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Talk:Deadpool (comics)

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[edit] Various

i added a basic mini bio of the Exiles Deadpool. needs fleshing out

I think T-Ray deserves his own page. Sadly, I dont have any DP issues featuring him. Can someone help?

In the character biography section, the line commenting on the three-way mindmeld and its consequences is a very confusing read. I have not read the issue in question, so I don't know how it's supposed to go. However, the following sounds plausible and more logical. Please correct and place in article if deemed worthy, no need for credit to me or anything.

In an attempt to regain the parts of his mind he had lost, as well as remove the pieces of their minds he wanted rid of ("You and Wilson have my skills, Mr Hayden. In return, I received a taste for Radiohead and an encyclopediac knowledge of pornographic knock-knock jokes. Yes, I'd like to switch back if possible"), including Nijo's sense of honour, Black Swan initiated a three-way mind meld, which restored Deadpool (who immediately stabbed the Swan in the back). Deadpool, Hayden, and Hayden's allies Outlaw and Taskmaster killed (and stuffed) the Swan when he immediately tried to kill them. -Fuzzy 15:42, 13 May 2005 (UTC)

  • The "Black Swan initiated" isn't accurate though. He talks them into it, yes, but Hayden does agreen. That version makes it sound like he turned up & did it. I'll try & think of a better phrasing though. - SoM 18:05, 14 May 2005 (UTC)

Since Deadpool has a very unusual relationship with Death, I think that it's certainly possible that she can affect Deadpool's healing powers. Deadpool seems to be chosen, much in the same way as the Titan Thanos, in the sense that she won't allow them to enter "her" realm. Thanos, for example, has received massive injuries that should well have destroyed him but his body has completely healed. Even if caught ground zero in a nuclear explosion, Thanos' body will heal itself because Death wills it. That sounds very similar to Deadpool's situation. Deadpool's ability to heal himself is very inconsistant. For instance, Deadpool was recently approached by the new installment of the Weapon X Program. Since Deadpool's healing powers had come from them to begin with, they knew how to reverse it. They did so and Deadpool's body actually lost it's physical cohesion and he died, much as he did after having his heart ripped out shortly after Death contacted him, but he was still able to "heal" himself despite his actual death.

 -- Death WANTS Deadpool to die, as seen in the flashback in Deadpool/Death '98.  Deadpool's anger and outrage kickstarted his healing factor and he 'spurned' Death so to speak.  Note that in the end of Kelly's run, Death says "The big wigs say you're not done suffering yet." or something to that effect, a clear reference to the comic no being cancelled... Although it still shows that she herself wants him to die.

There might be no connection between Death and Deadpool's seemingly limitless healing powers, but it certainly makes for a more interesting theory than teams of artists and writers exercising artistic license. User:IRON^HAND

Key words: "Possible" "Seems" "might be no connection" - i.e., pure speculation.

Additional points: (1) Death banned Thanos because she DIDN'T like him any more at that point, not because she liked him and (2) We SEE Thanos doing something to Deadpool's grave at the end of Deadpool: Funeral for a Freak #1/Deadpool #61 (the issue was part of their "miniseries within a series" experiment) - SoM 18:05, 14 May 2005 (UTC)

Erm, wasn't that T-Ray at his grave, not Thanos? -Sean Curtin 00:57, May 15, 2005 (UTC)
I remember that Thanos cursed Deadpool with immortality in that arc because he was jealous of how Death like Deadpool over him. --DrBat 11:07, May 16, 2005 (UTC)
) although it was thanos's bidding that deadpool be "cursed with life!", it was actually T-Ray who summoned deadpool from death's realm in Deadpool: Funeral for a Freak #1/Deadpool #61, as a servant of the Cosmicly powered Thanos. The revelation that Thanos and T-ray were working together also discounted the fact that deadpool had actually killed mercedes wilson and stolen the name Wade wilson from T-ray,by aggknowledging a secret motive to destroy deadpool based upon thanos's

jealousy(Concerning his love of Death) .Ergo........visavie.......concordiantly.......Spatula....(DEADPOOL)

why is there no mention of the mithras directive in the biography section? this was the backstory for the first half of the series, and the only reason he experimented being a hero. -- 00:19, 31 October 2005 (UTC)sten

There is one now. A whole section, in fact.

[edit] Vandalism?

I don't really know much about the character Deadpool, so this article may be entirely accurate, but the end of the first section (where it says that he is obsessed with the olsen twins and Bea Arthur) sounds like vandalism. I think this because of the absurdity of the statement and the way in which it is tacked on at the end... However, he is something of an absurd character, so--being ignorant on the issue--I'm not sure.

Not sure about the Olsen Twins, but the Bea Arthur thing is a running gag in Cable & Deadpool. - SoM 5 July 2005 21:11 (UTC)

-The Olsen Twins bit is right aswell, check out Cable & Deadpool Issue 17. scarlettspiderg

-Do you mean libel? cerealkiller182

-As a self-described rabid fan and collector of Deadpool appearances, I can confirming that he does indeed have a "thing" for Bea Arthur, and for the Olsen Twins. Not vandalism on the part of the writer. Deadpool may use these pop-culture references to distract or gross out his opponents with thoughts of gerontophilia and pedophilia. BlueNight

-In addition to Bea Arthur and the Olson Twins, is it worth also mentioning the new-found erotic obsession for Cable that the current writers have thrown in? (The beach massage dream sequence where he offers to rub WD40 into Cable's implants - then rabidly denies ever thinking it). --Indisciplined 22:59, 24 July 2006 (UTC)

-I think all of these obsessions should be included in their own section. --Silver lode 23:06, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Some of these "obsessions", along with some of the witty banter, appear to be placed there by the author to show the reader that Deadpool doesn't have complete control over his own thoughts. (though does anyone, really?) --BlueNight 08:02, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

Later in the issue several characters (including Cable himself, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Deadpool) are also affected by the fantasy generating powers. They wake up to find they are all embracing, having shared the same embarrassing fantasy. This makes it seem that it is not just Deadpool who has this reaction.

[edit] Jack

whoever keeps saying Deadpool's real name is Jack - STOP!!! It's not! It was later revealed, rather undramatically, that the whole "Jack" thing was a ruse by T-Ray to mess with Wade's head (preceding unsigned comment by Ghola8 (talk · contribs) {{{2}}})

Didn't stick. The OHOTMU confirmed that Wilson's the alias. - SoM 09:16, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

I'd say that's an error, similar to the ones many people at Marvel make over time. "Didn't stick"??? The whole Jack thing was BS from start to finish, any Deadpool reader could see that. Even Blind Al could have seen that!

Even if T-Ray was telling the truth, which I don't think he was, we have no proof that Jack is Deadpool's real name, it could just be another alias that Deadpool used at the time. In that case, the logical contender would be that his real name is "Unknown". Since there's nothing to back up T-ray's story other than "I said so", my personal vote is to stick with Wade. Wade Wilson is the name he used 99% of the time since he became Deadpool, even though there's the possibility that it may not be his birth name. Now that Deadpool's brain damage seems to be "fixed", we might learn the entire truth. - Nais 18:25, 6 October 2005 (UTC)

Well, right now Marvel's saying Jack for his RN (as of the Wolverine HB last year, published after FfaF). While I wouldn't exactly bet against that being retconned in the future, if Tieri was trying to do so in FfaF, he didn't do it in a way that would convince a deafblind man with gout. - SoM 19:09, 6 October 2005 (UTC)

actually, long before deadpool lost his memory to the swan he endorsed t-ray's (the real wade wilson) story. so did mercedes wilson. considering the fact that loki is probably dp's father, jack was probably an alias. that said, keep in mind that his mother was a normal human so jack could still be it. 22:35, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

  • Woah, woah, is it true that Deadpool might be Loki's son?! Jack Cain
    • No, Loki was lying. Deadpool met his real father a couple of issues later. -Sean Curtin 05:21, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
      • Only DP's dad died from a gunshot wound to the head when he was a teenager, per C/D #19... - SoM 10:59, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
        • None of the information revealed in C&DP 19 fits with the flashbacks and present-day scenes with Deadpool's mother in Priest's run on Deadpool. Either Deadpool was delusional in one or both stories, or he was lying to Cable about his past for some reason. I'd tend to believe that the more recent C&DP stuff is falsified (intentionally or otherwise), if only because Loki's curse specified that it would only end when he sought out his father's forgiveness. -Sean Curtin 03:26, 1 November 2005 (UTC)
          • The thing is that it came an issue after the gaps in DP's mind were fixed, so Nicieza very clearly intended it to be true. - SoM 12:01, 1 November 2005 (UTC)

At the end of C&DP, Cable did ask Deadpool to tell him "the truth", so anything DP remembered in that issue could have been half-truths or all out lies. (preceding unsigned comment by Ghola8 (talk · contribs) {{{2}}})

That's in reference to the fact that neither Cable nor Deadpool's narration of their flashbacks actually matched the flashbacks if you look.
And please sign your posts with ~~~~ - SoM 12:01, 1 November 2005 (UTC)

Cable's matches his, he only leaves out the gory and painful details. Deadpool gives a more or less accurate version (of what we see in the flashback anyways), he only switches the details to paint a picture that hurts less for himself. Ghola8

  • doesn't have to be a contradiction. possibly that guy raised dp as a father. would his mother even know the truth, if loki didn't want her to know? dp's curse was removed after he told loki he's sorry. how else can you explain that?-- 07:03, 5 November 2005 (UTC)Sten

Just to reiterate, Deadpool said, after defeating T-Ray and leaving him comatose (the worst story arc in Deadpool ever) that "I knew I was the real Wade Wilson all along." When he said that he was Jack earlier, he was horribly depressed and traumatized by T-Ray's deceptions, and just gave in to his plans. Ghola8

Can't this all be chalked up to Deadpool's messed up noggin. cerealkiller182

I would say mention all possible origins and note that due to Deadpool's insanity, it can't be determined which version is true, if any. There is support for each version. Dizzy D 17:11, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

A few things messed up here:

1) T-Ray never said his original name was Jack. Jack was the name he used WHEN HE MET Wade Wilson. That's his earliest known alias, but not real name.

2) The attempted RetCon was a failure. It made no sense (T-Ray fails to deal with pieces of Deadpool's fractured mind. Somehow Deadpool takes that to mean that he is the real Wade Wilson). That particular issue (and in fact the whole arc) was ghost written by Buddy Scalera after a single phone call from Frank Tieri. The entire thing has been all but ignored by every writer since (including Deadpool's 'immortality').

3) Loki's status as Deadpool's father is iffy. Loki is the God of Lies and a shape shifter. For all we know, his whole curse was a lie, or he was the guy on the bar, or any other myriad of combinations of the two above.

4) Much as I hate it, Nicieza is the current writer, and RetCon rules states that the latest canon evidence is the correct one. As good as Priest's work on Deadpool's past may or may not have been, it is superseeded by the stupidity that is Nicieza's work. I don't like it, but that's how it is. Until proven otherwise, the flashback of Wade's mother's death and his father as a general are, as of now, the Truth. This is meant to be impartial information, and thus this is the information we must dispense.

I'm getting this from the Marvel Database. Well, back in his teenage years (when he started his merc job) he was known as Jack. He was later taken in by Wade and Mercedes Wilson. Jack decided to kill Wade, but when he did, he killed Mercedes. Devastated of the fact that he killed an innocent woman, he fled, taking the identity of Wade Wilson. The rest is history

Frankly, I wish Joe Kelly would come back. And that Cable & Deadpool would get a real artist. Ghola8

  • Hey, no need to bash the writer and artist. I happen to find Nicieza faithful to the character he created, plus Reilly Brown's art has really begun to grow on me.

Also, Deadpool's past is no longer as ambiguous as before. This had recently been changed, or retconned, in Cable & Deadpool #39. The story shows that because of Cable giving Deadpool back his memories, he remembers everything perfectly with no blank spots brought about from his tenure at Weapon X. T-Ray, with a significant lack of this knowledge, taunts him some more but is ultimately beaten.

Maybe it'd just be better if I quoted Wade himself on the topic... first when he's speaking to an injured T-Ray:

"I'm a mess because the healing factor regenerates my decaying brain cells at such a hyper rate that it screwed with my mind. What your excuse is, I don't know. What I do know is that recently, a good friend of mine, who's not anymore, helped fix my head a bit--got rid of some black spots that were fudging my short- and long-term memories. It didn't make me any less of a wild and crazy guy, but it did stop all the brain-hiccups I'd been having. And guess what happened? Any lingering doubts I had about you 'n' me--well, poof--gone. Your story had more holes in it that Dick Cheney's hunting partners!"

And after he "kills" (?) T-Ray:

"In T-Ray's mixed-up memories--ones that he shared with me--I was wearing my Deadpool costume when he found me. But I didn't become Deadpool until after I left Project X--after I got this healing factor to cure my cancer. After my mom died of cancer when I was a kid. After my dad died in a barfight because of one of my drunken friends. After I'd been kicked out of the army. Which I'd signed up for as Wade Winston Wilson. Because that's who I am. And Anyone who says differently... ...is just imagining things."

I think this confirms it, but I'm not totally sure. Anyone care to comment? IrishmanDX 23:27, 22 April 2007 (UTC)

I agree DemonWeb 23:29, 22 April 2007 (UTC)

actually it says on marvel.co (officaial marvel site) that his real name is jack he killed a a guy and his wife and belived he was wade wilson and stuff and im geussing this was before he became deadpool —Preceding unsigned comment added by Jackjohnson15 (talkcontribs) 16:28, April 24, 2007

The Marvel database is full of holes and misinformation...completely unreliable. Ghola8 24 April 2007

yeah but marvel.com is the OFFICAL marvel website and has everything their hieght weight even thier eye color it has every single thing that is on marvel —Preceding unsigned comment added by Jackjohnson15 (talkcontribs) 16:08, 25 April 2007

First off, Jackjohnson15, please sign your posts with four tildes--that's the little squiggly line that looks like this: ~ <--four of those in a row at the end of your post'll automatically sign it.
Secondly, just because it's the Official Marvel Website doesn't mean it's accurate or up-to-date. In the most recent issue of Cable & Deadpool, the whole thing was retconned as an attempt by T-Ray to play mind games with Deadpool. From Deadpool's own mouth (well, narration boxes): "In T-Ray's mixed-up memories--ones that he shared with me--I was wearing my Deadpool costume when he found me. But I didn't become Deadpool until after I left Project X--AFTER I got this healing factor to cure my cancer. After my mom died of cancer when I was a kid. After my dad died in a barfight because of one of my drunken friends. After I'd been kicked out of the Army. Which I'd signed up for as Wade Winston Wilson. Because that's who I am. And anyone who says differently is just imagining things."
So the current official line is that Deadpool is NOT named Jack, he's Wade W. Wilson; the whole "Jack" thing was T-Ray trying to mess with Wade's head, and anything that says otherwise has been retconned. The Marvel database is out-of-date on this one. Rdfox 76 19:02, 25 April 2007 (UTC)

how bout you shut up and we all be happy lets just say that jack and wade winston wilson are his real names until it is truly knownsince every ones story has more holes in it than dick chenneys hunting partners-jj15 Jackjohnson15 15:34, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] X-men animated series

Should it be mentioned in the article that deadpool also makes a second appearance (well kind of) in the animated series? It already lists the one with Morph:

In the X-men animated series, Morph briefly transforms into Deadpool.

...but he also makes a brief appearance in the Phoenix saga episodes where he shoots Wolverine in the subway.

Technically, that wasn't even really him... if I recall the episode correctly, that was an image pulled put of Wolverine's memories that was being used to attack him.--MythicFox 08:28, 17 February 2006 (UTC)
What episode number is that?
Deadpool's face is also seen in a flashback while Proffesor Xavier is probing the mind of Sabretooth... no he's not. I only saw Apocolypse, Mr. Sinister, and Magnito, but no Deadpool.
Yes he is, check out the x-men quickies on http://members.aol.com/drg4/x.html?f=fs—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 15:17, 19 September 2007 (UTC)

Anybody have an episode name/number for when Morph transforms into Deadpool? I watched "Night of the Sentinels" several times over. I saw Senator Kelly, Jubilee, that man from school and several others but no Deadpool. And I'd really like to see him do this. In fact, we could use more specific information here; episode name, (rough) time... -- (talk) 20:04, 27 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Blind Al

Do we ever learn anything about how she ended up with DP?

Not as far as I know. However, in one of the later Joe Kelly issues (25?) she appears to be Captain America's girlfriend (fiancee?) from his original time period. Do any of the Captain America fans out there know her true identity? BlueNight

well there was a superhero in the golden age of cap called betsy ross, and al said that was her nickname back then. so al either is the golden age betsy ross or she is a reference to that character

Where does it say she used to be called Betsy Ross? Highlandlord 15:34, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

    Betsy Ross is Golden Girl

Because of rescent RetCons, Blind Al can no longer be Betsy Ross. Blind Al dated Steve Rogers, but Betsy Ross never met Steve Rogers...

But was the retcon after her saying she dated him? If its was, she probably was Betsy Ross

I've finally gotten around to giving Blind Al her own page. I've just recently re-read almost every ish if Deadpool, so I'm pretty certain it is accurate -Dreamkin

[edit] Ultimate Deadpool's Team

His personal group are called the Marauders. The Reavers are the name of all the cyborized "gladiators" who hunt mutants on Krakosia Island. There was some confusion about this earlier. Just to clear things up. --TylerXKJ 01:37, 22 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ultimate Deadpool

I removed the line "This origin might be faked or exaggerated in Deadpool's favor to make him look more like a hero to television viewers." from Ultimate Deadpool. Its biased, and there's no validity or proof to further back it up. If we can post theories just cuz we think it, then tell me, because I can't wait to write about how Deadpool sleeps with a stuffed panda each night.--CyberGhostface 22:50, 5 May 2006 (UTC)

Well, when you say it like that, it does sound bad. And I'll admit, it does read like commentary rather than useful data. Perhaps, if the debate persists, a happy medium could be reached. Like..."This origin has not been confirmed by any source other than the television broadcast itself." We all know TV isn't infallible, right? ACS (Wikipedian) 05:01, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
Its just irrevelant to the topic. No, TV isn't infallible, but unless its said otherwise or heavily implied I don't see why the origin's validity should be questioned.--CyberGhostface 12:21, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
To be fair, considering Deadpool's tendency towards deeply inconsistent backstories, it might be worth it as a preemptive measure.--Ajoxer 3:14 23 March 2007 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 23:06, March 26, 2007
Not really; it's 616 Deadpool that has a tendency to use those backstories. Ultimate Deadpool is a different character entirely, so there's a bit of a discrepancy there. Dac 22:06, 23 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Deadpool's career goes back twenty years diagetically

A story was published that Deadpool took on a contract from Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King. The Shadow King died when Storm was a young thief in Cairo. This suggests that Deadpool's career goes back 15-25 years. See Deadpool II#2.

Another indication of his age, when Mercedes Wilson died in the snow, Patsy Cline's "Crazy" was playing in the background. That means he had the Wade Wilson name since the eighties, but he wasn't Deadpool until an unspecified time later.

[edit] Breaking the fourth wall

The following statement is erroneous: "This may be due in part that early in the series when Deadpool had dealings with the Norse god Loki, he was told the secret of the universe by the trickster god: 'There is a man with a typewriter...'" It was the OTHER WAY AROUND. It was Deadpool who told Loki that he already knew the secret of the universe. "There is a man... With a typewriter... This is all his crazy imagination." He even goes on a flashback explaining when he first realized this, and mentions how he'd have killed himself by now if he didn't know the truth.

[edit] Movie

Hey, should anything be mentioned about the failed movie attempts and rumours? There seems to have been official consideration for it, but the latest news I've seen on it is that New Lines dropped it in 2005 March Highlandlord 15:43, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

yeah, and how "recent" were the interviews where the monthly meetings were mentioned, and is there a source for the nolan rumour? as i'd quite like it to be true 16:16, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
Please can someone add where this info is from. If not please can it be removed. Thanks. Scarlettspiderg 22:14, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
I've removed this section, no sources where cited, most of the articles I found on the DP film (with Ryan and David Gober) dated back to 2004. Scarlettspiderg 19:34, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

Marvel has officially said that yes, they are making a Deadpool movie. Sononsj 02:59, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

Do you have a link to the article or statement or whatever? Dac 03:33, 17 February 2007 (UTC)
           Would This help You? http://www.gamerscircle.net/index.php?p=2347&c=1 —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)  14:14, March 23, 2007 
Dated information. That's from 2004, and since then no other word has, as far as we're aware, been released. So we can't jump to conclusions. Dac 07:37, 27 March 2007 (UTC)
     ::Sononsj says it's true, so what proof is it? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 02:17, 28 March 2007 (UTC).

[edit] Bibliography

Needs one. Nothing too snazzy, just a list of series. --Jamdav86 13:49, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

See the discussion on that at CMC. ACS (Wikipedian); Talk to the Ace. See what I've edited. 16:36, 7 October 2006 (UTC)
I have. --Jamdav86 16:54, 7 October 2006 (UTC) Edit - copied over to discussion at above link. --Jamdav86 19:59, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

I see you're still petitioning. That's nice. Anyway, do what you want; free reign and all that. However, I'd rather not be a party to something which may or may not be in violation of the comics project. Besides, I'm kinda like the opposers. I don't see the importance. Oh and sorry for throwing that discussion link back at you. That was insulting. ACS (Wikipedian); Talk to the Ace. See what I've edited. 19:12, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

It wasn't insulting at all, I had totally forgotten that discussion took place. I find the bibliography sections useful, but others may not, which is fair enough.--Jamdav86 19:57, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Superman/Batman

Who keeps putting the article about a DC character in the article? Surely its inappropriate —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 17:40, 8 December 2006 (UTC).

Writer for Superman/Batman Annual is Joe Kelly, the man who popularized Deadpool (and often considered best writer). He had a character show up in the Annual that was supposed the anti-matter universe's version of Deathstroke. His costume was a clear mix of Deathstroke's and Deadpool's, and his personality was straight copy from Joe Kelly's Deadpool. The character is unamed. When asked what his name, he started with "dea" and got cut off.

I didn't add any mention of him in the article, but he may well warrant it as an other dimensional version.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) on 04:32, December 11, 2006 (UTC); Please sign your posts!

But it has nothing to do with Deadpool from any of the Marvel universes. It is irrelevant (talk) 22:13, 11 December 2006 (UTC).

Look at it like an appearance of Spider-Man on Family Guy, or Peter Griffin in a Spider-Man costume. Just because it may be a different character and/or a different continuity doesn't mean it's irrelevant. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 22:58, 11 December 2006 (UTC)

Joe Kelly has stated and acknowledged when brought up in a Wizard interview (rather coyly) that Deadpool is a copy in mannerisms and apperances only. DC has acknowledged this fact but will not act on it. It is like a little easter egg Christastic 01:28, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

Could you be more specific? What is Deadpool a copy of? (Does the interview exist on the web?) --GargoyleMT 20:10, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
"...The character is unamed. When asked what his name, he started with "dea" and got cut off." But it would still end "...thstroke" because, he's still DC, probably just pointing out all similarities there are between them, to stop this kind of discussion.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 15:25, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
I think it's more or less official that Deadpool was based on Deathstroke, with Liefield heavily influenced by Teen Titans, but he turned out very differently (at least after Kelly got a hold of him). As a fun note, in Deathstroke's own mag an envious brother (or somesuch) called Wade Laguerre (or similar. It's been a while) showed up as a stalking adversary trying to supplant him. Dave 19:12, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

[edit] S.H.I.E.L.D

Shouldn't he also be noted to have aflictions (Or whatever it's called) with S.H.I.E.L.D too? Hence Marvel: Ultimate Alliance? Captain Drake Van Hellsing 08:07, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

The game is based, very loosely, on Marvel characters, not true continuity. Also, even if there were a decent story to it, the game would probably be considered non-canon to comics by default. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 09:12, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
Ah, sorry about that then, my bad Captain Drake Van Hellsing 09:46, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
Not a problem. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 20:37, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
Although... Was he working for SHIELD in Civil War? We know it was for the gov't's hero hunting and that is generally taken care of by SHIELD...
—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) on 18:40, December 25, 2006 (UTC); Please sign your posts!

[edit] Nicknames

Since "Jack" is being used as his real name, could someone add "Wade Winston Wilson" as one of his nicknames? His middle name was apparently revealed in issue 36 of Cable and Deadpool. --D'Argent 21:19, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Be bold. Unless it is a contentious issue (which to some degree his name seems to be), there's not much call to discuss it here instead of just making the change yourself. --GargoyleMT 05:45, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
well the topic is up for depate now again because on cable & deadpool #39 he says he signed up in the military as wade winston wilson —Preceding unsigned comment added by Jackjohnson15 (talkcontribs) 12:49, April 24, 2007

[edit] Fourth Wall Cat.

Whatever happened to the category with a list of fictional characters that have broken the fourth wall? Last time I was on this page there was something there. IronMan54 16:40, 27 January 2007 (UTC)

The category was deleted, see its entry in Wikipedia:Categories for deletion/Log/2006 December 31. --GargoyleMT 15:55, 28 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Character History in Need of Updating / Grammar and Tenses Need Correction

The fictional biography is a mess, and will take a better (and more knowledgable) man than I to work out what the actual chronological order of things is, which should be referred to as being past events (ie, stuff before the comic begins) and which should be referred to in present tense. I tried fixing some of it, but gave up when I got to the bit about having multiple deaths. --El Zoof 23:48, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

I'll give it a shot (I'm well versed in all things Deadpool, and am very proficient in grammar), but I think my task will require writing a (considerably large) portion of the Character History segment (it's written in present tense in descriptions of history almost a decade old). Also, much of DP's recent (under the Spoiler tag) character history can and should be consolidated to a smaller summary. There is no mention of his history during Joe Kelly's "Dead Reckoning", and absolutely no mention of Christopher Priest's run. It jumps from Typhoid Mary (Deadpool ongoing series, Issue #s 6-8 + '97 Annual) to his death at Weapon X, funeral, Gail Simone's run, and relaunch as Agent X (Deadpool O.S., Issue #s 57-69).
Most importantly, however, is his origin prior to entering Weapon X. As I mentioned above (scroll down), it has been retconned to all of T-Ray's testimony being false. I fixed the Superherobox a little while ago to reflect this, but not his character history. (For some reason, it still seems to be under debate, despite clear evidence in the comic). Also, I urge anyone with excellent knowledge of Deadpool's history during the mid-late Kelly and entire Priest runs to assist me with this task. --IrishmanDX 23:18, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

A big kudos to Grrrios for really fleshing out DP's early character histories before I managed to do so. I'm currently working on condensing said history (such enthusiam, but we can't have it getting too long) as well as adding history of his under Priest and later writers, but I fear the article is just becoming too lengthy.

I had this idea... maybe we could cut out another large chunk of the article by taking the details of his adventures with Cable and revamping it solely on the Cable & Deadpool page. Any other ideas? IrishmanDX 02:14, 11 May 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The current state of the bibliography section

At the moment, the bibliography section looks more like something out of a collectors' guide. Do we really need every individual issue Deadpool's appeared in listed? Couldn't we just trim it down to the "essential reading," as it were--his solo minis and series, Cable & Deadpool, and his significant outside appearances?

At the very least, I'd say that the "(RARE!)" note about one issue is totally non-encyclopedic... Rdfox 76 22:26, 1 June 2007 (UTC)

You dont just put the important movies under a filmography for an actor, then why put only the important comics under a bibliography?

What should we put in the bibliography section then? Numbcomics 17:27, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

[edit] I very much doubt this rumor

Add it back in if you can cite a credible source:

  • Deadpool is also rumoured to have his own television show on PBS in the year 2009, he will be voiced by rapper and actor DMX and Deadpool's movie is in devolpment and will be out sometime in 2010.[citation needed]

[edit] Fan Film

Fan films are fan films. Is a cameo really worth inclusion? I don't think so. At the -very- least, this information should go onto the Wikipages of the creators in question, -not- Deadpool's page.

Lots42 02:33, 8 August 2007 (UTC)

I have removed this section because I feel it does not add to the article in any way, and because the movie itself is not notable enough for inclusion, despite the inclusion of the penciler/inker for the series, for various reasons:
  • The article is about Deadpool and HIS appearances, not those of his creators.
  • In the same train of thought, one should be able to include pictures of Stan Lee during his cameo on the last episode of Spider-Man: the animated series in the Spider-Man article. Even though this was a notable TV series and did feature Stan Lee, there is still no mention of it in the article, because it obviously belongs in a different one.
  • The inclusion of an entire section of the article soley dedicated to describing a fan-made movie is not appropriate.
  • The website/group that created the movie has not created any other notable movies, making their choice to include Deadpool a minor one.
  • The section has been edited out once before, showing that other editors show a similar concern for its lack of notoriety.

--Skyoon 22:40, 8 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Suggestion to create Deadpool's very own 'fictional history'

perhaps we should seperate Deadpool's fictional history in another article because of the length and boredom style of writing by freelance contributors. it would be nice to have a section just for his history from early publication until recent storyline so we can sort it in proper order..whaddya say ? someone 09:14, 23 August 2007 (UTC)

You mean like Fictional history of Spider-Man? Either that, or the section needs to be trimmed down. The latter would probably be better. Now that I look at it, that section is way too long and detailed.
By the way, are you really User:Someone? You should be logged in if you want to sign your posts that way.~ Dusk Knight 03:35, 24 August 2007 (UTC)
I personally suggest deleting the entire section. There's no out-of-universe references, and enough of the character is conveyed in other sections. WesleyDodds 11:21, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
i second this 'user' opinion..should it be in another section otherwised this 'history' need to be summarized to the important point(s) in deadpool's life & carier.the extension of his life's story can be carried out by someone who is really into this fictional bio's of that mercenary.(UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)
I went ahead and split the section into the article Fictional history of Deadpool. It needs a lot of cleaning up as it is still too long and detailed. The latter part of it should probably be merged into Cable & Deadpool since they overlap.~ Dusk Knight 04:57, 16 November 2007 (UTC)

[edit] About Marvel Zombies

The zombie virus was strong enough to shut down Wolverine's healing factor, so it is not a stretch of logic to say that the same could happen with Deadpool's. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:16, 2 December 2007 (UTC) well yes

it is a bit of a stretch since to become a zomie you have to die first and deadpool is unable to die. so yeah i dont think he could have become a zombie

Actually many of them didn't die they were just bitten. And any comments about his healing factor being shut down or not would be pure speculation and not allowed. Thefro552 (talk) 23:56, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Merge

Due to a recent AfD, History of Deadpool is being merged back here.

[1] -- The Placebo Effect (talk) 16:14, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] messed up

the entire early life or whatever is messed up he's from canada he's nammed jack and the weapon x was project x some one please fix itJackjohnson15 (talk) 17:07, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

...lemme handle these one at a time, folks.
  • Deadpool is an American citizen, born in the US to American parents, and served a stint in the US Army. Once he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, he volunteered for the Canadian "Weapon X" program in hopes that they could provide him with a healing factor that would kill the cancer.
  • The "Jack" claim by T-Ray was false, a mind game that T-Ray was playing in an effort to break Deadpool's will; his full name is Wade Winston Wilson. This is confirmed in Cable & Deadpool #39.
  • Um, what? I've never heard of this "Project X" before; the program that Deadpool was part of was the Canadian "Weapon X" program intended to attempt to replicate Wolverine's mutations.
Rdfox 76 (talk) 17:39, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

thanks for the first part and the project x i remember reading it some where and can you send me a picture of this proof of t-ray's lie? because when reading my marvel comics i remember reading that he had killed mercedes wilson and wade wilson as his name jack because he loved mercedes and he wanted to be with her so he killed wade and mercedes attacked him and he killed her and he was greave strickken and took up the name wade wilson beliving that he was wade wilson but this was retconned so which is true so i would like to see this (not trying to be a dick i just like to see what it is)Jackjohnson15 (talk) 15:31, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

That whole storyline from the T-Ray arcs in the Deadpool book was, as mentioned above, confirmed to be retconned in Cable & Deadpool #39; I can't provide you a link to it per Wikipedia's copyright rules. Check your local comic shop, which should still have #39 as a back-issue, since it came out less than a year ago. Rdfox 76 (talk) 02:07, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

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