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42nd (East Lancashire) Division - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

42nd (East Lancashire) Division

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42nd (East Lancashire) Division

Active 1908 - 1918/9, 1920-1941, 1947-67
Branch Territorial Force
Type Infantry
Motto Go One Better
Engagements Battle of Gallipoli
* Second Battle of Krithia
* Third Battle of Krithia
* Battle of Krithia Vineyard
Battle of Romani
Third Battle of Ypres
First Battle of the Somme (1918)
* First Battle of Bapaume
Second Battle of the Somme (1918)
* Battle of Albert (1918)
* Second Battle of Bapaume
Battle of the Canal du Nord
Battle of the Selle
A Solly-Flood

The British 42nd (East Lancashire) Division was a Territorial Force division. Originally called the East Lancashire Division, it was redesignated as the 42nd Division on May 25, 1915.[1] It was the first Territorial division to be sent overseas during the First World War. The division fought at Gallipoli, in the Sinai desert and on the Western Front in France and Belgium.


[edit] First World War

[edit] Egypt

Suez Canal zone and Sinai, WWI
Suez Canal zone and Sinai, WWI

The division was sent to Egypt in September 1914 to defend the Suez Canal against anticipated Turkish attacks. The 15 pounder gun batteries were deployed at key points on the west bank in support of Indian Army and New Zealand troops manning guardposts. The 20th Battery (Bolton Artillery) fired the Division's first artillery rounds of the Great War, and the first of the Territorial Force of the campaign, near El Ferdan on 2 February 1915.[2] The 19th Battery (Bolton Artillery) was in action in support of Indian and New Zealand troops between Tussum and Serapeum on the night and morning of 3-4 February 1915, against the attempted crossing of the canal by the 74th Regiment, Turkish 25th Division.[3]

[edit] Gallipoli

A boat carrying Lancashire Fusiliers, bound for Gallipoli
A boat carrying Lancashire Fusiliers, bound for Gallipoli
Area of operations of 42nd Division on Gallipoli
Area of operations of 42nd Division on Gallipoli

Beginning in early May 1915 the division joined the British Army Corps, from June known as VIII Corps, at Cape Helles following the failure of the Allies to achieve the anticipated swift success at Gallipoli during April.

The 4th (Blackburn) battery, 1 section of the 6th (Burnley) battery, and 19th and 20th (Bolton) batteries did not join the Division on Gallipoli until 23/24 September, and the 1st/2nd East Lancs Brigade RFA (Manchester Artillery) arrived in Egypt in May from Britain and remained in Egypt[4].

The 125th Brigade landed in time to participate in the Second Battle of Krithia on May 6. The 126th Brigade arrived on May 11. The entire division was involved in the Third Battle of Krithia on June 4.

The Division carried out the Helles diversion at the start of the Battle of Sari Bair in what became known as the Battle of Krithia Vineyard. Captain William Thomas Forshaw of the 1/9th Manchesters was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions in this battle from August 7 to 9 August.

Second Lieutenant Alfred Victor Smith of the 1/5th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his action at Helles on December 23.

The Division remained at Gallipoli until the final evacuation of Helles in January 1916 but was severely depleted by casualties and illness.

42nd Division's casualties at Gallipoli were 395 officers and 8152 other ranks killed, wounded and missing.[5]

[edit] Egypt

After the evacuation of Gallipoli, the division returned to Egypt and participated in the Battle of Romani and the advance across the Sinai.

[edit] Western Front

42nd Division April 8 - August 22, 1917, and March 23 - November 11, 1918
42nd Division April 8 - August 22, 1917, and March 23 - November 11, 1918

In March 1917 the division moved to France and joined 3 Corps in Fourth Army.

  • July 8 : Infantry relieved by 58th Division.
    Divisional artillery remained in the line in support of 58th and then 9th (Scottish)Division at Havrincourt Wood.
Area of 42nd Division's operations near Ypres, August 23 - September 29, 1917
Area of 42nd Division's operations near Ypres, August 23 - September 29, 1917
  • September 26 - November 1917 : Relieved 66th Division. Divisional artillery rejoined. Held line at Nieuport
Trench message dog of 10th Manchesters waits while message is written, Cuinchy, January 26, 1918
Trench message dog of 10th Manchesters waits while message is written, Cuinchy, January 26, 1918
Men of the 4th East Lancs at a sap-head, Givenchy, January 28, 1918
Men of the 4th East Lancs at a sap-head, Givenchy, January 28, 1918
  • March 25, 1918 : Counterattacked in the afternoon with 7 tanks and 300 infantry from Logeast Wood to delay the German VI Reserve Corps. 10th Manchesters repelled 8 attacks by the German 2nd Guard Reserve Division, at Ervillers.[6]
Positions on 5th April 1918
Positions on 5th April 1918
Bucquoy Crossroads, held by 125 Brigade in heavy fighting on April 5, 1918
Bucquoy Crossroads, held by 125 Brigade in heavy fighting on April 5, 1918
  • August 21 - 25 1918 : With 4 Corps in Third Army. Attacked and advanced Miraumont, across the River Ancre, Pys, Warlencourt. (Second Battle of the Somme (1918) including Battle of Albert (1918))
    Their opponent was the German 183rd Division.
    Lance-Sergeant Edward Smith of the 1/5th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers was awarded the Victoria Cross for actions in the capture of The Lozenge (Hill 140, a German machine-gun nest) on August 21 and enemy counterattacks on August 22.
  • August 25 - 27 August 1918 : Infantry withdrew for 2 days rest in Miraumont-Pys area.
    Divisional artillery went into action under heavy fire in support of 63rd Division on outskirts of Loupart Wood.
  • September 6, 1918 : Infantry relieved by New Zealand Division and moved to rest in Pys-Tholloy area. Divisional artillery remained in the line in support of New Zealand Division.
Graves of 42nd Division's fallen in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line, near Bilhem Farm, Trescault - Ribecourt Road, photographed in 1919 (Today known as Ribecourt Road Cemetery)
Graves of 42nd Division's fallen in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line, near Bilhem Farm, Trescault - Ribecourt Road, photographed in 1919 (Today known as Ribecourt Road Cemetery)
42nd Division's attack through the Hindenburg Line 27/28 September 1918
42nd Division's attack through the Hindenburg Line 27/28 September 1918
Trench in the Hindenburg Line near Havrincourt taken by 42nd Division
Trench in the Hindenburg Line near Havrincourt taken by 42nd Division
  • September 27 - 28 1918 : Attacked and advanced Havrincourt Wood through the Siegfried Stellung section of the Hindenburg Line via successive planned objectives denoted Black, Red, Brown, Yellow, Blue Lines, to Welsh Ridge. The Hindenburg Line was attacked in enfilade, or diagonally, as can be seen from the map. Many casualties were sustained from machine guns situated in Beaucamp to the right of the Division's front. (Battle of the Canal du Nord)
  • September 29 - October 8, 1918 : Infantry relieved by New Zealand Division and withdrew to Havrincourt Wood for rest.
    Divisional artillery remained in action in support of the New Zealand Division in the Pursuit to the Selle
  • October 9 - 12 1918 : Infantry marched up to the front through Lesdain, Esnes, Beauvois and relieved New Zealand Division, who had established a bridgehead across the River Selle at Briastre.
  • October 12 - 23 1918 : Defended Briastre against heavy German counterattacks and shelling. Advanced across River Selle to Marou, Virtigneul and Belle Vue Farm (Battle of the Selle).
    Private Alfred Robert Wilkinson of the 1/5th Manchesters was awarded the Victoria Cross for actions on October 20 at Marou. The Division's opponent in these actions was the German 25th Division.[8]

[edit] Second World War

In 1940 the division was deployed as part of the British Expeditionary Force in France. After the evacuation of Dunkirk the Division was regrouped but then reorganised as 42nd Armoured Division on 1 November 1941. It was later disbanded on 17 October 1943 without seeing action as an armoured formation.

[edit] Post 1945

In 1947, the 42nd and 55th Divisions were amalgamated to form the 42nd (Lancashire) Division as part of the post-war Territorial Army but this was disbanded by 1968 with changes to the Territorial Army structure.[9]

In the modern British Army the the 42 North West Brigade has adopted the former 42nd (Lancashire) Division badge.

[edit] First World War composition

[edit] Infantry

The infantry were equipped with the obsolescent Long Magazine Lee-Enfield (MLE) rifle from embarkation in 1914 until arrival in France in March 1917, when they were re-equipped with the standard modern Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE).[10]

The division comprised three infantry brigades:

125th Brigade (Lancashire Fusiliers Brigade) :[11]

  • 1/5th Battalion, the Lancashire Fusiliers
    from Bury
  • 1/6th Battalion, the Lancashire Fusiliers
    from Rochdale
    disbanded February 1918. Men transferred within 42nd Division and to 66th Division.
  • 1/7th Battalion, the Lancashire Fusiliers
    from Salford
  • 1/8th Battalion, the Lancashire Fusiliers
    from Salford

126th Brigade (East Lancashire Brigade) :

  • 1/4th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment
    from Blackburn
    disbanded February 1918. Men transferred within 42nd Division and to 66th Division.
  • 1/5th Battalion, The East Lancashire Regiment
    from Burnley
  • 1/8th (Ardwick) Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Ardwick and East Manchester
    transferred from 127th Brigade February 1918.
  • 1/9th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Ashton-under-Lyne
    disbanded February 1918. Men transferred within 42nd Division and to 66th Division.
  • 1/10th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Oldham

127th Brigade (Manchester Brigade) :
See: Museum of The Manchester Regiment. History Territorial Force 1914 - 1919 (external link)

  • 1/5th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Wigan
  • 1/6th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Manchester and suburbs including Cheshire
  • 1/7th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Manchester and suburbs including Cheshire
  • 1/8th (Ardwick) Battalion, The Manchester Regiment
    from Ardwick and East Manchester
    transferred to 126th Brigade February 1918.

[edit] Pioneer Battalion


[edit] Cavalry

  • A Squadron, 1/1st Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry
    from Oldham
    did not proceed to Gallipoli; remained in Egypt and fought in the Western Desert expedition against the Senussi. Rejoined 42nd Division after it returned to Egypt from Gallipoli.
    Transferred to 53rd Division January 1917 and fought at Gaza, then served with 60th and 52nd Divisions in Palestine and Syria.

[edit] Divisional Artillery

  • 1st East Lancs Brigade R.F.A. (Blackburn Artillery)
    Renamed 210 Brigade May 6 1916]][13]
    • 4th Lancashire Battery from Blackburn. Renamed A Battery May 6 1916.
    • 5th Lancashire Battery from Church. Renamed B Battery May 6 1916.
    • 6th Lancashire Battery from Burnley. Renamed C Battery May 6 1916.
  • 2nd East Lancs Brigade R.F.A. (Manchester Artillery)
    Arrived Egypt May 1915, did not go to Gallipoli.
    Renamed 211 Brigade May 29 1916[13]
    • 15th Lancashire Battery from Manchester. Renamed A Battery May 29 1916.
    • 16th Lancashire Battery from Manchester. Renamed B Battery May 29 1916.
    • 17th Lancashire Battery from Manchester. Renamed C Battery May 29 1916.
  • 3rd East Lancs Brigade R.F.A. (Bolton Artillery)
    Renamed 212 Brigade May 29 1916[13]
    • 18th Lancashire Battery from Bolton and district. Renamed A Battery May 29 1916.
    • 19th Lancashire Battery from Bolton and district. Renamed B Battery May 29 1916.
    • 20th Lancashire Battery from Bolton and district. Renamed C Battery May 29 1916.

Originally each of the above Batteries was equipped with 4 obsolescent BLC 15 pounder field guns (referred to somewhat inaccurately by Ian Hamilton as "relics of South Africa"[14]). They were replaced on February 29 1916 with modern QF 18 pounder guns handed over by 29th Division in Egypt.[13]

  • 4th East Lancs (Howitzer) Brigade R.F.A. (Cumberland Artillery)
    Originally each of the 2 batteries was equipped with 4 obsolescent BL 5 inch Howitzers ("some of them Omdurman veterans"[14][15]).
    Joined Division on Gallipoli in July 1915 from Egypt. However, only limited supplies of the new 40 pound 5-inch shells were sent from Mudros (older shells were 50 pounds). No range tables for the lighter and hence longer-range shell were available, and they had a new pattern fuse for which no fuse keys were available. Hence use of these howitzers on Gallipoli became very limited.[15]
    Renamed 213 Brigade in May 1916.
    Re-equipped in June 1916 with modern QF 4.5 inch Howitzers.[16]
    • 1st Cumberland (Howitzer) Battery from Carlisle. Renamed A Battery May 1916.
    • 2nd Cumberland (Howitzer) Battery from Workington. Renamed B Battery May 1916.

In February 1917 the Cumberland Artillery / 213 Brigade was disbanded and its 2 Howitzer batteries merged into the 18-pounder Brigades in accordance with the new artillery brigade philosophy. Existing 4-gun 18-pounder batteries in each of 210, 211 and 212 Brigades were merged into 6-gun batteries, and the 4 Brigades replaced by new 210 and 211 Brigades each with 3 6-gun 18-pounder batteries and 1 Howitzer battery.

Gibbon's divisional history states that the above occurred on paper on Christmas day 1916, when the division was on manouevres at Al Mazar, and the reorganization actually occurred in February 1917 on return to the canal zone.[17]

Hence from February 1917 to November 11, 1918 the divisional artillery consisted of 210 and 211 Brigades, each with 3x6-gun batteries of 18-pounders (A,B,C) and 1 battery of 4 4.5 inch howitzers (D).

[edit] Trench Mortar Batteries

  • V/42 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery. Formed in France March 1917
    Equipped with 4 9.45 inch Heavy Mortars
    Part of Divisional Artillery until February 15, 1918 when it remained in La Bassée sector under Corps command when the Division departed.
  • Medium Trench Mortar Batteries. Formed in France March 1917
    Initially 3 batteries, each equipped with 4 Newton 6 inch Mortars, and 2 batteries of 6 from February 1918, following the disbanding of Z Battery.
    Part of Divisional Artillery
    • X/42 Battery
    • Y/42 Battery
    • Z/42 Battery. Broken up February 1918. Redistributed to X and Y Batteries.
  • Light Trench Mortar Batteries. Formed in France March 1917
    Equipped with the 3 inch Stokes Mortar
    Attached to the 3 infantry brigades and named after them.

[edit] 42 Battalion Machine Gun Corps

Formed February 23, 1918 from the previous 4 separate companies. 1 Company was attached to each of the 3 infantry brigades and 1 company in Divisional Reserve.

[edit] Royal Engineers

  • 1st East Lancashire Field Company
    renamed 427 Field Company February 1917
  • 2nd East Lancashire Field Company
    renamed 428 Field Company February 1917
  • 3rd East Lancashire Field Company
    joined Division June 1916 in Egypt
    renamed 429 Field Company February 1917
  • 42nd Division Signal Company
    See: Major I G Kelly, 42 Squadron History World War One (external link)

[edit] Army Service Corps

  • 3 Companies
  • Transport and Supply Column
    Left and joined 53d Division in March 1917 and served in the operations against Gaza, then joined 74th Division.
    A new Divisional Train was formed in England and joined the 42nd Division in France after previously serving in France with the 3rd (Lahore) Division.

[edit] Royal Army Medical Corps

A surgery of one of the division's field ambulances. A surgeon removes a bullet from a soldier wounded during fighting at Cape Helles
A surgery of one of the division's field ambulances. A surgeon removes a bullet from a soldier wounded during fighting at Cape Helles
  • 1/1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance
    attached to 127 Brigade
  • 1/2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance
    did not proceed to Gallipoli
    attached to 126 Brigade
  • 1/3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance
    attached to 125 Brigade

[edit] 19th Mobile Veterinary Section

[edit] 239th Divisional Employment Company

[edit] Battles

[edit] Memorials and Monuments

[edit] Trescault, France

The 42nd Division Memorial stands on the north edge of Trescault village (Multimap external link) on the left of the road to Havrincourt. It was unveiled by Major-General Solly-Flood on Easter Sunday, 1922.

The inscription reads: "In memory of all ranks of the 42nd East Lancashire Territorial Division who gave their lives for King and Country during the Great War and in commemoration of the attack and capture of the Hindenburg line at Trescault by the Division on September 28, 1918"

On the north-east side of Trescault, 274 metres to the east of the monument, is Ribecourt Road Cemetery, which the 42nd Division called the Divisional Cemetery, Trescault.

Further details and photographs can be found on the World War One Battlefields: Cambrai page (external link).

[edit] Bucquoy, France

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Gibbon 1920, page 33
  2. ^ Farndale 1988, page 5
  3. ^ Bean, page 156-162. See map of positions page 156
  4. ^ Farndale 1988, page 39
  5. ^ Gibbon 1920, page 62
  6. ^ Gray 2002, page 57
  7. ^ Gray 2002, page 62
  8. ^ Gibbon 1920, page 180
  9. ^
  10. ^ Gibbon 1920, page 86-87
  11. ^ Fusiliers' Museum, Lancashire
  12. ^ Captain Francis Buckley, Extract from "War History of The Seventh Northumberland Fusiliers"
  13. ^ a b c d Farndale 1988, page 71
  14. ^ a b Hamilton, Gallipoli Diary Volume I 1920
  15. ^ a b Simpson-Baikie 1920
  16. ^ Gibbon 1920, page 70
  17. ^ Gibbon 1920, page 83, 85

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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