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Hnútur er aðferð til að festa eða tryggja línulaga efni, t.d. reipi eða spotta með því að flétta það saman eftir ákveðnu mynstri.
[breyta] Uppbygging
- Bugur eða bugða
- The center part of a length of rope, string, or yarn as opposed to the ends.
- A "bight" is any curved section, slack part, or loop between the ends of a rope.
- The phrase "in the bight" implies a U-shaped section of rope is itself being used in making a knot. Many knots can be tied either with the end or in the bight.
- Splæstur endi
- Bundinn endi á snæri, hugtakið er frekar notað í repiagerð en við hnýtingar.
- Lykkja
- A full circle formed by passing the working end over itself. Note that the term 'loop' is also used to refer to a category of knots (see 'Categories' below).
- Olnbogalykkja
- Two crossing points created by an extra twist in a loop.
- Óvirkur reipisendi
- Sá endi reipsins sem ekki er notaður við hnýtingu hnútsins.
- Standing part
- Section of line between knot and the standing end.
- Turn
- A turn or single turn is a single pass behind or through an object.
- A round turn is the complete encirclement of an object; requires two passes.
- Two round turns circles the object twice; requires three passes.
- Virkur reipisendi
- Sá endi repisins sem notaður er við hnýtingu hnútsins.
- Working part
- Section of line between knot and the working end.
[breyta] Flokkar
hnútum er skipt í eftirfarandi flokka:
- Bend
- A knot uniting two lines (for knots joining two ends of the same line, see binding knots or loops). List of bends.
- Binding
- A knot that restricts object(s) by making multiple winds. List of binding knots.
- Coil
- Knots used to tie up lines for storage. List of coil knots.
- Decorative knot
- A complex knot exhibiting repeating patterns often constructed around and enhancing an object. List of decorative knots.
- Hitch
- A knot tied to a post, cable, ring, or spar. List of hitch knots.
- Lashing
- A knot used to hold (usually) poles together. List of lashing knots.
- Loop
- A knot used to create a closed circle in a line. List of loop knots.
- Plait (or Braid)
- A number of lines interwoven in a simple regular pattern. List of plait knots.
- Slip (or Running)
- A knot tied with a hitch around one of its parts, contrasted. with a loop, which is closed with a bend. A slip knot can be closed, a loop remains the same size. List of slip knots.
- Seizing
- A knot used to hold two lines or two parts of the same line together. List of seizing knots.
- Sennit
- A number of lines interwoven in a complex pattern. List of sennit knots.
- Splice
- A knot formed by interweaving strands of rope rather than whole lines. More time consuming but usually stronger than simple knots. List of splices.
- Stopper
- A knot tied to hold a line through a hole. List of stopper knots.
- Trick
- A knot that is used as part of a magic trick, a joke, or a puzzle. List of trick knots.
- Whipping
- A binding knot used to prevent another line from fraying.