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Artificial controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Artificial controversy

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An artificial controversy, or variously a contrived controversy, engineered controversy, fabricated controversy, manufactured controversy, or manufactroversy is a controversy that does not stem from genuine difference of opinion. The controversy is typically developed by an interest group, such as a political party[1] or a marketing company, to attract media attention,[2] or to facilitate framing of a particular issue. Creating controversy is also a controversial legal tactic used to gain advantage in a negotiation or trial.[3] The controversy may stem from a minor incident blown out of proportion,[4] from a false claim of controversy where no serious dispute existed,[5] or no reasonable doubt remains,[6] or unintentionally from misinterpreting data.[7]

Writing on the politics of cancer and the influence of special interest groups on the public policy debate, Dr. Robert N. Proctor, history of science professor at Stanford University specializing in scientific controversy and the cultural production of ignorance,[8] which he calls agnotology,[9] described the use of artificial controversy: "The relation between knowledge and ignorance in these matters is complex....The problem is partly that ignorance can be manufactured, controversy can be engineered."[10] In a 2006 interview regarding public perceptions of the press in the United States, iconic journalist Carl Bernstein, one half of the Woodward & Bernstein team who broke the Watergate scandal story that ultimately ended the presidency of Richard Nixon, lamented, "Well, let's take a look at what we're talking about: misinformation, disinformation, celebrity stuff—gossip, sensationalism and especially manufactured controversy.... Increasingly, sensationalism, gossip, manufactured controversy have become our agenda instead of the best obtainable version of the truth. We've become frivolous."[11]


[edit] Denialism

Main article: Denialism

A common method of making denial look legitimate is generating artificial controversies over the subject matter.

  • Holocaust deniers typically brand the historical consensus of the Holocaust genocide of World War II as 'controversial' to try to get others to believe there is a genuine difference of opinions between non-holocaust-denying historians, or that there is reasonable doubt as to the reality of the Holocaust. For example, French holocaust denier Robert Faurisson has actively generated controversy over the existence of Nazi gas chambers, including questioning their technical characteristics, and labeling his opponents as "exterminationists."[12]
  • Tobacco industry documents show that the industry created controversy over the dangers of tobacco smoking, and later passive smoking,[6] without actually denying the claims. A 1969 Brown and Williamson internal document describes the strategy: “Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy. ... Spread doubt over strong scientific evidence and the public won’t know what to believe.”[13][14] The same tactics were used a generation later in the passive smoking debate. A 1988 meeting of the United Kingdom tobacco industry concerned Philip Morris's plans to use "vast sums of money" to fund research that could cast doubt on the health effects of second-hand smoke. Their intention was to "coordinate and pay scientists on an international basis to keep the environmental tobacco smoke controversy alive".[6]

[edit] Some notable usage examples

A partial list of notable controversies labeled as artificial, contrived, engineered, fabricated, or manufactured by a credible though not necessarily objective source, and without regard to whether the controversy is in fact genuine or artificial:

Revisions and sourced additions are welcome.

[edit] Artificial controversy

  • Former U.S. Army Aviator and Philippine political prisoner William J. Pomeroy called opposition to the 1933 Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act for Philippine independence an "artificial controversy" launched for political advantage.[19]
  • Steven's Handbook of Experimental Psychology states that arbitrary statistical thresholds for interpreting experimental data cause unnecessary confusion and "artificial controversy"[7]

[edit] Contrived controversy

[edit] Engineered controversy

  • The Congress Legislature Party (CLP) in India has termed the uproar over the Sripada Sagar Project on the Pranahita River an "engineered controversy" designed to delay work.[22]
  • Biographer Andrew Morton contrasted the "engineered controversy" and deliberate chaos the entertainer Madonna causes in her artistic life with the order and regimentation of her business routine.[23]
  • Writers Laura Miller and Philip Jenkins characterized the 2001 brouhaha over the display of artist Renée Cox's "Yo Mama's Last Supper" at the "once attention starved Brooklyn Museum" as an "engineered controversy" (Miller's term) on the part of the museum; Jenkins noted that there is now "no better spot to get noticed if you are taking aim at the Roman Catholic Church".[24][25]

[edit] Fabricated controversy

[edit] Manufactured controversy

[edit] Manufactroversy

  • Writer Valerie Tarico, referred to Prof. Leah Ceccarelli's writings on "teach the controversy" as a manufactroversy.[35]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Further reading

[edit] References

  1. ^ Bush, Richard Clarence (2004). At cross purposes: U. S.-Taiwan relations since 1942. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe. ISBN 0-7656-1372-7. “His reputation had been tarnished in a Republican-engineered controversy over an internal House financial agency” 
  2. ^ Austin, Thomas (2002). Hollywood, hype and audiences: selling and watching popular film in the 1990s. Manchester: Manchester University Press, p. 45. ISBN 0-7190-5775-2. “Even in an era well used to the mechanisms of film ‘hype' — aggressive marketing, engineered controversy, press sensationalism” 
  3. ^ a b Humbach, John A. (2000). "Abuse of Confidentiality and Fabricated Controversy: Two Proposals". Professional Lawyer, Vol. 11, No. 4, 11. “By contesting issues on which the parties do not really disagree, a diligent advocate can secure for the client an added chance to 'snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.'” 
  4. ^ Coleman, Ronny J. [09 1987] (2005). "How to Swim With Sharks and Survive", Chief's Clipboard: Twenty Years of Ronny Coleman. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, p. 77. ISBN 0-7637-3616-3. “... that individual finds himself or herself in the midst of a fabricated controversy. By fabricated, I mean a relatively minor incident blown out of proportion, ...” 
  5. ^ a b Sarkar, Sahotra (2007). Doubting Darwin?: Creationist Designs on Evolution, (Blackwell Public Philosophy Series). Blackwell Publishing Limited, p. 166. ISBN 140515490X. “Moreover, the "controversy" within biology allegedly over evolution versus ID creationism is an artificial controversy generated by the claim that evolution is controversial.” 
  6. ^ a b c Saloojee, Y.; Dagli, E. (2000). "Tobacco industry tactics for resisting public policy on health". Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78: 902–910. ISSN 0042-9686. “The tactics used by the tobacco industry to resist government regulation of its products include ... buying scientific and other expertise to create controversy about established facts...The industry’s strategy does not require winning the debates it manufactures. It is enough to foster and perpetuate the illusion of controversy...” 
  7. ^ a b Pashler, Harold E.; Stevens, S. S. (2002). Steven's handbook of experimental psychology. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, p. 348. ISBN 0-471-44333-6. “The reject/fail-to-reject [the null hypothesis] dichotomy keeps the field awash in confusion and artificial controversy.” 
  8. ^ Stanford History Department : Robert N. Proctor. Stanford University. Retrieved on 2007-08-12.
  9. ^ Arenson, Karen W.. "What Organizations Don't Want to Know Can Hurt", New York Times, 2006-08-22. "'there is a lot more protectiveness than there used to be,' said Dr.Proctor, who is shaping a new field, the study of ignorance, which he calls agnotology" 
  10. ^ Proctor, Robert N. (2001). "28. What Causes Cancer? A Political History of Recent Debates", in Lewontin, Richard C.; Singh, Rama S.: Thinking about evolution: historical, philosophical, and political perspectives. Volume two. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, p. 569. ISBN 0-521-62070-8. 
  11. ^ Interview: Carl Bernstein. Frontline. WGBH educational foundation (2007-02-13). Retrieved on 2007-08-12.
  12. ^ Grobman, Alex; Shermer, Michael (2000). Denying history: who says the Holocaust never happened and why do they say it?. Berkeley: University of California Press, p. 60. ISBN 0-520-23469-3. “Of all the deniers we met, in fact, Robert Faurisson seems to be the most interested in actively stirring things up, getting in people's faces, and generating controversy.” 
  13. ^ "Fuelling Controversy", UK Watch, Znet. Retrieved on 2007-08-04. "...the tobacco industry’s plan was not to try and win the scientific argument.... What they could do, appropriately enough, was create a smokescreen: a manufactured controversy fostering enough doubt in the public..." 
  14. ^ "The denial industry : George Monbiot on climate change and Big Tobacco", The Guardian, 2006-09-19. Retrieved on 2007-08-05. "As a memo from the tobacco company Brown and Williamson noted, 'Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the 'body of fact' that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy.'" 
  15. ^ "That this controversy is one largely manufactured by the proponents of creationism and intelligent design may not matter, and as long as the controversy is taught in classes on current affairs, politics, or religion, and not in science classes, neither scientists nor citizens should be concerned." Intelligent Judging — Evolution in the Classroom and the Courtroom George J. Annas, New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 354:2277–2281 May 25, 2006
  16. ^ "Some bills seek to discredit evolution by emphasizing so-called "flaws" in the theory of evolution or "disagreements" within the scientific community. Others insist that teachers have absolute freedom within their classrooms and cannot be disciplined for teaching non-scientific "alternatives" to evolution. A number of bills require that students be taught to "critically analyze" evolution or to understand "the controversy." But there is no significant controversy within the scientific community about the validity of the theory of evolution. The current controversy surrounding the teaching of evolution is not a scientific one." AAAS Statement on the Teaching of Evolution American Association for the Advancement of Science. February 16, 2006
  17. ^ Understanding the Intelligent Design Creationist Movement: Its True Nature and Goals. A Position Paper from the Center for Inquiry, Office of Public Policy Barbara Forrest. May, 2007.
  18. ^ Ruling, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, page 89
  19. ^ Pomeroy, William J. (1992). The Philippines: colonialism, collaboration, and resistance. New York: International Publishers, p. 86. ISBN 0-7178-0692-8. “...the artificial controversy that was created over the initial measure approved by the US Congress, the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act.” 
  20. ^ Beeson, Mark (2002). Reconfiguring East Asia: regional institutions and organizations after the crisis. London: RoutledgeCurzon, p. 111. ISBN 0-7007-1477-4. “Indeed, in the highly contrived controversy in Singapore over possible re-merger with Malaysia, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong distinctive features of the Singapore polity that would preclude a possible merger with Malaysia, and prominent in this list was the existence of the ‘rule of law'” 
  21. ^ Hazelwood, Roy; Michaud, Stephen G. (2000). The Evil That Men Do. St. Martin's True Crime, p. 263. ISBN 0-312-97060-9. “As the contrived controversy gained momentum, and national attention, New York governor Mario Cuomo named Bob Abrams, the state attorney general, as a special prosecutor.” 
  22. ^ Pradesh (2006-10-03). Hyderabad News : It's engineered controversy, says CLP. The Hindu. Retrieved on 2007-08-04. “The Congress Legislature Party (CLP) has termed the uproar over the estimates of Sripada Sagar Project an "engineered controversy" aimed at stalling the project work.”
  23. ^ Morton, Andrew R. (2002). Madonna. New York: St. Martin's Paperbacks, p. 24. ISBN 0-312-98310-7. “The engineered controversy and deliberate chaos she causes in her artistic life contrast with the order and regimentation of her business routine.” 
  24. ^ Miller, Laura. "The new victimology", News, 2001-02-17. Retrieved on 2007-08-04. "Cox (whose media-readiness, it must be said, makes the whole brouhaha seem like an engineered controversy on the part of BMA) describes the work as a critique of the church..." 
  25. ^ Jenkins, Philip (2003). The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice. Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Oxford University Press, p. 126-128. ISBN 0-19-515480-0. “In many such incidents, it looks very much as if the artists and the galleries concerned were deliberately seeking a succes de scandale.” 
  26. ^ Healy, Pattrick. "Clinton and Obama Campaigns Spar Over Debate", New York Times, 2007-07-25. Retrieved on 2007-08-04. "Mr. Obama responded swiftly, saying the Clinton campaign was concocting a 'fabricated controversy.'" 
  27. ^ Wal-Mart ends attempt to start bank : FDIC calls move wise, retailer cites 'manufactured controversy'. MarketWatch. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. “'Unlike dozens of prior ILC applications, Wal-Mart's has been surrounded by manufactured controversy since it was submitted nearly two years ago,' Wal-Mart Financial Services President Jane Thompson said in a statement.”
  28. ^ "In defense of Clinton", Time, 1998-09-21. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. "Ken Starr's Overzealousness--A Manufactured Controversy" 
  29. ^ New EU Meeting Will Push For Europe-Wide Restrictions On Free Speech. National Secular Society. Retrieved on 2007-08-01. “The meeting has been prompted by the manufactured controversy over the Mohamed cartoons, and religious leaders are now trying to cash in on the advantage this brought them by demanding that there is some kind of Europe-wide restriction on disrespect for religion.”
  30. ^ - Prometheus: Manufactured Controversy Archives. Prometheus (2005-06-08). Retrieved on 2007-08-04. “In short, the front page New York Times story today is a manufactured controversy.”
  31. ^ Callahan, Mathew (2005). The Trouble With Music. Stirling, Scotland, UK: AK Press, p. 101. ISBN 1-904859-14-3. “Manufactured controversy, such as that surrounding sex and violence, is desirable.” 
  32. ^ Howard Hampton (2003). Public Power: Energy Production in the 21st Century. Insomniac Press, p. 97. ISBN 1-894663-44-6. “In pre-World War II Ontario, Hydro's struggles to keep up with rapidly growing demand for power were plagued by political interference and manufactured controversy.” 
  33. ^ Williams, Katie; Jenks, M.; Burton, Elizabeth (1996). The Compact city: a sustainable urban form?, Patrick Troy, London: E & FN Spon, p. 162. ISBN 0-419-21300-7. “the lack of choice in Australian housing is manufactured controversy and much of it is an implied criticism of people's choice of houses over flats” 
  34. ^ Eric Boehlert (2006). Lapdogs: how the press rolled over for Bush. New York: Free Press. ISBN 0-7432-8931-5. “The manufactured controversy over the photographs was an end run at censorship, plain and simple.” 
  35. ^ Tarico, Valerie. Ben Stein: Front Man for Creationism's Manufactroversy. Huffington Post. “You can say you first heard it here, well, if you haven't heard it already on MySpace or Facebook: Manufactroversy -- a made up word for a made up controversy. There's even a new website, that aggregates articles and blog posts about this manufactroversy and some other pretty famous ones as well.”

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