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Ardscoil Rís - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ardscoil Rís

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ardscoil Rís
The School Crest
The School Crest
Motto Dilseacht agus Uaisleacht
(Loyalty and Nobility)
Established 1969
Type Voluntary secondary school
Principal Pat Reilly
Location Griffith Avenue

Dublin 9,
Republic of Ireland

Region Dublin's Northside
Enrollment Approx. 525 students [1]
Grades First to Sixth Year

Ardscoil Rís (meaning Edmund Rice's High School) is a boys' secondary school on Griffith Avenue, Dublin, Ireland. The school is under the trusteeship of the Christian Brothers, however they are to completely withdraw from Education in Ireland in the near future. The school will pass into the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust upon the Brothers' withdrawal.[2] The school caters for approximately 525 students every year.[3] Ardscoil Rís is well known throughout the country as an institution of academic and sporting excellence.


[edit] History and Expansion

Ard Scoil Ris originated in the O'Brien Institute, which functioned as a private school, in 1969. Under the principalship of Br. Carberry, the new school incorporated the existing second-level students from the old school and day pupils from the surrounding area. Old dormitories were converted into classrooms and an old reception room became the staff room.

  • In 1970 and 1971 six prefab classrooms were constructed.
  • On 21 November 1972 the new school building was officially opened by the Irish president, Eamon de Valera.
  • In 1979 the school won the Hogan Cup, winning the All-Ireland Colleges football title for the first and only time. No Dublin school has won it since. [4]
  • In 1984 a new wing was added with dressing rooms, showers, a Library and Audio-Visual Room. The school continued to excel on the sports field and most students went on to third level education at this point.
  • In 1998 a state-of-the-art sports hall was completed and officially opened by An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, TD and Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin.
  • In 1999 six new classrooms were built, a new wing for the library was constructed, and some much needed office space has eased the pressure on space in the school.
  • In 2001 the science labs were refurbished.
  • In 2003 the new computer room was completed.
  • In 2005 the school designated a permanent art room.[5]

[edit] Recent Achievements

Ardscoil Rís is often noted for its academic achievements. In 2004 one student attained the maximum 600 points in the Leaving Certificate Examinations, while in 2005 two students scored 11 A grades in the Junior Certificate. In 2005 the school sent more students to Dublin City University than any other school on Dublin's Northside . As a percentage of students taking the Leaving Certificate exam the school topped the list of students provided to DCU [6]. As a consequence the school is vastly oversubscribed with more than 200 students applying for just 100 places for the academic year 2007/8.

[edit] Internet Facilities in Ardscoil Rís

Ardscoil Rís has had a fully enabled internet service in the school. This was a risky move by Reilly, but the gamble paid off. A strict Internet usage policy had to be introduced in 2004 and all pupils wishing to use the internet must sign the policy along with their rents. The policy reads:

Ardscoil Ris Internet Acceptable Use Policy


The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that contains millions of pages of information. Users are cautioned that many of these pages include offensive, sexually explicit material and inappropriate material. Additionally, having an e-mail address on the Internet may lead to receipt of unsolicited e-mail containing offensive content. Users accessing the Internet do so at their own risk and the school is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded from the Internet. Risks associated with the Internet can be minimized or prevented through education, awareness and by creating an infrastructure that facilitates the safe and acceptable us of the Internet for all members of the school community. This is the aim of our Internet Policy. Your use of the Internet at Ardscoil Ris is governed by this Acceptable use Policy (AUP). The aims of the Policy are:

i) to ensure that pupils will benefit from the learning opportunities offered by the school’s Internet resources in a safe and effective manner. ii) To protect the users and the school.

Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. Therefore, if the school AUP is not adhered to this privilege will be withdrawn and appropriate sanctions as outlined in the Policy will be imposed.

This version of the AUP was created on the 5th October 2004 by the school’s Board of Management.


The Policy explains what the school expects in terms of e-mail and Internet usage.

The Policy sates some general rules do’s and dont’s, and then identifies six areas (pornography, harassment, copyright, contracts, defamation and confidentiality) where legal or criminal problems may arise, Under each section there is an explanation of the potential problems and some rules to help avoid these problems.

General Rules

 The school has installed, on ALL computers, a monitoring and filtering system which records all users’ use of the Internet. This system is installed to protect both the individuals who use the Internet and also the school.

 All users will be issued with their own unique password. Keep all passwords secure. You are responsible for all uses, including illicit use of e-mail and Internet under your password.

 Internet sessions by students will always be supervised by a teacher.

 The school’s Internet system is primarily for school business.

 All users of the WWW should be aware of breaching of copyright relating to online learning. Copyright refers to the downloading of documents, articles, books, plays, films recordings and musical compositions without the consent of the copyright owner. Failure to comply with this Policy is a criminal offence and will be dealt with accordingly. It may result in being sued and /or exclusion from school.

 Virus protection software is installed and will be updated on a regular basis. If you send an e-mail with attachments you MUST include the following statement in your message :

“We cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage sustained as s result of software viruses. It is your responsibility to carry out such virus checking as is necessary before opening any attachment”

 Uploading and downloading of non-approved software is not permitted.

 The use of personal floppy disks or CD-ROMs in school computers requires a teacher’s permission.

 Students will observe good “netiquette” (etiquette on the Internet) at all times and will not undertake any actions that may bring the school into disrepute.

World Wide Web

 Students will not visit Internet sites that contain obscene, illegal, hateful or otherwise objectionable or offensive materials.

 Students will use the Internet for educational purposes only.

 No user of the school’s Internet may enter into an legal / contractual obligation, involving the school, without the prior written consent of the Principal.

 Students will never disclose or publicise personal information on the Internet.

 Users will be aware that any usage, including distributing or receiving information, school-related or personal, any be monitored for unusual activity, security and/or network management reasons.


 Students will use approved class e-mail accounts under supervision by/or permission of their teacher.

 The school authorities may inspect your use of the Internet at any time without notice. It is worth reflecting before you use the Internet by asking yourself: ’How would you feel if your message were read out in court‘?

     E-mail messages may have to be read out in litigation. An e-mail should be  
     regarded as a written formal letter, the recipients of which may be much wider 
     than the sender intends. One should ensure that no matter what might be 
     regarded as illegal, obscene, harassment or defamatory should be sent on the  
     Internet. Even when a message is erased it is still possible to retrieve and read.

 If you receive any offensive, unpleasant or intimidating message or material via e-mail at school, print the message, keep a copy and inform the teacher in charge and the Principal without delay

 Students will not reveal / send their own or other people’s personal details, such as addresses or telephone numbers or pictures.

 Students will never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they only know through e-mails or internet.

 Students will note that sending and receiving attachments is subject to permission from their teacher. Internet Chat

 Students will only have access to chat rooms, discussion forums or other electronic communication forums that have been approved by the school.

 Chat rooms, discussion forums and other electronic communications forums will only be used for educational purposes and will always be supervised.

 User names will be used to avoid disclosure of identity

 Face-to-face meeting with someone organized via Internet chat will be forbidden.

School Website

 Pupils may be given the opportunity to publish projects, artwork or school work on the WWW. This will be co-ordinated by their teacher. Where appropriate copyright notice will be published and pupils will continue to own the copyright on any work published.

 Personal pupil information including home address and contact detail will be omitted from the school web pages.


               Teachers, students and parents should familiarize themselves with the information  
               available on the following legislation relating to use of the Internet :

 Data Protection (Amendment Act) 2003  Child Trafficking & Pornography Act 1998  Interception Act 1993  Video Recording Act 1989  The Data Protection Act 1988


Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action being taken

               against any user up to and including suspension or expulsion.


The Board of Management of Ardscoil Ris may amend this Policy at any time.

Signed on behalf of the BOM : Br. K. L Walsh (Chair)

Date : 05/10/2004

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Re: Internet Permission Form

As part of the school’s education programme we offer pupils supervised access to the Internet from time to time. This allows students to access a large array of online educational resources that we believe can greatly enhance students’ learning experience.

However, access to and use of the Internet requires responsibility on the part of the user and the school. These responsibilities are outlined in the school’s Acceptable Use Policy (enclosed). It is important that this enclosed document is read carefully, signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the school.

Although the school takes steps to promote safe use of the Internet, it recognizes the possibility that students may accidentally or deliberately access or promote inappropriate or objectionably material.

The school respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to allow their children access to the Internet as defined by the school’s Acceptable use Policy.

Having read the terms of our school’s Acceptable Use Policy, you may like to take a moment to consider how the Internet is used in your own home, and see if there is any way you could make it safer for you own family.

Yours sincerely,


Principal / Sec. to the Board of Management

Please read the attached Ardscoil Ris Internet Acceptable Use Policy, sign and return this permission form to the Principal.

School Name  : ……………………………………………..

Name of Pupil  : …………………………………………….

Class / Year : ………………………………………………

Pupil I agree to follow the school’s Acceptable Use Policy on the use of the Internet. I will use the internet in a responsible way and obey the rules explained to me by the school.

Pupil’s Signature …………………………………………….. Date ………………………

Parent / Guardian As the parent / legal guardian of the above pupil, I have read the Acceptable use Policy and grant permission for my son / the child in my care to access the Internet. I understand that Internet access is intended for educational purposes. I also understand that every reasonable precaution has been taken by the school to provide for online safety but the school cannot be held responsible if pupils access unsuitable websites.

I accept / do not accept the above paragraph: yes / no (circle as appropriate)

Signature : …………………………………………. Date ………………………….

Address ………………………………………… Telephone …………………….



[edit] Past Pupils

Ard Scoil Ris has a number of past pupils who have become household names in Ireland and further afield. Current Dublin GAA Senior Football players Ciaran Whelan, Tomas Quinn and Diarmuid Connolly [7] are former pupils. Owen Garvan is a first team player with Ipswich Town while Karl Moore is on the books at Manchester City [8]. British Airways chief executive Willie Walsh [9] graduated in the late 70's while Labour Party Senator Derek McDowell is also a past pupil.[10] The current Moscow Correspondent of the Irish Times Conor Sweeney also attended Ardscoil Ris.[11]

[edit] Subjects

[edit] Junior Cert.

English, Irish, Maths, History, Geography, Science (which covers physics, biology and chemistry), S.P.H.E (which is a non-examination subject), Religion, C.S.P.E, French, and P.E. are all mandatory subjects for Junior Certificate students. Students must also choose two optional subjects. The optional subjects are Technical Graphics, Music, Spanish, Woodwork and Business Studies. Art, which takes place after school, is also available to students.

[edit] Transition Year

Maths, English, Irish, Religion and P.E. are all mandatory subjects for Transition Year students. Optional subjects include Music, Accounting, History, Geography, Business, French and Science. Other activities include Art, Cooking, Japanese or German, Judo, Computing, Careers, Swimming, Sailing, Coaching, Photography and Drama.

[edit] Leaving Cert.

Leaving Certificate students must study English, Irish, Maths and Religion. Religion is not an exam subject and is taught as part of the school's Catholic ethos. As well as these four subjects, each student chooses four optional subjects. The choices available are History, Geography, Accounting, Business Studies, Economics, French, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Phys. Chem., Spanish,, Music, L.C.V.P (Leaving Cert Vocational Programme) and Construction Studies. Any optional subjects may not have a class on the basis of too few students choosing that option, for example there has never been a Leaving Cert Music class.

[edit] Staff

[edit] Teachers

Last Name First Name Subjects Additional Duties
Reilly Pat Geography, History, Principal
O’Broin Daithi Irish, French Deputy Principal
Connolly Michael Economics, Business 3rd Year Head 2008/9
O'Connor Alan English, Geography, History School PRO
Casey Tom Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Head of I.T. Department
Walsh Michael History, Geography 6th Year Head 2008/9
Bartley Fiona Irish, French, German, Japanese (TY only) T.Y. Co-Ordinator
Shiels Orla French, Spanish, C.S.P.E, English, S.P.H.E
Ní Chéidigh Ainé Mathematics, Business, Economics 2nd Year Head 2008/9
Clifford Siobhán English, French Career Guidance Officer
Markey Yvonne English, Geography, History, C.S.P.E Special Needs Teacher
Daly Tony Maths, Economics School Shop Management
Nugent Geraldine Mathematics, Economics, Business, History Fire Safety Management
Brophy Brian Mathematics, Science, Geography School Games Master
D'Arcy Alma English, French, C.S.P.E School Newsletter/Parents Council Liaison
Kelly Roisín Irish, Music Student Council Liaison
Carroll Hugh Religious Education Head of R.E Department
Cleary Martin Technical Graphics, Material Engineering 5th Year Head 2008/9
Connolly Frank Maths, Science 1st Year Head 2008/9
Coone Ronan Geography, Business Leaving Cert Vocational Programme Co-Ordinator
Dowling Bob Science, Chemistry, Biology Head of Science
Fitzsimons Orla Religious Education, History, C.S.P.E
Power Nessa Spanish, French, C.S.P.E
Ronan Cara Geography, C.S.P.E, History, English, S.P.H.E, Criminology (TY only)
McLoughlin Catriona English, Irish Head of English
Moore Ashling Irish, English
Walshe Philip Religious Education, History School Exams Secretary
O'Grady Caoimhe Irish and French
Byrne Brian Maths and Business
Colgan Fiachra Irish, Physical Educatiion
Campion Stephen Science, Physics, Mathematics
O'Connor Bridget Religion, French Assistant T.Y. Co-Ordinator
Burke Paul Art

[edit] Non-Educational Staff

Last Name First Name Duties
Liddy Josephine Secretarial, Personnel
Mahon Marie Secretarial
Hodson Paddy Caretaker, Groundskeeper

[edit] Activities

[edit] Non-Athletic activities

The school offers after school activities such as Games (Chess, Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons), Debate Club (in Irish and English) and Drama Club.

[edit] Athletic Activities

Three of the athletic activities in the school are Gaelic football, Hurling and Basketball. The school also offers Golf and Badminton.

[edit] External links

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