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Arthur Natale Squitti
Arthur Natale Squitti

Caesar J. B. Squitti son of humble, hardworking people of integrity, Mariann Bertucci Rosso of Simbario Calabria, Italy and Arthur Natale Carollo Squitti of Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada, now Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, (grandparents, from Grimaldi and Malito, Cosenza, Italy), founders of Squitti's, one of the worlds smallest speciality department stores.

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Attended Saint Josephs School, Port Arthur, Saint Ignatious School and Port Arthur Collegiate Institute High School all in Port Arthur, now Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Graduated from Lakehead University 1980, with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce Degree.

Grandson to the all but forgotten Baron Cesare Squitti of Malito and believed to be great great nephew to Baron Tommaso Squitti, Baron Nicola Squitti and Baldassare Squitti of Maida, Italy, and related to and Dr. Rosanna Squitti, Cesare Squitti, Mario Squitti in Rome. Cousin to Mayor Joseph Squitti of Danford Lake, Quebec.

Wrighter, researcher who discovered a negative side to truth, anti-truths, and wrighter of (The Jesus Christ Code. © The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth. to be released spring 2008 ) expanding the definition of 'truth' , 'half-truth' and 'lie' together with a new philosophy "Thinking In Color©", "The third side of the coin" and the 'wave theory of truth'. An online version can be viewed at The Jesus Christ Code.© THE LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truths.©

Focus of research has been on the subject of paradigm paralysis within society, as it impacts a vareity of philosophical paradigms that are contributing to polarization of society.

Began research in 1987 into various philosophical paradigms and discovered a negative side to truths; coined anti-truths. The discovery corrected and expanded the definitions of three concepts half-truths, lies, and truth, while creating a new philosophy, thinking in color. The discovery suggests that the biblical story concerning the original sin may indeed be true.”

Representation of "The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth."
Representation of "The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth."

Original research focused on the half-truths that were being used to polarize the sexes, and corrupt the family unit, leading to the creation of several sub-types of feminist classifications within the Oxford Dictionary, including moral-feminist and cult-feminist; two polar opposites.

Most notable discoveries include the polarization of truth, a mathematical definition for God, multi-dimensinal math, the duality of truth- the relative/absolute nature of minor truths, and the many negative faces to truth; anti-truths, may be the remnants of the original sin from the Garden of Eden; the bridge between science and religion; and a major cause of paradigm paralysis.

Related research includes identifying many of the half-truth models being used in politics, health care and social programs that are polarizing society and creating paradoxical problems. In particular focus has been the misinformation within the health industry, specifically IBS, Crohns Disease, mental illness and social services specifically dealing with child abuse and spousal abuse.

In the area of health care systems several half-truths were identified contributing to a paradoxical relationship between long term patient health and system payouts. The 'fee per visit' system, penalizes providing efficient and effective solutions to disease, and penalized for preventing serious disease and or complications.

Reseached the half-truth within Canada's Health Care system, is a system that while proclaimed to be socialized was merely publically funded, with most all services provided by private enterprises, much like the American system. The fee structure, a fee per visit, creates a paradoxical relationship between a patient's health and a doctors income. The system penalizes effective and efficient treatments, and rewards inefficiencies. The system is also self regulating, which adds to the problem.

The Canadian health care system is rarely compared to that in Italy, (another half-truth comparision) where doctors are paid a yearly per capita salary; a payment system that indirectly rewards good health.

Researching the logic beneath a possible underlying link to a variety of diseases with unknown causes, bundled symptoms we call diseases like IBS, Crohns, MS, Cancer and disorders like Schizophrenia, linked to various simple undetected bacterial parasitic causes. Causes that are difficult to detect or where testing is unreliable. The logic of symptoms is based on two key factors, malabsorption, and or toxicity caused by the 'parasitic' entities. The logic would suggest a simple 'parasitic' cause and treatment. (The historic events regarding the treatment of ulcers will be repeated again with these other diseases.)

Related research focused on the many overlooked causes of mental illness, including hard to detect parasites, and everyday over the counter medications such as PPA found in many cold medications. Related research has also identified a lack of publicity and public awareness on mental illness caused by, parasites and prescription drugson the conditions such as delirium, psychosis, and other mental labels such as schizophrenia, fugue state of mind and manic-depression.

Research was confirmed by Dr. Silas Kung P.H.D. physics, who confirmed that North American medicine treats symptoms, over and over again, but not the cause; Focus is away from detecting causes and treating them.

To counter the 'business of disease treatment' the strategy is trying to educate businesses like Ford, GMC, and Apple to appreciate the benefits to their businesses by providing effective and efficient treatments and good health to their markets; a healthy and expanding market can spend more on their products.

Research has also entered the 'rediscovery' of many traditional truths regarding herbal cures that have fallen victim to the non-patentable delema of natural treatments. Focus was on common anti-parastic elements such as garlic, ginger, grapefruit seed extract, wormwood, oregano oil, and others.

Paramount to this research has been the use of some selective political truths associated with the specific interests of some specific lobbying special interest groups, and specific goal focused research; the betrayal of The Truth for profit or political gain.

The research has focused on the differences between Truth in general, the truth we speak and know, a truth, and The Truth in the infinite sense. Some 7 types of paradoxical truths have been identified as well; truths that lie, half-truths.

The initial half-truth detected in 1987, was a model employed by cult-feminsts that had corrupted the Children's Aid Society in Canada, dividing the family and polarizing the sexes; paradoxically creating chaos. The first noted half-truth was based on the model where Child abuse was identified as, "men who abuse, women and children victims'; a half-truth. Logic and statistics were being manipulated to create a black and white flawed model of abuse that was would be used as a model for cancer, on both a macro and micro level. (The Faces of Feminism: The Cult that Decieved the world)

An additional half-truth was recongized in social services dealing with spousal abuse based on the polarized model of 'stopping violence against women'; another true half-truth that forms a deceptive lie; half-truth(2).

Research on Canada's political system revealed that it also based on a series of deceptive half-truths, whereby a free vote was manipulated by the system to empower non-elected individuals over the representatives elected, a system which includes a Parliamentary system, party discipline, partywhips and a non-elected Prime Minister (except at the party and riding level). The American system also came under scrutiny as a system that manipulates the representation of a country into the hands of one person, The President, into an extremely powerful position, a power over the majority.

Research has detected a serious political conflict in North America, relating to the developement of philosophical walls, resulting in paradigm paralysis. The truth is manipualted through a variety of half-truths, supported by various media vehicles who appear censored by political correctness or corrupted by a hidden political agenda.

Prism splitting light. The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth.
Prism splitting light. The LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth.

The Jesus Christ Code.© THE LIGHT: The Rainbow of Truth.©

Statue of St Roch in Prague (1751)
Statue of St Roch in Prague (1751)

Caesar Squitti quotes:

"The newest truth about Truth, lies in the truth, that Truth can lie"

"Heaven is full of Good+Atheists, and some good religious people"

"Truth can lie"

"God was and will be 'nothing'; the word, the alpha and the omega"

"Freedom of "the press" is not freedom of "The truth""

"Good+christians should know better"

"We all make a difference in this world, making a positive difference in this world is the truth we should strive for"

" Politics is all about a color of the truth, each true, but not one represents the whole truth "

"Truths are like a color of the rainbow; The Truth is colorless"

"The Truth is black and white; neither is a color"

"With a smaller glass, half-empty becomes full"

Teresa Squitti Quotes

"The Truth of today, will become the half-truths of tomorrow."

"We must cast a new light on the way we think of light."

With thanks to Saint Michael and Saint Rocco and God.

Research supported by Squitti's "A Beautiful Difference" © of Thunder Bay and Maria Teresa Squitti.

Caesar J. B. A. Squitti Thunder Bay, Ontario CANADA

"Land of the Sleeping Giants"

This user is a member of WikiProject Canada.

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