Don Pacifico
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Don Pacifico (1784–April 12, 1854) was of Portuguese Jewish descent and born in Gibraltar
In 1850, he was a key figure in the international crisis known as the Pacifico incident. Living and working in Athens for a period of time as the Portuguese consul, in 1847 his home was attacked and vandalised by a mob that included the sons of a government minister, whilst the police looked on and took no action. He appealed to the Greek government for compensation for loss of possessions and documents relating to a substantial claim against the Portuguese government for monies owed, but when it was not forthcoming until he appealed in 1848 to the British.
Palmerston was Foreign Minister, and he despatched a squadron of Royal Navy ships to blockade the port, and Greek capital, Athens. After some eight weeks of the blockade the Greek government paid suitable compensation to Pacifico. Palmerston decided on military action due to the fact Pacifico was born in Gibraltar and, therefore, a British Subject. When challenged in parliament on this issue Palmerstone justified his actions with, Civis Romanus Sum. This translates as "I am a Roman citizen", something that any Roman could say throughout the empire to protect them from any harm that might come their way.