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Jake Morgan

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Jacob Martin Morgan Spencer
General Hospital
Portrayed by Edward and Nigbohr James(2007 - present)
First appearance May 4, 2007
Created by Robert Guza, Jr.
Nickname(s) Jake
Gender Male
Date of birth May 4, 2007 later revised to 2005
Age 3 year old
Title Quartermaine Heir

Jacob Martin Morgan Spencer (also referred to as Jake Morgan or Jake Spencer) is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera, General Hospital. Jake is the biological son of popular couple Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber, though Lucky Spencer is his legal father. He is the youngest member of both the Hardy/Webber family and the Quartermaine Family.


[edit] Character history

[edit] Events before birth

In August 2006, during a city-wide blackout, Elizabeth Spencer went to Jason Morgan's penthouse seeking a friend. She had just witnessed her husband, Lucky Spencer, cheating on her with Maxie Jones in their own bed. She was also upset that Lucky was addicted to hydrocodone. Jason had also seen his ex-girlfriend, Sam McCall having sex with her step-father Ric Lansing, his enemy. After talking and seeking solace with each other, they slept together.

Elizabeth and Jason used a faulty condom manufactured by ELQ (which also caused Lulu to get pregnant). This faulty condom resulted in Elizabeth becoming pregnant. Elizabeth decided to have a paternity test which confirmed that Jason was the father of her baby. Through a miscommunication between Elizabeth and Carly Corinthos, it was assumed that Lucky was the father and Elizabeth made no attempts to correct it when she mistakenly believed that Jason wanted it to turn out that way. Elizabeth let everyone assume that Lucky was the father because she believed this was the best option for everyone, including Lucky, who had just decided to go into rehab since learning he would be a father, and she was afraid he would relapse if he knew the truth. Elizabeth was so concerened about Jake's safety and shut the door right there for Jason to claim Jake as his own.Elizabeth left Lucky, divorced him, and moved into Audrey's house with her oldest son, Cameron. She did not want Cameron and her unborn child exposed to Lucky's drug addiction, his affair with Maxie or the danger he would cause if he was around them. She decided to raise her children as a single mother and refused to take Lucky back even though her family and friends told her to. Lucky got clean and became a cop again. He tried to talk Elizabeth into marrying him again for the baby but she refused. She knew that Jason would hate to see Lucky raising his son again even if Jason told Lucky to.

During her pregnancy, Elizabeth constantly debated whether to tell Jason the truth and many times came close to doing so. Elizabeth was one of the hostages in the Metro Court Hotel hostage crisis. Jason protected the pregnant Elizabeth from an explosion by carrying her into an elevator. While they awaited rescue, Elizabeth told him, that he was the father only because she was afraid she might die. Jason was upset that Liz did not tell him but was later very excited about being a father. Jason and Elizabeth decided to tell Lucky and Sam the truth but changed their minds. Elizabeth found out Lucky had risked his life to go after Jerry Jacks because he believed the explosion had killed Elizabeth and the baby and was shocked when he agreed to let her go. She told Lucky she knew who he was, loved him, and argeed to marry him again. Elizabeth later asked Jason to let Lucky raise the baby as his own. Jason agreed in order to protect his son from his criminal ties. He did not tell Sam McCall that he was the father because she had just found out, prior to the Hostage Crisis, that she was unable to bear children, and he did not wish to hurt her. Jason though felt the pain of losing his first biological son and could not bare to keep away.

Damien Spinelli and Lulu Spencer found out the truth about the baby's paternity and questioned Jason about it. Spinelli advocates for Jason to reveal the truth. Lulu has asked Jason to keep quiet and let Lucky think he is the father.

Lucky and Elizabeth got remarried and moved into the Spencer House with Cameron. Lucky wanted to name the baby Luke after his father if it was a boy or Laura after his mother if the baby was a girl but Elizabeth managed to talk him out of it. Elizabeth felt guilty for making Jason give up his baby and tried to get him involved however she could.

[edit] Birth

During a storm in Port Charles, Elizabeth suffered from placental abruption. Jason found her collapsed on the floor of her home and took her to the hospital where Dr. Kelly Lee performed an emergency C-Section. Jason witnessed the birth. Both Elizabeth and the baby were given CPR successfully. Elizabeth went into a coma after she underwent surgery due to an internal hemorrhage but later recovered. The baby was named Jacob Martin by Elizabeth. She claimed she chose Jacob because it is a strong name and Martin in honor of her grandfather, whom she felt was the only one that treated her well.[1] Elizabeth admitted to Jason that she chose the baby's name to give him the same initials as him.

Sam found out the truth about Jake's true paternity after she went to the hospital to congratulate Lucky and Elizabeth and overheard Jason and Elizabeth talking about it. She became upset, got drunk, and told Amelia Joffe the truth about Jake. She tried to lie and manipulate Jason into telling her the truth about Jake because she wanted to convince him to file for sole custody of Jake, save their strained relationship, and raise his son together. She called Elizabeth and had her meet her with Jake at Sonny's coffe house while Jason was there and staged a pinic at the park with Jason while Elizabeth and her boys were there but both of her attempts to get Jason to tell her the truth failed. She tried to talk Jason into having a baby of their own but he refused. She ingored his refusal and decided to have a baby of her own by a surrogate mother but found out her eggs were useless and all her options were impossible. She came to hate Jake and told Amelia she wanted him to disappear.

[edit] Revelations

After Sonny told Jason about the secret Sam tried to cover up from him, he called Amelia Joffe and had her meet with him while he was in lock up. Amelia told Jason that Sam used fake names, became a man's ideal woman, married five men, stole their money, packed her bags, and disappeared. She got away with it four times but after her fifth husband Bill Monroe found out he nearly beat her to death and she shot him in the chest and killed him in self defense. She was arrested, put on trial, and found not guilty. She came to Port Charles and first targeted Jasper Jacks, then Sonny Corinthos, and then finally him. She planned to get him to fall in love with her, marry him, have his baby, steal his money , and disappear but changed her mind after she fell in love with him. She also revealed that Sam knew the truth about Jake and had tried to lie and manipulate him into telling her the truth. She told him Sam feared Jason and Elizabeth were in love and would do anything not to lose him. Jason was shocked to hear she knew about Jake and his trust in her began to fade.

[edit] Kidnapping

Jake was kidnapped in June 2007 while at the park with his mother and brother, Cameron. Although Sam was initially a suspect, a woman named Maureen Harper was actually the kidnapper; she had been a guest on Sam's show, Everyday Heroes. Sam witnessed Maureen kidnap Jake but did not tell anyone. Jake was found thanks to the efforts of Amelia Joffe and Jason Morgan. Amelia overheard a baby crying while on the phone with Maureen and told Jason. Jason and Amelia found Maureen and rescued Jake. She told Jason that she thought it had been Sam who had told everyone she had taken Jake because she had witnessed it. Jason brought Jake back to Elizabeth and Lucky's house. Subsequent to this, Lucky arrested Jason for violating the terms of his bail, even though he had done it to rescue Jake.

Jason and Sam broke up, and Sam threatened to reveal Jake's true paternity. Jason told Sam that if she did this he would turn her in as an accessory to Jake's kidnapping.

[edit] Household problems

Ric Lansing had Jason arrested and put on trial for the murder of Lorenzo Alcazar. He tried to get Jason to accept a plea bargain of second-degree murder and agree to serve twenty years in prison without parole. He threatened to have Elizabeth admit her one-night stand with Jason and get her to reveal he was really Jake's father when she testified. Jason refused and during her testimony Elizabeth was forced to confess to her sleeping with Jason with Lucky in the courtroom. However after Ric asked her if Jason was Jake's father, she lied and committed perjury by saying Lucky was Jake's father.

Lucky and Elizabeth's marriage is strained. Lucky was furious to hear that Elizabeth had slept with Jason and lied to him about it and asked her if he was really Jake's father. She lied and told him yes. The two were angry at each other but agreed to try to forgive each other and make their marriage work for Cameron and Jake.

Sam hates Elizabeth and blames her for her break up with Jason. She has called her names, insulted her, yelled at her, and argued with her in front of Cameron and Jake. She is determined to get revenge on Jason and Elizabeth. Sam hired men to threaten Elizabeth at gunpoint in front of Cameron and Jake. Luckily, no one was hurt, but it scared Elizabeth because the men said they were going to kidnap her children and her and use them as leverage to get to Jason. Elizabeth told Jason this. Jason was heartbroken because he had just told her that he wanted to try to have a relationship and build a family with her. Jason confessed his love for Elizabeth, and she returned it. They shared a "goodbye" kiss and agreed to stay away from each other to protect Liz and the children.

Jason and Spinelli teamed up to find the men who threatened Elizabeth and her children. After Jason found the men, kidnapped them, tied them to chairs, and held them at gunpoint, he had them give up the name of the person who hired them and was furious and shocked to find out it was Sam. He went to see Sam and the two called each other names, insulted each other, yelled at each other, and argued. Jason threatened to kill her if she tried to hurt Elizabeth, Cameron, or Jake again. He decided not to tell Elizabeth the truth because he believes the boys and her are safer with Lucky for now. Sam has ignored Jason's warning and decided to destroy Lucky and Elizabeth's marriage and make Elizabeth lose her children. She hired Lucky as her bodyguard, started to feed into his insecurities about Elizabeth, and seduced him. She has kissed him twice and on September 17, 2007 Lucky and Sam had sex.

[edit] A new threat

Sonny and Jason have a new enemy named Anthony Zacchara. His lawyer Trevor Lansing has come to town. They believe he plans to try to take over their terriority in Port Charles. It has been revealed that he goes after his enemies' families and this has caused the people close to Sonny and Jason to panic. Elizabeth is scared that Cameron and Jake are in danger because of her closeness to Jason and her fears have increased after the murder of Michael and Morgan Corinthos's nanny Leticia Juarez. The death of Leticia has served to reinforce her decision not to tell what she thinks is the truth about Jake's true paternity. Elizabeth has started to watch her children even more closely and has begun to keep a gun on her.

Jason told Elizabeth about all the people who knew the truth about Jake. He also told her that Sam had watched Jake get kidnapped and did nothing to stop it and had hired the men to threaten her children and her in the park. He assaured her that he handled Sam. Elizabeth was still angry and wants Sam to be arrested for her crimes.

[edit] A new life

Lucky and Elizabeth decided to get a divorce again. Elizabeth, Cameron, and Jake moved out of the Spencer House and temporarily into Audrey Hardy's house. Elizabeth put a down payment in a new house for the boys and her to live in and moved in with them. She hired the Corinthos/Morgan attorney Diane Miller to handle the divorce. Lucky was angry that Elizabeth hired Diane to file their divorce and sue for sole custody of the kids because he hates her and she is Jason's lawyer. He hired Alexis Davis to handle their divorce and planned to sue for sole custody of the boys. Lucky threatened to make Elizabeth look like an unfit mother because of her friendship with Jason put the boys in danger and take Cameron and Jake from her if she did not fire Diane and let Alexis handle the divorce. Elizabeth told him if he did that she would have Diane bring up his drug addiction, his affair with Maxie, the danger he put her children and her in, and that he was currently sleeping with Sam.Lucky has no right to either of Elizabeth's children because he is not their biological father and did not adopt them.

Lucky and Elizabeth's divorce got ugly. Diane made Lucky look like a bad husband and an unfit father and brought up his addiction to painkillers, his affair with Maxie Jones, the danger he put Elizabeth and her children in, and that he was sleeping with Sam to punish Elizabeth. Alexis made Elizabeth look like an awful wife and an unfit mother and brought up her friendship with Jason, her one-night stand with Jason, her lying to Lucky for a year about sleeping with Jason, and her marrying Lucky under false pretenses. Lucky filed for immediate guardianship of Jake but the judge denied it to him and let the baby remain in Elizabeth's custody. Lucky and Elizabeth hated the hurt and pain they caused to the boys and each other and decided to stop fighting with each other. Lucky argeed to fire Alexis, let Diane file their divorce, and allow Elizabeth to have sole custody of the boys and Elizabeth argeed to allow Lucky to have unlimited visitation of Cameron and Jake. Lucky and Elizabeth decided to learn how to trust each other again for the boys and end their marriage as friends.

Jason has yelled at Carly for calling Elizabeth names and insulting her in front of him. He told her loves Elizabeth and wants to be a family with Cameron, Jake, and her but stays away from them because he wants them to be safe. He would rather be alone than have them hurt.

[edit] An angry mother

Lucky and Elizabeth were happy to see Nikolas and Emily get engaged during the Black and White Ball. The two talked about their love for each other over the years and their relationship and shared a " good-bye" dance. Sam saw them, became angry, and confronted Elizabeth. The two called each other names, insulted each other, yelled at each other, and argued. Sam gloated about her having Lucky and Elizabeth told her she blamed her for her divorce because she fed into Lucky's doubts about her, seduced him, had an affair with him, and ruined her marriage. She also told Sam she was aware she knew the truth about Jason being Jake's father, watched Jake get kidnapped and did nothing to stop it, and hired men to threaten her children and her in the park at gunpoint and that Jason was the one to tell her the truth and he trusted her. Elizabeth slapped Sam for what she did to Jason and her children and tried to walk away but Sam grabbed her, punched her, and the two got into a fight. Elizabeth put her hands on Sam's neck and started to choke the life out of her but Lucky came and ended the fight.

[edit] The truth revealed

Jason arrived at the Black and White ball to save his loved ones from Anthony Zacchara. He and Sam saved Carly from Zacchara's men. Carly told Sam that the only reason why she saved her was to get Jason back. Jason told Carly that he and Sam will never be together again. An angry Sam confronted Elizabeth with Lucky and demanded that she tell the truth about Jake. Jason came and yelled at Sam. Jason said to Lucky, "You are not Jake's father Lucky....I am". Once the truth came out, Lucky had a difficult time believing it. As Elizabeth attempted to explain that he had become sober, and went to rehab, becoming clean only because he believed this was his child, Lucky lost his temper, punching Jason. The argument continued, with Jason defending Elizabeth, and finally Lucky left the barn they were all at, with Sam following him back to Wyndemere, as Jason told Elizabeth he couldn't lie about Jake being his son anymore. As Jason and Elizabeth try to decide where to go in their relationship, considering Jason's life is still dangerous for her and the boys, Lucky tells Elizabeth he wants to continue raising both Jake and Cameron as his own. Elizabeth hesitantly agrees, but it becomes obvious as she and Jason talk that what she wants is for Jason to be Jake's father. However, Jason decides that the boys are the safest with Lucky as the known father. Later, Lucky confronts Jason at his penthouse, and Jason tells him that if Lucky goes back to drugs, he will do what he has to do to protect his son, even if that means stepping forward as Jake's father.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ General Hospital May 15, 2007.

[edit] External links

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