son John (who had gone on to be an engineer in London) died, and van der Post spent time with his youngest daughter Lucia and her family.

Even in old age van der Post was involved with many projects, from the worldwide conservationist movement, to setting up a centre of Jungian studies in Cape Town. He remained a captivating speaker and storyteller both in public and in private. In 1996 he tried to prevent the eviction of the Bushmen from their homeland in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, which had been set up for that purpose, but ironically it was his work in the 1950s to promote the land for cattle ranching that lead to their eventual downfall and removal. In October 1996 he published The Admiral's Baby describing the events in Java at the end of the war. For his 90th birthday party he had a five-day celebration in Colorado, with a "this is your life" type event with friends from every period of his life. A few days later, on December 16th, 1996, after whispering in Afrikaans "die sterre" (the stars), he died. The funeral took place December 20th in London, attended by Prince Charles (who was photographed in tears) Lady Thatcher, Nelson Mandela and many friends and family. His ashes were buried in a special memorial garden at Philipolis on April 4th, 1998. Ingaret died five months after him on May 5th, 1997.

[edit] Controversy

After his death a number of writers tried to discredit van der Post. It was revealed that in 1952 he had fathered a child with a fourteen-year-old girl who had been under his care during a sea voyage to England from South Africa. His reputation as a 'modern sage' and 'guru to Prince Charles' was questioned and journalists opened a floodgate of examples of how van der Post had not always told the truth in his books. These facts came together in the 2001 book by J.D.F. Jones Teller of Many Tales: The Lives of Laurens van der Post, an authorised yet hostile biography which damaged van der Post's reputation.[3] A rebuttal was offered by Christopher Booker, a friend of van der Post.[4][5] While Jones's book did interpret a darker side to van der Post's life, it did not diminish his popularity and he continued to strike a chord with many people. Nor could many of his wartime accomplishments and his conservation efforts be easily dismissed.

[edit] Selected works

Works mentioned in the article. For an extensive complete list see External links.

  • In a Province, 1934
  • Venture to the Interior, 1952
  • Flamingo Feather, 1955
  • The Lost World of the Kalahari, 1958 (BBC 6-part TV series, 1956)
  • The Heart of the Hunter, 1961
  • The Seed and the Sower, 1963
  • A Journey into Russia, 1964 (US title: A View of All the Russias)
  • The Night of the New Moon, August 6, 1945... Hiroshima, 1970 (US title: The Prisoner and the Bomb)
  • Jung and the Story of Our Time, 1975
  • Yet Being Someone Other, 1982
  • The Admiral's Baby, 1996

[edit] Movies

Movie adaptations of his books; otherwise he is not in or involved directly with these movies.

  • Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983) —- Based on The Seed and the Sower (1963) and The Night of the New Moon (1970), about his experience as a prisoner of war. Starring David Bowie.
  • A Far Off Place (1993) —- Based on A Far-Off Place (1974) and A Story Like the Wind (1972).

[edit] References

  1. ^ "A Prophet Out of Africa", The Times, 17 December 1996. 
  2. ^ Roy Campbell, Laurens Van der Post, William Plomer (1926). Voorslag 1-3: A Magazine of South African Life and Art. ISBN 0-86980-423-5. 
  3. ^ Jones, J.D.F. (2001). Teller of Many Tales: The Lives of Laurens van der Post. ISBN 0-7867-1031-4. 
  4. ^ Booker, Christopher (20 October 2001). Small lies and the greater truth. Spectator.
  5. ^ Jones, JDF (27 October =2001). ?. Spectator.
  • Carpenter, Frederic I., Laurens Van Der Post. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc, 1969

[edit] External links

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