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User:Cactus.man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greetings from Scotland  

Please leave new messages here.    

This user's Committed identity and GPG public key can be found here

There are many other catus.men
There are many other catus.men
Cactus of the month: Astrophytum  asterias
Cactus of the month:
Astrophytum asterias

I first discovered this fantastic resource in May 2005. Amazing how one can navigate unexpectedly from Clinical depression to Hairy ball theorem in 2 hours, perhaps one causes the other ... :-)    This is the quick way to do it, but it's not the route I used!!

I have now discovered the Symbolist painter Odilon Redon and his fantastic early charcoal works, including the incredibly appropriate Cactus Man. Also, check out the utterly brilliant Spirit of the Forest - this leaves Munch for dead. Not to mention Julio González, cubist sculptor, a contemporary of Picasso, and his enigmatic Monsieur Cactus.

I am an Administrator on the English Wikipedia which can be verified here. If you need administrative assistance please leave a message on my talk page.

Some Words of Wisdom

John Buchan

... An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support. ...

Chic Murray

... There are two rules for drinking whisky.
First, never take whisky without water, and second, never take water without whisky.

James Maxton

... This is our land, this is our Scotland, these are our people, these are our men, our works, our women and children: can you beat it? ...


[edit] Contributions and things to do

My Contributions
Articles  •  Featured on DYK  •  Images


Articles to create
Empire Exhibition (Glasgow)  •  North Bridge (Edinburgh)  •  Pitreavie Castle  •  Ravenscraig Castle  •  Rainbow Theatre  •  Jack Coia  •  Alan Marcuson  •  Black Duncan Campbell  •  Cruck frame  •  Jankel Adler  •  National Trust for Scotland properties (missing articles)  •  Castles in Scotland (missing articles)  •  Historic houses in Scotland (missing articles)  •  Ian Beesley  •  Gered Mankowitz  •  Jim Marshall (photographer)  •  Henry Diltz  •  Bob Gruen  •  Grange Cemetery  •  Warriston Cemetery  •  Izzi Metstein  •  Andy MacMillan  •  Dana Stone  •  Sinclair & Girnigoe Castle  •  Castle Cary  •  Ardkinglas Estate  •  Hill of Tarvit  •  Scottish National War Memorial  •  Earlshall  •  Oxcars Lighthouse  •  Arnold Bronckorst  •  Tommy Morgan  •  Johnny Rep  •  Robert Scott Lauder  •  Duddingston Tower  •  Adolphe Smith  •  James Mackay Bryson  •  Ken Potter  •  Keizaburo Shimamoto


Articles for re-write / expansion / cleanup
Floors Castle  •  John MacLean  •  Mary Barbour  •  Mellerstain House  •  Peter Howson  •  Ray Winstone  •  Drummond Castle  •  Wilhelmina Barns-Graham  •  Ben Nicholson  •  Trevor Bell  •  Sandra Blow  •  David Bomberg  •  Beryl Cook  •  Jessica Dismorr  •  Alfred East  •  Stanhope Forbes  •  Terry Frost  •  Patrick Heron  •  Howard Hodgkin  •  Bill Brandt  •  Kevin Carter  •  Alfred Eisenstaedt  •  Peter Lanyon  •  Bob Law  •  Tom Phillips  •  Annie Leibovitz  •  Niko Pirosmanashvili  •  Jane Bown  •  Robert Capa  •  Larry Burrows  •  1943 Naples post office bombing  •  Foulis Castle  •  Balvaird Castle  •  Drummond Castle  •  Braemar  •  Duns Castle  •  Stirling Castle  •  Hammerbeam roof  •  Rannoch Moor  •  Dunbar Castle  •  Castle Campbell


Articles needing images
Articles in Category:Scottish painters  •  Articles in Category:British painters (and all related categories)  •  Articles in Category:Scottish photographers  •  Articles in Category:British photographers(and all related categories)  •  Inchmahome Priory  •  Finlarig Castle  •  Robert Lorimer  •  Damien Hirst  •  John Piper  •  Alfred Stieglitz  •  László Moholy-Nagy  •  Man Ray  •  Chris Ofili  •  Marcus Harvey  •  Richard Billingham  •  Sam Taylor-Wood  •  Will Lang Jr.  •  Don McCullin

[edit] Useful links

[edit] The Wikipedia Signpost

[edit] Interesting stuff

Picture of the day
Korean War train attack

United States Army forces target railway cars south of Wonsan, North Korea, an east coast port city, during the Korean War. Trains in North Korea were targets of attack by U.S. and other U.N. forces, so much so that both military and civilian trains often had to wait out the daylight hours in tunnels.

Photo credit: United States Army
ArchiveMore featured pictures...

Did you know...

From Wikipedia's newest articles:

Catholic Church of St. Catherine

In the news

Yasuo Fukuda

[edit] Tasks we can all help with

Here are some tasks you can do:

[edit] Images of Scotland to make you smile

Looking across the Lynn of Lorn to Lismore Island
Looking across the Lynn of Lorn to Lismore Island
Inveraray Bridge over Loch Fyne
Inveraray Bridge over Loch Fyne
Kyle of Durness
Kyle of Durness
Quiraing, Isle of Skye
Quiraing, Isle of Skye
The Torridon hills viewed from the Shieldaig peninsula.
The Torridon hills viewed from the Shieldaig peninsula.

[edit] More words of wisdom

Chic Murray

... It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. ...

Woodrow Wilson

... Every line of strength in American history is a line coloured with Scottish blood. ...

Mary Queen of Scots

... Look to your consciences and remember that the theatre of the world is wider than the realm of England. ...


... We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation. ...


... We all know that Prime Ministers are wedded to the truth, but like other wedded couples, they sometimes live apart. ...

Sir James Dewar

... Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. ...

J. M. Barrie

... I am not young enough to know everything. ...

Sir Walter Scott

... Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.

George Bernard Shaw

... God help England if she had no Scots to think for her. ...

James Boswell

... He who has provoked the lash of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it. ...

Dr John Arbuthnot

... All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies. ...

[edit] Vandal humour

A collection of amusing vandalism encountered while on RC Patrol. This is intended to grow over time into my own personal BJAODN

Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, and nothing else

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